Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ My Misfortune ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Forty: My Misfortune Well, the next day came, unfortunately. Bulma felt the all-too insistent ache in the small of her back, and she pressed her hand there, trying to relieve the pain. She knew it was horrible to go through this with only nine months, almost ten months, and she couldn’t imagine going through with it for a whole damn year. She felt like her back was going to break. She needed to soak in a bath. Yes, that would be nice. She would light a bunch of scented candles—cinnamon—and put some nice soothing music on in the background, and soak in the tub for a good two hours. It sounded wonderful. So, that’s what she did. Except it didn’t turn out as nice as she had thought it would. She didn’t have any cinnamon candles, let alone any at all, and when ever she was reclined against the cushion in her luxurious bath, no good music would come on. It seemed like this whole day was against her so far. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep and forget about the day like she always did. A knock on the door. "Go away, whoever you are." "Bulma? It's Goku." Her eyes widened, and she lifted herself out of the water, saying quickly, "Um, stay right there, I'll be out in a moment!" She could almost see the smile on his face. "Alright, I'll wait outside your bedroom so you can have some privacy." She nodded, even though he couldn’t see her. She hurried and toweled herself dry, running a brush through her hair to make herself more presentable. She then put on her traditional shirt that once belonged to Vegeta, and a pair of those maternal jeans that she so loathed. Goku grinned from ear to ear when he saw her. "You look nice, Bulma." She almost started crying at his words. No she didn’t. She looked absolutely horrid, and they both knew it. Her skin was pasty, there were dark circles under her dull blue eyes, and it looked like she was too skinny to be pregnant. She was malnourished, Goku figured that much out in a second. "Bulma...wh-what happened to you?" More like who happened to me, she thought distastefully. "I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. You should know with you already having a kid and how Chichi hardly got any sleep at all for the bloody year she went through with this!!" she started out calm, and then almost started screaming towards the end of her short speech. "I'm sorry, Goku. I'm just not...feeling ok right now. I just want to do something." By myself. "Oh, ok, Bulma. I just stopped over to see how you were. I haven't seen you in almost seven months, and I started to miss you. Are you sure you're alright?" She nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I am. I just need some food." He smiled when his eyes drifted down to her stomach, and then he started to get all giddy. "Wow, Bulma! Can I feel? Is he moving around a lot? Chi said that Gohan moved like crazy, and wouldn’t leave her alone." Bulma couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Sure, Goku. Have a go." He got down on his knees, placing his hands on the sides of her large stomach, and pressing his ear lightly against it. He was instantly greeted by a hard kick to the side of his head, and he almost fell over. "Wow! He's already really strong!" She giggled, placing her hand over the spot he just kicked. She took Goku's hand and put it there also, watching his face light up with amazement. "Chi always stayed away from me, saying something about her being fat and that she would kill me after she had Gohan. I didn’t understand why she thought that she was fat. I thought she was beautiful." Bulma's smile softened. She wished she had someone to tell her that. Goku got back up, kissing her cheek as he did. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She closed her eyes, trying to hold back her tears. "Thank you, Goku. You have no idea how much that means to me." Goku left shortly after he ate lunch with her, and he had to admit that he had gotten the biggest surprise he had ever had in his entire life. Bulma ate more than him. Her old appetite had increased by ten fold, and it was all he could do but wonder how she could be so skinny. Maybe she had only eaten that much because he was there. He supposed he would have to come over more often. A few hours after he left, Bulma decided she would go for a walk. Her legs felt nearly numb from not using them enough. She grabbed several things on her way out. Her light blue fleece jacket, her small purse, some chapstick to protect her lips against the freezing wind, and some pepper spray. As an expectant mother, she had a duty to protect her child. She smiled to herself as she headed out. The wind whipping around her was freezing cold, but she dealt with it. It felt good to be outside, even when it was dark out. She had only left because no one would be able to see her under the cover of the night. Soon she found