Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Epilogue Chapter Forty Two: What You Wouldn’t Think The hunt always gave him a thrill that he couldn’t ignore. He was on their trail; he could smell the pungent scent of alcohol in the air. It made him sick, but he got over it easily. He saw them. His first instinct was to instantly kill, but that wasn’t what he was planning on doing. This was pure and total revenge, and it was going to be sweet indeed. The three men were staggering, laughing as they helped each other walk. One thing they didn’t notice for a few moments was a missing comrade, and they only turned back around when they heard a strangled gurgle. "Yo, where’s Jake?" one asked, scratching his head in a stupid way as they retraced their footsteps. "Dunno," the other said, laughing like a little girl at the sound of his own voice. Then they saw their friend. He was lying in a puddle of his own blood, naked, and shaking with utter terror. His friends ran over, but they hardly recognized him. They looked around frantically, and then tried to run, but they were too drunk. Another person of the group was taken down, but the last one didn’t notice as he ran drunkenly for his pathetic and worthless life. He heard a bloodcurdling scream, and then he realized that it was his own. Whatever was doing this was going to kill him!! However, as he was left a half-dead, ass-naked, bleeding mass of gore, he almost wished he were dead. He watched his unmatchable opponent take to the air, his short figure disappearing into the black, cold, and rainy night. He passed out from the agony.         "What is it with Saiya-jin men thinking that fat, no...beyond fat pregnant women are so beautiful?!! You are OBSESSED!!" Bulma ranted, trying to get away from Vegeta, who was also being pursued by Goku. Krillin was behind Goku, but he was staying several feet behind, laughing his head off. Master Roshi and Oolong were in the living room, and were thankfully not chasing her to death. After only a few short minutes, Bulma had to stop, considering how her wide girth wasn’t allowing her to run as fast as she used to, and she tired easily. She plopped down into a kitchen table chair, gasping wildly for air. "You did that on purpose, guys!" she whined. Goku pushed her in, keeping her pinned to the table and unable to move. "Hey!" she cried, trying to get free, but Goku held her still. Vegeta smirked at her. "Time for your nap." "NO!!!" she screamed, somehow managing to get free. She jumped up, startling everyone. "What happens if I told you I was going into labor?!" Everyone laughed at her, especially Vegeta. "Onna, I will probably know before you when you are actually in labor, and nice try. You already tried it before." Goku nodded. "Yeah, so uh, nice try Bulma." "No! I mean really, I’m going into labor!!" Everyone stared at her as if she was stupid. Then all of a sudden Goku freaked, and then Vegeta. "AHHH!! Come on, we have to get to the hospital before it drops on the floor!! Come on, Vegeta!! Don’t just stand there!!" Goku shrieked, moving one way, and deciding that it wasn’t the way to go, and then turning the other way, and then also deciding that that wasn’t the way to go. He continued to move back and forth until Vegeta yelled at him to stop. "Calm down you stupid baka, before you upset her even more! Look at her!!" Goku stopped, getting a good look at Bulma. She was leaning heavily against Vegeta, sweat breaking out on her forehead as she held onto him tightly. She gave Goku a pleading look as Vegeta picked her up gently, and then he realized that Bulma wouldn’t want him to fly her to the hospital, which was several miles away. "Shit, how are we going to get there?" he asked, almost dropping Bulma when she stiffened and cried out, her free hand gripping her stomach. He knew that this was going to be extremely difficult for her, considering that she was going to be giving birth to a half Saiya-jin. He had to keep her calm and relaxed as long as he possibly could. "Kakarott!!! Do you know how to drive one of those Human vehicles?!" Goku scratched his head, giving him a sheepish smile. "Why? You can just fly, it would be a lot—" "NO!! No flying unless you want to see a flying baby!! This thing is coming out NOW!!" Vegeta started cursing everything to hell, running outside with a woman harassing everything in her way, even the mailman, whom Vegeta knocked right over. When he got to the driveway, he didn’t see a car. "Damn it! This day is against me!!" he yelled, getting ready to run back inside the house and get a capsule