Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams Come True ❯ She has WHAT???????? ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE!! By; trunksvegetafrodo

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ> Don't Sue!

As Bulma floated off with Kami to talk. ChiChi decided to sit down and wait. Just as her feet were touching the ground, she turned to look for a rock to sit, when she saw Goku, Gohan, and Prince Vegeta heading her way. She watched Vegeta for a moment, noticing he couldn't take his eyes off of Bulma. Just as they reached her she knelt before vegeta just as Goku and Gohan had. He still hadn't looked at her, he was still looking at Bulma. He carelessly waved his hand for her to get up.

~I can't believe how beautiful she looks with that aqua tail. What I wouldn't do to kiss her and stroke that beautiful aqua tail.~mused Vegeta.

He just flew towards ChiChi, but he couldn't take his eyes off of his beautiful zira. He could sense she was kneeling and knew she was waiting for him to say something. He just couldn't take his eyes off of his woman. He waved his hand for Chi to stand up, not taking his eyes off Bulma. He finally turned and looked at ChiChi.

"What are they talking about," he growled he turned back to look at Bulma once again.


"Bulma, I want you to come with me to my lookout so I may train you to use your special human powers," at her confused look he went on to say, " close your eyes and clear your mind."

She closed her eyes, and he said "now focus on your power, do you feel the power not like Chi's, that is your special powers, that you were born with. They awakened when you became a full saiyan."

She opened her eyes and said, "let me tell Chi where I am going so she can tell....." but before she could finish he pointed and said "they may train in the Pendulum Room (episode #11-English version) while I help you train for what powers I know you have."

She looked toward Chi and saw the other three saiyans . She looked at Vegeta and noticed he was looking at her. Their eyes locked, for just a brief moment before she bowed to him as the others before her. He started to walk toward her.

~She has no need to bow to me, she is my soon to be mate. I am honored she would honor me with this, but it's not necessary.~

When he reached her, he stretched his hand out to help her up, when she clutched her head and screamed. The others heard her scream and ran toward her. They got to her just as she went unconcious and Vegeta caught her before she could hit the ground.

"What in the HFIL, have you done to her. If you've hurt her I'll kill you." snarled Vegeta.

Kami just shook his head and said," no I had nothing to do with that. She has had her first vision." At their dumbfounded looks he continued," When she has a vision it can be of the past or future, what ever happens in the vision she will feel. If there is happiness, than she will be happy. But if there is death, she will feel an excruiating pain and pass out. if you close your eyes and concentrate on her you will feel her powers that aren't saiyan powers."

They closed their eyes and did as he suggested, each one gasping as they felt the strange power within her.

"Where did she get these powers, Mr. Kami sir,"asked Gohan.

"She was born with them, they didn't awaken till your wish for her and ChiChi to be saiyans came true." he replied as he watched their shocked faces. but none were bas shocked as Vegeta.

"I asked her to come to my lookout to train these powers and I wsa going to let you four train in the Pendulum Room."

"We will be there tomorrow, I want the woman to rest," growled Vegeta. Just than she stirred, and looked up at Vegeta.

"Can you tell us about the vision, Bulma," asked Chi. She shook her head no she didn't remember it.

They decided to meet at Kakarotto's house in the morning before going to Kami's workshop. They told each other bye than headed their seperate ways. Bulma just snuggled into Vegeta's chest as he carried her home. When they reached Capsule Corps, he went to her balcony and stepped into her room. He laid her on the bed and started to walk off when she stopped him.

~Vegeta, don't go. Will you stay with me tonight?~ as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

~Hai, my zira, I will stay.~ as he climbed onto the bed beside her.

