Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Comes Knockin' At Your Door ❯ Zor and Zam ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Love Comes Knockin' at Your Door
Gie: phowah@cs.com

Disclaimer: The characters within aren't mine--yeah, yeah, yeah....I've heard it before...but Santa, can't I have them for Christmas?! The song, 'Zor and Zam' is sung by The Monkees...yes, I know, The Monkees...if you didn't know, all the titles for this story, including the main one, are titles to Monkees songs. *hehehe*

*warning* Very very very long...about 115k! OI!!! I also upped the rating, since there's a little swearing and a lot of bloodshed.

Please, please, please, review this chapter...I worked very hard on it...it made my intestines curl up into knots at times...yes, it hurt...but we have you you've all waited for...the battle of the century! Vejiita vs. Goten...battleground...scanned...warriors...lined up...ready...read! *blink blink* hehe...can you tell I've been watching Zoids? Well, when I heard Richard Ian Cox's voice as Bit...I almost cried...Ranma-kun!!! Come to me! oi...hehehe...I'll go away now...Read and review, please!


When Love Comes Konckin' At Your Door
Chapter Three: Zor and Zam

The next few days after the remembrance ceremony of Mini
Briefs passed uneventfully; the employees and residents of Capsule
Corporation falling into normal routines and patterns, albeit with a
more somber outlook on the day. People came and went, performing
their routine tasks as efficiently as possible. The bubbly blonde's
presence was missed, but time marches on.

Normal routines went out the window for Bulma, however. She
notified her employees that she was taking a short leave of absence,
to recover from the loss of her mother. So for the most part, Bulma
was to be found in the living quarters of CC, making a general nuisance
of herself to her family. She discovered several projects that she
had left unfinished, due to other conflicts or loss of interest.

Deciding to finish them up was one way to occupy her mind and hands,
while not trying to think of the hole in her heart. But such tasks
sometimes required the assistance of a pair of muscular arms, or a
handy floating ladder. Trunks and Bura, realizing early on that being
their mother's personal slave was not a fun task, the pair of half
Saiya-jiin made themselves scarce, fast. So that left Vejiita.

Which threw Vejiita's rigid schedule off-track. At first, he
was patient with her, realizing that she was still grieving the loss of
the elder female in her life. He could understand that, and tried to
keep his temper in check when her fussing and demands broke into his
training time. Time after time, after time. So, when summoned for
the thirtieth time in some odd hours, he finally had enough.

"Onna! Get out of my hair!" Vejiita growled at the
purple-tressed female on the vid-screen. His glare turned darker and
darker with each finger push-up he did.

"But, Vejiita! I really need you! It's important."

"Important, my tail!" He bounced on his fingertip, executing a
somersault to face the screen right side up. "The last time you said it
was important all you wanted me to do was change a light bulb!" He
crossed his arms in a huff.

"I was in the dark! Did you want me to stumble around blindly
and crack my hip falling over something? I'm just a weak human,
remember? My eyes don't glow in the dark!" She huffed back, her
eyebrows hunched over in a scowl. "But this time it really is
important. I need you to move…"

"Oh, no." The Prince shook his head. "I am not a piece of
muscle you can just order around, Onna!"

"Yes, you are." Bulma smirked at him. "Since I can't find the
kids, you get to help."

"Damn brats." He sighed and pinched his nose. "Can't you get a
bot to do your menial labor? Isn't that what they are programmed to

Her smirk faded. "Oh, bots, well, they…can't you just come in
here? It will only take a minute..."

"No, Onna. I am awaiting the arrival of Kakarotto's spawn. Use
your bots." His tone and expression left no room for argument.

"Fine. Be that way. I don't care." She stared heatedly at

He stared right back. "Neither do I." And shut off the

He let a smirk cross his face, savoring the feel of the victory.
"It seems like she's getting back to normal. Finally." He turned
around when he felt the pressure drop back to normal, and watched as
Goten pulled open the door. "Where have you been, spawn? You were
supposed to be here half hour before."

"Sorry, Vejiita," Goten apologized, giving him a small smile. "I
hurried over as soon as I could. Mom wouldn't let me leave until I did
some stuff for her." He twisted himself around, warming up his

Vejiita watched him do his exercises, eyeing the blue sash oddly. A
deep frown was pasted on his features. "If this is going to be an
example of your attitude, then we can stop with the training sessions."

Goten glanced up at him, surprised. "What? You want to

"Well, I don't need to waste my time with a third-class brat
who won't even show up on time." He crossed his arms and watched as
a scowl formed on the young Saiya-jiin's features. Goten pushed his
stretching a little harder, ire evident in his moves. After a moment,
Vejiita spoke again, his voice even and serious. "Tell me, Goten. Are
you serious about your pursuit of Bura?"

Goten stood up, his back rigid as he turned around to face
Vejiita. "I am very serious about Bura. You are well aware of that."

"Outward appearances can not always be trusted, Goten. The
mind does not always work in sync with the body." Vejiita started to
circle Goten, who remained very still, standing in one place.

But the young Saiya-jiin's eyes followed every movement of the
other male. He put out a hand to block a hand jab meant for his
sternum. Vejiita nodded slightly, acknowledging the block and his
awareness. He continued talking as he circled. "The mind can
command the body to do certain things, and ascend to certain levels.
But the body has its limits, and its weaknesses, causing it to be
rendered helpless against the thoughts of the mind." He reached out
to stab a pressure point in Goten's lower back, but was blocked quickly
when he swung around, lifting a knee. Vejiita smirked and nodded.

"But one thing can override both the mind and the body-the
heart. The soul of a warrior can be his ascension into greatness, or it
can be his downfall." He paused in front of Goten, locking eyes with
the taller male. "Tell me, do you remember how you made the jump to
Super Saiya-jiin?"

Goten blinked at the question. "I was sparring with my mom."

"Do you remember why you turned Super Saiya-jiin?"

He thought about it for a moment. "Well, Mom and I were
sparring pretty hard, or at least hard for a seven year old and a
human. Mom got a good kick in, and I went flying back. I got mad and
tackled her. She went flying back, and called me a punk." He frowned
slightly. "What does this all have to do with me and Bura?"

He ignored his question. "What were you feeling when you

Goten sighed. "I don't know. Angry?"

"Really?" Vejiita raised an eyebrow, and broke his lock of
Goten's eyes. He turned around. "What would you have to be angry
about, at such a young age? Did the shot your mother got in upset you
so much?"

"Well, I guess so…I didn't really realize what happened until
she pointed it out to me, and then I didn't know what it was called
until Trunks told me about it." He let out a sigh. "It might have been
more like frustration, at not winning. It's been awhile since I thought
about it."

