Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When I need You ❯ For the both of us ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

For the both of us

Disclaimer: I don’t own Dragonball z, neither am I making any profit from this work.

It never stopped; it just never seemed to stop.  The endless piles of papers…the constant meetings with money obsessed executives…the pain in her fine ass reporters…it never stopped!  Her new life consisted solely of three things- working, sleeping, and eating; that was it!  There was nothing else.

Or at least that is what Bulma had thought as she walked through the people filled halls of her family business. It had been over a month since the Z fighters had sent the Namik population to their new home and brought back their fallen dead; except for one. Goku, he hadn’t returned. Not because he had already been brought back to life by the Dragonballs, the Namik dragon didn’t care how many times someone asked for one wish. No, Goku had not been brought back simply because he was not dead and didn’t want to come back. However, why he wouldn’t return to them she did not now.

And that was one of the reasons that despite walking through such a crowed hall, the multimillionaires felt so alone. She hadn’t seen any of her friends since the day they last tried to bring back Goku, even her childhood sweetheart Yamcha had failed to make an appearance; although Bulma would have been surprised if he had. Their relationship had been going through trouble for at least two months and after the last failed attempt to bring back Goku, they had gotten into a big fight after Yamcha had accused her of being in love with Goku because she’d been so miserable and in her anger she had promptly dumped his ass. Even her parents had left her, after handing over the family business to her the married couple went on a three month honeymoon cruise to try and rekindle the flame in their marriage.

Walking into her office before slamming the door closed angrily behind her, the young woman then gazed down at the place where she now spent almost all of her time.  The desk where the problems of an international business gathered so she could hear them scream at her from all directions, almost as if her slender young shoulders held up the inter Capsule corporation upon them.

Nearly collapsing into the large leather chair beside her desk, Bulma slumped down before leaning back; an air vent was directly over the desk and allowed the cool air to wash over her. The feel of the cool air against her heated skin kept the beauty lent back as she opened her desk and thumbed through her appointment schedule for tomorrow.  ‘Nothing but meetings, meetings, and more fucking meetings’ the beauty thought as she angrily closed the book with a thud.

She had been so lonely. It felt as if not only the company but the whole world had had its eyes on her every day since she had inherited the corporation, and yet she was lonely.  Her life buzzed with so much activity that she really had an hour to her self, yet she had no life.  It was true; she was a twenty-five year old millionaire who had no life and what she did have was now concentrated on her work and business.

Hours later, as she sat there, her fingers scribbling over paper after paper as she filled out the piles of contracts, Bulma found herself wondering if she would ever once again be allowed to do what she pleased and desired.  Would she ever be able to settle down with a nice, young man and just be happy for the rest of her days without the fear that he may suddenly be robbed of her like Yamcha had?

At that thought, her tired sea blue eyes looked up from the seeming endless pile of paper and across her mahogany desk towards the pictures that were scattered across the mahogany surface-pictures of her friends. Quickly, her gaze fixed on her most prized picture, a medium sized photo in a wooden frame of Gohan and Chichi Son.

‘Gohan’ reaching over, unknowingly the women began to affectionately run the pad of her thumb over the photos cheek; how she longed to see the boy again. When she thought about it to her self later on Bulma realised that the reason her relationship with that asshole Yamcha had not worked out was not because they couldn’t trust each other but because of Gohan. Although the boy hadn’t done anything, or at least not while Yamcha had been alive; Bulma realised that if she continued seeing Yamcha then there would be no chance of a repeat performance of what happened between her and the boy on Namik.

It was strange but ever since that night the two shared on the ship to Namik, even the slightest sight of Gohan set her nerves ablaze and then that second time on Goku’s ship; well that just sealed the deal.

Bulma couldn’t understand why she felt the way she did towards the kid, it wasn’t like he’d been the only great lover in her life; true he was the best fuck she’d ever had and considering his age that was saying a lot . But still it did not explain why even a single thought of the boy would drive her wild. Why even the idea of those powerful legs covered by a set of tight black trousers and his arms and torso by a damp white shirt that revealed all of his…

Quickly waking from her daze, Bulma mentally scolded herself; when they had all arrived back on earth she had promised her self that she would never use Gohan like that again. But just because she had said it and knew that if nothing else it was morally wrong; it didn’t make her body want him even less.

