Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ When Worlds Collide ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMERS: *sighs* I donot, nor ever own DBZ, or the show 'Roswell' But I do own
Kayla, that character is mine!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Alright every one heres something to r/r while I finish 'Bulma Runs
Away-pt 4......so enjoy!! This is an A/U, the timeline is altered to fit the story, its between the
Android Saga and the Cell Saga. About a five and a half month gap, Goku is completely
healed. You meet a girl from Trunk's own future, his childhood friend, this is her story.


Rattling the Chains - part one
By Xoulblade


Roswell, NM

The sun was beating down mercilessly on this Monday mornings, I hate Mondays, not even
9:00 yet and you could fry an egg on the sidewalk! Through the rising heat wave I saw the
buildings of the high school, Roswell High, home of the comets, MY temporary home. My name
is Kayla, age 17, *sighs* I have been here for five months, you see I'm from a different
dimension or world, my life was in danger and I had to escape, but you see I didn't want to go!
I wanted to be with my best friend, to fight at his side, but he betrayed me!


As the portal closed behind me, I turned around and what I saw in his eyes, I haven't seen since the
day Gohan died in our dimension, I saw tears, his tears and they were for me. My best friend was
crying in front of his father, no less, it gave me the courage and the strength to stand there and
let the portal close. He told me telepathically, **Stay alive, Kayla. I'll be back, I promise!!**

The tears slid down my face, I answered him back, **I'll be fine, don't worry, just come back to me you
Baka!!** I shouted that last part in my head, **Please.** I stood there bravely as the portal closed all
the way, I was alone, I felt so hurt, but I knew it was for my own good, but I still felt betrayed, all
because my skill level in fighting wasn't as high as his or anyone elses, I know they were afraid I'll get
hurt but I just wish he had alittle more faith in me, all I had from him, was his word that he'll come for me.

~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~

Through the heat, I daydreamed about my friends I have left behind, even though they are jerks for
sending me here! I missed them so much, including a certain pain in the ass! I wanted them here so
badly, just watching friends walk to school or driving, talking and laughing, having a good time, it
made me envious. I was all alone in this strange world that I had to get too, expectally after finding
out were I came from, which I'll explain later.

I just hope I can see my friends again and do the things that friends do, deep in my heart I pray that
they come for me, but I have one fear that one of them will be dead before I could tell him my secret.

Well my life took a strange turn the first week I was here, you see I haven't been to school for about
a month, I just got back and been back in school for about a week, so I have not time to start making
friends, but I have made friends in another place far from Roswell, NM. I guess you can call them
my friends here Max, Liz, Michael, Alex, Isabelle, and Maria. I mean what do I tell them?
Hi, I'm only here for a short time, Oh Yeah I come from another world, still want to be friends? I can see
that going over really well.

I envied them, Max, Micheal, Liz, Alex, Isabelle, and Maria, as I watched them walk to class, which I was in
with them. I don't talk much in class, either too shy or not use to so many kids my age in one place, were I'm from
most of the teenagers are scattered around the globe or dead. So I sit in the very back, across from
Michael and behind Maria.

I guess you could call me an average teenager. I'm short, about 5'3, I practice the martial arts every morning
before I come to school, I had a wonderful teacher, who taught me everything I know, and yes, I can fly,
but I don't do it very often, well here people, do like to gossip and they are afraid of what they don't know,
the kids (some) teases me endlessly for my looks, they call me a freak, the ringleader is a major jerk himself and
hes in this class, but anyways.

I can sense a persons' full power level, you see every living creature has a power level, like the three I'm sensing
now, these three are high above any normal human, but its non-threatening, so I leave it alone.
Also my reflexes are excellent, I am not as strong as some of my friends, but I make up for it in my speed and

As I sat there lost in thought, I listened to my CD player before class. When a I felt a sudden jolt I haven't felt
for five months, it hit me like a ton of bricks, a portal from my world was opening! It was here my friends were
coming, but wait did they fail? I felt myself go suddenly numb, I know I'm jumping the gun alittle bit, but after
five months, I have every right to worry, since I haven't heard from Kami or my friends since I was pushed into
this world.

It felt like I was going to faint, my fingers shook as I turned off my player and slowly took off my headphones,
I felt complete shock go through me. I just couldn't help it!!!

Shaking myself, I focused on were they were coming from, but my pain was making it hard for me to focus.
So zeroing out the noise of the classroom, I felt it a portal was opening outside and its nearby and it WAS
from my world!!! The only thing I could think of was my friends!!! As you know my friends mean everything
to me, they were the reason why I was still here and not blasting my own way to my world, I did promise my
childhood friend that I'll stay put until they came for me. But my imagination got the better of me and I started
thinking the worse, 'No its not true! Its impossible! They are not dead!!'

"NO!!" I screamed my pain and anger out loud. My scream of pain echoed and reechoed through the classroom,
over the other noise and fading away in utter silence. I closed my eyes, I felt mortified, 'Oh Kami, why me?'
You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet, until a mocking voice broke the silence, "Well, well the the little
is crying, poor little baby does she need to go home?"