"Was it frustration? Was it anger? Or was it the heat of the
battle ringing in your veins?" He chuckled a little. "I have to admit
this, spawn, but you have the most potential of letting your Saiya-jiin
side take over your rational thought than your brother or third-class
father. And the same goes for Bura. She may not have as much
power as Trunks, but she is more Saiya-jiin than human." He threw a
glance over his shoulder, seeing the surprised expression on his face.
"Just like you. Gohan and Kakarotto may eclipse you, power level-wise,
but your Saiya-jiin blood far outshines them." Vejiita moved to the
panel and set the controls, rapidly increasing the level to their normal
training pressure.

Goten blinked in shock. It was almost a confession
of...admiration? Not from him, Goten smiled inwardly. It was
probably the closest admission of acceptation from the venerable
Prince. "Um...thanks, I think." He adjusted his stance to handle the
pressure better. "But what does this have to do with not training?"

"It has everything to do with it, if you still want to prove
yourself to me, boy." Vejiita flared into Super Saiya-jiin, rising
quickly to Level 3. He tossed his head a few times to settle the mass
of hair extending down his back. "Do you think you have what it takes,
boy? Are you worthy of my daughter?" Vejiita had a grim smirk as he
slid into a high striking stance.

The young Saiya-jiin bowed his head for a moment. "Yes, I do,
Vejiita. It is time." He raised his head, a very serious look on his
face. "Vejiita, I, Son Goten, by my right as a potential Mate, challenge
you for Mating Rights to Briefs Bura Vejiita no Oujo." He stared the
older male down. "Do you accept my challenge, Vejiita? Do you accept
my claim?"

Vejiita drew himself up straight, narrowing his black eyes at
the younger male when he heard Goten's serious tone. His tail
whipped once behind him. "Do you think you are ready to challenge me,
Son Goten? If you fail, are you ready for the consequences? Is my
daughter ready for your defeat?"

He nodded. "I am well aware of what will happen if I fail to
defeat you. My claim as a potential Mate to Bura will be defunct, and
I will die. Bura is well aware of what may happen if I fail." He smiled
slightly. "She doesn't like it, and will more than likely hate you forever
if I die, but she knows, and accepts it.

Vejiita flinched slightly at his words. He knew, as well. He
opened his mouth to speak, but Goten stopped him when he began to
power up. The young candidate for Bura's heart flared into Super
Saiya-jiin. And kept going.

Super Saiya-jiin, Level 2.

Super Saiya-jiin, Level 3.

Vejiita blinked as he watched the thick blond spikes roll down
Goten's back, as he continued to power up, stopping the ascension at
the high end of the 3rd level range, dead even with the elder male.
The two Level 3 Saiya-jiin stared at each other, their
aquamarine-rimmed black eyes boring into the other's gaze, unvoiced
challenges flowed like blood between the warriors.

Goten stepped forward, and raised his hand, placing it on
Vejiita's shoulder. A low growl rumbled through the gravity chamber,
but before the Prince could argue the contact, Goten raised his other
hand, two fingers touching his forehead. "This is not the place for a
proper challenge." And both disappeared.

They reappeared in a barren canyon, and immediately Goten
took a few steps back, keeping plenty of space in-between the two.
He watched as Vejiita blinked and looked around, noting the area.
"This will do. I didn't think you wanted the gravity chamber to be

He grunted, and watched Goten out of the corner of his eye as
he memorized the surrounding, taking in each and every detail that
could help or hinder his challenger. "I see you've been doing some
extra training, spawn. What else has your third-class sire taught

"You'll find out." Goten smirked, the spitting image of his
father when fighting Buu, and slid into a loose stance. "Are you ready,
Senshi no Ouji? Do you accept my challenge?"

He slid into an opposite stance, and nodded. "I accept your
challenge, senshi. Prepare to defend yourself!" With a yell, Vejiita
charged at Goten, his fist aglow with ki.

And the battle for Bura's soul began.


The door swung open, revealing the female in a tight black tank
and a red mini-skirt, matching red jacket held on one hand. She
pirouetted in front of the mirror, catching her image from all angles.
"So, what do you think of this one, Pan-chan?" Bura said, eyeing the
younger female that sat in a chair in front of her.

"Hmm...well, it's definitely you, if that's what your asking." Pan
replied. "But..."

"But what?"

"Well, you always wear red and black, B-chan." Pan shrugged a
small apologetic smile on her face. "Why not try something

Bura frowned at the image in the mirror. "But I like red and
black!" She turned around a few times. "Well, then what do you

Pan stood up and walked out into the store they were picking
out new clothes in. She arrived back a few moments later, holding an
outfit in her hand. "How about this one?" She held it up to her

"What?" She almost fainted in shock. "You know I can't wear
yellow! It clashes with my hair!" She shied away from the modest
bright-yellow sundress. "How could you even suggest something like

"You asked for something different, and I gave you something
different." The black-haired female plopped back down in the cushy
chair, crossing her legs underneath her. "It's not that bad--for a
dress, that is."

Bura made a face, and pushed it away with her toe.
"Ugh...seeing that makes me think of cheezy songbirds in spring..." She
smirked, though, when an idea struck her. "Okay, I'll wear it, if
you...wear a dress tomorrow night at the club!" Her face lit up and
she blinked out of sight. "And I know just which one!"

Pan let out a gasp. "No way! I hate dresses! You know that!"
She shook her head emphatically, curling up into a ball. "I break out in
warts and boils if one touches my skin."

She let out a squeal when Bura threw her 'choice' over her
head. "Well, there's a cream for that." Pan peeked out from under
the articles of clothing and stuck out her tongue in defiance. Bura
just rolled her eyes. "Come on, try it on. And," she sighed and picked
up the yellow dress on the floor, "I'll try this one on. The things I do
for you..." She walked back into the dressing room, leaving Pan alone.

"Fine." She grumbled, dragging the outfit behind her as she
moved into another dressing room. "But if one of the warts and boils
breaks open, I'm spreading the pus all over you!"

"Eeww! You are so gross, P-chan!"

"P-chan?! I'm not a pig!"

"You eat like one!"

"So do you!"

"You both wear bandannas..."

"I don't turn into a guy!"

"Well, you are a tomboy, it's close enough."

The two fuming females burst out of their own dressing rooms,
staring each other down. Both had their new outfits on. Bura, like
she said she would, looked absolutely ridiculous in the yellow sundress.
It didn't fit well on her thin frame, and it clashed badly against her
lavender hair. Pan, though, didn't look half-bad. Bura had picked out a
long, navy blue skirt, with a knee-high back slit. Small yellow and red
flowers were scattered throughout the material. The red silk blouse,
with half sleeves and a flare collar, complimented her small frame

Bura blinked at her choice, and studied Pan with a critical eye.
"Hey, I did a good job! You look really nice, P-chan!"

