Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ Revised mating ritual ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4

Revised mating ritual

It was only about lunch time on my first day and I was already mentally tired. I made a few friends though. Each new employee is assigned a helper for a few days to show us the ropes of Capsule Corp. Mine was Max, an engineer, who I think was taking an extreme interest in me. The other two were Rayne, a microbiologist, who confirmed my fears. And of course Trunks, who reminds me of Tadashi from my dreams. His face doesn't look exactly like Tadashi's, but their demeanor is the same. He's calm and charming but also mysterious. Anyway, since I have an hour long lunch break, I'll use that time for a change of scenery. I need it to recharge my brain. Everyone else had already left the lab and I was trying to finish a portfolio. I heard a soft knock on the door. It was Trunks.

"Hello again." I said. I was starting to like the way he appeared out of nowhere.

"Um… I was about to headed out to lunch and would you like to join me?" Seeing him again made the all too familiar blush creep up my neck to my face.

"Sure. I was just finishing up." (So I lied. Like you don't!)

"Anywhere you'd like to go? I'll drive this time."

"Anywhere is fine."

We walked to the parking lot where he released a car capsule. Then he stopped and looked at me. "Do you like motorcycles?"

"I love motorcycles." Changing his mind, he re-encased the car and released a shiny blue, white and yellow Suzuki GSX-R 1100. I almost fainted. He handed me a helmet and we were off to lunch.

For the rest of the day all I could think about was the lunch break I spent with my boss. He took us to a nice restaurant called Hanako's and we decided to eat at an outdoor table so we could enjoy the day. We talked about almost everything; from family to what we do with our spare time. I was really interested when he said that he was really into martial arts. That would explain why he looked so well built even with his lab coat on. Wait, what am I saying? I'm acting like we just went on a date. I need to stop listening to Shay so much. But still, I wonder how he feels. Four hours later I was headed for home. I didn't see Trunks again which kind of disappointed me. I was expecting to see Shay somewhere around the house when I got home. I found a note on the fridge saying that after work she would be on a date and not to wait up. Since she wouldn't be in, I could watch Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite movie but Shay always laughed at me, that is before she would sit down and watch with me. Before I knew it, I was asleep.


Tadashi and I have been seeing each other for a while now and things are going great. We have been to each other planets already. My father even announced him as Tristan's future prince. I'm really starting to feel that I love him. I haven't told him yet because I get so nervous. He told me that he had something planned for me tonight but wouldn't give me the details. All he told me was that it would be at night. The suspense is killing me but I'll just have to wait and see.

I heard a soft knock on my room door. It was Matron. "How is my princess this evening?" She smiled as she walked over and began to undo my hair.

"I feel very well, thank you."

"I'm sure you do." She said as she took out my hairpins. "You've been spending so much time with Prince Tadashi that I can hardly keep up with you." I saw her smiling though my vanity mirror. "How are things between you?"

"Happy. You were right about this arrangement, Matron. Ever since we met, I've had no thought of being in an unhappy marriage. Thank you."

She kissed the top of my head. "There is no need to thank me, child." We shared a silence while she combed my hair. It was starting to make me sleepy. "Is there anything else I can do for you before I retire?" She asked.

"No thank you. Go and get some rest. I can draw my own bath."

She kissed me again, this time on my forehead. "Very well. Good night, Illana." She bowed slightly and left my room as quietly as she entered.

The warm water in the large tub relaxed my tensed muscles. I had been training with Matron earlier today. We no longer use practice swords when we train. She said that I needed to learn to respond quicker to an attack. What better way to learn than for my life to actually be in danger. I learned that Matron doesn't hold back when we train. There were many close calls to her severing my head. In one incident she cut off a lock of my hair. It's a good thing that I'm a fast learner. After about an hour of soaking in the hot water, I washed and drained the tub. I dried my body and let the towel fall to the floor as I walked back into my room. The breeze from my partly opened window felt good against my skin. I put on a silk nightgown and climbed into bed. Just seconds after I turned off my light, I heard another soft knock, only this time at my window. I sat up and saw a silhouette of a person. I reached under the bed to find one of my swords. Any thoughts of me being overcautious disappeared. With my sword draw, I opened the curtain and found that it was Tadashi.

I pushed the window open. I let out a loud sigh when I saw Tadashi's face.

"Trying to kill me now? You'll never succeed that way!" He teased.

"Tadashi, what are you doing out there?"

"I told you I had something planned for you." He said.

"I remember, but why are you out there? You could have easily come to my door."

"Have you ever flown before, Illana?" He asked, ignoring my last statement.

"Yes, why?" He was still keeping me in suspense.

He shook his head. "No, not in a plane or a ship. I mean have you ever looked up at a sky full of stars and tried to catch one?"

"No. You know I can't fly." I said.

He smiled at me. "Would you like to?"

