Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ Betrothed to a Monster ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Can't think of anything funny right now. Try me next chapter.

AN: Updated much sooner this time, huh guys? Enjoy!

* * *

"So you haven't found her yet?"

Kakarot shook his head sadly at the Queen's broken tone. "But I promise you, your highness, that we will. Radditz believes we're close. It's only a matter of time."

The teary eyed woman on the screen nodded slowly before standing. "Darling if you excuse me," she said to her husband.

He gave her hand a little squeeze before nodding. "Go on, dearest," he murmured before returning his attention to the screen.

"I'm sorry, your highness," Kakarot said sincerely.

"It's all right, my boy. We know that you're doing your best," the King responded sadly. "We know that you will bring our Bulma home to us."

"Thank you. If there's nothing else I-"

"Actually there is," the King interrupted, the smile in his eyes dimming some of the sadness but not much.

"Yes, highness?" Kakarot inquired.

"I have someone here that would like to speak to you."

Kakarot's brow knitted as the King motioned for someone behind him. For the first time in weeks something close to utter joy crossed his features as the dark hared girl took the seat the Queen had just vacated.

"Hello Kakarot," she said with a warm yet detached smile.

"ChiChi!" he exclaimed.

"Well I'll just leave you two alone," the purple hared monarch said as he stood to leave. When the boy barely nodded in the ruler's direction, his elated gaze remaining on the blushing girl in front of him, the King gave a bittersweet smile. It looked like he would have to find another heir.

"I wonder if Radditz is betrothed," he muttered to himself as for the first time in his royal life he left a room unnoticed by its occupants.

ChiChi took a deep breath before starting in. "How long do you think it will be before you find her?" she asked her concern obvious.

"Not long," Kakarot said optimistically. "We'll bring her home safe. I promise."

ChiChi nodded having no doubt that he would do as he vowed. "And how are you…and uh- Radditz? I mean how are you taking care of yourselves?"

Kakarot frowned. She seemed to be fighting to keep this as impersonal as possible. "We're fine."

"Oh. Well good. I'll let you go now. Godspeed Kakarot," she said as she reached for the panel to sign off.

"ChiChi wait!" he said quickly not wanting to sever the connection yet.

She paused in her actions and looked up. "Yes?"

He wasn't sure what he wanted to say but he knew he wanted to say something. "Look Chi, I don't know what's going to happen but I wanted you to know- well I just want you to- I mean I feel-"

"Yes Kakarot?" she coaxed and for the first time dropped her guard.

"Well," he averted his eyes and put a hand behind his neck to rub the sudden ache there. "Well I love you and I just wanted you to know," he managed to get out as he glanced back at the screen to get her reaction.

She looked stunned for a moment before his words finally registered with her. Blushing prettily she tucked a strand of raven hair behind her ear. "I love you, too, Kakarot." She barely held her dignity as the words almost came out as a girlish giggle.

His eyes lit as he flashed her his pearly whites. "Really?"

She nodded as the prettiest smile he had ever seen played on her lips. "Godspeed," she repeated before she blew him a kiss and ended the transmission.

Smiling so big his face almost hurt, he leaned back in his chair. She loved him! He'd heard it with his own ears! This news was too good to keep to himself. Jumping out of his seat, he went in search of his brother.

* * *

"This is a wonderful fare, Krillin," Radditz said as he took another bite of a particularly tantalizing dish that he didn't know the name of.

"Thank you Radditz. I was hoping you would enjoy the meal," Krillin said.


Krillin turned to the petite ebony hared beauty bent at the waist beside his chair. "Yes Nissa?"

"We have finished laying the spread. Is there anything else you will require of us?" the girl asked as she stood straight.

"Just tell the cook to keep it coming. If you think he can eat just wait to you see his brother," Krillin told her.

The girl's violet eyes sparked as she chuckled softly and nodded. "I'll do that immediately my lord." After one last bow she left the room.

Krillin turned back to his dinner companion to find his attention no longer centered on the meal in front of him. A knowing smirk spread across his face. "See something you like, my friend?"

