Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Mine From Now and Always ( Chapter 41 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Forty One: Mine From Now and Always He was too late. He hadn't been able to get there fast enough to save her...and now look at her. He knelt down beside her, his hand lifting out to brush the wet strands of hair from her battered and bruised face. She whimpered, trying to pull away from him. "No...please don’t hurt my baby...." He shushed her, letting his hand go down to behind her neck. "No, I won't hurt him, Bulma. I promise." Her eyes opened, as if she thought she was in a dream, or dead. She gave him a watery smile, but then it was wiped off her face as she flinched, sucking in her breath and her hand tightening across her stomach. "Something is...wrong." She drew in a deep gulp of air. "It hurts...make it stop." He picked her up, cradling her carefully to his drenched body. "I'm sorry, Onna. This is all my fault." She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get as close to him as possible for his heat. "I hate you," she said with as much as a smile as she could muster in her voice. "I know." His feet lifted off the ground, flying at a fast, but smooth and steady pace so she wouldn’t be further injured or nauseated any more than she was. Even through the rain he felt her tears pelting the bare skin on his shoulders that wasn’t covered by his blue shirt. He held her closer, touching down on the pavement that was in front of an unfamiliar large building. West City Regional Hospital, the sign read, blurry through the darkness and rain. He stepped under the safety of a cement overhang that vehicles could drive under, and then strode into the brightly lighted building. As soon as he walked in, he had two men tugging Bulma from his arms, and a woman shouting something about an emergency room. He snarled at the men that dared touch his mate, ripping away what little of her they had taken from him. "Don’t touch her," he growled, taking a few steps back. He wasn’t in a good fighting stance, considering he had a pregnant woman in his arms. "Now, sir, we just want to help her. She's going into labor, and it looks like she's been through a lot. Now if you would just hand her over—" "No! I want a female Human over here now, and then you can take her. And she's not going into labor! She still has four months to go, you baka's!!" They stared at him as if he was insane. "Huh? Is she like carrying quadruplets or something?" "No!! She's carrying my son, and I demand now that one of your females come over here and help! I don’t want any males around her after what just happened!!" They still gave him looks that told him they thought he was psycho, which only made him smirk at them, baring his teeth. They looked horrified, wondering if he was from another planet, or if those things were real. The woman that had been shouting when he came in hurried over, telling him to follow her quickly. As she ran, and he followed, he heard a set of speakers turn on, naming off like five doctors to come to the emergency room immediately. He didn’t know what to do, these human's didn’t understand Saiya-jin anatomy to know how to handle Bulma. He followed the woman into a large room filled with medical equipment everywhere, beds, people that were looking sick, and now two male doctors and three females. He told them right away to fuck off and that no male was coming within seventy feet of her if he had anything to do about it. They looked like they were ready to call security, but they changed their minds when the woman in his arms gave a shrill cry and a completely horrified look appeared on his face. He laid her on the white sheet covered bed at the instructions from a pretty black haired woman, who then started checking her over along with two other nurses. They started cleaning and observing as two of the three female doctors went over her vital signs, and the other started shouting for the operating room to be prepped immediately. He was left standing there, watching with a blank face as a horde of women swarmed around him, medical things in their arms, shouting, cleaning, or just being plain annoying and watching. He barked at a particularly rude one that came right up to him and told him to leave, and she yelped, taking off in the other direction. He started to follow the group of women that were ready to wheel her out to the OR, but a woman placed her hand on his shoulder gently, telling him politely that he would have to wait. At first he was pissed, but then he realized this was Bulma's life they were talking about. He stopped her right before she left, and told her told wait in a wary voice, "She...she isn't carrying a Human child." The woman's eyes widened, and then she grabbed his arm, completely understanding in under three seconds. "Well, sir, I guess you're going to have to come and help me out, aren't you? I take it you're the father?" He nodded as she steered him to the operating room, where he saw some of the creepiest things he had ever seen before