Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door ❯ Shades of Grey ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door
by Gie: phowah@cs.com

Disclaimer: Vejiita-chan and his familiars aren't mine. Their
attitudes within, and the plot line, are. Toriyama-san is credited for
them. *sigh* Oh well. Ya win some, ya lose some.

Here's a LONG Chapter 2. The tone changes drastically from the last chapter, but
I promise, minna, things will get better. The song, 'Pie Jesu' is very old, and I really
don't know who wrote it. It's also in Latin. If you want to hear what it sounds
like, and I reccomend it highly, here's a link to a version sung by Sarah Brightman
(Mrs. Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, of 'Phantom' fame) and some boy soprano.


It's a beautiful song. I also sang it in a choir; that's the first time I heard it.
The song sends chills down my spine when I hear it. *shiver* Anyway, here's
Chapter two. Let me know what you think of it--I'd like to hear from y'all!


When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door
Chapter Two: Shades of Gray


The week passed by uneventfully; well, as much as normalcy
dictated around Capsule Corporation. Saiya-jiin sparred, ate, and
argued. And not necessarily in that order. But that comfortable
routine was jarred and changed the morning of Bura's birthday.

The breakfast table was full of food, like normal. The
resident Saiya-jiin, Vejiita, Trunks and Bura were eating heartily,
while the visitor of the morning, Goten, had not arrived downstairs
yet. Bulma was in the kitchen finishing up the meal.

Bura kept looking from the kitchen door to the entryway, as if
she was expecting something. She looked up once more in
expectation when Bulma came out of the kitchen with a plate. She
watched as her mother sat in her normal spot across from her, but
her mood dropped when she saw what was on the plate--her mother's
breakfast. She sighed and glancing once more at the entryway, and
continued to eat in silence.

Bulma heard the sigh, and raised an eyebrow in question.
"What's wrong, Bura? Did you not sleep well last night?"

She shrugged her shoulders noncommittally. "I slept fine, I
guess." She glanced down at her mother's plate again. "It's just
that, well..." She went silent and continued eating.

Bulma threw a glance at the two males at the table. Trunks
was the only one to return it, and he just rolled his eyes. "What,

"Well, I was just wondering, umm," She looked up at her
mother, her blue eyes wide with question. "Where's my birthday

A smile peeked at the corner of Bulma's lips. "Oh Bura, last
year you said you were 'too old' for the pancake, remember? So I
didn't make it this year." She watched Bura's face fall in
disappointment. "I'm sorry, B-chan. I didn't know you wanted one."

"That's fine, Mom. I guess I did say that last year." She
sighed and looked back down at her food, but not without giving the
entryway another glance.

"Do you want me to go make you one, honey?" Bulma saw a
movement out of the corner of her eye, and smiled wider.

"No, you don't have to. I just thought..." She turned around
when she heard the kitchen door open. Her eyes went wide as she
saw Goten carrying a plateful of flames. "Goten?"

He smiled at her, and started singing. "Happy birthday to
you!" Bulma and Trunks joined in; Vejiita just glanced up and back
down to his food. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear
Bura! Happy birthday to you!" He set down the plate in front of her,
and she saw what was on it: a thick, plate-sized pancake decorated
with butter, multiple flavors of syrup, M&M candies, jimmies, and
fruits. All around the rim were flaming candles, twenty-five in all.

Bura squealed, clapping her hands in excitement. "My birthday
pancake! Yay!"

Goten nudged her. "Well, blow out the candles before you
have to eat wax, too."

She nodded and sucking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes
and blew, extinguishing all the candles. They all clapped, except one,
and Bura threw her arms around her boyfriend. "Thank you, Goten!"

He returned the embrace willingly. "You're welcome, B-chan.
Happy birthday."

"And you thought you weren't getting your pancake today?
How can I mess with tradition?" Bulma teased. "I said I didn't make
it. Never said anyone else did."

Bura paused in cutting a piece of the pancake. "You mean,
G-chan made this?" Bulma nodded in agreement. She stared at the
food on her fork, and looked back at her boyfriend, who sat in a seat
next to her, spooning out his own portion of the food on the table.
"Is it safe to eat?"

Goten frowned. "Of course it is! I am a wonderful cook. My
mom taught me herself."