She rolled her eyes in distaste, glancing at herself in the
mirror. "I look like a big bloody bruise." She glanced back again, and
turned slightly, her eyes showing a little spark of interest. "Well,
maybe not a bruise..." She ran a hand down her hip.

"See? I know what I'm doing." Bura smirked triumphantly.
She groaned, though, when she saw herself in the mirror. "Now, you
on the other hand, are color-blind, or something. I look like a stick of

Pan let out a giggle. "I bet we can make Goten into a piece of
bread or something..."

Bura rolled her eyes. "You have a weird sense of humor,
P-chan." She tugged at the outfit in distaste, ignoring Pan's grumbles
over her new nickname. "Come on, I need to find something for
tomorrow night's party."

She pointed at the original red and black outfit. 'Well, that
one wasn't that bad, B-chan. But I think the plum tank and jacket
would look better on you. I'd compliment your hair."

"You think so?" Bura went into the store and retrieved the
plum version. She went into the dressing room to change. A moment
later, the yellow dress came flying out. "Get that thing out of my
sight! I think I have a few warts and boils of my own."

Pan ignored her complaining friend as she looked at herself in
the mirror. She had to admit, the outfit looked nice on her. She ran
her fingers across her stomach, noticing how the shirt emphasized
her small chest and her thin waist. Maybe someone else would notice
the same thing...

She was jerked out of her thoughts when she saw Bura come
out of the dressing room, this time in a plum tank and black jacket and
skirt. She twirled around a few times. "I rearranged the colors.
What do you think?"

Pan nodded. "Yeah, that looks good. Goten'll be knocked over
on his tail."

"I know. Goten gets knocked on his tail with whatever I wear."
She turned to Pan, a small smile curling at her lips. "So, are you going
to get it?"

"Well, maybe." Pan blushed a little. "I have to admit, B-chan,
it's not that bad."

"You doubted me? I'm so disappointed in you, P-chan!" Bura
blinked in mock horror. "You know I..." She trailed off, whipping her
head around, her eyes staring off into the distance.

"What? What's wrong, Bura?" Pan looked in the same
direction. "What is it?"

"It's started." She swallowed hard, her hand fluttered up to
her heart, fisting in the jacket's lapel. "Oh, Dende, he's doing it."

"Doing it? Who's...." Pan stiffened as she finally felt the high
ki signatures. "Uncle finally challenged Vejiita. He said it would be
soon..." She threw her arms around Bura. "Oh, B-chan!"

Bura let out a sob and pulled her friend to the floor. "Oh,
Goten...Papa...why this way? Why can't we just do it normally?"

"Because we're not normal, B-chan. We aren't human...we're
Saiya-jiin. You know that." She spoke quietly, trying to comfort her

"Gohan won't have your potential husband fight him to the
death!" Bura blurted out, her face twisted in anguish. "Why this

"It doesn't have to be to the death, Bura." Pan said
half-heartedly, knowing her words to be false.

"As if my Papa will admit defeat. It'll be either Goten's
death..." She trailed off, and swallowed, looking into her lap.

"Or Papa's."


Grunts and the soft, solid sound of fist striking flesh were the
only sounds that echoed throughout the deserted canyon as the two
warriors battled to their limits, each vying for the win.

Goten ducked, his long hair following in his movements as he
avoided Vejiita's fist. "It seems to me that you aren't trying your
best, Vejiita!" He balled his hands together and tried for the soft
underbelly of the elder male, but was unable to reach his mark when
Vejiita twisted out of the way. "This is a serious matter."

Which then left his back open for the palm strike. "I am
taking it easy on you, spawn! If I were going full out, you would be
nothing but a shred of clothing and a lock of hair." Vejiita swung down
hard, striking the lower back of the younger male.

Goten quickly rolled out of the way, recovering fast. He spun
to the left to avoid the ball of ki that just barely missed his shoulder.
"Maybe it's time for you to quit fighting, Vejiita! Your old bones can't
take much more of the strain you put on them. They'll break under
the smallest of pressure." He reached out, grabbing Vejiita's arm and
twisted it behind him, trying to prove his words.

But the Prince just used the momentum he gained in the twist
to bring Goten around, in the same move. "Don't try those baby tricks
on me, boy. I've seen too much to fall under those simple ploys." He
growled in Goten's ear, tightening his grip on the younger male. "It
seems that Bura will have to learn to live without a third-class spawn
as her mate." He chuckled as Goten thrashed in his grip, incensed by
his words. "She's probably forgotten about you already!"

Goten yelled, throwing his aura out. "Never!" He quickly
gathered a palm-sized ball of ki in the hand that Vejiita held, and
thrust backward, shoving it into his chest. "Bura will never forget
me!" He gasped when Vejiita let him go, as he twisted out of the ki
ball's trajectory. "We have Bonded! There is no separating us!"

The elder male wiped his lip, grinning to himself. "That's it,
boy. I want to see it all." He spoke louder. "Impossible, whelp! You
can not fully Bond without performing the Ceremony! Your puppy love
is nothing but a crush." Vejiita growled and powered up to the
maximum level of Super Saiya-jiin 3. "It's time to take your beating
like a Saiya-jiin!" He threw up a glowing hand, and let loose a ball of ki
fly into the air behind the panting Goten. Laughing wildly, Vejiita
stared into the pulsing orb. "This is how it will be, boy!" And he began
to change; his body growing and elongating. Bright golden-yellow fur
sprouted from his skin as the clothes he wore tore away from the
expanding limbs. A blood-curdling roar was ripped from the Prince's
throat as he reveled in the feel of his transformed state.

Soon, a full-sized golden Oozaru stood in front of the much
smaller male. The burning red eyes gleamed down at the diminutive
Goten. "Bow before your Prince, boy! This is what a true Saiya-jiin's
power feels like. Admit your defeat, and I will make your death quick
and painless." The giant were-monkey chuckled as he tossed a palm of
ki from one paw to the other.

Goten stared at the towering Oozaru. He could feel the power
radiating from the golden body. He blinked a few times and shook his
head. "I will never admit defeat, without first trying my damnedest
to win. Prepare yourself, Vejiita." And with that said, Goten turned
around and stared into the pulsing orb of moon-ki. He let out a sigh
when he felt the tell-tale tingle of the change. "Have faith in me,
B-chan. I will not let you down!"


"Before everyone loses their focus for the long weekend,
please hand in your assigned essays." The class rustled through their
papers, and one by one, handed in the assigned work. Gohan nodded
and made comments to the students as they passed his desk. When
they were through, he stepped up to the podium. "Okay, so what's the
day's topic?"