He hugged her to him and listened to the even breathing of her sleeping form. It was hypnotic and he found it was getting hard to keep his eyes open. He found himself battling sleep. Which he eventually lost.

~~~~~~~Bulma's dreams~~~~~~~~

She is in the saiyan throne room. Their is someone else there.

~Who is that man, why can't I see his face? His hair looks just like Vegeta's.~ He turns around ans she gasps.

Standing before her is King Vegeta, Prince Vegeta's father.

He looks at her and says," I'm waiting!"

She wakes up and sits up. She shivers from the intense look in his eyes. It was as if he could see into her soul. She could not understand what he meant when he looked at her and said I'm waiting. She layed back down and went back to sleep almost instantly.

(second dream) ~Why am I in the underground lab. This lab is only for emergencies. Why does this machine look so familiar.~ She looks over and realizes she looks about twenty years older. ~ Where am I. A young man walks in. "Hey mom, are you almosted finished with the time machine, or do you want me to help you?" She looks up and a anguished cry leaves her lips. ~This is the young man, who came to warn us about the Androids. Why did he call me mom.~ "Hey mom, you awake? Mom, what was my father like? Tell me about Vegeta. I wish I could have known him," he said wistfully. She unknowingly starts whimpering and crying in her sleep.

Vegeta is woken up when hears his woman start to cry. He sits up and notices she is still asleep. He genly shakes her and says," Zira, stop your crying you are giving me a headache and I would like to go back to sleep." She looks and him and apolgizes but she can't stop crying because in her dream she saw her beloved die to at the hands of the androids than she watched her son die by the same hands. Vegeta was so shocked, he grabbed her and sat her in his lap. He starts to rub her back and neck till she calms down. When she stops crying , he looks down to see she has fallen to sleep. He lays down and holds her to him. He waits to see if she is going to be alright than he goes back to sleep.

She awakes the next morning to find Vegeta still asleep. She gets up and tries her best not to awaken him. She takes a quick shower and dresses in a pair of aqua blue spandex shorts and a black spandex top. She quietly goes downstairs and goes to her lab. ~I'll just pick up those shorts and pants I finished last week, than I'll make breakfast.~ She down to her lab and picks a capsule off her work table. ~I'll bet they'll be surprised when they see what I've made.~ She quietly makes her way into the kitchen and starts to make breakfast. She makes six dozen eggs, twelve pounds of sausage, four pounds of ham, and four loaves of toast. Just as she turns to get Vegeta, she sees he is already at the table to eat. She grabs four gallons of orange juice and four gallons of milk. They sit and eat in silence. She looks up from her plate to see him staring a her. "What are you looking at Veggie?" she asks. "I was just thinking about how I like those colors on you, they make your hair and tail more blue, "he gruffly replied. She looks at him and realizes that he is wearing an aqua top and black spandex shorts. He says," what are you staring at woman." "I was just think how I love the way black looks on you," she giggles. They finish their breakfast in silence. She gets up to put the dishes in the dishwasher and turns telling him they would leave in just a few minutes. She wanted to call Chi before they left.

Bulma walks into the living room and picks up the phone. Vegeta stands in the doorway waiting for her to hurry. "Moshi Moshi Chi. Could you do me a favor." "Yeah Bulma, what do you want me to do," asks Chi. "Keep Goku occupied till we get there. I want to give him a little surprise. When you see us behind him tell him to go and get ready to go train." "I can do that. Will you tell me what you are going to do? " asks Chi. "You'll see," replies Bulma as she starts to giggle. They talk a few more minutes til Chi has to go so she can feed Goku and Gohan.

Bulma walks up to Vegeta tells him it's time to go. She grabs his arm and closes her eyes. She starts to concentrate on Goku and suddenly her and Vegeta appear behind him. Gohan looks up but Bulma signals for him to be quiet and winks at him. She looks at Chi. "Goku, if you are wanting to go and train you had better go and get ready before Bulma and Vegeta get here. You know how impatient Vegeta is. Now hurry. He gets up out of his chair and turns around to see Bulma and Vegeta standing in fron of him. *falls over anime style* "How did you get here so quick, weren't you just on the phone with Chi," he asked. Bulma tells him that she can use a form of instant transmission.

