Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Life Must Go On ( Chapter 39 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Thirty Nine: Life Must Go On Pain. Pain everywhere. It hurt to move her left arm, but at least she didn’t feel so deathly sick. She had the awareness that she was in water from the sounds around her, plus she felt wet, and water was lapping around her body. She opened her eyes, smiling when she saw Vegeta laying on her. They were still in the hot tub, and both very naked and covered in blood. It made her face and skin on her shoulder itch, and she desperately wanted to scratch it to death. Vegeta moaned in his sleep when she shifted, and his arms tightened around her. She suddenly got the feeling that he was going to wake up from this sort of sense deep inside her. He lifted his head, his eyes opening in a lazy way and a lop-sided smile appearing on his face when he saw her. "How do you feel?" She yawned, stretching her arms above her head as she did so. She made a pleased noise in her throat and wrapped her arms around him, smiling. Her eyes suddenly widened, and she pulled back, gasping. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Vegeta! I didn’t mean to hurt you!!" He got a confused look on his face, but then he remembered his back. "Don’t worry, Onna. It will be gone by the end of the day." She got a sad look on her face, and then ran her fingertips gently over the wound on his shoulder. "I-I don’t know why I did that. I'm sorry for that, too." He shook his head, switching her around and placing her on his lap. "Bulma...do you want to know why we did what we did? Why you're not feeling deathly sick anymore?" She shook her head, grabbing a soft white wash cloth to dip into the steamy water to cleanse her face. She listened carefully as Vegeta explained, and then she started dabbing at his shoulder and chest, cleaning away the dried blood. "Saiya-jins bond before they get their mates pregnant. It's kind of like how you Earthlings get married...well, most of the time. But anyhow, I got you pregnant, and we weren't...bonded. On Vegeta-sei, when this happened, the woman slowly dies, because it was some sort of punishment from not being bonded with the man she got pregnant from. The only way you can save the woman is to bond with her...and that’s what I did with you. I hope...I hope you're not mad at me, Bulma." She stared at him, blinking a few times. "Why...why didn’t you just tell me?" He looked down at the water moving around them. It was slightly tinted red. "I don’t know. I totally forgot about, if you want the truth. I didn’t think that you would get pregnant either." She frowned. "Well, neither of us were using protection. What did you expect?" He gave her a blank look. "What the hell is protection?" She felt her face turning red. "Don’t worry about it, Vegeta. It's too late, anyhow." He nodded, shrugging. "So, now that we are bonded, you and our brat aren't going to die. I hope you're happy," he said in a slightly sarcastic tone. She glared at him, her eyes narrowing as she dug her hands into his shoulders. "You just did this to save me, that’s it? You didn’t think about any consequences on your side, or how you might suffer because you did it? You just wanted to get it over with, didn’t you, so you wouldn’t have to put up with Goku." He stared at her. "No." She blinked at him. "Huh? Tell me the truth right now, Vegetable munchies, or I will kill you." He frowned at her, doubting seriously that she could kill him, even in his sleep. "I...I didn’t just do it to save you...so you would die and make me feel bad, or because of Kakarott coming after me." "Then what the hell did you do it for? For your own sick perverted pleasure knowing that I would forever be in your debt for you saving me?! Why did you do it!! Tell me now before I—" "Because I love you, damn you, bitch!!" She drew back, so surprised that she was left speechless. She stared at him with wide eyes, unable to find something to say. He pushed her off his lap, causing her to almost drown in the water. By the time she came back up sputtering for air, he was already gone. She jumped up, water streaming down her nude form as she leapt out of the hot tub and into his room, grabbing his shirt that had been left laying on the bathroom floor. His door was open, meaning that he had already walked out. Damn it, she shouldn’t have flipped like that. She should have known that Saiya-jins only bonded when they felt some deep emotion for the one they do it with! This was all her fault if he never talked to her again. She would kill herself if he never did. She wouldn’t be able to live without him after all that they had gone through together. "Vegeta!" she yelled, running down the stairs and into the kitchen. She then realized that she was still naked and she blushed, happy no one was in there as she pulled his thigh-length shirt over her head. She wondered what the hell he was wearing, but she remembered the missing black spandex shorts from the bathroom floor. He probably grabbed them when he left, she thought, running out of the house and straight to the GR. She saw him, stalking to where she was running to as she left the house. "Vegeta, stop, please!!" She latched onto his arm, forcing him to turn around. "I don’t want to talk to you, Onna!!" "Yes, you do!" "Huh? No, I don’t!! Get off of me before I Final Flash your fat ass!!" "Since when am I fat?!" she screeched in his ear, causing him to flinch. "Uh, well...you're going to be!!! In only a few months!! I hope you have fun being pregnant for a whole year without me, because I'm leaving!!" She fell right over. "What?! A whole year?!?!" He growled at her. "Yes!! Saiya-jin pregnancies are much longer than human pregnancies!!! Now get away from me!! I'm leaving...forever!!" She closed her eyes, sprawled into an uncomfortable position as she started to cry. She brought her hands up to her face and bawled, not even bothering to hide her wails and mournful sobs. Vegeta felt himself hesitate for a moment, but then just turned away, walking into the ship so he could gather some of his things and leave. "Vegeta, please!! Don’t go! I'll do anything! Do you want some ice cream? I got plenty of that! I'll even bring my father's cat out and a whole three liter of orange soda!! Please, why are you doing this?! Don’t...don’t do this to me....Why...this always...always happens to me." Her face suddenly hardened, and she stood. She glared at his retreating back, and said, "You're the one that was always weak, Vegeta. No matter how strong you get, no matter what you do, you will never beat strength like mine. I can't believe...I just can't comprehend why I love you! But not anymore...not anymore!" She turned around and ran, slamming the back door shut when she entered the house. Vegeta watched her leave...leave out of his life.         