Looking up from the picture and back towards the great pile of paper, Bulma sighed dejectedly as she thought it was going to be another long day before she rested her head on the hard wood. With the feel of her long soft hair keeping her comfortable as she rested her head on the blue cushion and in her self-depressed and bored state; Bulma Briefs quickly fell into a deep sleep.

………………………&# 8230;….

Letting out a groan of displeasure, Bulma began to slowly awake. Realizing that she’d fallen asleep on her desk, the woman lent back and stretched her arms over her head; trying to rid her body of its soreness and stiffness. Looking down at the watch on her wrist, she almost fell back off her seat at the sight of the time. It was 8 o’clock at night.

However the women had to suddenly clasp her hand to the base of her slender neck as a bolt of pain hit her and her neck hurt like hell from where she had been resting her head on the hard wood and using it as a pillow.  Rotating her neck to work out all the kinks before looking down at the mess of paper she had knocked across the desk in her sleep; ‘Well I can sort that out in the morning’ She thought before leaving the office.

Letting her feet guide her, Bulma took quick steps as she walked the familiar path towards the labs though the empty hallways. She loved to work with machines, even at two in the morning after a long day of meeting after meeting it was not unusual for Bulma to find herself in her privet lab; working on a broken capsule corp. product. It was so simple and enjoyable to fix the cold, metallic heart of a broken machine; it filled her with some strange comfort and made her feel as if her useless life had a point.

For an hour she sat their, machine after machine passing through her hands as she was filled with a strange sense of joy that kept her going, never trying until at nine o’clock when she felt more energetic than she had in months. Stretching her arms over her head to unravel the last of the kinks that had worked up inside her before deciding to go and get a meal to appease her grumbling stomach. However, just as she got up from her work bench, she heard the loud, shrill sound of her doorbell.

‘Who could that be at this time of night?’ the blue haired genius wondered as she walked across the lab to a small television in the lab’s wall. Turning the screen onto the security camera, Bulma almost feel back as she saw who was standing out side her house at 9 o’clock at night. Not bothering to wonder why the boy was standing out side her door in the middle of the night, she quickly hurried down the flights of stairs to the entrance hall of the building and to the front door.

Grasping the knob of the door in her hand, she almost pulled the barrier off its hinges in her rush to open it, and their standing on her door step was the boy who’d been filtering himself into almost every dream and fantasy she’d had. Gohan stood their, his body shaking from the freezing cold night air and Bulma couldn’t believe it, he looked so different; she had never seen the hybrid like this before. His skin had lost a lot of its colour and was now very pale and his eyes had lost of that sparkle of youthfulness and instead, all Bulma saw was the tired and worn body of a seven year old boy who bore a resemblance to her friend’s son.

As Gohan looked up so that his and Bulma’s eyes met, the two just stood their silently as the loud howls of the cold night wind filled their ears. Gohan could only stare up at Bulma; it had been too long since he last saw her that even the faintest intakes of her sweet sent made him forget his problems. And though she looked as beautiful as ever, there was something different about her that the boy just couldn’t place it.

Snapping out of her daze, Bulma quickly greeted her guest. “Gohan, it’s so nice to see you, please come in.” before stepping aside; allowing the boy to come in to the warmth.

Snapping out of his daze, Gohan quickly stepped into the building and enjoying the feel of the warm air against his cold skin. Bulma watched as the hybrid came in, even with the addition of her business heels that she wore to work; Gohan seemed to have grown taller and now he came up to her breast level. She couldn’t believe that he was here. Deciding she should play the role of good hostess, before even considering asking him a question she led him towards the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen, Bulma told the boy to sit down at the kitchen table while she began making them some tea. “So what you brings you round here at this time of night Kid?” she asked while trying to ignore the very hot feeling that washed over her as she placed the mug of steaming tea infront of him.

A long moment passed in silence before Gohan tentatively reached out and took the steaming mug in his hands, ignoring the burning sensation that shot through his hands from contact with the hot surface; he brought the mug to his thin lips and blew in the steaming liquid before sipping it gently; being careful not to burn his throat as he drank. Swallowing the liquid, Gohan took a few seconds to get use to the feeling of heat flowing through his body again before answering her question. “It’s mum, ever since dad refused to come home when we used the Dragonballs, she’s spent most of her time crying and wanting to be on her own; I just didn’t know where else to go I hope it’s okay?”