"We were going to talk about current events today," one
student called out.

"Right. So, who wants to contribute first?"

'My sister's getting married this weekend." A few chuckles
went around the room.

Gohan shook his head, and chuckled himself. "Tell her
congratulations, but is that something the class can talk about?"

The student blushed a little. "Um, well..."

"Anyone else?" A few hands went up. Gohan pointed to a
random student. "Yes?"

He leaned forward eagerly. "How about the 35th anniversary
of the Cell Games?"

Gohan gave him a watery smile. "Well, that's true, that is next
week, is it not? Did you have something in particular you wanted to
talk about?"

"Well, I've always been sort of a martial arts buff," the
student smirked, his eyes gleamed with hidden knowledge. "And since
you were there, Son-sensei, I thought you could give us a first hand
account of what happened."

The whole class let out a gasp, shocked at the news. "You were
there, Son-sensei?" A girl breathed out. "Did you fight Cell?" A few
other questions reached his reddening ears.

"Did you see Mr. Satan defeat Cell?"

"Were you one of the Gold fighters?"

"Is Mr. Satan as cool as his movies?"

Gohan held up his hands, a deep frown on his face. "Hold it,
everyone! Settle down!" Once the class quieted, he turned a stern
eye on the questioner. "So tell me, Dawyer-san, where did you get the
idea I was at the Cell Games?"

Dawyer leaned back, obviously confident in his information.
"Well, in the old TV footage, after the one fighter gave up his position
fighting Cell--Son Goku--who is your father, right, Son-sensei?"
Gohan hesitated, then nodded once. "Son Goku called for lunch, or so
the reporter thought he said. But what he said was 'Gohan'--which
was you, right, Son-sensei?"

The classroom was silent, waiting for Gohan's answer. All eyes
were on him. Gohan groaned to himself, and shook his head. 'Why
now? I thought all the hype over the Cell Games was over with.' He
sighed and took off his glasses, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Dawyer-san, do you really need to know?"

The young man flinched at the question. "Well, I'd really like
to know, Son-sensei. But if you really don't want to talk about it..."

Gohan sighed. "That's fine, Dawyer-san. I really don't want
to, but that's fine." He glanced up at the class. "Before I answer his
question, I want you all to promise me that whatever gets revealed
within this classroom, it will remain in this classroom." He glanced
around at his rapt students. "Do you all agree?"

The students glanced at each other, and one male raised a
hand. "Is that really necessary, Son-sensei?"

"Yes, it is. If I know you all, the minute I answer Dawyer-san's
question, everything that you know about the Cell Games is going to
become skewed. I will promise you, though, any questions that I
answer are completely true--all the information is correct. It may
seem impossible, and unbelievable, but it is true." Gohan glanced
around, his face serious. "So do you all agree? The information stays

The students, one by one, slowly nodded in agreement. Gohan
sighed and nodded. "Thank you, all. I just wanted you to realize how
serious of a topic that we are about to embark upon. Public opinion is
one thing--but the actual events are completely another." He turned
to the sandy-haired male in the third row. "Yes, Dawyer-san. That
was me. I was there--and I fought Cell."

The class exploded with questions, and Gohan just held up his
hands again for silence. "One at a time, please."

A girl held up her hand. "So you were the 'delivery boy?'"
Gohan nodded his head. "How old were you?"


"How long have you been studying martial arts, Son-sensei?"

He frowned slightly. "I started training when I was four and a

"Did you dye your hair blond for the fight?"

Gohan blinked. "Umm...no, not exactly. What that is, is..." he
thought for a minute on how to phrase it. "Me and my father and a
few of my training partners can access a special martial arts
technique that, when used, changes the color of our hair."

Dawyer held up his hand. "They weren't 'tricks' as Mr. Satan
called them, right, Son-sensei?"

He shook his head. "No, they aren't."

He leaned forward eagerly. "They're ki attacks, aren't they?"

Gohan looked surprised. "How do you know about ki,

"Like I said, Son-sensei, I'm a martial arts buff. I've studied
several types--kendo, kempo, tai chi--and heard of the use of one's
aura and ki. But I didn't know if it was true or not. Only really
advanced masters of the Art can access their ki and manipulate it to
do certain things." He smiled, a little awe shining in his eyes. "If it
was, then you must've been an incredible master of the Art at such a
young age, Son-sensei."

Gohan nodded, slightly impressed. He felt out the young man,
and could tell he had studied some in the Arts, but was not advanced
as, say Videl was, at that age. "Yes, they are ki attacks, Dawyer-san.
And they are very deadly. Only the most advanced in the Arts can use
their ki in such ways. But when I was young, I also had incredible
potential, and was trained under highly intense conditions." 'Like
wanting to defend Chikyuu against murdering Saiya-jiin that will arrive
in a year.' "How long have you trained in the Art, Dawyer-san?"

"A little over twelve years. I started when I was seven in basic
karate." Dawyer blushed slightly. "I always thought your father was
the greatest martial artist alive, Son-sensei. I've seen all his
Tenka-ichi Budokai fights--even the one where he fought against
Jackie Chun." He blinked a few times, when Gohan didn't answer.
"Son-sensei? Are you okay?"

Gohan had been staring off into space, not paying attention to
his students. Goten made his challenge. He and Vejiita were at Level
3 right now. 'I wish I could be watching them...it's going to be a great
fight.' "What, Dawyer-san? Did you ask me something?"

Dawyer glanced at another student then back to his professor.
"I was just saying that I think your father is the best martial artist
out there, Son-sensei."

"Thank you, Dawyer-san. I think the same thing." Gohan
smiled. "Excuse me for a moment, class. I need to make a phone call."
He nodded to his students and walked out the door, leaving the class
to wonder about his abrupt absence.

Gohan leaned up against the wall, and closed his eyes, focusing
his senses on the multitude of different levels of ki signatures. He
could feel the spikes of Goten and Vejiita as they fought; he picked
out Pan's signature, alongside Bura. 'More than likely they were
comforting the other.' Further away, he could sense the one signature
that he wanted to find--his father. He concentrated, and spoke, using
his ki voice. Dad? What are you doing?

After a moment, Goku replied back. Well, I wanted to go watch
the fight, but your mother isn't letting me go. She says hi. Where
are you?

I'm in a class. Gohan smirked to himself. And I think you'd
find our topic interesting. Want to join in?

Sure! That sounds a lot more fun than sitting here watching
your mother fold laundry. Will it be upsetting to the class if I come,

Actually, I think they'd enjoy your input. 'It'd get most of
their attention off me, at least.' And better yet, give me a few
minutes to get back in there to explain, and just teleport in.

That won't freak them out?

