Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What We Say ❯ Leaving ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What We Say
Chapter 1: Leaving
Without even thinking he made sure that the door slammed behind him. The little blue-haired minx had done it this time. She had pushed him just over the edge to where whether she had said it or not, he would walk out.
He began walking down the sidewalk, stepping into the light every few steps. He chose not to fly for once. He knew that if he did, someone would know he was going somewhere. Afterall, he didn't want to alert anyone to a false emergency.
He thanked the deities of some planet for allowing all of this to transpire during the darkest hours of the night. Ever since he began living on the Earth, Vegeta disliked all of its inhabitants and chose to keep as little contact with them as possible.
Then why are you going toward the city? his thoughts echoed, causing him to stop just before reaching the light of another streetlamp. In his head, he argued with himself about the reasoning behind his actions finally settling on she won't expect it if I do. for an answer. Such an answer came to him as he stared at the tiny moths flying straight for the light of the lamp. He had decided that he would not be like a moth and keep getting attracted to her flame. Vegeta did not want to go back. Not now. At least not yet.
His feet began carrying him to somewhere he wasn't even sure if he knew of. Buildings began getting taller and closer together. He had dragged himself to the heart of the city without even realizing it. Vegeta only vaguely remembered this place as being where the woman had brought him when she had decided he needed some `more human clothes.' He on the other hand found nothing wrong with his attire. But, he also had no choice in the matter.
It was brighter in the middle of the city. And there were slightly more people. But at this moment in the night, he was practically invisible, crossing the path with shady looking characters and half-drunk homeless men. Something about the place irritated him to no end, but he couldn't put a finger on it. Vegeta nonetheless kept walking toward an unknown destination, that was about to reveal itself.
His feet carried him to a set of concrete steps leading up to a very large, massive building. WEST CITY TRAIN STATION read the sign next to the building. Vegeta shrugged his shoulders. Fate had brought him here for a reason. And tonight, he didn't really feel like fighting fate. How odd.
Vegeta climbed the staircase up to the set of glass doors that slid open upon his arrival. The inside of the large building looked just as massive as the outside had made it appear. It was brightly lit with beautiful tiled floors and it took him a few minutes to bring him back to reality after admiring it. Knowing just what to do, he walked up to one of the several desks behind which a short pudgy woman sat, half-asleep.
“I need a ticket,” he said in a voice that not only woke up the small woman but also seemed to scare her into alertness.
“T-to wh-where, s-s-sir?” she said, still a little frightened. Perhaps it was his expression of anger that scared her, or perhaps it was his disposition itself. He really didn't want to be standing here, in front of this idiot woman, but refrained from threatening her life.
“Anywhere. I don't really care at this point,” he stated with an air of aloofness.
The woman at the desk smiled a little in a way he had seen only a few times in his life. It was a smile of `I-know-what-you're-doing-but-I'm-not-going-to-press-the-matter-with-you' and the face he had seen it on was Bulma's own mother. Just the thought of the woman made him frown, but it didn't appear to phase the woman. “I understand,” she said cheerily, “you seem to be in one of those kind of situations. Here's a ticket to the last stop.” She then slid a ticket through the small window toward him.
Knowing what this meant, Vegeta pulled a few paper bills from his pocket and slid them across the same hole he had received the ticket from.
“You're quite welcome, dear,” the woman said with a wink. Such an expression made Vegeta want to leave as soon as possible, and he headed for a staircase that led down to the platform for his train.
As if on cue, the bullet train pulled up as soon as he reached the platform and screeched to a halt. The doors opened and one or two people shuffled off the train. A cheery mechanical voice told all passengers of the name of the stop and bid them a safe trip. As soon as he stepped into the train, Vegeta noticed the emptiness and sighed a breath of relief. There were only four or five people left on the train, and according to his ticket, there were three more stops until his. Perhaps by the end of the ride, he would be alone at last.
This left him to his thoughts, unfortunately; something he didn't really care to be left to. It was a Catch-22. He desired to be alone, but when he was alone, he was left with the thoughts he didn't desire to have. He sighed and began to wait the five miles until his stop.
And there you have it, folks. The first chapter of the revised “What We Say.” I'm planning on keeping the original up for you to see the improvement in the writing and storyline. I suggest however that if you HAVEN'T read this before, that you don't read on. You may be expecting something that doesn't happen. Then you may get angry. And then… I don't know what I would have to do.
Remember to review!!!