The tea in her cup steamed pleasantly up at Bulma as she hovered close to it at the table, just barly hearing the boy as she feasted her hungry eyes on the boy she had not seen in a month while her mind ran wild. Envisioning her form squirming beneath him on the kitchen floor as he penetrated her, him throwing her on the table and fucking her in the ass from behind, Gohan lying on the floor as she rode his cock, his powerful hands gripping her thighs as her cunt kept swallowing his massive girth again and again before getting off and crouching down between his legs, her soft, warm hand working up and down his shaft while she gently licked at the tip before consuming him. Her deep blue eyes never leaving his as she bobbed her head up and down on him before taking her lips off him as her hand kept up the pace of its thrusts; watching as he arched his back before his sticky, white cum exploded onto her face…

“Bulma are you ok?” At the sound of Gohan’s voice, Bulma quickly snapped out of her fantasy and saw that the boy was watching her, a confused and slightly worried expression on his face. Giving him an apologetic smile, she quickly said “Sorry Gohan got lost there for a moment but sure it’s no problem stay as long as you want.” ‘Particularly in my master bedroom with me on top of you’ the genus thought before she could stop herself. Trying to hide the blush that was rapidly spreading across her checks from her recent thoughts; she took a quick sip of her tea while trying to ignore the lack of difference between the temperature of her drink and the heat washing over her body.

For the next twenty minutes the two sat their, making small attempts of conversation as they drank but Bulma somehow found it difficult to keep the talk going as her mind kept drifting away from the topic and onto something that while she wouldn’t mind doing it; she wasn’t sure if she would be able to take the guilt of using him just to relieve her building sexual desire. However, it seemed her silent prayers were about to be answered because as they sat their, the Hybrid suddenly exclaimed “I don’t know how much more I can take Bulma”

Bulma could only blink, trying to not chook on her tea from the surprise of the boy’s outburst while trying to think of something to say “You…you can’t take what Gohan?”

The former space traveller’s eyes looked solemn and down trodden as he looked down, gazing down at the trickles dark liquid that reamed of his tea as he said “It’s just… ever since dad left, Mum’s been different. It’s almost as if she’s lost the heart to do anything more and can barly bring herself to wake up in the morning, I now I should try and comfort her and I’ve tried Bulma; I’ve really tried but I just don’t now if I can take it anymore.”

Bulma was speechless, she had known Chichi for years and would never have thought that that could take on an entire army with just her frying pan could get so depressed; royally pissed off with out question but never depressed. Looking across the table at Gohan, the genius know that this was the last thing that Gohan could have ever need and she had to wonder what Chichi had been thinking; this wasn’t the first time Goku had been gone awhile and Chichi had done alright after the initial shock so why now? As she watched the hybrid, her blue darkening as her eyes scanned over his profile when she suddenly had an idea on how to help her past lover.

………………………&# 8230;…

Gohan sighed dejectedly as he downed the last of his tea; it had been over an hour since Bulma had opened her door to him and he had to admit that it had probably been one of the best but worst hours of his life. While he had been at home, the past month had been hell for the seven year old so just to be away from his mother’s loud cries throughout the night was a blessing onto his ears. However...

"Would you like some Gohan?"

Gulping nervously, Gohan looked up before his eyes were suddenly fixed on the image before him. Sitting mere inches across from him as she lent forward, Bulma was offering him half a spoon full of Vanilla ice cream, the same spoon of ice cream that mere moments ago had had those full red kissable lips wrapped around it. Yes Bulma was the reason that he despised the last hour so much. It wasn’t that he disliked Bulma’s company, quite the contrary. No it was just the very sent of the woman would flood his mind with vivid memories.

They had never spoken of the two occasions on Planet Namik, partly because the last time that they were alone together was hardly the time to talk about an impossible relationship as he was just about to go and fight the late space tyrant Frieza after he felt his father’s Ki suddenly vanish and every other time they had been together, they were surrounded by friends. But most importantly because Gohan had known Bulma had been in love with Yamcha; Gohan could not have been able to stand it if he thought he was the cause of their break up.

Unsure of how much control he had over himself, Gohan was preparing to decline as respectfully as he could until the sent of the snack filled him; temporarily forgetting all else as he breathed in the ice creams deliciously sweet essence mixed with the slightly metallic but nether the less natural sent of the beauty sitting opposite him. Combine that with his growing Sayain hunger and the fact that she was holding the spoon so that it was merely centimeters from his watering mouth, and with the very inviting and innocently seductive look on Bulma’s face. Finding himself no longer able to resist, Gohan’s mouth opened to admit the spoon and as his lips closed around it, their gazes locked and as his tongue began to attack the desert; Gohan realised that Bulma had not only been offering him a spoon of ice cream but also her flavor.