car when Goku ran out, waving something in his hand wildly. "Hey, you forgot this, Vegeta!!" he pushed the small button and tossed it, smiling when Bulma's red viper appeared. Her eyes widened, and then started twitching in anger. "Did you go through my purse and take it out?! I'm going to KILL you!!!!" She started struggling out of Vegeta's hold, who was so surprised at her act of healthy violence that he almost dropped her. Goku started backing away, hoping she wouldn’t whip out a frying from nowhere like Chichi tended to do. "Onna, if you do NOT stop moving, I will FLY you over to the hospital, screw the brat and his possible flying out of your womb!! You will contain yourself while I drive you to the hospital," Vegeta said proudly at the last part, and Bulma almost fainted. "WHAT?! You don’t know how to DRIVE!!! Do you want to kill me and your child at the same time?!?!" His eyes narrowed. "Would you rather have Kakarott drive?" "YES!!! Goku, get behind the wheel!! Vegeta would probably purposefully swerve and try to hit someone and kill them and then he would get out and watch them die and bleed to death and all the while he would be laughing and then he would do it again and—" "Alright!!" Goku said cheerfully, even though he didn’t even have a clue as to how to drive. Meanwhile they were forgetting about Krillin, Master Roshi, and Oolong, and the possibility that one of them could drive. Vegeta jumped into the passenger side, trying to soothe Bulma as she went through contraction after contraction, and Goku hadn't even figured out how to turn on the car. "Put those metals things in the hole, baka!!!" Vegeta yelled, trying to lean over and grab them from his hands, and succeeding. He started laughing at the triumph from his win, and telling Goku that he had lost the futile battle of the keys, when Bulma screamed right in his ear. "AHH!!! Alright, they're going in the...hole thingie!! Just hold on you insane WOMAN!!" Vegeta yelled, trying to shove all of the keys into the ignition at once. He growled in frustration when he couldn’t get any in, and then Goku started laughing at how he couldn’t even get them in. Vegeta chucked them in Goku's face, saying, "FINE!! You do it!!" Goku pouted, rubbing his face. "Hey, that hurt, Vegeta. Why do you have to be so mean?" "JUST PUT IT IN THE DAMN IGNITION AND DRIVE!!!" Bulma shrieked, gripping her fingers into Vegeta's hair and pulling hard. He screamed at her to let go and that she was going to rip off his head, but all she did was purposefully try and rip his hair out. He pried her locked fingers out of his hair only by Kami's sheer will, and sighed with relief as Goku somehow managed to start the car. He put his foot on the brake, and he looked confused as to why it wasn’t moving. Bulma yelled at him to put his foot on the other one, and he smiled his classic Son smile, putting his foot on the gas. Bulma was happy that he didn’t have to back out or they would have been dead. Vegeta had his hands full as Bulma almost broke one of his precious and royal body parts every time a contraction hit her, and soon he was begging Goku, who was just barely missing things in the middle of the road, to pull over and let him drive. Goku gave him and Bulma one look and gave his head a hard shake, telling Vegeta, "HELL NO!" Vegeta promised to himself that he would kill Goku after this, even though he already wanted to. Bulma screamed when Goku hit a trash can, and all the debris flew over their heads. Goku screamed when he hit a leaf, saying that he didn’t want to hurt Mother Nature. Vegeta screamed when Bulma yanked a good handful of hair out of his head, and then threatened to shove it in his mouth as Goku twisted and turned all over a straight road. "Do you know where you're going, BAKA?!?!" Vegeta yelled, trying to hold Bulma and his head at the same time. Goku gave him a confused look, as if he didn’t even know why he was in a car in the first place. "STUPID!! Just let ME drive!!" Bulma shouted, somehow managing to maneuver herself over Vegeta's lap and stepping on his foot to make him hit the brake. The car stopped, almost flinging everyone out the windshield. Goku started protesting as Bulma shoved him out, and then she tried to get into the driver's seat, only to discover Vegeta was already there. "Kakarott, hold onto this baka Onna, I will drive. She is in no condition to work this...thing, and YOU have no idea whatsoever about how to even push a pedal...thing!" Bulma started shrieking as Goku pulled her back over, not knowing whether or not it would be a good idea to