Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Are to Me ❯ Love to Hate ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What just happened?
The sun was beginning to rise as Bulma lay wide awake in bed. The soreness seethed through her thighs and the pit of her stomach as a result of Vegeta's assault on her body. Bulma's thought drifted to a few hours ago when Vegeta was whispering into her ear, holding her body like he needed her; there was more than just lust in his actions.
Bulma groaned and stood up then shuffled to the bathroom. She had dark circles under her eyes; her stomach, back, and legs were sore. She started the shower and stepped in allowing the scalding water to burn her flesh. Bulma tilted her head back and allowed the water to drench her hair, when the water ran over her chest she winced when it hit the bite mark. It was right below her collarbone, a perfect crescent shape of teeth.
What am I going to do?ÊHer feelings grew day by day, and after last night there was something more between the two. She knew that there would be repercussions later on for her night with the Sayain.
Bulma lathered soap and scrubbed away the dried sweat off her body. When she was finished she wrapped a towel around her body and began combing out her hair. She was meeting with Eighteen later to study and she had to fill her in on what has happened lately with Vegeta.
Bulma sent Eighteen a text telling her she'd be ready in the next hour to meet her at university. She applied light makeup before throwing on a t-shirt and jeans. Bulma got into her sleek black car and sped off to campus.
Eighteen was sitting in the bagel shop drinking a coffee when Bulma met her. "So what is this business with Vegeta?" Eighteen smirked at her.
"WellÉI was at a party and this guy would not take his hands off me. So when I got the chance to break away I called for Vegeta. He answered immediately and was there within 10 minutes." Eighteen nodded her head in acknowledgement.
"When we got to his house I followed him into his own bedroom and he acted like he was ignoring me, but then kept asking me what happened. So, I told him. He got protective and mentioned how he would have killed that guy for doing that." Bulma blushed at how she sounded at this point.
"So, he got jealous." Eighteen stated. Bulma nodded and continued, "Then weÉ.you know." Eighteen laughed, "What a perv!" She laughed at her friend.
"He has a tail and can fly, Eighteen. I am pretty sure he is one of the Saiyans my father was studying years ago."
Eighteen's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "That's different." She mumbled.
"True, I guess I can really expect anything that we deemÊnormalÊfrom him, can't I?" Bulma looked at Eighteen and smirked. "Well, congratulations Bulma. You are officially sleeping with an alien." Bulma rolled her eyes at her friend and continued finishing her meal.

Vegeta decided to send the woman a message that night, "I greatly regret ever associating with you, woman."
"Honestly, I don't know anymore." Bulma looked down at her drink and frowned after reading her newest message from Vegeta. She was beginning to despise the Sayain; he was so emotionally distant with her. All he seemed interested in sometimes was sex, sex and fighting.
Her phone buzzed again with him rambling once more, "I had you for hours last night." He reminisced. "Yeah, and?" She was getting irritated.
"Just thought I'd remind you." Then Vegeta left her in silence.
"It needs to be over." She said to Eighteen, her eyes glistening with pain once again. "He'll come around, Bulma. He is just being an egotistical jerk right now." Eighteen frowned at her friend's pain.
Bulma proceeded to wonder when the Sayain will return, or if he will. If he did, will he change?
A week passed and Bulma once again found herself sitting on Vegeta's bed. He was sending messages to the other Sayain elites regarding their upcoming mission. At least now that she knew the truth, he wasn't so secretive anymore.
"Are you possibly free on December 1st?" Bulma wishfully asked. "No." He coldly responded. Bulma looked down at her hands before gathering her things. "Well then, I guess I'll better get going." Vegeta looked up at her, "Good."
Bulma gaped at him, he was known for being cold, but the way he was acting towards her was new. She attempted to ask him to her sorority formal, but failed miserably. Without a word Bulma got up and left his house.
She speedily drove towards Capsule Corp, needing to get as much distance between her and the Sayain she possibly could.ÊI hate him.ÊShe fumed to herself. She was beginning to feel used and like she was in the way all the time with him. At the same time she could not deny her growing feelings.
Bulma collapsed into a seat at the kitchen table. Bunny was making lunch when she noticed her aqua haired daughter scowling out the window. "Oh honey, would you like a sandwich?" She cheerfully asked. "No Mom. Not hungry." Bulma grumbled before putting her face in her hands.
