Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Sparrows Fall ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When Sparrows Fall
Chapter 4
A/N: Hello one and all!!! Welcome back, another week and another chapter!!! Anyway, thanks for reading!!! You all don't know how happy I am that this story has had some success thus far! Oh, to avoid confusion, for I was a little myself, Vegeta is now 25, Kakkarrot is 19, Bulma is 24, and Chi-Chi is 18. Thanks again for letting me share some creativity, now on to the story!!!
Oh, and because my beta is going to a concert tomorrow (rock on!!!), I am putting this chapter up tonight. Don't worry! Cappuccino Penguin has beta'd it, so it is all set for lauch!!! LOL, but read on rockers!
After leaving the harem, Kuujo and Kakkarrot ran straight to the mother ship that had trailed the small space pods the saiyans had arrived in. The plan was perfect, for the small pods typically lost their use after a long journey like that, and they needed something bigger to accommodate the new guests.
Guests…yes that was what the four women would be called. They were all very beautiful, in their own unusual ways, and they were all severely damaged - both physically and mentally.
Once the ship burst in to light speed and left the demolished battle cruiser behind, Kuujo and Kakkarrot took the ladies to the infirmary. There, Jareh, the Arrana-jin who was the most respected medical physician on planet Vegeta, gave the women complete physical examinations and found their names.
All the girls that survived were from the planet Earth, according to Anna (A/N: had to give her an earth name!! lol). From what she said, eight years ago their planet had been purged by the great three and ninety percent of the population had perished in the disaster. The remaining survivors were forced into slavery.
It was difficult for Kakkarrot to handle the fact that for eight years these women had been pleasure slaves to the most feared men in the universe. Nearly all of the advanced nations of the universe cringed with the thought of Frieza's battle cruiser basing just outside their home planets.
After a little gentler probing from Kuujo, the other girls gave what little information about themselves they could recall to him. Their names on Earth had been Isabela, Anna, and Ming-Joy. All of them had trouble speaking, uncontrollable shivering had overtaken their bodies and they had become accustomed to looking at the floor when addressed by others.
Jareh had been working on the blue-haired woman while Kuujo had questioned the other girls. Apparently, the girl with the technological ability was the favorite all the soldiers on that ship. When questioned about her, the girls immediately ceased their shivers and took upon themselves solemn stares, aimed directly at the broken girl on the table across the room.
“She is not well,” Ming-Joy had said quietly, staring at the girl with blue hair with sympathetic eyes. It nearly broke both Kuujo and Kakkarrot's hearts to understand that whatever their ally had been through was far worse than anything these girls had, if the scars that littered her body told any true stories.
“Okay,” Jareh spoke up, examination on the blue one finished. “You three girls are going to be fine. I will give you some medicine to help your shakes, for I believe they are caused by a drug put in the food you were given while you were imprisoned. The kind man who has been questioning you is Kuujo, and he will help you adjust to life on Vegeta.”
“Are we to be your whores now?” Isabela asked, failing to force her hate away from her voice as it strained with effort.
“No, we want to give you the opportunity to work in any profession you believe you have skill in, and you will receive wages for your work. The Saiyan Lifestyle does not have use for forced labor, for that only leads to rebellious uprisings and political unrest. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to work for their lives, and receive compensation for it,” Kuujo answered, trying not to betray his anger at the thought of him forcing someone to work for him.
“Haiku,” Jareh called. “Please show these ladies their new rooms. I believe we have already set up some proper clothes and other necessities. Be sure to allow no men to come into their rooms, I will come to give them some medication later.”
After handing the earthlings some robes to hide their nakedness until they reached their rooms, Haiku lead the girls to their temporary homes until they reached planet Vegeta.
“Kakkarrot, since your father has passed on to the other dimension; I suppose it is now your job to take over the department of public affairs. I trust you will help me find suitable jobs for the girls?” Kuujo asked his good friend.
“Yes, I guess I will have to pick up the slack that has been building since we had to start trying to find his majesty as well. It should not be a problem though; I think we can handle it. What do you say, Kuujo, help a friend out?”
Kakkarrot could not help but laugh. Even though his father was gone, and he knew the grief would fully set in soon, he felt relieved. A heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders. Kuujo was the best psychologist on the planet, and if anyone could help Radditz, the prince, and the other girls, it would be him. He would also be excellent as a right hand man in public affairs, to try to make sure all the servants in the working class were doing well in their jobs.
The mood shifted slightly, as Jareh drew attention to himself by clearing his voice.
“We need to discuss the well-being of this one.”
Kakkarrot and Kuujo nodded silently, and strolled forward to the medical table the woman was now laying on, a thin sheet covering her naked body.
“She is by far the worst off of the bunch. Physically, the scars that cover her body cannot be made to go away. She has a ruptured eardrum that has been left untreated in her left ear, and although I can fix that with a little bit of surgery, her hearing in that ear will not return. Also, her hip bone has been broken apparently many times before, but left to heal incorrectly, leaving it dislocated. Her legs are in a similar condition, that is the reason why they are so crooked. They seem to have been broken multiple times, and then forced to heal in this pattern. It is a typical punishment for unwilling consorts. This can also be corrected with surgery, but it will be incredibly invasive, and I am afraid to do it on the ship right now. I would like to have my whole team with me when I perform, but you will have to assign someone to help her get around until then. I do not see any possible way she can walk right now.”