"Good. Then you'll be the one cooking, Goten." Trunks jibed
him. "Bura can't boil water if her life depended on it."

She sent an evil glare to her brother, but smirked. "You're
not going to get my goat today, Trunks. It's too nice of a day!"

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, little girl." He stood up from
the table and as he was leaving, he blew a raspberry on her cheek.
"Happy birthday, B-chan."

He stopped in the entryway, though, as Dr. Briefs entered the
room. "Good morning, Grampa."

The elder Briefs glanced up at him, and Trunks saw that the
older man looked twice his age; his face was pale, and his eyes
seemed sunken in the back of his head. He still had his nightclothes
on, as well. "Is something wrong, Grampa?"

He shook his head, and turned to the table. "Vejiita, could you
come with me for a minute, please?"

The Saiya-jiin looked up at him, a scowl plastered on his face,
and was about to say something, but he saw the expression on Dr. Briefs'
face, and nodded. He stood from the table and followed the older
man out of the room.

Trunks blinked a few times. "What was that about?" He
turned to his mother, who had a confused look of her own. "Do you
know, Mom?"

"No, I don't." She shook her head. Not much shook up her
father; he usually was unfazed by the events going around him. But
something had rattled him good. She stood up from the table. "But
I'm going to find out." She walked out the door and disappeared.

Trunks returned to the table, sitting down in his father's
place. "I wonder what that's about. Grampa didn't look that good."

Bura nodded somberly from her pancake. "Yeah, he seemed
really depressed or something."

"Well, he is getting old, B-chan," Goten reminded her. "Maybe
his age is just catching up with him."

Both Trunks and Bura frowned but said nothing in reply.
Trunks sighed and played with a fork on the table. "So what are you
two going to do today?"

Bura shrugged and looked to Goten. "Well, there's the party
tonight, and I have to pick out what Goten and I are wearing, so that
might take awhile."

"What? I can pick out my own clothes, thank you very much."
Goten huffed into his food, throwing Bura a scowl.

"G-chan, you can pick out clothes, but you tend not to pick out
ones that match." Bura smirked at him. "This is my birthday party.
You have to be the hottest one there, besides myself that is."

A loud wail jerked them all to their feet. "Mom!" Trunks
yelled, and bolted out the door, Goten and Bura on his heels.

The three found them in Dr. Briefs' wing of Capsule Corp,
Bulma in the arms of Vejiita, both were leaning against the wall next
to the elder Briefs' bedroom, with her face buried in his chest. His
arms were around her, and he was staring off into space. "Dad! What's
wrong with Mom? We heard her all the way in the kitchen." Trunks stared
at his father, waiting for an answer.

"Papa? What happened?" Bura edged closer to Vejiita. She
frowned when Bulma started another round of wailing.

Vejiita glanced down at the woman crying in his arms, then up
at his children. "Your grandmother is..." he hesitated, then set his
face in a neutral scowl. "She is no longer with us."

Bura took a step back, and encountered the heavy hands of
Goten. "What? Gramma is...no..." A sob choked up her throat and
she turned around, unknowingly mimicking her mother's position, only
in Goten's embrace.

Trunks stared at his father. "Gramma's dead?" Vejiita
nodded slightly. "How?"

"She never woke up this morning." Vejiita stared down at his
mate. "Your grandfather found her that way. He wanted me to
confirm it." He picked up his mate, brushing by the trio. "I am
taking your mother to bed, Trunks." He glanced at Goten, who was
comforting Bura. "I will not train today, Goten. And tell her that her
party is postponed." Goten just nodded, not looking up from Bura's
hair, where he was murmuring comforts. Vejiita grunted and walked

Goten slid his arms under Bura, picking her up. He nodded to
Trunks and the three left for Bura's room.

Trunks opened the door, and Goten gently set Bura down on
her bed. She opened her eyes, red from crying. She looked at
Trunks. "Gramma..."

He crawled onto the bed, wrapping his arms around his sister.
"I know." She burst out again in tears, burying her face in his
shoulder. Trunks closed his eyes and let his own tears escape into
Bura's hair. "I know."

Goten stared at the pair, and cleared his throat. Trunks
looked up at him from his position on the bed. "I'm going to go..."

Bura looked up from Trunks' shoulder. "Please stay, Goten."

The purple-haired male nodded in agreement. "Please?"