"I have something to show you all before we leave." Goku hurries upstairs and finishes getting ready. He comes back downstairs to find everyone outside waiting on him. Bulma pulls a capsule out of her pocket, clicks it and tosses it a few feet in front of her. A large chest appears and she walks over to it and opens it. They watched as she pulled out women's pants, shorts and skirts. Each of the men looked at each. Eachone thinking the same thing. ~I hope hope she's not wanting me to wear a dress!~

"These clothes will hide Chi's and mine tails till we are ready for everyone to see them. I have made you guys so training outfits." They all nod approvingly and decide to try the new outfits. Gohan and Goku go to his room, Vegeta goes to the bathroom and Chi and Bulma go to her bedroom so they can help each other hide thier tails. "Hey Chi, while we are alone I need to tell you something" "Okay, shoot" "I wish that Vegeta would go ahead and intiate the rites of mating. You know I can't perform the mating dance till he strokes my tail with his and entwines them together. I hope Goku remembers that he can't start without the permission of Vegeta. I just wonder how the cermoney goes. The males know how the mating cermoney goes but they don't know what the dance is. I wonder why that is?" "I'm not sure but I hope me and Goku get to do it soon."

*Meanwhile* Goku gets on one knee before Vegeta. "My taj, I am asking permission to initiate the mating ceremony with Chi Chi." Vegeta looks down at Goku and says," I will grant you permission after me and Bulma have performed the mating ceremony." Goku looks up at Vegeta with a silly grin on his face. He rises just as the women are coming out to of the house to leave. They notice that Goku, Gohan and ChiChi have the same colors on. Vegeta and Bulma have the same colors on.

"Chi put you arm thru mine and I'll touch Gohan's head than we can all three Instant Transmission to Kami's Lookout. Bulma if you can Instant Transmission you and Vegeta there will meet there in a few minutes. Is this okay with everyone." Everyone but Vegeta shook their head in agreement, he just hmphed and walked towards his future Queen.

They had just arrived on Kammi's Lookout , when he came out. "I was wondering if you were still going to come today or not." He looked at Mr. Popo and smiled. Mr. Popo got up from working on his flowers and said "If you four will follow me, I will take you to the Pendulum Room.

"Bulma are you ready to begin your training, or would you rather tell me about your vision before we start." She was shocked that he knew she was going to tell him. She nodded her head and preceded to tell him about her vision. He was shocked to find out she had seen Vegeta die trying to save her and that it would be soon. He could tell she was upset and he walked to her and told her,"the vision is of a future that can be changed. He doesn't have to die. When the time comes you will know what has to be done. Does that make you feel better?" She looked up at him. Smiled and shook her head yes. "Fine than lets get started with your training." He taught her that she can control the elements and how she can control the weather. He taught her of the many beasts and creatures she could call upon in a battle to help fight.

*Meanwhile* In the Pendulum Room, the other saiyans were expecting to be fighting androids. But they weren't they were fighting other saiyans and creatures like Frieza. "Kakarotto, I thought we were supposed to be fighting our next enemy. Isn't our next enemy the Androids," snarled Vegeta. Goku shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, he was going to ask Mr. Popo about this when they got out. They were having the battle of their lives and were having a hard time beating their foes.

*Sometime later, outside the Pendulum Room* Bulma trained for hours. As she was walking off to go and take a nap, she turrns and looks at Kami. "WHy haven't you taught me about all of my powers yet?" she asks. "I do not know what all of your powers are, " he replies. She walks into a small room and lays on the single twin bed. She falls asleep almost instantly. ~Why am I in the throne room again.~ She looks around and sees the King again. He turn to her and says, "I'm waiting!" She awoke with a jolt and realized what she had to do. She stood up and concetrated on King Vegeta. Their was a blinding light and suddenly she was in the Saiyan Throne Room. She turns and sees he still has his back to her.

