Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ New Developments ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Jadedbest: *looks at Vegeta* Do I own you?

Vegeta: No one owns me!

Jadedbest: Guess that answers that question.

AN: I'm also blaming the lateness of this update on Kahlan Nightwing because…well I want to (Ha! You can't get me back if I update faster than you do). LOL. Anyway thanks for all your reviews and patience. Special thanks always to Susan.

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She stared into the blazing fire. Each flicker of the flames a reminder of his face. She longed to reach out and touch it but she knew if she did she would only be hurt. She placed her hands on top of the novel that sat in her lap. She had long since given up on reading it. Nothing held her attention. Nothing but the fire.

Lord Ox walked into the sitting room dipping his head slightly as he entered. He gazed sadly at his daughter's silent form. In the almost two weeks since Kakarot had left all she seemed to do was sit and stare at the fire. He always worried about ChiChi. She always took all the responsibility on her shoulders no matter whose shoulder's it really belonged on. He knew it would eventually become too much and all the stress seemed to finally be getting to her. This latest situation with Baron Hercule may be just be the thing to push her over the edge.

"ChiChi," he called gently.

"Yes father?" She never looked away from the fire.

"ChiChi I- well I just want you to know that your mother and I are not upset about your decision not to marry the Baron. Actually I'm kind of glad you've given up this fool-hearted idea. We only want you to be happy, sweetheart," he said sincerely.

ChiChi turned to him then, her expression unreadable. "And if we lose the land?"

Lord Ox frowned. "I don't want you worrying about that. Let me deal with the ifs and maybes, okay?"

ChiChi nodded her head and turned back to the fire. "Very well, Father," was all she said.

Lord Ox wanted to reach out to his only child but there was nothing he could say to ease her burden. On a sigh he left the room.

ChiChi sighed as she fought the tears that had been waiting to flow since she had said goodbye in that busy docking bay almost a week ago. He and Radditz had made daily reports since they had left. They couldn't find Bulma but thought they were on the right track. She was so worried about her friend being at the hands of the Saiyans that she didn't know what to do. And that was only the beginning of her problems.

Kakarot had asked to speak with her on several occasions but she had refused. She just couldn't deal with that right now. She didn't know what she had been thinking when she had agreed to wait for him. She had no right to make such a selfish decision when she had her family to consider. Maybe it was the desperate look in his eyes or the determination in his voice as he promised to find a way for them but she hadn't been able to tell him no. She had been weak and once Baron Hercule receive the letter she had sent yesterday, her family would pay for her weakness.

What am I supposed to do? she wondered hopelessly.

"Get out of my way! I will see her whenever I please!"

ChiChi stood as the familiar voice floated in from the doorway. She listened as the heavy angry footsteps came closer to her.

Hercule's eyes were on fire as he stared her down. "What the hell is this?!" he demanded as he lifted the letter in his hand.

ChiChi held her chin high. "It's exactly what you think it is. I'm breaking our engagement."

"You will do such thing! You belong to me. It has been agreed," he stated matter-of-factly.

ChiChi's eyes exploded with anger. "I belong to no one! I am no man's property and even if I were I definitely wouldn't be yours!!!!"

He advanced on her and stopped mere inches from her. "I know that this has to do with the alien you've been whoring around with," he said his voice full of venom. He grabbed her arm and shook her. "Is that what you want for your life? Spending the rest of your miserable days as the king's plaything."

ChiChi had never been good at controlling her temper so it was of no surprise to her when the palm of her hand connected with his cheek. "Let there be no mistake that I would much rather be his whore than your wife!"

"Why you dirty little tramp," he said as he rose his hand to strike her. He expected her to shrink back in fear like his first wife always had but instead she defiantly raised her chin as if daring him to hit her. He grabbed her roughly by both arms and looked her directly in the eyes. "You will be my wife," he said before he tossed her into the chair next to the fireplace. He sneered at her one last time before he left the house.

ChiChi took a deep breath and tried to collect her wits. What had she just done?

