Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Who is that? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Two weeks. Two weeks it has been since she broke it off with Yamcha for good. Their relationship did not survive the test of time and Bulma came to the conclusion she had outgrown the decade long romance.
Now she was laying haphazardly across her parents' sofa in the Capsule Corp. living room. She was bored out of her skull now she didn't have Yamcha to fill the empty hours of her day.
"Bulma, dinner is ready!"
Bulma rolled her eyes at her mother's voice and shuffled to the kitchen.
"Just imagine all the handsome doctors you will meet once you go away to school!" Bunny chattered on enthusiastically. "You'll be surprised at how good looking some of them are!" Bulma sighed and rolled her eyes, "Mom, I just don't really want to think about that right now." Bunny ignored her daughter's words and continued on with her banter.
"Honey, I know you are still licking your wounds over Yamcha, but you've got to live a little and realize there's more out there than a baseball star." Bulma put her fork down and looked at her mother. She began chewing her lip to hold back from attacking. For some reason her mother was grating her nerves this evening more than usual.
"Ok Mom, thanks for your advice." Bulma looked down at her pasta and played with it with her fork. There was nothing she could say to Bunny right now to stop her tirade. 'I have to get out of here tonight' she thought to herself.
After helping her mother clean up dinner, she wandered to her room and collapsed on her bed. She pulled out her cellphone and saw she had a text message.
Krillen texted her asking her to go out to a bar with him tonight, semi excited she quickly responded asking what time. He told her to meet him there at 10pm. The clock read 8pm. 'Shit, I need to shower!'
Bulma stepped into her large bathroom and began stripping out of her sweats. 'Maybe I am too excited for this.' Bulma frowned to herself, she used to be the social butterfly but the last few months she slowly became recluse. It mostly was because the down turn of her relationship with Yamcha caused her to fall into a deep depression. Now two weeks out of it, things were starting to look up for the lone heiress.
She let loose her azure locks from her hair-tie and they cascaded past her shoulders. Bulma stepped inside her hot shower and began to wash and shave her legs.
After her shower was finished, Bulma stepped into her closet with a towel wrapped around her torso. Her long blue hair dripped down her back as she thumbed through her clothes. She settled on a black tank top with a sheer sweater to cover her shoulders with a pair of jeans. She dried her hair and pulled it back in a low ponytail with the pony making ringlets down her back. She made her eyes dark and smoky and put light lip-gloss over her pink lips.
It was 10 minutes until 10pm. Bulma jogged downstairs and yelled to her mom, "I'll be back later!"
"Ok, be careful, sweetie!" Bunny looked at her husband "Oh to be young again!"

Raditz threw the set of weights down in the training room and groaned while thrashing his tail in agitation. He began massaging his aching trap muscles when an irritated growl interrupted his thoughts. "What is it now, Prince Vegeta?"
"This is bullshit. I am an elite, I do not need to be doing mindless work for that lizard." Vegeta punched through the steel wall in the training facility. The vibration and loud crash caused many other Saiyans to pause and observe their prince.
Raditz frowned at his friend and prince. "Let's get out of here and get some brews. Vegeta growled at his companion before complying. If he did one more mindless kata exercise, he'd loose his mind. "After we change into those ridiculous earth clothes we will go to that bar down the street." Vegeta declared.
"Looking for some school girl tail, I see?" Raditz chided his friend, but received a swift punch in the gut for his comment.

Five minutes later Bulma pulled up to the bar. She parked her car and gave herself one last look in the mirror. Pleased with what she saw, she decided to go meet Krillen.
Krillen was inside the little burger joint next door; he was sitting across the booth from his Z-fighter companion, Tien. They were eating burgers and chatting about martial art techniques when Bulma approached.
"Oh, hi Bulma!" Krillen choked. She caught him eyeing her tanktop. She took her sweater and covered her cleavage. Bulma could feel the crimson flush across her cheekbones.
"Uh, hey Krillen."
"Hey Bulma, good to see ya!" Tien smiled and shook her hand.
Bulma snagged a couple of their fries and listened in on their conversation. They were rehashing stories of past tournaments and battles they've been in. She nodded her head in agreement as she remembered these events from her past.
It's been so long since she spent time with her friends, with Yamcha she spent all her time with him focusing on his baseball career. Now she was realizing how detrimental that was on her own life and friendships. She put everything about herself aside for him. Her work, her friends, even herself, and one day she finally had enough. While reading a romance novel she came to the conclusion that their relationship was over.
"Yamcha, I love you and always will...but I can't do this anymore. I have to focus on myself now. Get me in order. I am not happy living like this." "Well Bulma, if you feel this way...I guess it's best to call it quits." Yamcha sniffled out to her. "I wish you best, Bulma." "I wish the best for you too, Yamcha."
That was the last real conversation those two shared. Bulma was drawn out of her thoughts when Krillen called her attention to head to the bar.
The trio walked together down the sidewalk to the bar. Krillen lead Bulma to the back room where three pool tables were set up and asked her what she wanted to drink. Bulma ordered a bottle of beer and Krillen got a pitcher for himself.
Bulma casually sipped on her beer while she watched the two guys play pool. She texted her dear friend ChiChi to come down and join her, while she waited Krillen kept trying to get her attention.