herself walking down an old street that she vaguely remembered from her childhood. Running up and down its length to and from the elementary school. That time had flown by, considering how many grades she had skipped because she was so smart. She had started high school at such a young age, and the only outside-of-school activity that she had enjoyed had been gymnastics. She missed being young. Well, not that she still wasn’t, she just wished she could be younger again. She was lost in her memories when she started heading back home. She had been walking for at least an hour, and felt thoroughly refreshed. Now all she had to do was garner the strength she needed to pick up her heavy legs and make it home. She smiled to herself, wondering how pathetic she could possibly get when she jerked around, thinking that she had heard something. And she had. Three dark shadows started to approach her, and her first reaction was to cover her stomach with her hand for protect and bring her hand up to her throat to prevent herself from screaming. But maybe she should have. "Wh-what do you want with me? Here, take my purse. Just leave me alone," she said quickly, flinging her purse in their direction. They made no movement towards it, so she picked it back up, realizing that she had a weapon in there. She dug quickly through her purse with trembling hands, hoping they didn’t see her pull out the small bottle and hide it away behind her. "Well, looky 'ere, Jake. We's got a nice little morsel, don’t we?" The one supposedly named Jake snickered. "The little whore is pregnant. Lets just mess her up and take her money." "Nah, I's wants to have me's fun wit' her. She might be a fat one, but doesn’t mean I still can't get what's I's want from her!" another said, the threesome approaching too quickly for Bulma's liking. She backed up, her hand splayed protectively over her stomach and one behind her, gripping tightly onto the pepper spray. "Please, leave me alone. I just want to go home." They all laughed at her. They were all dressed in black, as if this had been their purpose all along. They were still a few feet away from her, but she could tell they were slightly drunk. She went to scream, but one lunged for her, covering her mouth with his leather-gloved hand and slamming her into the pavement. She cried out at the pain of the impact, which gave her the chance to bite his hand as hard as she could. He screamed, pulling back his hand only to slap her. "You little whore! We are standing here offering you some fun, and you attack us! You're gonna fuckin' pay for that." She turned and ran, only to be tackled again. She twisted in the air, hoping to have enough time to land on her side instead of her unprotected stomach. Her world went blank for a second at the hard hit, but then she jumped right back up, holding the pepper spray in front of her. "Stay away from me!!" They all snickered again, and one just walked right up to her, smacking her hand and causing it to go flying. She growled, flinging her arm back and smashing her fist as hard as she could into her would-be captor's face. He yelped, falling ungracefully to the pavement just as she had. The other two closed in, not giving her a very good chance to escape. She screamed when one jerked her arms behind her, yanking her hair nearly out of her head with his free hand. "Like it now, don’t you bitch!?" the one behind her yelled, she guessed the one she had bitten. She barely saw the fist that was sent flying into her direction, but she definitely saw the white dots dance before her eyes and felt a burning pain in her cheek and nose as the other man hit her...again and again and again. She felt her consciousness leaving her as the one she had punched joined in, kicking her in the sides and her legs, causing her to lose her balance. She screamed as she felt her weight being held up by her hair, and then the man let go, letting her fall hard to the ground below. Her face scrapped along the brutal and unforgiving pavement, but it was nothing compared to the rest of her body. She whimpered and try to curl up into herself when they started pounding her sides with their booted feet, trying to inflict as much injury to her pregnant person as possible. She didn’t know when they left, but at least they hadn't tried to rape her. She felt tears stream out of her eyes, trying to move but unable to. It started to rain, just lightly, but enough for her to feel frozen to the bones as she lay broken in the middle of the street. She whimpered, trying one last time to move. She couldn’t, and it just made her cry even harder. Here she was, laying in the middle of an alley, cold, hurting, probably dying.... A sudden pain lancing across her stomach alerted her to a new experience of anguish. She bit back a cry of pain, managing somehow to get her arms wrapped around her large middle. "No...my baby...." was all she managed to get out before all thought disappeared and everything went black.