"I would love to." He picked me up and I put my arms around his neck. I didn't care that I was only wearing a nightgown. This was my first time flying. I was very nervous and closed my eyes for the first few minutes of our trip.

"Are you scared?" I opened one eye to see him smiling again. "You're going to miss the stars if you hide."

When I opened my eyes, I was amazed at what I saw. The tops of the trees were moving under us as if they were the street. Above us, the stars looked so close that if I reached up I could touch them. Tadashi still looked like he was hiding something.

"We're almost there." He said after a few minutes. I knew if I asked him that he wouldn't tell me where we were going. So I just enjoyed the stars until we began to descend.

When we landed, rushing water could be heard. The noise was muted by the forest we were in. We walked a few yards to a clearing and sat down. "Illana, are you happy here?"

"Yes, it's wonderful here. Why?" I hadn't been to my home for some time, but I really was happy. His face said that something was wrong.

"I remember that you didn't want to get married this way."

"Neither one of us did, but now…" I didn't have the nerve to say what I felt.

He waited. "But what?"

"Now I feel different. I'm starting to think that it was worth it."

"I was hoping you felt that way. I didn't want to think that you were unhappy with me." The crickets singing filled the silence between us.

"Is there a waterfall near us?" I asked.

"Yes, it's that way." He pointed ahead of us. I pulled him up and headed in the direction he pointed. After a short walk we were on a cliff that overlooked a river. The top of the waterfall was to our left. Almost at the base of the falls, I could see a very faint rainbow. It must have been the effect of the half moon that was in the sky. Birds could be seen flying amongst the trees below us. The entire fall could be seen from where we stood.

"It's beautiful." That was all I could say. I took his hand and started to lead him back to the clearing. Just as we walked two steps, I turned around and ran over the cliff. I could faintly hear Tadashi yell behind me as I fell. I hit the water and stayed under longer on purpose. I looked through the almost clear water in time to see Tadashi fall into the water head first. He grabbed my waist and both of us surfaced.

The scowl on his face plainly showed his anger. "Onna, are you crazy? You could have drowned."

"I'm sorry." I laughed. "Did I scare you?"

When he saw me laughing, his anger disappeared. "Since you didn't drown yourself, I'll do it for you!" I went back underwater and swam away before he could grab me. When I resurfaced, he was gone. After a minute I began to worry. It was too dark to see him in the water.

"Tadashi?" I called. "Tadashi, this isn't funny." Not even I could stay under water for that long. Suddenly I felt myself being lifted in the air by my legs, and then thrown back into the water. After I resurfaced, he started the biggest splashing contest I had ever been in. We splashed each other until we were both out of breath. We called a truce and he moved toward me and wrapped his arms around my waist. We stayed there for a moment, lost in each others eyes until he began to swim for the shore, taking me with him. He held me close, as if I would run away if he didn't. I couldn't run away right now even if I wanted to. Once we were on dry land, we sat under a tree, Tadashi pulled me close. I relaxed against the warmth of his body. Although the air wasn't cold, the breeze sent a chill through my body. He flared his ki and provided me with more heat. The large flowers around us gave off an intoxicating fragrance. There were even a few lilies on the banks of the river. Everything seemed to be working together to make this night perfect.

"Illana, I brought you here for a reason." I listened quietly. "Ever since I saw you, I knew you were special. No other woman has ever made me feel the way I feel about you." He moved me to face him. "Illana, I love you." His words made my heart dance.

"I love you too, Tadashi." He held me so tightly, I thought he would crush me if he wasn't careful. But I didn't care. The tears I had been fighting back rolled down my face. I had never been in love with anyone until Tadashi.

After a few minutes, he spoke again. "There is something I want to do."

"What is it?"

Tadashi leaned down and kissed me, at first it was a soft, almost innocent kiss, but turned into one filled with passion. His hand roamed along the curves of my body and rested on my thigh. Leaning against the base of the tree, he pulled me over and straddled my body onto his own. Between my legs I could feel his now erect member pressing against me. He continued by kissing his way down my neck. My breathing became ragged as he traced a line up to my ear lobe with his tongue. My will was slowly crumbling with every kiss.

"I want you as my mate, Illana." He said huskily into my ear. He had told me before of the mating ritual and how important it was.

"Tadashi, I…" I couldn't finish. I was too over whelmed with emotion. My body was giving in to the sexual need I felt for Tadashi. I had already chosen to give in to him emotionally, and now my body was exploding with desire.

I gasped as Tadashi sunk his Saiyan fangs into my neck. The sensation he created was a mix of pain and pleasure, sending shivers up my spine. I moved the top of his damp shirt and did the same to him. My arousal heightened when I heard a low growl escaped his lips.

"Now we will be together in this life and all others." I whispered against his neck. I meant every word I said.

Trails of blood began to run onto our clothes. He repeated me, "In this life and all others, we will be together."