As the hybrid’s tongue curled around the ice cream, the sweet taste of the pudding filled his senses and along with it something else, that he was sure was Bulma’s taste, it was a sharper taste than the sweet vanilla. However before, Gohan could distinguish the taste more Bulma took the spoon back, from his mouth to hers, to catch what he had missed. The feel of the cold sweet sent a shiver down the boy’s spine and what remained of his drink became far too appealing. Except part of him didn't want to drink it, fore fear he might forget the taste of the beauty.

Soon Gohan found himself gazing at Bulma with full-fledged desire glinting in his dark eyes as he watched her pluck a juicy, red strawberry from a bowl, and dip it into the vanilla ice cream. She lifted the berry up to glistening, full, red lips of hers, before running it back and forth in a thinking motion, before popping it into her mouth. She gave a small moan of satisfaction before slipping the tip of her tongue out to sweep the bead of juice that had gathered on her bottom lip into her damp orifice.

“So Gohan” the beauty suddenly asked, making the boy suddenly jump in surprise “Have you decided what you’re going to tell your mother about being out so late at night?” For almost a minute, Gohan could only stare at her; unable to respond as he was entranced by how innocent she looked at that moment. With her long blue hair in its most recent style of hanging lose, stray threads of her curly locks fell to her face before resting on the curve of her cheek. And as she moved to stroke back the cursed thread of hair out of her sapphire eyes, her white business shirt that she wore to work stretched across her large, firm breasts, making it obvious to the hybrid that she wasn’t wearing a bra by the way rosy nipples pressed against the material. It was sheer torture for the boy to just watch the display, the very sight of those full breasts through the thin material of her shirt made him want to throw her on the table and fuck her like the animal inside him demanded; not to mention his lose pants were getting tighter and tighter.

“Well I was wondering if I could… if I could spend the night here and go home in the morning but if that’s a prob…” He replied as he woke from his trail of thought.

“No it’s ok Gohan, with my parents away I get kind of lonely in this big house all on my own and I have a lot of spare rooms.” As she finished, Bulma stood up from her chair and slowly made her way round the table to sit beside the boy. Gohan could only sigh when he felt her make her way around, the warm heat from her body warming him to almost boiling point as her face was now inches away from his and yet she was still too far away.

Moving slowly, the beauty whispered “But I would much prefer it if…” as she straddled the boys’ waist, Gohan could only look at Bulma questionably as her pink tongue darted out, slicking her lips “you spent it with me”. His darkened eyes widened in shock before her arms wrapped around his neck and her rosy lips crashed against his.

The kiss was frantic and urgent, and Gohan was in sudden shock. Bulma was kissing him. That couldn’t be right; this can’t be happening and in a few seconds he was going to snap out of an extremely graphic and enjoyable dream. However it didn’t and soon Gohan found himself kissing the gorgeous sex goddess, devouring her soft lips with his own, the spiky haired boy eagerly cupped the firm mounds of her ass with his palms through the thin material of the very short mini skirt; pushing her enticing form closer to his. Smiling against his thin lips as she sensed his change of attitude, Bulma moved her hands up from his neck to behind his head, her fingers tangling into his dark hair as her lips parted letting her urgent tongue press against him.

However as he felt that skilled tongue toy with his lips, something changed in him and the boy pressed back becoming as hot and demanding as the woman straddling him. The kiss became a savage battle for control, bruising her lips and causing the small embers of lust inside of Gohan’s body to ignite into a blazing wildfire.

Bulma held onto Gohan as their tongues duelled, her legs wrapped around the boy’s back as they battled for dominance. Untangling one of her hands from the mane of his black hair, she began tugging at his dark gi top; trying to destroy the annoying barrier between her and his flesh. At the same time however one of Gohan’s hands released it grip on her ass check and crept out from under her skirt and slowly began to undo her shirt buttons before slipping it from his shoulders.

Bulma suddenly broke the kiss as she arched her back and through her head back as a grunt of surprise and pleasure echoed around the room as she felt him cup one of her large breast, his palm massaging her sensitive skin while his thumb and finger toyed with her nipple; squeezing and rubbing the rosy bud. While at the same time his other hand travelled to her inner thighs, causing a loud moan to escape her lips as one of his fingers began started tease her by sliding up and down her aroused womanhood through the silky material of her underwear which was now soaked in the flow of her wetness. Her dark sapphire eyes closed and her bloody red lips parted exhaling long, hot puffs of air, as she felt his fingers continually pressing on her heated core. While this did make her very excited, she didn’t want him to have all the control this time round.