Maybe, but I'll tell them to expect you. Are you coming?

Sure, Gohan. If I can convince your mother to let me go, then
I'll be there.

Okay, Dad, thanks. Give me a minute, and then pop in.

See you in a bit, Gohan.

Gohan opened his eyes and smirked. 'Won't the class get a kick
out of this! Maybe I should have warned him about the topic…nah…'
Gohan walked back into the room, and silence filled the room as all
eyes became riveted to him. He sat on his desk and smiled to the
group of students. "Well class, I have a surprise for you. In honor of
Dawyer-san's topic choice, I just invited a guest to join us for the
rest of class."

"Who is it, Son-sensei?" Dawyer asked, intrigued. "Is it Mr.

Gohan smirked and shook his head. "No, it's not my father in
law. He's rather…busy…taking care of his dojo, so I decided to invite
someone else. But be prepared, he's going to …" Gohan trailed off, as
his father materialized next to him. He smiled and shook his head.
"He's going to arrive in an unusual way."

A few gasps escaped the young mouths as Goku blinked a few
times, taking in the audience. "Hi everyone." He turned to Gohan.
"Was I too early?"

"No, that's fine. Everyone, this is my father, Son Goku. Dad,
this is my Current Events class." Goku waved at them, a big smile on
his face. "If you want, you can sit here, Dad."

"Okay." Goku sat down on the desk, next to Gohan. "So what's
the topic you're talking about?"

"Well, Dawyer-san," he pointed out the sandy-blonde male who
was looking about to cry, "brought up the fact that next week is the
35th anniversary of the Cell Games, so we were talking about that."

"The Cell Games?" Goku blinked a few times, and he scratched
his head. "But why did you want me to be here for this, Gohan? You
were the one that killed Cell." Gohan clasped his hand to his head in

The group of students let out a collective gasp. "Son-sensei
killed Cell?" Dawyer stuttered. "But...but I thought it was Mr. Satan!"

"No! It was Gohan." Goku beamed at his son, who still had his
face in his hands. "Cell tried to blow up Chikyuu with a bomb inside
him, so I teleported me and him to Kaiou-sama's planet; we both died,
but Cell came back to life, killed Trunks and then Gohan killed Cell."

The class blinked in shock at the news. "So…so…so it wasn't
Mr. Satan, Son-sensei?" A girl spoke.

Gohan sighed, and shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not."

Dawyer blinked a few times. "But you were only eleven!"

"Yes, eleven, and mad as hell at Cell. When using the
techniques that we know, Dawyer-san, emotions such as rage and
anger give us more power. And with Dad just sacrificing himself for
no reason, because Cell survived, I was at the strongest I had ever
been." He sighed and rubbed his temple. "Remember, I warned you.
What you will learned today may seem wrong and completely
unbelievable, but I want you all to know that it is all true, and there
are no 'tricks' or anything of the sort." He stared at the class. "But,
just to warn you, the rest of the world will not believe you if you
speak of these ideas and facts. It is best kept within these walls."

A girl raised her hand timidly. 'Son-sensei, can I ask your
father a question?" Gohan glanced at Goku and he nodded. "Um,
Son-san, you don't look dead?"

Goku chuckled. "Well, I'm not." The class didn't know how to
respond to that.

"It's a very, very long story, one that we won't explain today.
But, yes, he is alive now. And we'll leave it at that." Gohan sighed and
shook his head. There were so many unbelievable back-histories to his
life! He glanced over his shoulder when he felt something brush up
against his arm. "Dad, watch it."

Goku blinked. "What, Gohan?"

Gohan spoke to his father's mind. Hide your tail. We don't
need to explain that one today, either.

He nodded and curled the brown tail around his waist. "Anyone
else have a question?"

Another student raised their hand. "I do! What's that furry
thing that just went around your waist, Son-san? It wasn't there

"Oh, that's just my tail." Goku said, without thinking, then put
a hand over his mouth when he realized what he said. He gave his son
an apologetic look. "Oops! Sorry, Gohan."

"Oh, Dad!"


The two golden Oozaru circled each other, Vejiita still holding
on to the ball of ki in one hand. He smirked at the younger male, who
was fighting to control his sanity. "You haven't transformed before,
whelp. Only experienced fighters can use this technique! Give it up
before I have to kill you to save this miserable mudball from your
rage." He chuckled and let the ball of ki fly. "Maybe I won't, and will
help you tear this dirtpile into shreds."

Goten let out a growl, turning his beady red eyes to the ball of
ki, flicking it away easily with a toss of his hand. "I...won't...let
you...win...that easily...!" Goten threw his head back and let out a
scream, his aura flashing blindingly, ki levels skyrocketing.

And Goten started to shrink.

When it was over, and the bright light faded, Vejiita was faced
with glittering golden eyes as they bored into his red ones. Goten
adjusted the blue sash around his waist and brushed off some
imaginary lint from his fuchsia fur. The Prince grinned at the younger
Saiya-jiin, his eyes taking in the more-advanced form. "I have to
admit, spawn, you pulled the wool over my eyes. I did not think you
had..." his motioned with a large paw to Goten's ascended form, "this
in you. This just proves my earlier point, senshi."

Before Vejiita, stood a glowing Super Saiya-jiin Goten, Level 4.

Goten nodded, the thick black mane of spikes jarring slightly
with the move. "I did not know if I would be able to make the final
transition, since you were the only one that knows how to make the
moon-ki, I was unable to try it out. But both my father and Gohan
said I had the power to do so." He gave himself a cursory look-over.
"When I remember you and Dad in this form, it looked even more
bulky and muscled than Level 3, so I wasn't sure that it would be to my
benefit." He curled an arm, gauging his own strength and limits, and
after a moment nodded to himself. "But I think I can get used to it
eventually. Although, fuchsia is not my favorite color."

Vejiita grunted. "I prefer blue, myself, but I think the red
suits me just fine." Goten turned his eyes forward when he heard
Vejiita scream and watched with an interested eye as the older male
started to shrink, taking in the changing parts and the growth of fur.

The two Level 4 Saiya-jiin stared each other down, red into
gold, watching, waiting, gauging the other in strengths and
weaknesses, wondering what the outcome of the fight will end up
being. But both knew what the end result will be: one winner, and one
loser. It just needed to be decided to which warrior luck has turned
her fickle favor.

Both knew what needed to be done to accomplish it.

Within the microsecond it takes for a solid blink of an eye, the
two hyper-powered males rushed at each other and began to exchange
in the deadly dance of fisticuffs, both not sparing an inch of precious
power or skill to give the other an advantage. Their bodies became
blurs of color as their pace went even beyond the speed of Saiya-jiin
sight. Deafening, ear-shattering booms filled the air as their
movements broke the sound barrier repeatedly. Their dance was one
of pride and power--the one that has the most of both will determine
the outcome, and be declared the winner.