He hesitated, but then nodded. He sat on the other side of
Bura, and pulled both Trunks and Bura into his arms. The trio looked
rather awkward and ridiculous huddled on the bed that way, but it
was comforting to all involved.


Capsule Corp was almost tomb-like in its silence and inactivity.
Normally, there was always something going on, or someone
conducting an experiment that needed a million workers running
around. It seemed that the building itself was mourning the loss of
the bubbly female. Even in her advanced age, she was seen around
the building, offering sweets and drinks to the visitors or puttering
about in the flower gardens, usually among the roses.

So that afternoon, when Pan stopped by to visit Bura on her
birthday, she was greeted with the deafening quiet. She tiptoed
down the hallways, somehow sensing the somber mood and reacted
accordingly. She knocked on Bura's door, and when no one answered
it, she opened it to see if anyone was within. "Bura? Are you here?

The doorway opened to a main sitting room, which was littered
with assorted articles of clothing strewn about in Bura's normally
messy style. She picked her way across the floor and stood in the
doorway of the bedroom, her eyes wide at the sight before her.

Pan stared at the mass of entangled limbs on the large bed.
Goten and Trunks seemed intertwined with Bura, becoming one
jumbled creature with three sets of arms and legs and three heads.
All three were sleeping soundly. "Bura? Goten? Trunks? What's
going on?" She sighed when only soft snores answered her. She
closed the door quietly behind her and decided to clean up after her
best friend while she waited for an explanation. Or at least for
someone to wake up. As she was picking up the sitting room, she
smirked to herself. "I don't clean up my own room. Why am I
cleaning hers?"

After an hour or so, Pan's sensitive Saiya-jiin hearing picked
up a stirring coming from the other room. She opened the door and
saw Bura trying to untangle herself from the Trunks and Goten's
arms. She saw Pan and gave her a helpless look. "I can't breathe!"
she whispered. "Can you help me out?"

Pan smirked and nodded, moving to help her. "I guess. What's
going on? Why are you three sleeping in the afternoon? I thought
you'd be getting ready for your party tonight." She unraveled a set
of tails coiled around Bura's legs.

Bura stared into space for a few seconds, and shook her head.
"The party's not happening tonight." She stood up and went into the
bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Pan blinked. "Why not?"

She turned back to the bed when Trunks spoke quietly.
"Gramma died this morning, Pan. Or at least she didn't wake up this
morning." He rubbed at his eyes and scowled at the arm wrapped
around his chest. "Wake up, Goten. And get off of me. I love you
like a brother, but not this much." He pushed at the sleeping
Saiya-jiin, trying to untangle himself.

The black-haired male grunted, shifted slightly, and moved over,
letting Trunks sit up. "Where's Bura?"

Pan sat on a chair, and stared at her unmoving relative. "She's
in the bathroom, Uncle. So, what's with the orgy?"

"Orgy?" Goten blinked open his black eyes. "What orgy?"

"The three of you looked like a big mass of limbs and heads.
Why were you all sleeping together?"

Trunks ran a hand through his tangled hair. "I guess we all
fell asleep. We were comforting B-chan, and well..." He shrugged his

Bura emerged from the bathroom, looking a little bit more
awake. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying herself to sleep.
"Hey, Pan-chan."

Pan stood and wrapped her arms around Bura. "I'm sorry,
B-chan. I loved your Gramma, too."

"I know, Pan-chan." Bura smiled as a few more tears leaked
out of her eyes. "Some birthday, ne?" She sat back down on the bed
next to Trunks, pulling Goten's head onto her lap.

Trunks patted the spot next to him, and Pan curled up to him,
her head resting on his chest and her arms around his waist. Trunks
wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. The four of them
sat there for several minutes, quiet.

A hard knock brought them out of their silence. Bura looked
up from Trunks' shoulder, where her head was resting. "Come in,

Vejiita entered, a scowl on his face. "Why are you all in

She shrugged her shoulders a little. "No reason." She smiled
a little bit. "How's Mama?"

"She's sleeping at the moment." He stared at Goten, who still
had his head in Bura's lap. He let out a snort and shook his head.
"You know your party is postponed."

"I figured that." Bura stared down at the head of hair in her
lap, and let her fingers trail through his black locks absently. "Do
you know when..." she swallowed hard and continued. "When the
funeral will be?"