"I knew you were coming daughter. I have been waiting for you. I know why you have come." He turns to face her. He has the royal Vegeta-sai pendant in his hands. He hands the pendant to her. "How did you know I was coming," asked Bulma. He looks at her with sorrow and hope in his eyes. "I have dreamed of you and you always say "I'm coming, you know what I want." "Why have you given this to me?" "My son, if he is still alive, will need this amulet to become King. I only regret, I do not know if he is still alive or not." She could hear the sorow and pain laced thru his voice and see the pain and worry etched on his face. She walked to him. "Close your eyes, I will show you the man your son has become." He closed his eyes and Bulma place her small hand on his arm and closed her eyes. She flashed her best memories of Vegeta to his father's mind. She let him see the good man he was becoming and the man he used to be. She took her hand of his arm and he opened his eyes. Tears streaming down his face. "Thank you daughter, you have just made the sacrifice I am going to make worth something other than my death. It will also mean a new life for my son. I must get ready to leave. It was nice to meet you." "I must go also, but we will meet again, my taj." with that said she got on one knee, put her fisted hand to her heart and bowed her head. She stood up and waved at the King then disappeared. He looked to where she had once been standing and thought~I hope we do meet again daughter. I hope we do.~

Back in her own time, Bulma transmissioned her self to her bedroom and hid the amulet in a safe behind her headboard. She went back to Kami's lookout. She walked towards Kami and he said, "did you get the amulet from King Vegeta?" She looked at him dumbfounded and asked how he knew. He just shook his head and told her the others were getting ready to come out the Pendulum Room. They walked towards the door, just in time to watch them come out. They could barely walk and looked like they had the shit beaten out of them. Bulma pulled out her capsules and clicked four capsules open. Her and Mr. Popo put the four saiyans in rejuvination tanks.

She decided to train some more before the others came out of the tanks. She knew it would only be a couple of hours before Goku and Vegeta were out. It would be a little longer for Gohan and may take all night for Chi. So she came up with ways to call upon different elements and combine them with ki balls. When combined with her ki balls the elements took shape. Ice would form into a rose , so she called it the "Petal storm" because when thrown at an opponant it rained ice petals on them as the ki ball their chest. Fire would form a ring around the ball so she called it the "Fireworm" the ki ball and fire will surround the enemy and the fire will snake around them,holding them immobile,till the ki ball explodes with them inside it. Lightning will combine with her ki ball to form a bird. It will fly to the opponet and electrify them as the ki hits them. When earth and rocks are combined with her ki balls they form a small twister that hits the opponent. When it hits the opponent they are thrown in the air and tossed about in the twister till the ki ball explodes. She decided to call this move"Twist of Fate." She was just finishing her cool down exercises, when Goku's and Vegeta's tanks started to beep. She walked towards the tanks, letting Vegeta than Goku out. Goku walked to the tanks that held his wife and son. He placed his hand on the glass of his son's tank and his forhead on the tank of his wife. He knew it would be awhile before they would becoming out of the tanks.

Mr. Popo comes to stand beside Vegeta and Bulma telling them that he has made something to eat. Everyone turned to see if Goku had gotten up but he just sat there. Bulma walked to him and asked if he wanted her to bring him something to eat. He shook his head no and said he wsn't hungry. (everyone falls over anime style) "Goku it's not like you to pass up food, you must really be worried about them. They'll be fine. I'll bring you something to eat in a little while."

Kami joins the Saiyan prince and his princess at the table. "What in the HFIL happened in that room. Why did we face opponents that were saiyan and ice-jin. I thought according to Kakarrot we were supposed to face enemies like the androids." I don't know maybe the androids aren't your next enemy. I will have to look into this further." He got up and started to walk out of the room when he looked at Bulma. His look told her she knew who the next enemy was going to be. The look didn't get passed Vegeta. As soon as Kami was gone he said, "What the HFIL was that about?" She looked at him "he told me about what powers I had to you want to come and see what some of them are." He shook his head yes.

