Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What We Say ❯ He's Gone ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What We Say
Chapter 2: He's Gone
Bulma simply stood there, her mouth slightly agape and her eyes set in a confused glare. She was still recovering her anger, yet was surprised at the outcome of her last battle with the arrogant prince. She had ultimately won. She had given the last word and he had just walked away. He had done just as she wished, and walked away.
She tried to compose herself a few seconds later, standing in the middle of the living room with her hands clinched into fists at her sides. Bulma had never seen herself winning an argument with him. Not that it was a great victory, she mused. Sometimes, she wished she could just avoid the confrontations. She sighed slightly hearing heavy footsteps coming down the staircase. Maybe Vegeta had come back to have the last words.
But Bulma soon realized she was wrong when she didn't see the Saiyan Prince walk into the living room at all. She sighed again and threw herself on to the plush couch with her fingers on her temples. A loud `SLAM' of the front door made her wince. Though being the genius she was, it took her a few seconds to grasp just what she had heard.
Vegeta had walked out of the house.
No, she corrected herself, he stormed out.
Then again, Bulma knew that since he'd been on Earth, Vegeta had been pretty prone to slamming doors. Perhaps it was because he didn't enjoy the living conditions. Perhaps it was because the doors he was used to didn't have knobs and slid open per request of the user and he was simply getting used to how much force he needed to close a door. Or maybe he really is angry. She didn't blame him for his anger. She had said some pretty harsh things to him.
Bulma walked into the large kitchen with a silly grin on her face, and set her keys on the counter, not taking notice of the man sitting on the counter across from where she stood. She hummed a soft tune and walked dazedly to the refrigerator to retrieve an apple. She walked over to the sink and washed the apple a little before opening a drawer and pulling out a small knife. She started to cut the apple to pieces, still humming until a quiet, yet booming, voice startled her.
“And what makes you so happy?” Vegeta asked her, watching as the woman screamed and almost threw the knife on the floor.
With a glare, Bulma turned around and tightened her grip on the knife. “For your information,” she began, “I have just had a wonderful night with someone who loves me.” She then turned around and completed cutting the apple.
“If by `love' you mean he smiles while he's around you, and tells you lies, all the while reeking of another woman's scent…” Vegeta trailed off almost seeming to try to get a rise out of her.
If he had been attempting to get a rise out of her, he had succeeded. Bulma practically threw the knife into the sink and moved her apple pieces angrily to the table where she could stare into Vegeta's eyes and argue. “Yamcha would never do such a thing. He loves me and he treats me well, and--” she said with a glare but was unfortunately cut off.
“You can't lead me to believe all that bullshit!” Vegeta stated somewhat angrily as well and stood up with a shove toward the table. “I don't understand why you weak humans won't simply face facts! He is extremely promiscuous and I hope when it finally sinks in, I'll be around to say `I told you so'.” The final words were said with so much malice that it made Bulma feel as uncomfortable as the first time she had ever met Vegeta on Namek. Vegeta turned and began to walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Oh no you don't, she thought, not wanting to allow him to win this. “At least I love someone, unlike you… Mr. Cold-hearted Jackass,” she stated, following him into the living room. Though the words seemed very empty, they were enough to make the prince turn around and glare at her. She could almost swear there was something else in those deep onyx orbs, but her anger clouded her judgement.
“You do not `love' him. To you, all he is nothing but a shoulder to cry on,” he said. It seemed as if he were trying to burn holes into her blue eyes with the fire in his.
Bulma had had enough. “At least I'm not alone,” she said slowly, her anger mounting by the second. This was the third time this week the pair had argued about her relationship with Yamcha, and she was sick of it. “Get out.”
He seemed to know exactly what she had meant, because he flashed one final glare in her direction and walked out of the room without another word.
~*~*~End Flashback~*~*~
Bulma was ripped from her unpleasant reverie by a cheery voice in the kitchen.
“Bulma, dear!” her mother began, causing Bulma to stand up and walk toward the voice. When she arrived in the kitchen, she saw her mother standing next to the table looking at a pile of browning apple pieces.
“He's gone, dear,” her mother said solemnly, starting to pick up the pieces of apple and throw them away.
Bulma watched her mother with tears threatening in her eyes. “I know, mom.” Her world started spinning, having heard the words from someone else's mouth. She was beginning to think that she had imagined the slam of the door and the loud footsteps. But it appeared as if she hadn't, and everything became real. Bulma had just let loose a madman into the world and it could have been avoided if she had just kept her damn mouth shut.
“Oh, don't worry about him, dear,” she heard her mother say. “He will come back. They always do.”
To Bulma's ears it sounded as if the older woman was talking about a puppy rather than a man. Bulma heaved a heavy sigh and turned around to go upstairs. “I'm going to bed mom,” she said, turning her head around and looking over her shoulder. “Wake me up if he returns,” she finished and started to run up the stairs, hoping her mother hadn't seen the tear that fell down her cheek.
Well, well, well. Seems as if someone is regretting their actions. Man, I hate when that happens. Thank you to the ONE reviewer. It is those who review that make me want to continue. I know people are reading this. Because: not only are the views to this story going up, but the views of the original are going up as well. So I know you people are reading. Just… give me a review once in a while. It really does motivate me to continue. So, if you don't want to see this die like some of my other fics have done in the past, I suggest you click that button down there that says submit a review. Enough of me begging! Until next time….