* * *

Five days! It had been five days since she'd seen him. Since he had kissed her...well since she had kissed him. Why was he hiding from her? The reason that came to her mind was not one she welcomed. She thought back to the second day she had gotten here. She had over heard two Saiyan underlings talking about the beautiful fiancee that the Prince was chasing. The one that she had been mistaken for. Was that it? He must be desperately in love with the woman if he would chase her across the galaxy. But if that were true why had he kissed her back. She knew that engaged men often took up affairs but the Prince didn't strike as the sort. Maybe he felt guilty about betraying his love and that's why he was avoiding her. But for some reason guilt didn't fit the arrogant prince.

She sighed as she sat on the window seat and watched the stars fly by. She had to know what was going on with him. Her slight interest in him had quickly become a lot more the night they had kissed. She had dreamed of his lips moving on hers ever since and she wanted him to do it again. And again. And again…

"Stop this right now," she muttered to herself. She would not think of the prince in such a manner until she knew what his feelings were for this Lady- oh what was her name? Whatever it was, she knew just whom she could pump for information.

She turned as the door opened and closed. Smiled as the blond leaned back against the door and sighed in relief. Just who I wanted to see.

Eighteen smiled at her friend. "You will not believe the day I've had. Everyone was asking me where this was and where that was. I swear those idiots wouldn't be able to find their butts if they weren't sewed to them."

Bulma chuckled lightly. "I'm sorry."

"Thank you. Now what can I do for you today, Princess?" she asked.

"Well…would you mind if I brushed your hair?"

Eighteen's eyes widened. "Brush my hair?"

Bulma smiled nervously. "Yeah. My friend ChiChi and I did it often when we were younger. It's very relaxing and you look like you need to relax."

"Well, if it's what you want," Eighteen conceded as she sat down at the vanity.

Bulma smiled as she lifted the brush and began stroking her friend's hair. She had her own reasons for getting her friend to uncoil. If she were relaxed she'd be more inclined to talk.

After a few moments, Eighteen sighed.

Bulma decided that now was the time to pump her. "Eighteen?"


"Is the Prince sick?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I haven't seen him around lately so I figured that he wasn't well."

Eighteen smirked. "Saiyan don't get sick often. And on the rare occasions that they do you don't have to wonder if they're sick. Everyone knows."

"Oh. Than he must just be worried."

"What would he have to be worried about?"

"Well the Lady of course? The woman he loves is floating around the galaxy some where. He must be extremely worried."

Eighteen almost laughed. "The woman he loves? Marron? To be honest I'm not sure which of them hates the other more. Probably Vegeta because he's a little more spiteful than Marron."

"That doesn't make sense. If he hates her than way is he chasing her?" Bulma asked confused.

"Because he has no choice." When Bulma continued to frown, Eighteen elaborated. "You see, there are these ancient writings on Vegetasei that speak of a woman unlocking the prince's great power. It's the belief that Marron is this woman."

"Oh," Bulma said disappointed. How could she compete with that?

"But the Prince doesn't seem to believe them."

Bulma's face lighten. "Oh."

"Yeah, I don't think he appreciates a woman holding his power over him."

The striking of the clock caused both women to jump. Eighteen stood. "Well we'll have to finished this little bonding ritual of yours later. I have dinner with the prince tonight and I can't be late."

"Can I join you?"

"No," Eighteen said a little too quickly.

"But why not?" Bulma asked obviously hurt.

"The Prince forbid that I bring you to dinner anymore."

"But why?"

"I don't know. All I know is what I have been told."

"Oh," Bulma said sadly.

Eighteen smiled sadly at her friend. Bulma had told her of the kiss the two had shared the night on the main deck and she knew that her friend was falling for the prince. That's why she had just given up so much information so easily. With one last look she turned and left the room.

Bulma sighed and sat on the bed. Now what was she going to do?

* * *

"He should be here momentarily, my Lord."

"Fine you're dismissed."

Frieza stood near the window and waited for his guest. He had been informed that within the next day or two the Saiyan ship should be close enough for attack. It was time that he started to organize his party.

"You summoned, my lord."