"So, eh Bulma, you play?" he asked holding the pool stick her direction. "Krillen, it's been so long!" Bulma blushed. She got up from her bar stool and tried to hit a solid into a pocket, and missed. The guys laughed at her and then started to reteach her the art of shooting, the proper way.
After winning a game, Bulma got back on her stool and downed the rest of her beer. Krillen noticed her beer bottle empty and quickly went to buy another.
Bulma smiled at Krillen as he re-entered the poolroom to deliver her another beverage. Krillen paused walking when he noticed someone through the window. Bulma turned around and saw a young man, not much taller than her giving the "peace" sign through the window as he swaggered away.
"Shit." Krillen mumbled as he handed Bulma her drink.
"Yo, Krillen, isn't that the guy that called you Krully last week?" Tien laughed.
"Shutup, Tien."
Bulma laughed at the two guys badger each other; she was starting to feel the effects of alcohol and was able to relax. Unlike Krillen, Bulma was a major light-weight.
Bulma froze when the guy the guys were talking about sauntered in with a couple other guys following in behind him.
The first thing Bulma noticed was his eyebrows and his narrow eyes. The intensity in his eyes made her stop. "Krillen..who is that?" Bulma could not take her eyes off of him.
"Oh him, that's Vegeta."
"Veg..what? Whatever." Bulma was too tipsy to remember his name. Chichi interrupted Bulma's staring at the young man.
"Bulma! I CANNOT believe Goku!" Chichi screeched as she sat next to Bulma at their bar table.
"WhaaÉ what'd he do?!" Bulma ripped her eyes away from the man. Chichi noticed Bulma being sidetracked and whispered to her friend, "I've seen him before!"
Bulma smiled at her friend and waved her hand, "So what has Goku done this time?"
Chichi took this opportunity to tell her friend of her newest love troubles with her husband. How he was always out to train or eatÉall she ever did was stay home and cook. The only reason why she was able to come out tonight was that Goku was having a late night training session down the street from where the girls were.
While Chichi continued talking, her phone rang. Bulma saw Goku's name pop up on the screen. "You better take that." Bulma smiled at her friend as she begrudgingly answered the phone.
Bulma got up to give her friend some privacy and decided to heckle Krillen. When she stood up she could feel the stranger's eyes on her. She kept glancing back at the man and every time she looked back at him the man diverted his eyes.
ChiChi grabbed Bulma "He's coming here to talk! What do I say?" Bulma eyed her friend for a second, "Cheech, be honest with him! Tell him how you don't appreciate how he has been towards you and how he hasn't been appreciative of your time you put into the household!"
Chichi was amazed at her friend's response. Though they were the same age and ChiChi was married, Bulma sometimes was beyond her years with insight.
Soon enough Goku fumbled into the room and locked eyes on ChiChi. Bulma smiled at Goku and nudged ChiChi. The raven haired woman made Goku follow her the table the two girls were originally sitting at and they started to talk.
Bulma decided it was time for a smoke break so she could give her friend some privacy, she needed some fresh air, too.
Bulma noticed the strange man checking her out as she exited the room. 'What is it with this guy?' She thought to herself.
Vegeta watched the azure bombshell saunter by the pool table. He couldn't rip his eyes off of her. Raditz pounded him on the back, "Found something you like?" Vegeta frowned at his comrade and turned his back towards the mystery woman. "She's decent."
Nappa choked on his beer, "Decent? That woman is the best looking creature in this place!" Vegeta glared daggers at his oversized guard. "Do not make any advances, Nappa." The smaller Saiyan warned him and gave one last glare towards Raditz before glancing towards the door once again.
Bulma finished her cigarette outside and waited a couple more minutes before returning to the poolroom. When she reached the doorway, she stalled and peeked around the doorway to see her friend. Goku and ChiChi were in an in-depth talk and she did not want to interrupt.
"What are you doing, woman?" A deep growling voice interrupted her observation. Bulma jumped and looked up at the man that was intruding her space.
"Oh, just watching my friend." Bulma took a couple steps closer, in hopes to show him she wasn't intimidated.
"The harpy got loud and said a couple words about how it's not her fault they're in the position they are in and how he needs to step up." The man pierced her soul with his strong gaze, and smirked down at the attractive female before him.
"How the hell did you hear that from across the room?" Bulma was amazed, the couple was inaudible as is, plus a juke box was blaring rock music in the back ground.
"Well, I am superior to you. Hence why I heard them." He smirked at her and continued. "You said you were watching them, well I've been watching you."
Bulma immediately turned beet red and turned on her heel leaving the man standing there. She could tell he was watching her leave. She stumbled straight the bar and ordered a shooter. She downed it and turned to go back to the room. By then Goku was gone and ChiChi was exiting the room. Bulma stumbled into the wall and glanced at her friend.
ChiChi sighed at her friend, "Give me your keys, crazy!" Bulma goofily smiled at her friend and handed the keys over. "Sorry that guy freaked me out. I went to get a drink to get away." Bulma giggled at her friend and gave one last glance towards the strange man.
ChiChi drove her home that evening, but the image of the man's eyes still remained in her head.ÊI've been watching you.