Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When love and hate collide ❯ I miss you in a heartbeat ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own the rights to DBZ so don't sue me! I also don't own the song 'Miss you in a heartbeat' which is owned by Def Leppard.

This is my first yaoi fic…be gentle with me please!

When love and hate collide
Yaoi Trunks/Goten with a mix of other yaoi couples.

Story summery…Goten and Trunks have always been together until now. After confessing to his best friend his undying love to the only person he could see spending the rest of his life with, Goten's life fell apart. Rejected and beaten within an inch of his life by Trunks. Now it's been years since either have seen one another after Trunks left Goten fighting for his life…until one late night when Trunks turned on the television….

The click of the lock echoed in the quiet apartment that Trunks had moved into some years ago after he graduated college. He worked full time at Capsule Corp. along side his mother and aging grandfather picking up the skills he would need to carry on the business when the time came. Vegeta his father had moved out a few years back sighting irreconcilable differences with Bulma and now lived in a small capsule house out in the mountains near his rival Goku, his lover. The thought made him shiver unconsciously.

Trunks sighed as he dropped his suit jacket on the leather couch along with his brief case before heading towards the kitchen for a small snack before heading to bed. Life was good or so it seemed. He had money, his famous good looks that attracted women to him in droves, and he had his place without parents or a little sister sneaking around. Making a few sandwiches he continued back to the living room to eat his snack while listening to the news or what ever caught his fancy at the moment. Picking up the small black remote, Trunks started flipping channels.

"Ahh damn it, forgot my soda." He grumbled out to himself as he sat the remote back down beside his plate before slinking back into the kitchen. A small smile graced his lips as he listened to the music on the television, finding it very soothing in some way he couldn't explain. Grabbing a can off the top shelf in the fridge, he opened it taking sips as he made his way back to the couch all the while the music keeping his attention.

"I believe, that there's something deep inside.
That shouldn't be from time to time. I sure found out, for love was such a crime.
The more you care, the more you fall."

"That voice sounds so familiar. I wonder who it is?" Trunks asked himself as he sat back down not paying attention to the video that was playing. To anyone's eyes or ears for that matter it would appear to be any number of bands out in today's world. The piano was sweet and mellow to the ears, the voice so beautiful.

"When we touch, I just lose my self control, a sad sensation I can't hide.
To love is easy, it ain't easy to walk away. I keep the faith and there's a reason why yeah."

Polishing off his sandwiches Trunks finally dusted off the crumbs as the song continued. Cerulean eyes settled onto the lone figure that played the piano, his dark hair hanging around his face. Trunks' stomach knotted, it was someone he thought he'd never see again. It had been close to eight years since he saw the one person that was always around him no matter what.

"I miss you in a heartbeat. I miss you right away.
I miss you in a heartbeat. 'Cause it ain't love, if it don't feel that way"

With old memories being brought back to the surface, deep raw emotions left buried so long ago bubbled in inner turmoil. Fists clenched tightly bringing blood to pool in the palms of his hands as he saw the only one that could ever betray him so many years ago.

"Hey Trunks, I need to talk with you. Have a minute?" Goten asked flipping some of the black spikes of hair he had inherited from his father out of his dark eyes. Trunks nodded his head before sitting down beside his best friend in a small meadow near the Son house. It was a beautiful summer day the same year Trunks had finally graduated high school and was planning to attend college away from home.
"Sure what is it Goten?" He asked flipping his own locks of hair out of his eyes to see his best friend that sat next to him. The younger teen bit his bottom like as he thought of the words to coax out of his throat.
"Well there was something I wanted to tell you before you leave."
"Goten I'm not leaving forever or anything."
"I know that, but I have to get this off my chest. Trunks you're my best friend."
"I know that baka! So get on with it already I'm not getting any younger here you know." This made Goten smile slightly before turning back to gaze at the tall grass and wild flowers.