in his life. He felt all the blood in his face drain as they stripped Bulma, and her beaten and bloodied body was laid before him. The cuts and gashes covering her drew his attention nothing like the blood streaming down her legs. He heard one woman shout for them to stop the bleeding, and an ultrasound to be delivered up. He was in another world when the same woman came up to him, asking, "How long is her gestation period? We have to know now so we can figure whether or not the child is early. If it is, then we have to stop the internal bleeding and try to save it before it becomes more critical than it already is, or we have to destroy it in order to save your wife." "It-it’s a year. Twelve and a half months to be more precise," he told her, not noticing the surprise on her face. That was a damn long time, only some of the largest mammals on Earth carried that long. She shouted for the ultrasound to be readied promptly, and at which they told him he had to stand off to the side. He just sat down in a chair off to the side they pushed him to, and watched as they quickly dressed her in a hospital gown, but left her large stomach exposed. He was ready to protest when a curtain surrounded the area, leaving him unable to see anything but rushing feet of a dozen women. They were still shouting, still arguing and talking as their feet shuffled about. He was getting impatient after a half an hour, but from what he was hearing, everything sounded alright. At least he thought it did. Precisely two hours later, three women emerged, completely immersed in blood. He jumped up, ready to kill someone if she wasn’t alright. They all looked exhausted, but if something was wrong with Bulma, then he hoped they suffered for all eternity. "Well?" he demanded, actually towering over one of the women there. "Well, sir, we must say that you are very lucky. Actually, your wife and her child are very lucky. That child should not have survived at all, but somehow it did. Congratulations." He almost fell over from relief. "Can I go see her?" She chuckled. "You're acting like you haven't seen her for five months." "I haven't," he told her bluntly, and then corrected himself. "Actually, I haven't seen her for eight. Now, can I see her, or do I have to blow up this cursed place?" "Go right ahead, just be quiet. I think she's sleeping. The nurses just got done cleaning her up. All the minor damage should be cleared up in a few weeks, and the major injures might take a few months, like the possible serious and unrepairable damage done to her womb. We don’t know yet the extent of her injuries, and if she's lucky, she might not have any damage at all. However, in the case that something is wrong, she might not be able to ever have children again. I would be happy that she is just alive, and she didn’t hemorrhage." He scowled at her, knowing that something like that wouldn’t dare happen to his woman. He strode over to the curtains, at which he ripped them away and scared the nurses still in there shitless. He smirked, which told them to leave or die. The scurried off, almost wondering if they should bow. When he saw her, he wondered if it was actually Bulma. Her hair was mattered to her head, caked with blood and other unknown items. Her arms were covered in bandages, and her face had two taped on pieces of gauze. She still had visible scrapes on her face and arms, but they weren't bad enough to cover. Next came her lower body, which was covered with a warm looking white blanket. He smiled slowly when he saw her stomach, and placed his hand ever so carefully on top of it. He felt an odd sense of pride go through him for both his mate and his son, but he didn’t express it except with the grin on his face. His hand instantly left when he heard her mutter something, and then her eyes fluttered open in an almost drunken sort of way. It was the anesthesia, but he didn’t know that. "Ve-Vegeta? Wha-what are you doing here? What happened?" "You were hurt, Bulma. Don’t move, you will only hurt yourself." Everything came crashing back to her at that moment, but she didn’t overreact. "Did...did you save me?" He looked back down at her stomach, replacing his hand back to the spot it had been. "I...I felt your distress and pain whenever those men ganged up on you. I didn’t realize something was wrong until too late...I almost lost you, Onna." She smiled, placing her hand over the one resting as gently as possible on her stomach. "But you didn’t, did you?" He shook his head, turning his face away from her so she wouldn’t see the confusion of emotions gathered there. "This is all my fault. You almost died. I shouldn’t have acted so...damn arrogant and stubborn and left." She yawned, feeling all drugged-up from her pain medication. "Hmm...yeah, and now you have to stay with me forever to make up for it, don’t you?" He turned his visage back to her, giving her his famous smirk. "I guess so, huh? But there is one thing I will get out of it." She cocked open one of her eyes. "Hmm? What's that?" "I get to torture you for the rest of our lives."