Gohan could only give her a confused and angry look as he suddenly felt her pushing him away from her and back into his seat. Seeing the look he was giving her, Bulma suddenly flashed him a seductive smile before she lent down and planted a fiery trail of kisses to his ear before whispering “Now behave yourself Gohan, every time we’ve fucked you were dominant; I think it’s time I showed you what a little hell cat I can be.”

Looking up her as she pulled away, Gohan smiled as he took in her flushed cheeks, her moistened lips, her hardened nipples, the lustful flames burning inside her captivating blue eyes and even the hot puffs of air that left those full lips of hers as panted due to his ministrations. Deciding to let her have her wish, Gohan thought against his sayain urges until he became lost in her touch as he felt her begin to trail kisses along his jaw line and down his neck to the exposed godly abs of his chest.

As her kisses went down his hard chest, her fingers slid down his arms to his sides where she began pulling at his top again before deciding to just tear the blasted gi with her nails. Throwing the tattered cloth in the direction of the bin, she reached for a couple of strawberries and crushed them in her hand before dripping the contents of the juice over his hard chest and stomach. Gohan couldn’t help but hiss slightly at the feel of the cold liquid on his skin and pulled away slightly. Bulma grinned devilishly and swirled her tongue around the sweet juice, sliding along his hard abs, his stomach and sides. As she kissed down his abdomen, her free hand reached down and massaged the bulge that had formed in his pants; causing his hips to buck slightly into her hand as she did so.

Smiling at his reaction to her touch, the beauty pulled the pants down his legs and exposing his erect manhood to her greedy eyes as it stood at attention. It seemed the year they had spent apart did a little more than increase Gohan’s height, his cock was at least an inch and a half longer and an inch thicker; standing now at about ten and a half inches. ‘Kami, how large will he be when grown up?’

Gohan let out a sigh as he felt Bulma’s delicate fingers on his aching manhood; his strong hands quickly gripped the chair’s arm rests as her thumb lightly pressed on the sensitive tip while her hand started to stoke him slowly from the base to the head making him buck his hips into her hand. Gohan could only gasp at the feeling of the intoxicating sensations shooting throughout his body due to the vixen’s amazing touch.

Looking down, Gohan watched as the blue haired goddess settled down between his legs, staring up at him seductively as her skilled hand worked its magic. His dark eyes suddenly went wide as he watched her lean down, the feel of her warm breath drawing nearer to his skin sending shivers down his spine until…

“Bulma…oh Kami!” the boy suddenly moaned as he felt her flick her tongue out, wrapping it around the velvety head of his cock as she sucked it gently. Releasing the tip of his manhood from her mouth, Bulma began to run her tongue down his shaft, causing nearly inaudible groans to pass through his lips as his flesh quivered beneath her touch; tracing the same line back up before wrapping her lips around his tip again.

Bulma was kissing and licking his length, the feel of her lips against his skin made the boy feel as if the tip of his member was going to burst any minute when suddenly she stopped the movement of her hand and placing them both on his inner thighs. Relaxing her throat, Bulma began slowly sliding her mouth down around him, taking as much of his dick as she possibly could.

He almost ripped the arms right off the chair as he felt her mouth begin to squeeze his cock as she slid up and down on him; her tongue licking the sensitive underside of Gohan’s cock. Occasionally her mouth released him before teasingly licking under the head and every time she did this; she could feel his entire body stiffen.

Smiling as she heard him moan her name, Bulma slipped one of her fingers inside her mouth, greasing it with her saliva.  She then pulled the finger from her mouth and tucking a bent arm under her she gently began to slide the wet finger up inside of Gohan's anus.

"What the hell?" Gohan thought once he felt the unusual filling of her finger slipping inside of him but once it was deep inside she hooked the end of it back and forth inching higher until she found her desired destination.  She wiggled the tip of her finger against the boy's prostate.  Bulma knew how shameful this position was, she was on her knees pleasuring a boy with her mouth wrapped around his monster of a cock and her finger up his ass. That’s what she found so erotic about it, how wrong it was, that if it became known her family business and reputation would be ruined; but she just couldn’t get enough of him.

“Does your cock feel good in my mouth?” She asked in a sultry voice.