He nodded. "In two days there will be a remembrance
ceremony. The burial will be the next day." He cocked his head to
the side. "Your grandfather made a request of you, Bura."

She looked up. "What is it, Papa?"

"He wants you to sing a song at the remembrance ceremony."

"Me? Sing a song?" She frowned at the request. "Why? Do
you know what song?" She swallowed again and wiped a tear from the
corner of her eye. "I don't know if I'll be able to sing."

"He said something about a song that you sang once before.
You will have to ask him about it." His features softened slightly.
"He also sends his regrets about the events on your birthday, Bura."

"I know." She nodded, her voice hoarse with emotion. "I'll
talk to Grampa. Thank you, Papa." A long, staggering sigh escaped
through her lips and her head fell to Trunks' shoulder once again.

He stood up straighter and reached for the door. "When your
mother wakes up, she will more than likely want to talk to you two. I
will be out in the gravity chamber."

Pan sat up from Trunks' embrace. "Can I join you, Vejiita?"

He nodded at the youngest Saiya-jiin. "If you want, brat. But
I am not in a playing mood tonight."

She nodded and slipped by him to change into more comfortable
workout clothing. Vejiita moved to follow her, but paused in the
doorway. His features softened into a small smile and a spark of
affection lit in his black gaze as it fixed upon Bura. "We will
honor your birthing next weekend, Oujoko."

Bura's face lit up and a slow smile spread across her features
at the pet name. "You haven't called me that in a long time, Papa."
Vejiita just smirked and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Dad was in an affectionate mood tonight, ne?" Trunks mused,
shaking his head. He poked Goten in the ear. "I thought he'd rip
Goten's tail off for lying in your lap."

The said appendage waved under Bura' nose, tickling her. "So
did I."

She grabbed the offending tail and pulled slightly, earning a
'yip' in response. She let it go and it immediately disappeared from
sight. "You don't have to be afraid of Papa, G-chan. He actually likes
you." Goten flipped over so she could see the incredulous look on his
face. "Okay, maybe 'like' is a strong word. How about we say
he...'tolerates' the Spawn of Kakarotto lusting after his precious
Oujoko." Bura tweaked his nose in a teasing manner, a smile lighting
her face.

"Che. As if I get a chance to lust after you." He smirked and
used his tail to pull Bura down for a long kiss.

"Ack! I'm still here, ya horndogs!" Trunks pulled out the
pillow from behind him and whapped the pair of Saiya-jiin, showing
his disgust.

Bura pulled away from Goten and stuck her tongue out.
"You're just jealous, Trunks. Go find a girlfriend to play tonsil
hockey with." She ducked as the pillow hit her again.

He just snorted and crawled off the bed. "I'm going to go see
if Mom is up yet. Coming?"

She smiled and nodded. "I'll be there in a minute." Trunks
rolled his eyes and left.

Bura sighed, rubbing a hand over her eyes. "Gods, what a
great birthday, ne, Goten?" She stared at a spot on the wall. "And I
was looking forward to this party tonight, too." Her eyes went wide.
"I gotta call and cancel everything! I doubt Mama was up to
anything." She reached for the phone, but was stopped by Goten,
who pulled her close to him. "What, Goten?"

"Do I need a reason?" He pressed his lips to hers, burying his
hands in her hair. She groaned, sagging onto his frame. He just held
her tighter.

When the kiss stopped, Bura stared into his black eyes, her
fingers trailing over his forehead. "I love you, G-chan. Never forget
that. I would die if you were lost to me."

Goten swallowed and pulled her close for another
breath-taking kiss. His tail wound around hers tightly. His lips
traveled across her cheek, until they brushed across her earlobe.
"You are my everything, B-chan." He breathed into her ear, his
tongue flicking across the lobe. Bura shivered at both the sensation
and his words of love. "I feel incomplete without you. Your soul fills
the hole in my heart. I love you more than life itself."

He pulled away when he heard a sniffle. "What's wrong,

She shook her head, her lavender hair brushing against his
chest. "Nothing, that's what's wrong. Nothing at all." She closed
her eyes, and bit his chin lightly. Goten responded by nipping at her
nose. They lay there, in each other's arms for a minute or so, silent.
No words were needed at the moment to express their deep-seeded

Goten let go of kiss, and pressed his lips to her forehead.
"You need to go talk to your mom."