Frieza smiled at the bored tone as he turned and looked at the boy standing in the doorway. Dressed in a customary training gi, he stood with his arms crossed. His long black hair brushed his shoulders as his blue eyes frowned in disapproval. Obviously he wasn't to pleased with having his training disturbed.

"Ah, yes, my dear Seventeen. I have a mission for you."

Seventeen arched one fine brow in curiosity. "Really?"

"Yes. Sit and I'll explain everything to you."

* * *

Eighteen sipped the last of her soup from her spoon. She wiped at her mouth with her napkin then glanced at her companion.

"What are you looking at?" he asked never looking up from his meal.

Eighteen bit her lip. She got along just fine with the prince and she didn't want to rock the boat but she was dying to know. "Why are you hiding from the princess?"

Vegeta did look at her then, making her wish she hadn't asked. He sat down his spoon and picked up his napkin and cleaned off his hands. He snapped his fingers and a servant boy hurried over with a platter that held a pair of pristine white gloves. He picked them up then nodded for the boy to leave. They were alone in the room. He focused his attention on the gloves as he pulled them on then glanced at her again.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern," he said.

"No it's not. But Bulma was concerned."

He frowned and stopped what he was doing. "Concerned?"

"Yes. She thought you were ill."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. When she's ever heard of a sick Saiyan?"

"I'm not sure your majesty, but she was worried."

Vegeta grunted and stood. "We're done here. Come."

Eighteen nodded and stood to proceed the prince out the room. As the door slid open, a surprised Bulma fell into the room.

Both Vegeta and Eighteen looked down in surprise at the blue-hared woman on the floor.

"Bulma?" Eighteen questioned.

Bulma looked up and smiled shyly, crimson staining her pale cheeks. "Hi."

As Eighteen knelt to help her up, Vegeta frowned.

"Mind telling me what you were doing eavesdropping on my dinner?" Vegeta asked.

"I wasn't eavesdropping! I was taking a walk," Bulma offered lamely.

"Is that so?" Vegeta said angrily.

"Yes that's so," Bulma said just as angry.

Neither broke eye contact, neither backed down.

"Servant you are dismissed," Vegeta said his eyes locked with the stubborn woman in front of him.

Eighteen had expected this. Every time these two were in a room together, she was sent away. Figuring that Bulma would hold her own as she always did, she curtsied and headed to her room the door sliding shut behind her.

"Why are you here?" Vegeta demanded.

"I told you I was taking a walk-"

"I suggest you stop that lie before it comes out of your mouth."

Bulma bit her lip and broke eye contact. She walked around him further into the room then turned back to him. "I wanted to see you."

Vegeta frowned at her.

"Why have you been hiding from me?"

"I hide from no one."

"Oh, yeah. Then why did you ban me from eating with you," she accused.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," he stated.

Bulma put her head down then looked back up into his eyes. "Why did you kiss me?"

Vegeta sneered and crossed his arms. "I did not kiss you. You kissed me."

"At first yes. But then you kissed me again. What I want to know is why?"

Vegeta uncrossed his arms as a cold mask slipped over his face. "To be bluntly honest I don't know. You repulse me."

"Is that so?" Bulma asked softly.

"Yes that's so," Vegeta answered coldly.

When she began to advance on him he had originally thought that she was going to slap him. He was stunned beyond belief when she pressed her body to his and, reaching behind his head, pulled his lips to hers. The contact of her lips was even too much for his defenses and his damned tail wrapped itself around her pulled her closer. Had he really been denying himself this?

He was surprised when this frail little princess' mouth became more demanding and she pushed him against the wall. Maybe it was time that he took her back to her room and found out just how feisty she was. He tore his mouth from hers.

"I will have you where I see fit. Not here," Vegeta said.

"Have me?" Bulma said a sly smile crossing her face. "I thought I repulsed you."

"I changed my mind," he said as he lifted her and covered her mouth.

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Whew! Finally it is updated. Well to get more organized my updating schedule looks like this so far: next Vegeta and the Great Shopping Adventure, then The Show, and then Relationships. Okay don't forget to review. Thanks for reading.