“Oh Kami, Bulma… more…more” Gohan’s voice spoke between moans, smiling to herself at knowing that he was close; Bulma began to thrust her finger inside the boy as she put her lips at the head of his throbbing manhood. As he felt her moan again, the vibrations sent along his cock drove him crazy, pressing the boy even closer to the edge. Her mouth feels so good on him. . . White-knuckled hands clutched the arm rests of the seat as she bobbed her head up and down on the hybrid’s manhood.

Gohan’s mouth suddenly drops open as a series of moans and cries escape him as she pulls back, her tongue circling around the head of his cock and squeezing it tightly before taking all of my length into her mouth once more. She moans one last time as her finger drove deeper inside him, driving him over the edge. Lights dance behind his eyelids as before he can release he watches Bulma pull away and an explosion of liquid covers her body. The hybrid could only pant heavily, his body covered with sweat, and the wave of adrenaline that the incredible orgasm had brought in his blood was making him tremble slightly.

Bulma could only just kneel their as the boy came all over her, there were at least three more strands of cum before Gohan finally came down from his orgasm. Still keeping her eyes locked with his, she gave him a seductive smile before cupping her large tits and lifted them up to her mouth in order for a little 'clean-up'. Gohan could only watch on in amazement and lust as she immediately flicked out her pink tongue over her pert rosy nipples and lick them clean, her sapphire eyes full of life as she looked up at the hybrid and winked.

As she finished cleaning her breasts, Bulma stood up and straddled Gohan’s waist, positioning her moist pussy over his large cock before easing herself down onto his shaft and slowly she began to ride it; starting with a slow down motion. It had been a long time since she had been with a man and much longer since she had had something this large inside her so she needed to get used to the incredible feeling of it again. she could feel the cock go deeper into her as she lowered herself, the feeling was immense, and she almost climaxed just from being filled.

Looking up as he felt the warmth of her pussy surrounding his dick, Gohan watched as Bulma’s dark blue eyes narrowed in a dreamy gaze and her ruby red lips parted as she moaned softly. She moved slowly at first, grinding their hips together in small circles. Never had she felt so proud, so dominating when it came to having her way with him. However, the boy surprised her when suddenly he bent his knees, pushing her up slightly before slide down his shaft; embedding her deeper within her hot cavern.

Catching her breath from the sudden wash over pleasure that had hit her from his sudden movement but she gained the upper hand again when she quickly stopped moving. “Ah, ah Gohan, I told you I want to be in control of this fuck for now. I will let you have your turn eventually.” She whispered into his ear before leaning down and playfully biting his nipples while tracing her nails lightly up and down his hard abs.

As she began moving her hips faster, the genius tossed her head back as her soft moans turned into wanton cries. No longer able to resist, Gohan grabbed onto her hips, not enough for him to take over but for him to be able to ‘supervise’ her progress as he thrust his pelvis up into hers. Bulma could only gasp in surprise as she felt his thick manhood filling her tight canal, she could also hear a groan coming from the boy beneath her as he thrust into her forcing himself a little deeper inside her slippery channel and making a moan escaped her crimson lips.

"Damn it Bad Gohan," Bulma managed to choke between moans, digging her nails into his chest as she sat up completely astride him. She coiled her legs beneath her, and lifted with her thigh and hip muscles, rising and falling in an instinctual steady rhythm on his body. However Gohan couldn’t stop himself as he matched her thrust for thrust, timing himself to catch her on the down stroke.

Loud moans and cries are now easily and quickly flowing from the blue haired genius as she rode the boy beneath her who was emitting grunts and short moans of pleasure himself. “Mmm…Gohan, oh fuck yes!!! Gohan” she managed to cry as she impaled herself on his cock once more. She could feel the building pressure in her abdomen, and knew she was close to climax. Her whole body was flushed, all her energy and concentration was on the task at hand. And soon her motions involved her whole body. As she movedup and down on his cock, no part of her body remained stationary.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!” Bulma moaned as she crashed down on the boy’s cock.

Her strides were now an upwards glide than a crashing down slam, all gentleness was gone and the sex tiger inside of the millenaries had re-emerged with a vengeance. As he watched her, Gohan could see the orgasmic expression on Bulma’s face and his sayain mind absolutely loved it, being able to turn the respectable woman he had known since he was four into a sex beast was better than his mother’s cooking.

“Oh FUCK!” She screamed ramming herself down onto the hybrid; all control over herself lost and once again only sex mattered to the heiress. Her motions became wilder as did her screams and the hybrid loved every second of it.