She sighed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "But
she's not as warm as you are. Who needs an electric blanket?"

Goten chuckled and rolled over, pushing Bura into the
mattress. "But blankets are so much fun to cuddle under."

"You're pretty fun to cuddle under as well." Bura purred,
running a finger over his neck. She reached up and pulled him down
on top of her, nipping on the crook of his neck lightly with her teeth.
He growled back, his eyes closing slightly. But he shook his head, and
got up off the bed, his eyes wide.

"We can't do that until we're mated, Bura. You know what
your father would do if I Marked you, or you Marked me before the
Ceremony." He ran a shaky hand through his wild mane, his tail
whipping behind him.

She sighed. She knew. Her tail thumped on the bed in
frustration. "Fine. I gotta go talk to Mama now, anyway. Trunks is
probably chomping at the bit, waiting for me."

Goten nodded. "I'll be in the gravity room, training with your
father." He held out a hand and she took it, accepting his help off
the bed. He ran a hand through her hair, straightening out the mess
of tangles. "Soon, B-chan." He leaned down and kissed her, his
passion for her evident in the simple gesture.

She kissed back with an equal fervor, grinding her hips into
his own. "Stay here tonight?" Her tail brushed against his, its
seduction loud and clear to the other.

He swallowed and nodded. "If you want." He sighed and
jerked his head behind him. "I'm going to use your bathroom to
change, okay?"

"That's fine. I'm going to go talk to Mama. Love you."

He smiled, nodding his head. "Love you, too. Hey, B-chan?
Did you still want to go out to dinner tonight?" His smile turned into
a smirk. "We can still celebrate your birthday a little."

She smiled back. "That would be nice. You definitely have a
romantic streak, G-chan." She blew him a kiss and left the room.

Goten stared after her, a silly grin on his face. "I have to
defeat Vejiita soon. The sooner, the better." He turned to the
bathroom to change for Vejiita's training session.


The next two days went by in a blur. There was still a feeling
of heavy morose lingering throughout the quiet corridors. Each of
the residents seemed to find different tasks to keep their minds of
the other day's event. Goten and Bura were barely seen apart; Goten
taking up residence in a guestroom. Bura had talked to her
grandfather, about a song selection, and was rather surprised by his
choice. She told him that she would need some help, explaining who
and what she'd require, and he agreed readily.

Trunks had taken on the task of preparing the rose garden for
the remembrance ceremony. If it was in worse shape, it would be an
arduous project, but his grandmother was very particular about her
roses, and she treated them with almost as much care and love as her
own grandchildren. They would be holding the ceremony out there, in
her favorite spot. The ceremony itself would not be a fancy and
detailed affair; just a few words from a local pastor and whoever
else wanted to talk. Bura would sing her song, and they would release
a single dove, one of her favorite birds. A simple ceremony for a
simple woman. She would have wanted it that way.

Vejiita did nothing out of the ordinary, at least for him. He
trained, he sparred, and he ate. Although, those tasks were put on
immediate hold if he would sense Bulma needing him or his presence.
Needless to say, Vejiita didn't have many long training sessions.

While the others seemed to be handling their grief rather
well, Bulma was not. The news of her mother's death hit her
hard--she was closer to her mother than her father. Even though
she shared her genius with her father, he was as aloof with her as
his experiments. Bulma shared many a night when she was growing up
talking with her mother about various things--her dreams, her
inspirations, her crushes, and her disappointments. The frequency of
their heart-to-heart chats dropped when she went on her adventures
with Goku, but they returned with a vengeance during the three-year
training period for the androids. Bulma valued her mother's opinion
greatly, and she was a wonderful sounding board for her indecisions
and frustrations with Yamucha, and then Vejiita. Her advice was
priceless--even when it didn't make much sense at the time. She
already missed the comforting presence of the elder female greatly.

But the two days passed by, and it was time for the
remembrance ceremony. Slowly, people began to arrive in the
gardens and seat themselves in the folding chairs available, but not
before offering their condolences to the bereaved. In the front a
small table was set up, with a framed picture of the deceased,
beatific smile lighting up the picture. A cluster of her favorite
flower, the silky roses, were wrapped with a white ribbon. The body
itself was not there for viewing, due to her own wishes.