They walked outside and she started showing him the moves she could do by combining the elements with a ki ball. He watched stunned and couldn't believe the power of the attacks. Just as she was starting to cool down the two tanks started to beep. They hurried over to see Goku helping Chi out of her tank. Bulma went ahead and let Gohan out of his tank. She recapuslated the tanks and stuck them in her pocket as she was pulling her hand out she felt a piece of paper and opened it up. She looked at the paer and remembered she had to go to the grocery store. She looked at Chi and asked if she wanted to go to the grocery store with her. Chi shook her head and asked why. "I'm throwing that party for all of the Z-fighters tomorrow to give them a break or did you forget." Chi shook her head yes she had forgotten all of that. "why don't you three come and stay at Capule Corps. tonight. My parents won't be back for another 6 months. They've gone on another trip around the world." Chi agreed. They decided to go and start getting everything ready for the party. They told Kami and Mr. Popo good bye and instant transmissioned to Goku's house.

"Goku, you and Gohan hurry and pack some clothes we are going to stay with Bulma for a few days. Don't forget to pack your school books, Gohan," yelled Chi. As soon as her and Bulma walked into the kitchen leaving Vegeta standing outside. "Chi, when we get back to my place I want Goku to come into the kitchen I need to talk to you both." Chi shook her head yes.

Just as the three guys were coming into the kitchen Bulma raised her arms and started chanting in a foreign language. Her body started to glow, but just as soon as it started it quit. The others looked at her quizzically, "what did you do Bulma," asks Gohan. "I put a spell on all of your food cabinets, pantrys, fridge and freezer. That they will never run out of food, so you will never have to got to the store again." Goku started to jump around like a kid on Christmas when he ran to the fridge and starting eating everything in it. When it was empty he looked at Bulma and said "when will it fill up again?" "when you shut the fridge it will automatically fill back up." "Oh, I didn't think of that," he replied giving everyone his sheepish grin and hand behind the head look. Everyone just fell over anime style.

They got up and instant transmissioned to Capsule Corps. Bulma performed the spell on the kitchen and looked towards the three saiyan males. "Why don't you two go put your things in your usual guest rooms than you three go spar before dinner." She gave Vegeta a look that said don't argue with me. He just hmphed and walked out the door. Goku and Gohan flew upstairs and were on their way out the door when Chi yelled for Goku to come into the kitchen. He walked in with his head down.

"I know about Trunks," Goku's head shot up and he was about to ask how when she finished with. " I dreamed about him, Vegeta will know who he is when we mate." "But that isn't why I wanted you in here. At four in the morining I need for you to find Vegeta and I and bring us home. I can't tell you more just trust me, Chi that is where you come in you'll need to remind him to come and get us." They both shook their head yes and Goku looked anxiously from the girls to outside. Bulma saw thisand told him to go ahead and go train, we'll call you when dinner is done.

The girls made enough food to feed one hundred armies. They ate all of the food and jusst as they were getting ready to go in the living room to watch a little tv, Vegeta stopped them. "I want you all to know I want Bulma Briefs to be my lifemate," with that said his tail wrapped its self around her tail and started to tug her towards him. Goku and Chi were overjoyed that Vegeta had declared his intentions because that meant they could intiate their ceremony even sooner. Don't get them wrong they were happy for Bulma and Vegeta, they were just anxious to mate. They all decided to go to bed and get up early in the morning and get everything ready for the party.

Vegeta made his way to the bed and laid down. "I'll be just one min, don't go to sleep." She walked into the bathroom to get ready and decided to wear the black nightgown she had hanging on the bathroom door. She put on the nightgown and a little cologne she knew Vegeta liked and started to hum a tune she didn't kow what it was but it had a sensual beat and sound. She walked into the bedroom to see Vegeta hanging halfway off the bed with a needle sticking out of his neck. She started to run toward him when she felt a prick in her neck and everything started to go black. The last thing she heard and felt before she passed out was someone laughing and being picked up off the floor and flying.

If I get enough reviews I'll upload the next chapter. Till than enjoy!!