Bulma came down harder and harder each time, pounding onto him as if she thought the boy were just a toy for her pleasure; which was also her sentiment at the time. Gohan was her perfect little sex toy but then she was also his. Leaning over, she almost pressed her breasts to his face so that he could suck on them. Getting the idea, Gohan lent up and took one of her rosy buds in his mouth, making her gasp as a shiver of pleasure ran through her on top of the feeling of his shaft plunging inside her. Arching her back to give him more access to her breast, Bulma gripped the chair tightly as she felt Gohan’s hips begin to lift of the seat as she fall onto him; impaling her deeper and deeper with his stiff manhood.

“Oh my Kami! Oh my Kami! Oh my Kami! FUCK Ahhh!! Yesssss You’re gonna make me cum!!!!!” Bulma screamed before her inner walls began convulsing and contracting around his throbbing manhood, coating his stiff shaft in her juices as she kept on impaling herself on him. Feeling Bulma’s muscles tightening around his member, Gohan couldn’t keep himself from releasing himself into her, throwing his head back and letting out a howl of pleasure along with her name as he came; his hot seed exploding into her womb.

Both fell back into the chair, the cold night air sending shivers over their heated skin as they came down from their orgasmic high; listening to the others erratic heart beat slowly going down to its normal rate. The sapphire eyed millionaires rested her head on the hybrids should, listening to his deep breaths. She was covered in sweat and her light blue hair was plastered to her forehead. However as she slowly shifted her body into a more comfortable position; she froze.

It seemed two orgasms just wasn’t enough for the half alien as his still erect cock shifted inside her and caused her to shiver at the pleasurable sensation. ‘Well, looks like I’ll have to hold up my end of the deal after all.’ Bulma thought, remember what she had told the boy mere minutes a go. Lifting her head off his shoulder, Bulma suddenly spotted the bowl of melted ice cream and fruit sitting forgotten on the kitchen table. Smiling a smile that would make a cat green with envy, she slowly rose from her position and reached for the bowl.

Giving him a seductive smile to answer the questioning glace the boy gave her, Bulma took a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth before she suddenly descended upon him. Taking his erect member into her mouth, her ice cream covered tongue tracking invisible trails over his wet flesh; the contrast between his hot flesh and her cold mouth made Gohan’s whole body shudder as the chill washed over him. Working her head up and down, covering his shaft in the desert until her mouth returned to its normal temperature.

“Kami Bulma what are you doing to me?” Gohan asked between gasps before he watched Bulma slowly rise from her position between his legs; licking the remnants of ice cream and their mixed fluids from her lips. Baking up, the blue haired seductress quickly lifted her self up so that she sitting on the table top; giving the boy’s rapidly darkening eyes a beautiful view of her dripping pussy and asshole.

“I’ve had my fun, now why don’t you come over here and fuck me senseless with that giant sayain cock of yours Gohan.” Not having to wait for any other signal, the sayain jumped into action; jumping to the floor and placing the seat beside the table before standing on the piece of furniture. Now tall enough, the boy gripped his cock and began rubbing against her; making the blue haired beauty moan as she felt the tip of his cock slid teasingly across her pussy and asshole. Grinning at her display of pleasure, Gohan said in a very Vegeta like voice “I don’t know Bulma, which hole should I fuck you in?”

At that Bulma suddenly became worried, she’d never been fucked in the ass before and while Yamcha had tried on more than one occasion; she just couldn’t get comfortable with the idea of something up her backside. Not to mention that Gohan was extremely large and would probably split her in two. However before she could protest, Gohan seemed to sense what she was thinking because he took her legs and placed them over his shoulders, pulling her towards him so that Bulma’s back was now pressed to the table as he loomed over her, taking in the sight there as he positioned himself. Chuckling slightly as he started pressing the tip of his cock against the entrance to her ass.

“Hey kid-Gohan, I’ve never... AAAAAHHhhhhhh!!!” She was about to protest when suddenly she screamed as she felt her lover’s hot member pierce her, slipping the tip of his manhood into her ass.

“NO GOHAN! AHHHHH!” Bulma screamed out as the boy allowed her a moment to get used to the painful sensation before he began slowly pressing the rest of his immense length inside her. Bulma could only squeeze her teary eyes shut as she felt herself opening to him. The pain was enough to kill and all she wanted was for him to stop but unfortunately she was powerless against Gohan as her ass opened up to him in a way that she never knew was possible. She could actually feel herself splitting as this massive object entered her and she made a mental note to thank Kami for the ice cream idea as it was acting as a sot of lube; lord knows how much more painful it would be otherwise.