Vejiita and Bulma sat in the front row; Bulma clutching a
handful of tissue in one hand and the other being held by Vejiita's
tail. She wore a modest black dress, a lacy shawl wrapped around her
shoulders. Vejiita wore a black suit, shifting in his chair every once in
awhile, not saying a word to the people offering their condolences.
He gave a nod here and there if a comment was directed to him, but
otherwise he stared directly ahead, his mouth in a grim line.

Trunks and Bura sat next to their father, also silent and
sober. Both wore customary black, and gave answering nods and
murmurs when someone talked to them.

On the other side of Bulma sat Dr. Briefs, who seemed to have
aged at least ten years in the past two days. He nodded somberly to
the guests, but his eyes remained in his lap, where his trembling fingers
played with a white handkerchief.

An older man came up walked up to Trunks, and talked to him
with hushed tones. The purple haired male nodded back to the older
male, and watched as he moved up to the front of the assembled
group of mourners. "Today, we're here to celebrate the continuing
of everlasting life of Mini Briefs, beloved wife, mother, grandmother,
and friend."

The rest of the sermon given by the pastor was heard, but not
absorbed by Bulma, who had begun to cry once more in earnest.
Vejiita, showing a rare sight of public affection, pulled Bulma down to
his shoulder, whispering comforting words to his mate. Soon, she was
able to compose herself, and she sat up, but not without having
Vejiita's muscled hand curled around hers, resting in her lap.

"Now, as it was Mini's request, she wanted this to be a rememberance
ceremony, not just a time to grieve over her departure," the Pastor
said. "Would anyone like to say anything?"

The group was quiet for awhile, no one wanting to start, or
knew what to say. Trunks finally broke the silence when he stood,
clear his throat. "Well, to start off, I guess I just wanted to say
that I am going to miss Gramma tremendously." He grinned a little.
"No one could whip up a chocolate cake and a glass of lemonade
spontaneously like she could." A few chuckles arose from the crowd,
from those who knew her culinary talents. "I remember the time
when I had come home from school one day and I had done rather
poorly on an important test. Gramma was the one who saw me first,
and just by looking at me, she knew what I needed." She smiled at
Bura, who had a small smirk on her face. "She sat me down at the
table and pulled out an entire cherry pie, telling me if I didn't finish
it within five minutes, she was never going to bake again. Well, I
wasn't going to deprive the world of her culinary talents, so I
finished it in four minutes." Another chuckle floated through the
crowd. "I felt a lot better after that. Forgot about the test, that's
for sure." He sat back down.

Bura shook her head. "You forget a lot when you have a full

Yamucha was the next to stand up. "Mrs. Briefs was very
special to me for many reasons, but one in particular. When I was
growing up, I didn't have any sort of a 'mother' figure in my life.
And when I was going out with Bulma, she filled that role for me. I
was always grateful for her for that." Bulma glanced at Yamucha,
and the two shared a smile before he sat down.

The memories flowed after that, many of them from happy
and joyful times. A few remembered some of her sillier moments,
but they all were said with fondness and love for a woman that
touched many of their lives.

After awhile, Dr. Briefs stood, and gave the assembled
friends and family a small, genuine smile. "Thank you all. It's a
wonderful feeling knowing that Mini will live on in all of you. She
cared for her family and friends deeply, and was especially overjoyed
when her 'handsome boyfriends' made a visit." He made eye contact
with Goku and Vejiita.

"One of her greatest joys was this garden." He raised his
hands, indicating the area around them. "She loved to sit among the
roses, digging in the dirt to help them grow. It is my wish for you all,
before you leave, to have one of her blossoms. She would like to have
part of herself, besides her memories, for you to take home."

He turned to Bura and smiled. "And now, if you would, child, sing a song in
her honor. She so loved your voice." He sat back down, giving Bulma's
offered hand a squeeze.

Bura stood up, and moved to the front of the room. "This song
is rather special to both me and Gramma. I sang this as a part of a
duet in a choir several years ago, and Gramma offered her voice to
me as my partner when I practiced at home." She swallowed hard,
and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. "It was
invaluable time between the two of us, and whenever I hear it I
always I will remember the time I spent with her." She sniffled,
composing herself. "Since the person I dueted with the first time is
not here, nor is the one I preformed with in the concert, I've asked
another special person in my life to help me out." She smiled into the
gathered people, and Goten stood up, coming to join her in front.