"Trunks, I love you. I've loved you for so long now…I just couldn't say it before until now. I'll miss you in a heartbeat when you leave." Trunks sat stunned as the words finally made their way into his mind. Confusion, anger and hurt all flashed across his fair complexion of his face as Goten watched his reaction closely.
"What are you saying Goten?" Trunks managed to find his voice as his eyes turned slowly towards the dark haired teen. Goten faltered slightly as he tried to come up with the words.
"I…I'm saying that I'm in love with you and only you…" Goten didn't get very much farther then that when a hand cuffed him upside the head hard sending him reeling.
"What the hell? Why are you saying this Goten? Is this some kind of sick joke you thought you could play on me? Well I don't believe it! It's not funny at all." Trunks seethed as he got up from the ground looking down on a trembling Goten.
"I don't joke with love." He managed to squeak out before a kick to his ribs was dealt. Goten did nothing to defend himself except block a few punches and kicks in the beginning. He couldn't bear to strike the one that he loved with all of his heart and soul.

"Take it back Goten it isn't funny anymore!" Trunks shouted red faced down at Goten that still didn't make a move as silent tears flowed down his cheeks staining them with the dust and dirt that was kicked up by Trunks' blows.
"I can't take it back! I can't take back what I feel! I love you Trunks why can't you accept that?" Goten screamed out as the pain of being rejected was over riding the physical pain he was enduring from each blow his friend landed.
"I am not gay!" And with that Trunks unleashed a fury of attacks on his friend beating him until almost every bone in his body was cracked and his blood poured and pooled around Goten.

As the anger subsided and energy depleted, Trunks stopped his blind rage aimed at Goten. There was blood splatter all over his clothing and his skin. The blood that once flowed through Goten's veins was now spilled on the dusty earth. Goten did not move after the beating had stopped, his body remaining curled in on it's self. Goten's breathing shallow and rapid with a slight bubbling to it with the blood that was pooling in his lungs. With tears in his eyes, Trunks lifted off the ground heading back home to bathe himself of the blood and filth of his once best friend.

Trunks entered the front door like he had on so many occasions making his way to the stairs to head towards his room.
"Brat!" His fathers booming voice came from the living room. Trunks turned to look at him, no emotion written on his face.
"What the hell did you do?" Vegeta asked studying the blood and dirt that clung to his son's good clothing.
"Nothing." Came the blunt response in a whisper.
"Bullshit!" Vegeta snapped back as he walked around his son taking in the true state he was in.
"I told you it was nothing Dad leave it at that." Trunks snapped back this time fixing a glare at his father. Vegeta grabbed him by the arm pushing the teen into the wall.

"You will tell me now!"
"I beat the living fuck out of that gay ass son of a bitch." With questioning eyes, Vegeta applied more pressure to get his son to talk.
"Goten! He told me that he loved me today."
"So? I am not gay! So I snapped and beat him sense into his thick skull."
"Where is he?"
"I left him in the meadow. Not like I care anymore. You don't go around falling in love with your best friend! It's disgusting!" Vegeta dropped his son before making a quick exit out the same door Trunks had just entered from. Growling to himself, Trunks made his way finally to his room to clean himself up.

It was hours later when Vegeta arrived back at the house. Bulma had made her way back from the office to find Vegeta shaking with anger in the kitchen as he glared at his son that sat at the table eating dinner.
"What's going on in here?" Bulma asked hoping to head off a disputed if she could. Trunks made not move to answer his mother as he continued to eat not paying attention to anything else.
"Your son almost killed Kakarott's youngest this afternoon."
"Sparring so roughly?" Bulma asked raising a thin brow towards her son.
"He left him for dead. He would have been dead if I had not gotten to him when I did. He's in intensive care at the hospital as we speak."
"You should of let him die." The whisper came from the table.
"What? What do you mean by that Trunks?" Bulma asked quite stunned at her son's comment.
"Dad should of left that faggot to die." Vegeta growled loudly taking a step towards his son.
"Love knows no boundaries." Vegeta announced suddenly before making a quick exit to the gravity room.

~End Flashback~

The anger and rage he felt that day came back to him full force as he watched the man that he once knew sing. Crushing the remote in his hand, Trunks threw the chunks of plastic and chips against a nearby wall before sending a ki blast at the television totally destroying it on the spot.
"Why can't he leave enough alone? He knows I can't love him, and he knows that I hate him more then anything in the world." Trunks screamed out as he paced his small apartment as he trembled with unbridled rage.
"Must be inherited cause he's just like his father. And his father brainwashed my father to be just like them. Freaks! I wish things were just the way they were. But no, Goten just had to screw that all up with his damn heart didn't you? Didn't you… you fucking freak?" Trunks screamed out again falling to the hardwood floor as tears slipped from his eyes for the first time in eight years.