A months flew by, and soon Bulma was eight months pregnant. It was an amazing experience all together, but it was...empty. She was depressed, not seeing much point in life besides her unborn child's importance. She knew what she needed, but she couldn’t have it. She found herself staying in her room more than ever, she even had a TV and a miniature fridge moved in so she wouldn’t have to leave for entertainment or for food as much. She got up off her bed, walking over to her balcony window. The leaves were falling off the trees yet again, and it seemed like only yesterday that he left, when snow had just been ready to come down. As soon as she had slammed that door, it had come down in torrents, unrelenting against the city in its unbelievable fury. Five feet of snow had come down over night, leaving the city snowed in. She hadn't minded though. She had been safe in her room, sobbing pathetically into her pillow. But that didn’t matter now. The leaves tumbling around outside the house on the dying grass was what mattered. She wanted to go out and play in the colorful leaves, but she was so gigantically huge that she was surprised she could even move. And how many more months of this did she have? Four? Damn! She wasn’t looking forward to this. She better not even get stretch marks, or very visible ones from this...or she would have to get some serious plastic surgery or something. She didn’t like the thought of her body being damaged so much from something that was natural. She growled, ripping open her balcony door. She felt sorrow go through her as soon as she did, and she wiped her head about, thinking someone was watching her. But she didn’t see anyone. She sighed, leaning her head into her hands and resting them on the rail. An odd thing had occurred after Vegeta had left her. She felt like she could feel another set of emotions, and she had been confused as to who's they were. Sadness, anger, and pain couldn’t very well be her child's, so she ignored that idea. Hers? No, she wasn’t really angry, she was just depressed. Depressed that she would never see him again. Well, there was one thing she knew. No more men...for the rest of her life. She didn’t care what she had to do. She didn’t need the companionship...she could go to Goku or something if she did, and she definitely didn’t need the sex. She had gotten her fill of that from Vegeta. She pretended she was telling herself the truth. She closed her eyes to keep the tears back. Vegeta. It hurt just to think his name. It killed to say it. She couldn’t imagine what it was like to be it. To be Vegeta, that is. She wondered what he was doing right now. No she didn’t. She didn’t care. In fact, she cared so little that she started thinking about Yamcha. She smiled. He was treating her much nicer, in fact, he had even bought her a baby shower present. He had been very sincere in his apologies, and she had foolishly believed him. Oh well, at least they weren't fighting. It wasn’t like they were seeing each other or anything! That was utterly out of the question. She would only be friends with him, and that’s all that further it would ever go. End of conversation. So, who's feelings did she feel from time to time? Did it have something to do with that bonding thing they had done? That was the most likely thing if she thought about it. Oh well, she wasn’t going to. She didn’t need to get more depressed as it was. The doctor she had talked to had said it was extremely unhealthy, but she hadn't put her on anti-depressant pills in fear of hurting the baby. All the better for Bulma. She would have forgotten to take them sooner or later. She watched as the sun started to dip into the horizon. The sky came alive with burning reds and oranges, tints of blue and purples swirling together into an amazing and remarkable bright green. She had never seen that color before. Well, Mother Nature always had tricks up her sleeve, especially when it came to the glorious beauty she put forth into her planet. She wished she could just fly into the horizon, stay with that astonishing sunset forever, bask in it until she felt healed, until she was happy again. Not going to happen, unfortunately. Nothing good really ever happens, for one way or another it gets taken away, or hurt...something always just happens. Example: Vegeta. He was a perfect example. She didn’t think things good get any better, and in fact, they didn’t. They got worse. So worse that he actually left. Why? She didn’t really know. Maybe his almost rude declaration of love had made him feel weak...human. She snorted. Human. She almost wished she wasn’t one. She wished she could be become a Saiya-jin somehow, and destroy the universe at her will. Another thing that wasn’t going to happen. Unless she got the Dragonballs, and she wasn’t that desperate in the first place to go to such drastic measures. After staring into the night sky, she went back in, not seeing any of the stars she had been hoping to see. It was cloudy; a storm was coming in. Maybe it would snow, maybe it wouldn’t. It didn’t seem cold enough, but then again, she didn’t watch the weather channel enough to tell. She stuck to corny romances, and when it suited her mood, something bloody and gory that dealt with mass amounts of people dying and suffering. She found herself watching those more often than not. Those cheesy romances started to make her sick. When was that honestly ever going to happen? She was the richest woman in the world, and was gorgeous to top it off. Key words: was gorgeous. Now she was just a fat balloon waiting to be popped. She had to giggle to herself. What an image that would be. She sat down on the edge of her bed, her hand lifting for something that she found she loved to stare at. A picture, a black and white picture to be more precise. How she adored and cherished this photograph, the very one she had crept up on Vegeta and taken without him knowing until it was too late. He looked so peaceful, so tranquil staring up into the night sky, a sky that no longer housed the bright moon. She wondered if he had still had his tail and the moon was still present if he wouldn’t have already destroyed the Earth. She shrugged, placing the framed picture upside down on her bedside stand. She crawled underneath the warm and thick blankets, blankets she had stolen off Vegeta's bed, and fell into a dreamless sleep, hoping not to see the next day for a long time....