But what will be the cost?


The two warriors broke apart, blood oozing from the numerous
wounds that each inflicted upon the other. Both panted as they
regained their breath from the frenzied activity.

Goten rubbed a fist to his eye, wiping away the blood that kept
spilling into his eyesight from a deep cut on his forehead. "Maybe you
aren't so bad after all, old man. You got a few good hits in there." He
winced inwardly as he took in a deep breath, gauging his wounds so far.
'Few broken ribs, bruised kidney, and I think he shattered one of my
kneecaps with his foot earlier.'

Vejiita spit out a mouthful of blood, watching the globule land
on the ground. He caught a flash of white enamel amongst the red.
"Old man? You dare call your High Prince an old man? I have just
struck the prime of my life! You are barely older than the sperm that
created you."

Goten blinked a few times. "How long is a Saiya-jiin's lifespan?"

"It has never been measured. A Saiya-jiin does not 'get old'
and wither away to a husk like the humans on this waterball," Vejiita
sneered in contempt at the thought. "The oldest Saiya-jiin recorded
in the history books was just entering his third Praa--which would be
about three centuries Chikyuu time. My father, at the time of
Vejiita-sei's explosion, was only halfway through his second Praa. And
he was not considered an 'old man.'"

Goten shook his head. "I don't think we halflings will live that
long. Maybe still feel pretty good in our early 100's, but I think our
human blood has compensated that trait." He studied the older male,
and realized something. "What about Bulma? She's not getting any
younger. When she dies, won't you, as well?"

Vejiita smirked and nodded, his red tail thrashing once. "You
are partially correct. If, and when she dies, I will join her, since we
are Bonded. But that will not be for a long time. My life may be
connected to hers, but hers is connected to mine, as well. When we
Bonded, her life-force was linked to mine, which in turn gave her few
latent Saiya-jiin characteristics, which includes an extended lifespan."
He crossed his arms. "If you couldn't tell, she has not physically aged
in several years."

He paused for a second, glancing at Goten. "It is obvious that
Bonding affects the spawn as well. Bura has more Saiya-jiin
characteristics than Trunks. Same as with you."

Goten thought about Vejiita's very revealing words. "So, you're
saying that my Mom and Dad were Bonded when I was conceived,
right? But wouldn't that be wrong? Dad died in the Cell
Games--wouldn't Mom have died, as well?"

He got a snort for a response. "Your father knew that there
stood a high risk for death that day, and when he fucked your mother
senseless creating you the night before, he transferred his Bond to
you, so she would not die." Vejiita snorted again at the face Goten
was making. "Stop imagining your parents in bed. You are the physical
manifestation of their Bond, spawn, and leave it at that."

He nodded slowly. "I guess it makes sense, if you don't think
about it too hard." A thought occurred to him and he smirked at the
older male. "So that means you and Bulma weren't Bonded when you
'fucked her senseless'?"

Vejiita ignored the barb, only growling a little under his breath.
"Enough worthless chatter, boy. I thought you had something to do
here today? You won't win my approval with talking." He jumped into
the air, sliding into a tight attack stance. He narrowed his
red-rimmed eyes at the other male. "It's time to finish this."

Goten nodded and mimicked him. "And finish this I will." He
yelled and launched himself at Vejiita, his fist aglow with ki. "I will
accomplish what I set out to do today, Vejiita. I will prove myself to
you, and claim Bura's soul, once and for all!"


Trunks wandered through Capsule Corps, looking for his
mother. He could feel the awesome ki readings far to the south, and
wanted to let his mother know of the events going on, since she was
unable to follow the fight herself. Going through the people-filled
hallways, he finally sorted out his mother's ki, distinctive only because
of his close proximity to her for so many years, and knew the low-level
flicker by heart. He zeroed in on her--she was in the living
quarters--her and his father's bedroom to be exact.

He knocked on the solid door, his sensitive ears pricked for any
recognizable sound. "Mom? Are you in there? It's me, Trunks. I
have something to tell you."

After a moment, the door unlocked, sliding open to reveal the
interior sitting room. He walked in, curious that she didn't greet him
personally. "Mom?" He followed her ki into the next room, and found
her sitting on a small couch out on the balcony, wrapped up in a
blanket. She was staring off into the distance, one hand resting on
her shoulder. "Mom? What are you doing out here? And why are you
covered up? It's a warm day."

"I felt cold, Trunks." Her voice was quiet as she stared
unblinkingly out into the horizon.

He followed her gaze and saw nothing of importance in her
field of vision. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing in particular." She tore her eyes off the horizon to
fasten them on her son. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Hmm? Well, I just wanted to let you know..." Trunks had been
staring at the scenery as well, and when he turned back to his mother
he lost his train of thought. "What happened to you?"

Bulma blinked sadly, her red eyes refocusing on the horizon.
"Your father, is what happened to me. He's fighting Goten for Bura,
isn't he?"

"How did you know? How did your eyes...?" Trunks was
flabbergasted by the image of his mother. Her eyes had turned from
the cerulean blue he inherited from her to a blood red, and a forelock
of her lavender hair, which usually was kept on the shorter side, hung
over her face and had turned a glossy ebony.

She waved a hand at him, and Trunks now saw that the scar
that marked the crook of her shoulder and neck was a bright red, the
twin holes each leaked a drop of blood. "It's a side-effect of the
Bond we share, Trunks. Right now, he's a Level 4, is he not?" Trunks
slowly nodded, reaching out a hand to touch her neck. Bulma just
swatted his hand away. "Don't touch. I've always been affected by his
changes, although it's a little more obvious at the moment. Usually the
Mark just flares a little, reminding me it's there, and my eyes turn a
little green. When he goes Level 3 I get a long lock of blonde hair
over my eyes." She twirled the black hair around a finger. "But when
he goes Level 4, he's expending a large amount of ki, and it washes
over me, as well."

"Does Dad know about these...affects?"

She nodded and slid over a little, letting Trunks sit down by
her on the small couch. He did, and she leaned onto him. "Yes, he
does. The affects don't wear off until a few hours after he's gone
back to normal, so he usually sees them if he comes home right away."
She snorted and shook her head, the black lock of hair waving with
her movement. "I told him he can't find a Level 5--who knows what
might happen to me then. I just might grow a tail, or something."

Trunks chuckled and wrapped his own tail around her wrist,
giving his mother an affectionate squeeze. "I think you'd look good
with a tail, Mom."

"Your father thinks the same way. I think it's the Saiya-jiin
hormones." She petted the furred appendage around her wrist, and
received a throaty purr from her eldest child.