She held out a hand, and Goten grasped it tightly. She nodded
to Pan, who stood by a CD player. She pressed 'play' and a soft flute
started to play, its notes sounding rather loud against the silence of
the group.

Bura started out singing, her high soprano voice ringing clear:

'Pie Jesu, pie jesu.
pie jesu, pie jesu.
Qui tollis peccata mundi
dona eis requiem
dona eis requiem.'

The flute's notes trilled again, acccompanied with an orchestra, and
Goten took a deep breath, preparing to echo his friend, lover, and future mate:

'Pie Jesu, pie jesu.
pie jesu, pie jesu.'

Bura joined in, harmonizing with Goten. Their voices
resonated against each other, the sound pleasing on the ears, despite
the high range:

'Qui tollis peccata mundi
dona eis requiem
dona eis requiem.'

Many members of the crowd were startled by the pure quality
of Goten's voice. Only a few select people knew of the hidden talent
that the half Saiya-jiin kept secret. Goten, himself, did not think he
had a very good voice, modest soul that he was. But Bura knew, and
was very proud of him. Goten did enjoy singing, and knew that singing
and reading music came to him easily, but his high tenor voice didn't
do him much good on the battle field or in training.

The song continued after a short piano interlude, Bura closing
her eyes as they both sang again. A choir could be heard on the
recording, echoing their words:

'Agnus dei, agnus dei
agnus dei, agnus dei.'

The choir cut out, and the two harmonized once again, their pure
tones echoed despite the open area in which they sang:

'Qui tollis peccata mundi
dona eis requiem
dona eis requiem.'

(choir) 'Dona eis requiem'
(G & B) sempiternam
(B) requiem
(G) sempiternam

The piano faded out, and Goten and Bura sat back down, their
hands intertwined with the other. Dr. Briefs stood back up, wiping
his eyes with the linen handkerchief in his hand. "Thank you very
much, Bura, Goten. That was beautiful." He cleared his throat. "I
just want to thank you all for coming, to pay your respects to Mini.
She loved you all, and would have been thrilled to see so many of her
friends and loved ones to be in one place. Knowing her," he smiled
and shook his head slightly, "she'd be running around with a tray of
something good to eat and drink. And in her spirit, there will be a
reception in the main dining hall. Please, continue your celebrating of
her life there. Once again, thank you all for coming." He nodded to
the group and turned to Bulma, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She
returned it along with a long hug.

Bulma reached below her, and opened the cage that held the lone dove.
She lightly fingered the soft, feathery head of the pure white avian, and
pressed her lips to the downy feathers. With a small toss, she released
the bird of peace, and all watched in silence was it carried away to the
heavens the spirit of Mini Briefs.

Murmurs filled the yard as the mourners broke up, forming
small groups to talk or venturing inside for food. Trunks, Pan, Goten
and Bura immediately closed in on each other. Pan smiled at her
uncle, giving him a hug. "I didn't know you could sing that well, Uncle!
Both of you sounded very good together."

Goten blushed, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Um...yeah." He didn't know how to take compliments about his
non-fighting skills.

Bura did, though. She smiled and wrapped her arms around
Goten's waist. "Thank you, Pan-chan. We have been practicing
non-stop since I found out what song Grampa wanted me to sing. But
I knew we could pull it off. Goten has an amazing range. He can go
higher than I can."

Trunks rolled his eyes. "So, who kicked ya in the balls for you
to hit those high notes?"

Goten sputtered but Bura put a finger on his lips. "No one had
to, Trunks," she smirked. "G-chan's a natural."

Goten said nothing, just blushed a dark red. He didn't want to
stress his individuality in that area, so he thought the subject matter
needed to be changed. "My stomach heard the magic word and it
needs satisfaction." It growled to emphasize its point. He shrugged
his shoulders, smirking. "Told ya. Food, anyone?" He didn't even
bother to hear their answer before leading Bura inside to get his

Trunks sighed and held out an elbow for Pan. "Might as well,
before the garbage disposal gets it all." Pan snickered back and
accepted the offered arm.


On the other side of the garden, Bulma was sitting in a chair,
quietly talking with ChiChi. Goku and Vejiita were inside the minute they
heard the word 'food'.