"Is it a boy?" She sat down before starting into her own sandwich. "NoÉwell, kind of." Bulma was not willing to divulge any information about Vegeta to her mother. Bunny, though sweet at heart was only interested if Bulma found a future husband. Preferably a future doctor so Bulma would be taken care of.
Bulma continued to scowl out the window while her mother blabbered on about her father's work, the cleaning bots, and what she was making for dinner. Bulma pretended to listen while she remained in her thoughts.
It just didn't make sense. When she was with him, he seemed interested. But when the other Sayains came around, she was a piece of shit in his eyes. Holding him back. "Any ties like a relationship will not work for me. I am not going to be with you, woman. Nothing but a set back for me to achieve my goals." She distinctively remembered him telling her after many heated nights. Yet she could see the pain in his eyes whenever he looked at her. He got protective of her whenever a new guy was around. It was bizarre.
"Mom, I'm going to get some rest." Bulma abruptly got up and went upstairs to her own bedroom.
"Oh, to be young and in love again!" Bunny thought to herself.
In the confines of Bulma's room she relaxed. She opened up her laptop to work on some new plans for her upcoming project to take her mind off Vegeta. She would not be the first to contact him. "If he wants me, he will come to me!" She reassured herself.
Bulma looked at the calendar, Thanksgiving was the following week. Which also meant her friend Marron was coming in town. Marron was Bulma's twin, but the ditzy, easier version of Bulma. As they went through high school together, all the guys migrated to Marron, but to eventually try to get in Bulma's good graces. Bulma laughed when she thought of the differences between her and Marron. Bulma only slept with three people her whole life, and she was now twenty. Marron, the same age, slept with at least four times as many. Despite the way her friend chose to act, she was still her best friend.
Bulma shot Marron a message:
Can't wait to see you!
Marron quickly responded,ÊI can't either!
Bulma smiled now feeling better; if Vegeta did not want her at least she had better friends in higher places. Bulma signed off her computer before putting herself to bed for the evening.

"You boys have four times. Personal time, fighting time, sleeping time, and private time." Turles continued to press on, but the three Sayains began a conversation amongst themselves.
"What's private time?" Raditz responded dumbfounded. Vegeta glared at the much larger Sayain. "Do I have to beat your ass again?" He growled. Raditz immediately shut his mouth.
Nappa smirked, "I'm up for giving an ass whooping Vegeta." Vegeta rolled his eyes at the two.
Raditz laughed, "As if!" He challenged Nappa. Vegeta pulled up his white gloves and glared straight ahead. His thoughts drifting to the hours he spent with the woman. Her body, her hair, her laugh, it was infectious to him.ÊI cannot let the thoughts of this woman infiltrate my training, my ascension!ÊVegeta attempted to push Bulma away with crude comments about how she was less superior, but he continued to go back on his word and apologize or make some excuse to let her know it was just to mess with her, nothing more.ÊI can't keep doing this.ÊHe groaned inwardly.
"So, Vegeta, what's up with your girl?" Gurkin chimed in. Vegeta glared sideways to Gurkin. The four Sayains straightened quickly when a loud crash slammed down inches from them. Vegeta's tail flinched in irritation as he made eye contact with the offender. Freiza curled his lips in a slimy smile. "Much better."
"Private time is what it sounds like. Just fucking. No more. Cast aside any relationships you have. As elites, you must be devoid of all relations." Freiza paced up and down the line of elite soldiers, stopping at Vegeta. With a swift punch he got Vegeta in the gut, the Sayain crumpled to his knees and spat up phlegm from within his abdomen.
"Drop her, before we drop you, Vegeta." Freiza warned. For good measure, he slapped his large tail across the Sayain's back.
Raditz, Nappa, and Gurkin all looked down at their fallen friend. "I guess that answers my question." Gurkin mumbled.
"Yeah, Vegeta we can smell her on you all the time now." Raditz followed.
Vegeta stood up and cracked his back, blood dripping from his chin due to the sudden impact. "I marked her." He said carelessly. "Are you stupid?" Nappa got in his face. Vegeta smirked, "what are you going to do about it?" Vegeta challenged. Nappa launched a ki ball into Vegeta's abdomen, sending the smaller Sayain back down on the ground.
"I like Bulma, but man, is she worth it?" Gurkin stood over Vegeta looking down at the bruised Saiyan, "If you expect to overthrow that bastard and change things around here, you need to rid yourself of her." Gurkin sympathetically looked down at Vegeta.