“AHHHHHHH!” She continued to scream as inch after inch of power entered her until suddenly her eyes popped wide open as she realised that he was in. The pain was excruciating as her muscles pressed around him, wanting this foreign object to leave, but Gohan just simply revelled in the incredibly tight confines his cock was in that almost made the boy want to come right then and there. Starting to move inside her, Gohan quickly found a good rhythm and before long he was pounding his cock into her ass.

“Gohan...Go slower...Please. It hurts...” Bulma pleaded with the boy, she could only gripe the table as she felt the hybrid began working his cock in her ass. He went slowly at first, but he quickly built up a strong rhythm as he lost himself in a sexual daze; loving the extra tightness around his hardened cock.

Soon the table was rocking to his powerful thrusting and all the genius could do was close her eyes and pant hard, bucking her hips each time he slammed into her. . Although it did hurt like nothing she’d ever felt, she was starting to relish the feeling of her lover exploring her ass with his cock. Her breasts swayed back and forth as he continued to fuck her; bouncing to every thrust of his giant cock. Their sweaty skin made a loud slapping noise with every motion. It was wonderfully erotic.

"HARDER!," she suddenly screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks due to the immense pain and pleasure that was shooting throughout her veins like liquid fire all at once. Gritting his teeth, Gohan lunged forward and buried himself deeper within Bulma’s tight ass again and again, his groin whacking her gorgeous body about as he tried to meet with her somewhat high standards. And couple that with the fact that his Sayain blood was telling him to fulfil them and give Bulma the best fucking of her entire life; to teach her that he would be the greatest fuck of her life.

“Fuck you’re ass is tight!” he grunted as he pounded into her.

“Yeah! You like it don’t you?” panted Bulma, “You like my tight ass around your giant sayain dick!”

“Oh I fucking love it!” he managed to moan before a low grunt came from the hybrid’s throat as he forced himself even deeper into her backsides, his thrusts became irregular as he felt himself nearing release. He would shove inside her till the hilt, or he would push inside just the tip and enjoy the pleasure that he got from having the swollen head of his cock going through her loosened but still tight entrance.

The sapphire eyed temptress could feel herself on the edge of climaxing and as much as she loved it she seriously wanted to come, she needed to cum before she went crazy.

“Gohan, ram it faster!”  

Smirking to himself, the boy did as he was told and started pummelling into her entrance as fast and deep as he could; his hips slapping against her shapely buttocks to the point where he had to be careful not to hurt her and the cracking noises of the table beneath them, went unnoticed. Their minds were totally absorbed in the sensation of pure bliss that they were feeling as their bodies moved in perfect synchronism.

“UH-UH-OH SHIT! OH FUCK! OH I’M CUMMING KIIDDD! I’M CUMMING!” Bulma suddenly screamed, thankful for the hundredth time that night that none of the staff were working that night before her orgasm crashed into her; knocking all thoughts from her mind.

“UH-UH-UH-UH-I’M CUMMING TOO! UH-UH-OH FUCK!” Gohan moaned as he felt the tight walls of her ass convulse and tighten around him, driving him into climax as he spilled his molten seed inside her. Slowly, the boy’s consciousness drifted away in the after waves of three orgasms as he collapsed on the woman beneath him; asleep.

Smiling as she looked down at the boy, Bulma slowly rose from where she lay on the table; the boy cradled in her arms so he would not wake. Deciding to take care of their clothes in the morning; Bulma slowly carried the boy up to her bedroom for some much needed rest. In the back of her mind, the beauty knew she should feel guilty about what had just taken place but decided to not let it bother her.

Their past sexual encounters had been to help one another forget. The trip to Namik had been to help her forget her need for Yamcha, on the ship on Namik had been to help Gohan forget his father’s battle; but this had been different. While tonight had been about forgetting; it had been for the both of them. For Gohan, it had been to forget about his grief stricken mother and for her; simply a way to forget her useless life.

Smiling as she looked down at the boy who was using her large breasts as pillows, Bulma began affectionately rubbing his main of black hair; this was defiantly not going to their last time.

AN: Okay what do you think? By my estimates their should be about three more chapters to this story and I’ve got them planed, with a nice little shocker for the next chapter but I’m going to leave it as a surprise. So there is one last thing to say: PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!