Kakkarrot was stunned. He now wished he had carried her a little more gently, after all he knew first hand how fragile earthlings were. He had a secret crush back home on a cute cook in the palace (A/N: ten guesses who that is…LOL). A feisty little woman, who he knew had probably been through a lot, but he never knew how much until now. Earth's demise must have been terrible, for he knew how powerful his sensei was, which reminded him of what he must do.
“Thank you, Jareh. I am afraid to assign a male saiyan to her, for when we found her she was in quite a compromising position…I would not want to scar her more in her healing process,” Kakkarrot spoke. “However, I have the prince in my quarters, and he is not well. As you know, saiyans have superb healing abilities, but I was wondering if you could make sure nothing is dislocated before I put him in the regeneration tank?”
“Certainly, Kakkarrot. Kuujo, will you please stand guard over this woman until I return?”
“I will,” Kuujo answered shortly. Although slavery was not allowed on the planet, there still existed a bit of resentment between certain races - especially between servants and saiyans who had a lot of power. Kuujo respected the physician, but he was not one to be ordered around by anyone, except his king and prince.
Before entering the quarters where Vegeta resided, Kakkarrot stopped. “I need to go in first, to tell him what is going on. He does not need any surprises right now.”
Kakkarrot entered the room. After a minute or so, Jareh was summoned in.
The prince was lying on the bed where Kakkarrot had left him, still covered in dirt and grime. “Your majesty, I am going to clean you up a bit so I can see clearly any wounds that need to be dealt with externally before healing you in the regeneration tank. Is that alright?” Jareh was kneeling before his prince, having been born on the planet he had always considered himself one of the saiyan people, despite his purple appearance.
“You may,” Vegeta grunted, trying desperately to maintain his royal dignity in such a shameful situation. It seemed that Kakkarrot had warmed him up to the idea previously.
After bathing and resetting all the dislocated bones, Kakkarrot hefted him into the regeneration tank, placing it on the highest level in order to have him completely healed. Being a top model tank, it should only take 2 hours, which was a relief to the saiyan.
Upon reaching the infirmary once more, they found the woman sitting up in bed as best she could and talking to Kuujo.
“Kakkarrot, Jareh, this is Bulma, our ally and spy that granted us much needed access to Frieza's ship's mainframe so we could crack through their defenses and get into the ship completely undetected. Bulma, this is Kakkarrot and Jareh, they mean you no harm,” Kuujo finished gently.
The girl called Bulma slowly turned her eyes to the saiyan and the Arrana-jin, hateful distrust clearly shining in her eyes. Sensing this, Kakkarrot reached out to her.
“NO!!!” An ear-piercing scream came from the broken woman, and Kakkarrot immediately pulled his arm back. She immediately clutched her left ear in pain, and tears welling up in her haunted eyes.
“Shh….it's okay now Bulma. We are not going to allow anything bad to happen to you anymore. You are safe now,” Kuujo encouraged. Apparently he had been talking to her for a quite a while, for she seemed to feel better when he spoke, but it took nearly an hour for her to calm down enough to speak again.
Finally, she managed to begin talking once more.
“So you were the one I was sending those messages to?” She asked.
“Yes,” Kuujo answered. “I am one of the many who were on the squad to try to rescue the Prince and the others. Kakkarrot and Jareh were on the squad as well as everyone on this ship.”
Bulma thought about this for a moment, seeming to consider her next words carefully.
“So, what happens to me now?”
This time Jareh spoke up. “With your consent of course, I would like to take care of your ear right away. I can do an outpatient surgery on it that will take care of the pain, but you will still be unable to hear out of it. When we get back to planet Vegeta, I would like to set up a team of doctors to surgically correct your hip and legs. The operation will last a long time, and the healing process will have to go naturally for about a week. Once we know for sure everything is set I would like to let you use the regeneration tank to heal completely. Is that okay with you?”
Bulma looked down at her mutilated legs, and looked back up at him.
“Then what?”
“We would like to offer you the opportunity to become a leading technician in our science department. We feel that you are more than capable after all the dastardly things you managed to show us on the web,” Kuujo answered.
Bulma pondered this for a bit.
“What?” Everyone in the room answered simultaneously.
“I refuse to live with the murderers of my people. I did this only so I could get away, not be bound to you.”
“And what if we refuse to let you go, woman?” Unbeknownst to everyone until now, Vegeta had recovered and entered the room.
A/N: Oooohhh, cliffhanger! Thanks again to Cappuccino Penguin, my beta, who is an excellent writer. Please Review!!!!
Shout outs:
Shades of Crimson: Thanks a lot!!! I am looking forward to reading more of your story too.
Kao-Misao1728: Thanks, this is a little `intense,' as my beta said, but hey it's angst! LOL, thanks for reading!
lilvampgoddess: Thanks!!! Hopefully I will be able to continue it like this.
Another B/V Lover: Thanks a lot!!!! I really appreciate it!!! I hope you like how both of them end.
Nish095081: haha, yeah. And I bet you can guess who the cute cook in the palace is too!!! I have to have a little comic relief…not everyone can have crappy lives.
Cappuccino Penguin:Thanks so much for betaing!!! It really means a lot!!!