"Mom..." he blushed, squirming a little, but enjoying the
attention to the sensitive tail.

She chuckled and stopped, patting his chest. "Don't worry,
Trunks. I know exactly what it feels like. Well, not exactly, but I
know what you think it feels like. Your father melts into a puddle of
goo when I stroke his tail."

"Mom! I really don't need to hear that..."

She chuckled again. "Sorry, Trunks. So tell me what's going on
out there. I may know that he's fighting, but that's about the extent
of it."

"Well, the fight's really intense, as far as I can tell. Both Dad
and Goten are giving it all they got. And it feels like Goten is at Level
4 as well. Surprised the hell out of me when I felt it. I didn't know
he was that strong, yet. Maybe Level 3, but not all the way to 4."

"Gohan said that Goten had been training in secret with him
and Goku, preparing for the Mating Challenge," Bulma said. "He is
deadly serious about Bura."

Trunks nodded somberly. "Let's hope that the 'deadly' part
doesn't come into play." Bulma sighed and nodded in agreement.


Goten gritted in pain as he reeled back from the blow to his
already broken ribcage, which Vejiita was taking full advantage of. He
barely was able to avoid the uppercut, instead taking the ki-laden fist
in the shoulder. "Come on, old man...give it all you got..." He growled
as he flipped over his opponent, and kicked out, striking Vejiita right
above the tail.

A bellow of pain escaped the Saiya-jiin Prince as he tucked and
rolled, springing up into a ready stance. "Damn it, boy!" He roared and
launched a multitude of small ki balls at the still-floating Goten.
"Gallic Gun!"

Goten quickly shielded himself with his arms as the small but
potent balls of ki exploded around him. He spun out with a foot,
connecting with the leg of Vejiita, who attempted an attack under the
protection of his own ki. He smirked as he heard the tell-tale sound
of a bone cracking.

The two fighters pushed away from the other, taking in the
other's condition. Goten eyed Vejiita's left leg, watching it dangle in
the air, useless. He smirked at the older male. "Well? Have I proven
myself yet, Ouji? Am I worthy enough of your daughter?"

The Prince snarled, a feral look entering his red eyes. "Never!
I will not let a third class gaki Bond with my blood! You will have to
kill me first!" He roared and launched himself at Goten once again,
aura blinding in its intensity.

Goten roared in response, and retaliated with a swift slice of
his elbow, jabbing deep into the underbelly of the charging Vejiita.
He hissed into his ear, "Admit it Vejiita! I Am Worthy! There is no
class here! I am the perfect match for your daughter!"

Vejiita growled under his breath, "The Saiya-jiin no Ouji never
admits to anyone, anything." He wrapped his hands around Goten's
bicep. "And I will never submit to you!" He screamed and let loose his
energy, letting it surround his hands, which were wrapped tight
around Goten's bicep.

The young warrior howled in pain as he felt the skin being
literally burned off his arm. He broke free of the Prince's grip and
pushed himself back. "It's now or never, Vejiita. Bura will be mine! I
will end this one way or the other...now!!!"

He brought his hands to his side, a hiss escaping through his
lips as he moved his damaged arm. He let his right arm dangle and
made the needed motions with his left. "Kame hame..." The glowing
ball of ki from his family's signature attack burned bright in the palm
of his one good hand.

Vejiita swore out loud and slammed his wrists together, his
palms facing his opponent. "So be it! Final..." A glaring white light
exploded around his hands, as he too called forth his power, matching
Goten in strength.

The young warrior grimaced at the power he controlled, and
with a whispered prayer to Bura, he let loose the ball of accumulated
ki: I love you, Bura...


Vejiita saw the release and grunted, pushing with his entire
body the power he held in his hands. I'm sorry, Oujoko.



In the air, Bura and Pan were silent as they flew towards
Capsule Corp, both watching with their ki senses the titanic battle.
With every spike or drop of Goten's ki, Pan watched Bura flinch or
react in some way. Knowing how hard this battle was on her friend
and potential aunt, she remained quiet in her commentary, knowing
words were useless at the moment. She could only offer her silent

Soon, they arrived at the large domed building, touching down
on the balcony where Trunks and Bulma were still sitting. Bura set
down her bags. "Hi, Trunks, Mama." Her voice hitched in her throat.

Bulma sat up and opened her arms. "Oh, my baby girl..."

Bura let out a choked sob and fell into her mother's arms,
weeping openly. "Why does this have to happen, Mama? Why do they
have to kill each other over me?"

The older woman just made soft noises into the younger
female's hair, rubbing her back in sympathy. "Shush, baby girl, there's
no reason for such a finality as death. They're just going to beat each
other up a bit, and then we can start to plan a big wedding for you and
Goten. They're just playing, 'My Ki's Bigger than Yours.' You know
Saiya-jiin males and their macho crap." Trunks just snorted, crossing
his arms in a huff.

Bura chuckled weakly, her sobs getting lighter. "Macho crap.
Good one, Mama."

The four sat in silence for a while, Bulma whispering calming
words to her daughter every time she would flinch or jump in response
to the fight. They were all lost in their own little worlds, so when
Goku and Gohan materialized in front of them without warning, all four
let out a yell in surprise.

Pan recovered first. "Grampa! Papa! Don't do that!!"

Gohan pushed his father's shoulder. "I told you we should have
called first!" He rolled his eyes at the shrug of indifference his
father made, and went to go sit next to Pan, who was balancing on the
railing of the balcony. "How's it going, Pan-chan?"

She leaned onto her father and sighed when his strong arms
wrapped around her. "Fine enough, I guess." She looked up into his
face. "Have you gone to see..." She trailed off and flicked a look to
Bura, who was still lying in her mother's arms, her head buried in the
older woman's chest. Trunks had wrapped a protective arm around
both of the females in his life, and Pan couldn't help but feel a twang
of jealousy in her heart.

"No, we didn't want to disturb them," Gohan shook his head. "I
just got done with a class and me and your Grampa came right over

"What class was that, Gohan?" Bulma asked quietly, still
stroking Bura's hair. "And what was Son-kun doing in it?"

"I had a Current Events seminar. And you really don't want to
know..." He threw a glare over at his father, who just gave him an
embarrassed smile. "Hopefully, there will be no ill effects that come
from it."

Trunks blinked a few times. "What were you talking about?"

Gohan sighed. "I have a martial arts buff in my class and he
suggested the Cell Games." He nodded at the groans. "I thought so,
too. But then he has the nerve to ask me to give my 'first-hand
experience,' since I was there and all." He made a disgusted face.