Videl and Gohan joined them. "It was a lovely ceremony,
Bulma," Videl said, giving the older woman a hug. "Your mother would
have loved it."

Gohan gave her a comforting hug as well. "The best thing I
remember about her was her attitude toward everything. Nothing
seemed to faze her, especially a group of people flying around.
She always greeted everyone with a smile on her face." He gave
Bulma a kind smile.

She smiled back. "Nothing really ever fazed both Mom and
Dad. They took everything in stride." Her smile faded. "It won't be
the same around here without her."

ChiChi patted her friend's arm. "I felt the same way when
Papa died. But the hurt and the pain fades with time. I still miss him
greatly, but Goku-saa, Goten and Gohan helped me get through it.
Vejiita, Trunks and Bura will do the same."

A sly smile spread across Videl's face when Bura's name was
mentioned. "So, Bulma, what's the status on Goten and Bura?"

The topic change cheered the genius up a little. "Well, they're
really close. They've been spending every minute possible together,
but the past couple days they've been practicing for that song." She
leaned in conspiratorially; the others copying her move. She glanced
around to see if certain parties were around. They weren't. "But I
think Goten's going to challenge Vejiita soon."

ChiChi blinked a few times in confusion. "Why would he do

"Because that's how it's done. At least for Vejiita." Bulma
rolled her eyes. "It's some sort of Saiya-jiin tradition. Sort of like
asking the father for permission."

"Actually, Bulma, it's almost exactly like that." Gohan
explained. "But there's a little more bloodshed involved."

"Bloodshed?" ChiChi's eyes went wide. "Bloodshed?"

Bulma nodded. "Goten has to defeat Vejiita in order for him
and B-chan to get married. He has to 'prove his abilities' to him."
Bulma sighed, and rested her chin in one hand. "But I don't know if
Goten will be able to win. Vejiita can go Super 4, since I modified the
Brute Ray to bring back all of your tails." She pointed to the brown
tail that was wrapped around Videl's calf.

Gohan smirked, crossing his arms in a superior manner. "And
who says Goten can't?"

The three females stared at the lone male, eyes and mouths
wide in shock. "You mean he can?" Bulma blurted out. "Does Vejiita

Gohan shook his head, his smirk still plastered on his face.
"That's not for me to say, Bulma. But I will say that Goten just
might give Vejiita a run for his money. When he wants something,
there is not much that stands in his way."

"And how do you know this, Gohan?" Videl frowned.

"Well," he scratched his cheek, his smirk fading to a light
frown. "I don't know if I should say this, so don't tell anyone else,
okay?" He pointedly looked at Bulma. All three females nodded their
heads in agreement. "Vejiita doesn't know this, and I don't think
Trunks does, either, but Goten has been training with Dad and I at
night, trying to prepare for his Mating Challenge."


"He has?"

"You have?" All three females were in shock at this news.

"Is that where you've been going after supper?" Videl
queried, a knowing frown on her face. "You said you're studying at
the library for another thesis."

"Well, I've thought about going for another doctorate, but I
haven't decided." Gohan confessed. "But Goten didn't want anyone
else knowing about the training sessions, in case the news got back to

"But why the secrecy?" Bulma shook her head. "There's no
need for it, at least I don't think there is. Vejiita's been training
him really hard in the mornings."

"He wanted to have a surprise waiting in the wings, you could
say. He's been holding back in his training with Vejiita, as well, not
letting him know about his increased strength."

"So how strong is he, Gohan?" All three females leaned
forward to hear the answer.

Gohan leaned forward as well. "Well, he's...going to have to
tell you, himself, because I'm not going to say." He leaned back, a smug look
on his handsome features.



Sorry, I should have warned you all about character death. Gomen nasai! But
the song is beautiful, ne? Here are the translated lyrics:

Pie Jesu Merciful Jesus
Qui tollis peccata mundi Who takest away the sins of the world
Dona eis requiem Grant them rest
Angus Dei Oh Lamb of God
Dona eis requiem sempiternam Grant them eternal rest

Next time, we honor Vejiita's precious oujoko's birthing. *grin* And maybe a certain young pointy-haired male challenged an older flame-haired male for Mating Rights? Hmmm...

Ja matte ne, minna! Gie-chan