put her on his lap and face Vegeta's wrath, or sit her next to him, and then face Vegeta's wrath because Bulma was still next to him. He started panicking, and then Vegeta just shoved her practically on top of him, and then revved the engine, smirking at the sudden amount of horse power at his hands. His started laughing maniacally when he slammed down the gas, taking off at a break-neck speed. Goku screamed before Bulma started to, and meanwhile Vegeta was having the time of his life swerving all over the two lane road and just barely missing people. Bulma didn’t know how they made it to the hospital, but somehow they did. Vegeta ripped her off Goku's lap, growling at the younger man as he did so. Bulma wanted by this time to scratch both men's eyes out, but another painful muscle contraction hit her and she was left unable to do anything but try not to scream. This was the most painful thing she had ever felt...and it was just getting started from human standards. She didn’t even want to know how long it was going to take in Saiya-jin standards. Oh, screw that. "Vegeta!!! How long is this going to LAST!!?!" "I don’t—OWWW!!!" She twisted his ear, nearly tearing his head off in the process. "Ok!! A few hours!! But I said that I don’t—!" Goku slapped his hand over Vegeta's mouth before Bulma could inflict further pain to the Saiya-jin Prince, and Vegeta almost bit his hand off. "Get your baka hand off me before I KILL you!!" Goku took it away, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry, Vegeta. I was just trying to—" Three men and one woman came pouring out of a doorway, taking Bulma away from him in an instant. He could hear her cursing him and other parts of his anatomy even as she was removed from the room and taken down the various halls to the delivery rooms. Goku flinched visibly every time she said something graphic, which was everything. Vegeta just stood there, almost in shock from the last few minutes. "Kakarott, remind me never to get her pregnant again." Goku nodded hard. "Yes, I DEFINITELY promise."         Precisely twenty minutes and thirty six seconds later, Vegeta walked into the delivery room, almost being forced into there by an over-enthusiastic Goku. "Come on!! I wanna see the baby!!" Vegeta growled at him, shoving Goku behind him so he was in front. "My son, not yours. I get to see him before anyone. I did all the work," Vegeta said, looking rather haughty and smug as he strode into Bulma's room. The first thing he heard as he entered was: "VEGETA!!! You are going to DIE!! You did nothing but get pleasure out of this whole damn situation!! I am going to cut off your—!!!!" Goku slapped his hand over her mouth like he had Vegeta, except this time he did get bit. He took his hand back, saying "OW...OW...OW...." repeatedly and blowing on it until it didn’t hurt anymore. He sighed with relief and cradled his injured hand as he plopped into a chair that had been pushed over to Bulma's bed. He didn’t see Vegeta, and he looked around, seeing him outside in the hall through the window in Bulma's room. He excused himself quickly, letting Bulma rest as she almost passed out. He closed the door quietly, approaching the older man from behind. Vegeta's hands were pressed up against the glass, and he was staring almost blindly at something in the room behind the glass. Goku looked in, smiling when he saw what Vegeta was staring at. "So, is that your son?" he asked, staring at the lavender-haired baby that was sleeping peacefully. Vegeta nodded blankly. He had picked his son out instantly among the other twenty or so in the room, and he couldn’t help but be shocked that he had made the little being wrapped up in a baby-blue blanket, resting peacefully in a little plastic crib. "Hey, Vegeta?" He grunted in response, not willing to talk at the moment. "Your son is going to be a heart-breaker when he's older, isn't he?" Vegeta smirked. "Yes, and he's going to beat your son up too," Vegeta announced, smiling triumphantly. "I guess I'm gonna have to have another one so your boy can have a playmate, huh?" Vegeta frowned. "I don’t want another Kakarott spawn running around. Don’t even get those images in my head." Goku scratched his head in confusion. "I was thinking that you wouldn’t want the image of me and Chichi—" "NO!!! Don’t EVEN say it, Kakarott!! I don’t want those images either!!!" Goku smiled, looking back into the room his son was in. He suddenly looked up. "Hey, Vegeta, I just realized something." "Hmm?" "I could have just used my Instant Transmission." Vegeta didn’t say anything. The End