Bulma let out a gasp. "What? How did he know you were

"Dawyer is a smart kid," he admitted, "and he figured it out
from the old tapes. So we got to talking, and when I left for a minute
to talk to Dad here about the challenge going on, I invited him to come
and give his input, as well."

"Oh no, you didn't, Gohan!"

He nodded somberly. "I did. And I think each and every one of
those students is traumatized from now on. I'll never be able to teach
that class normally again." He threw another glare at his father.

Goku finally spoke, defending himself with a waved hand.
"Don't blame me, Gohan! I didn't know it'd effect them so harshly."

"I told you to hide your tail!"

"I did! It's not my fault they saw me wrap it around my waist."

"But you didn't have to blurt out that it was your tail!" Gohan
huffed sourly.

Pan giggled in her father's arms. "What happened, Papa?"

He glared down at his daughter, only earning more giggles.
"When we were talking about the Cell Games, since Dad blurted out,
again, that I had defeated Cell, we had been honest with all our
responses to their questions. So, we were honest about that, too."

"You told them you were aliens?" Bulma sat up, astonished.
"Gohan! What if some weird government agents come after you and
want to dissect you, or deport you, or something?"

"Hopefully nothing like that happens. I got their word, before
we started talking, that everything said remained in the room, and not
to be talked about outside the class." He ran a hand through his hair.
"If something happens, well, we'll just take it one step at a time, ne?"

"I don't think they'll tattle, Gohan," Goku reassured his
first-born. "They seemed like nice kids, especially that one."

"That's Dawyer, Dad, and he worshipped the ground you walked
on." He rolled his eyes. "You could say he was your biggest fan."

"I know! That's what made him so nice." Goku grinned.
Everyone just groaned.

I love you, Bura...

Bura jerked in Bulma's lap, letting out a whimper. "Goten..."

I'm sorry, Oujoko.

Bura jerked again. "Papa...no..."

Five sets of eyes swiveled and fixed upon the horizon, where a
faint yellow glow could be seen. Pan sucked in a breath. "Wow..."

Goku and Gohan exchanged serious looks as they realized that
the fight was over.

Trunks tightened his grip on his mother and sister, having
heard his father's words as well. Bulma let out a gasp and turned to
her son for confirmation of her fear. "That's them, isn't it?" The
purple-haired male slowly nodded, his eyes clenched shut as he
focused on the remaining ki, trying to see who had won...and who had

Bura let out a gasp, pushing herself away from her mother,
ignoring the fact that she fell to the floor in the process. "Goten...Oh
no...Goten!" A soul-searing scream ripped from the young female's
throat as her ki levels skyrocketed, her aura flashing wildly out of
control. Everyone made for cover when her eyes turned green and her
hair burst into a flame of gold.



The King of Zor, he called for a war
And the King of Zam, he answered.
They fashioned their weapons
One upon one
Ton upon ton
They called for war at the rise of the sun.

Out went the call, to one and to all
That echoed and roared like the thunder
Trumpets and drums
Roar upon roar
More upon more.
Rolling the call of "Come now to war."

Throughout the night they fashioned their might
With right on the side of the mighty.
They puzzled their minds
Plan upon plan
Man upon man
And at dying of dawn the great war began.

They met on the battlefield banner in hand.
They looked out across the vacant land.
And they counted the missing,
One upon one,
None upon none.
The war it was over before it begun.


The barren wasteland was finally quiet, the only thing that
moved were the dust clouds as they settled from the monstrous
battle that took place there.

A slow breeze gently caressed the two figures that lie on the
ground, running her soft fingers through the stiff hair of each
warrior, offering her healing touch to whichever one claimed it first.
When neither figure responded, the wind went about on her way,
unruffled by the rejection.

After several moments in the calm of the afternoon, one figure
stirred, his tail twitched slightly like a worm on a hook. Slowly, he
turned his head, letting out a groan of pain for the small effort.
After a moment, the warrior sat up and took in his surroundings. The
battlefield looked completely different, especially when seen from the
bottom of the crater he awoke. With great difficulty and pain, the
male got up, favoring an arm and a leg and made his way out of the
ki-created crater to survey the damage from a higher view.

All he saw was devastation and destruction from his and his
opponent's actions. Deep gorges carved out the pock-marked land as
he watched the area with a swollen eye, searching for another life
sign. He paused as he caught a trickle, and painfully dragged himself
over to where he thought the other warrior lie, deep in his own crater.

He was in no better shape than he--but at least he was awake
and moving around. The male stumbled over a rock, and tumbled head
over heels down the deep pit, coming to a stop a few feet from where
the other warrior lie. He had no strength left to even throw up a
barrier shield, so as he fell, the rocks dug into his flesh, ripping open
wounds that had begun to scab over, making his blood run once more.

But they were of no consequence, since they added no fresh
pain to his already screaming body. He allowed a hiss of pain to
escape when he finally sat up once again, clutching at his dangling arm.
He moved to stand, remembering to favor his already injured leg, only
to find that the fall had broken the other, and the warrior noted that
the blood-drenched bone shined in the glimmering light. He let out a
curse, and reaching out with his one good arm, he pulled himself
across the dirt to be next to the other warrior.

Leaning forward, he placed a ripped ear to the other male's
chest, and after a moment, felt the tell-tale triple thump of the
Saiya-jiin's heartbeat. But what he also heard was a sound that was
not supposed to be there--the 'whooshing' of a punctured lung. But so
were the injuries of war.

The male sat up and stared at the still figure in front of him,
taking in the hard lines made soft by his unconscious state. He shook
his head and murmured to himself, "Only one can survive...it ends,
now." He held up his bloodied and dirtied hand, and with few moment's
effort, called upon the last remaining ki in his battered body. It
wouldn't take much to stop the slow beat of the warrior's heart. The
ki flickered across his fingers and he let his hand fall to the
unconscious Saiya-jiin's chest.

The male stared at his hand, the glowing fingers splayed across
the pectorals of the warrior he had come to know over the years. A
smile curled at his bleeding lips and he shook his head, letting his
meager ki dissipate. Awkwardly, the Saiya-jiin reached out with a
finger, and drew on the man's forehead and chest, using his own
free-flowing blood to create the old and forgotten symbol. When the
male woke up and saw it, he would know what it meant.

Leaning forward, Vejiita whispered into Goten's ear. "Iwai no
kotoba, senshi. You earned it...Ouji."


*sigh* Well!! How's that for a piece of work? I worked very *long* and very *hard* on this sucker, since I have the faintest idea on how to do battle scenes. Did the song make sense? I thought it was very fitting, for the moment. Next time...we get the aftershocks of the day's events...and then we get to party! Woohoo! I'm bringin' the lampshade! Gie-chan

*iwai no kotoba--a very formal congratulations.