He knew the last time he actually felt for a girl she brutally got taken away from him thanks to Freiza. Vegeta watched her do hideous things to pleasure the lizard lord and it turned her into a lifeless body thrown into the royal harem. From there, Vegeta closed himself off, every mission he went on from there he merely went for girls to seek pleasure, nothing more when it came to bedding women. With Bulma, he allowed her to linger. He protected her, allowed her to get close to him. He even comforted her over her friend's passing. He was Vegeta; he did not stoop to such levels for a female. But when it came to Bulma, all bets were off.
He was doing his best to keep her at arm's distance, but failing miserably. Involved enough that no other guy will snag her away, but distant enough to avoid developing any more feelings for her.
Raditz pulled him up and dusted the prince off. Vegeta picked off his scouter off the ground before going inside the house. All the Sayains were in the meeting room and Vegeta took his seat to the left of Freiza since he was the highest rank Saiyan present.
Vegeta stared at the dark oak table while Freiza carried on his speech about behavior. Vegeta shifted his eyes to the swirling wine in the lizard's glass, and remembered that was the woman's favorite. She always was drinking wine. Her eyes got glassy and her smile got wide. He caught himself smirking many times at her blush as she floated around the room.
Vegeta quickly snapped out of his thoughts when the glass crashed against his head. He glared at Freiza through blood and wine. "What the fuck!" Vegeta shot up and jumped Freiza. The lizard quickly shifted and avoided the attack. The rest of the Saiyans retreated outside while Freiza laid waste on the Sayain.
"This is the kind of punishment you will get every time I catch you thinking about that whore!"

Vegeta lay in a heap in a side room of the Elite mansion. His scouter beeped at him and he opened an eye.ÊBulma.
It was 2 a.m. and he knew she was intoxicated. The only time she ever had the balls to message him like this was when she had been drinking. He smirked at the silly message before getting up. He grimaced as the pain seared across his back. Even though he was the strongest Sayain in the Elite force, he did not hold a candle to Freiza. He quickly changed into a white button down and jeans to fit in with the earthlings. He washed the dried blood off his face and stored his scouter inside his pocket.
Vegeta limped outside and sensed out Bulma's ki. He felt it flickering, she was in emotional stress, and he frowned knowing what it was about. He had been MIA for three days, and last time before that he hadn't been exactly nice to her. Vegeta frowned at this thought.ÊWhy was he so concerned with her?ÊVegeta's thoughts went away when he remembered the suffering he went through these past two days under Freiza for having such feelings.
Vegeta followed Bulma's signature until he ended up at the bar. He sighed and crossed the street. He came inside and sat on the opposite side of Bulma, who was busy talking to Eighteen, and smiled at him. Vegeta lost his guard for a couple seconds at the sight of her big blue eyes. They searched his for something. Vegeta frowned at her and turned away.
Bulma attempted to get him to open up, but he remained in silence watching the television above them. Bulma frowned and got up.ÊHe's doing this again to me.ÊShe looked at Eighteen, "let's go". Without saying anything to Vegeta, Bulma left.
He watched her leave the bar and frowned. He hated this much as he hated what she made him feel. Then a tall and super skinny girl walked up. She had jet-black hair and blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Rachel!" She squeaked into his ear. Vegeta eyed her up and down.ÊShe'd do.
This girl was the exact type the elites have been preached to go after, too easy, but also easy on the eyes. No emotional attachments attained from this type of girl because they were one dimensional, and the only sustenance they had to was an easy fuck, no intelligence, no feelings, and no needs. She was everything Bulma wasn't.
"Let's get out of here." He murmured. The girl smiled deviously at him and followed him out.
On the ride back to his house, he growled when his scouter buzzed at him. It read out a message from Bulma.ÊWhy the fuck would you message me the night before? And now this, I got to know what's going on!
He growled as he read the message. His worst fears have come true. He glanced over at the whore next to him. He lied; he didn't want her to think he actually needed her the previous night.ÊI have never once lied to you. Nothing is going on here.ÊHe curtly responded.
Bulma was sitting in Eighteen's bed when she read his response. Her heart sank at his responses and threw her phone on the other side of the room before diving under the blankets.
I can't be doing this. Anyone but him, please.ÊShe pleaded to Kami before drifting to sleep.