My eyes snapped opened to see the mocking face of, Kyle the son of the local sheriff, one simple work, the
local jerk! The one word I really heard was LITTLE, yes, I have issues on my height, Kami I'm only two
inches shorter than a certain, pain in the ass princey, we all know and love!

Anyways, *sighs* I guess you could call me a freak, I do have odd coloring, but I am a human, with platium
colored hair, which I'm proud to say its natural! It flowed passed the bottom of my shoulder blades, like
white foam, my eyes were fringed by long dark eyes lashes and almonded shaped eyes, that are emerald
green and they sparkled, when I am happy or they turn hard when I am angry, in my other world, my friends
knew when to run, but Kyle for being such a stupid jackass didn't know what he was getting into or what
kind of mood I was in, my eyes glittered in warning and stupid Kyle didn't take the hint, that I didn't want to
be messed with, right now my friends lives was at stake, "Back off Kyle or you'll get hurt!!"

"OH I am SO scared you, freak!!"
He should have taken my warning seriously, at the corner of my eyes I saw Michael stand up, "Don't, I'll
handle this asshole myself!" I don't have the time to be nice to anyone, nor do I have the time to back out
of this show of superiority over little ol me. I had to get to that portal before it opened and if I had to plow
through Kyle, well so be it!

Grabbing my backpack, I slipped my CD into the main compartment and grabbed my weapon hidden inside,
a small knife, which I only used in self-defence and this calls for it, you see I don't dare use my power, it I
did that well, I shutter to think what might happen to me.

With my weapon carefully concealed, I walked towards the front of the classroom. Kyle was right behind me
the whole time, taunting and insulting me. I heard Isabelle tell Kyle to shut up and leave me alone. But he kept
on doing it, "Michael! Do something!" That was from Maria.

"I think guys, Kayla wants to handle this herself." Sitting back down at his desk, Michael settled himself down
to watch the show that was unfolding at the front of the room.

I smiled as I heard his remark, 'Good, nobody is going to intervene!' As I cleared the first line of desks, I
whipped around in a blur. Placing the blade at his throat, I felt the shock ripple through the classroom as they
move in to help Kyle. You see I would never kill my own kind, including Kyle, but his insults had just pushed
me to the limits. Don't get me wrong I am normally really easy-going, nothing really gets to me, but this time it is
different, with this portal opening and whos coming through it putting a serious strain of my sanity. That portal
was more important than using tact with a half-wit like Kyle.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" The whole class, stopped in their tracks. I could have easily thrown
Kyle across the room hitting the chalkboard, but I didn't want to break the chalkboard or have a hole in the
wall either. I gave Kyle a smirk, he was too scared to move, removing the blade alittle, I whispered so only
he could hear me, "I'm only going to say this once Kyle, so you better listen! Don't ever pull this stunt with
me again, I'm in no mood for your immature additude!"

I removed the blade from Kyle's neck, with one hand I flipped the knife over, so I was holding the blade itself,
keeping my eyes on Kyle, I threw the knife. It hit right were I wanted it, I looked at it in satisfaction, the handle
was still vibrating after the impact, to bad it broke the chalkboard in half, The six friends that I have envied
for their easy friendship, had their mouths open with astonishment, accept for Michael, he had a slight
smile on his face.

I quickly estimated the location of the incoming portal, its going to appear on the football field, 'Great just
great!' I thought, 'It can't be anymore inconspicuous!'

People were starting to gather at the doorway, blocking my exit, my only choice, the window, we were three
stories up, by the way. So my only choice had to be the window, I turned to look at my friends who didn't
even know how their friendship really meant to me, smiling I saluted them, "See ya, on the flip side!!"

With that I ran towards the window, putting my arms in front of my face, I leaped right through the glass,
shattering it. After my leap, I heard screaming and yelling, "Is she crazy?"

"Its the third floor!"

The next second I was on the ground, running. With the football field right in front of me, the feeling grew
stronger, surrounding the field was a chain link fence, I leaped up and stood on the top, which was only
2 1/2 inches wide. It happened to be P.E. class so everyone was on the field, turned around to stare.

I ran along the top of the fence, it was going to appear right in the middle of the field! I jumped and
landed right in front of the portal. I had interupted their soccer game. For what they just seen me do they
probably thought I was an alien!

"GET OFF THE FIELD! BEFORE YOU GET HURT!" I screamed and the amazing thing was is that
they listened, but they run far, only to the otherside of the fence. Turning around to face the portal, I
took off my packback and placed it on the ground. Taking a fighting stance I waited for the inturder
to appear. The portal started to simmer and shift.

The ground and the trees started to ripple, the center of the portal started to glow, and that glow became
a large hole, large enough to fit several people through.

I ignored the screams and shouting going on to the right of me. The height of the portal stretched to
accommodate the being coming through. Big, thats the only thing I could say, and I am in big trouble,
I was the only person standing between this thing and this world. I crouched lower, I will have to
hit it low and fast!!

Well that the end of part one!! Coming soon.............part two!! The next time on D-R-A-G-O-N-B-A-L-L Z!
(sorry couldn't resist!)