Radditz continued to watch the door even after the beauty had vanished as he spoke to his friend. "Who is she?"


Radditz's look was not one to be toyed with and Krillin chuckled.

"Calm your hormones man. I was only joking. Her name is Nissa. She was born on the planet Galmador but has lived here for the last ten years or so."

"She's magnificent," Radditz said in awe.

"True, though I prefer blondes myself. But her looks aren't her only attributes. Though she has quiet the temper her intelligence is far beyond any I've seen in years," Krillin said sincerely.

Radditz's look was doubtful. "If she as smart as you say what is she doing playing servant girl here?"

"She not really a servant per say. More of an administrator. She keeps things in order here. She is also useful for her other talents."

"Which are?" Radditz pressed.

"The Galmadorians are a very powerful people. Aside from their telepathic abilities they have the unique link to one another's ki. Even if they've never met they're still linked by simply being born on the planet. It's amazing really," Krillin explained as he sipped from his wine.

"As interesting as that sounds how does their being `linked' help them?"

"They have this technique known as Instant Transmission taught to them by a wise man from another planet. It allows them to move themselves and anyone touching them from one place to another instantly by using the specific energy of another person or the general signature on every Galmadorian. It's an astounding sight. You'll have to have her show it to you sometime," the bald monarch finished with a smile.

"Yes, I suppose I will," Radditz murmured thoughtfully.

"My lord!"

Both men looked at the door as the woman in question came running into the room.

"What is it Nissa?" Krillin asked.

"There has been a terrible crash in the east part of Amari's Quarry. The reports say that the wreckage is spread for miles around, that the dead are many and survivors are few," the distraught woman said in a rush.

"What do we know of the vessel and its inhibitions?" Krillin, who was now standing, asked.

"All we know is that it is a Saiyan spacecraft, my lord, though why such a ship would be in our sector of the galaxy is unknown."

Krillin turned back to Radditz to see the man visibly pale and knew that they were thinking the same thing.

"Your orders, sir?" Nissa pressed after a pause.

"Bring the survivors here and do whatever you can for them. You have full usage of any available regeneration tanks. Recover what you can of the dead and have them placed in the morgues. We'll decide what to do with them later."

Nissa dipped her head in understanding before running off to see that the orders were carried out. Once the girl was gone, the take charge man that had replaced the normally easy going Krillin slipped away as he turned to his friend with fear in his eyes.

"You don't think Bulma was-"

"I don't know," Radditz said cutting the other man off before the words could leave his mouth. "I think we should speak with some of the survivors to know for sure what's going on."

"All right. This way to the medical wing," Krillin said heading for the door with the other man following close behind.

* * *

The carriage slowly descended from the air, stopping in front of the large iron gate with the crest of the ox on the front. As the gate slowly opened, the wheels, which had folded under during take off, reopened as the six sterling silver horses that drew the carriage sent their hooves firmly on the ground. With the path cleared the mechanical thoroughbreds trotted up the path to the stunning mansion that lay before them.

As ChiChi gazed out the window at her home she couldn't believe that it all could be lost to her one day at the hands of a madman. Sighing almost contentedly, she sat back in her seat and pulled on her white lace gloves as she waited for the carriage to arrive at her doorstep. She didn't know what had made her go calling on the Queen today. Since Bulma's abduction, she had made it a point to visit the broken woman every other day. Even though she had just gone yesterday something told her to go today as well. She was so glad she had.

He loved her! He really truly loved her! Kakarot, the man who would be king, wanted to give all that up for her. It was more than she could ever ask for. And yet did she dare try for what was being offered to her when her family had so much to lose in the fallout? She just didn't know what to do.

As the carriage stopped she decided to leave the worrying to another day. The android that acted as footman opened her door helped her out.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, Lady ChiChi," the automated voice said as he tipped his hat her.

"Thank you, Humphrey. You enjoy yours well," she said politely as she lifted the skirts of her dress off the ground and moved to the steps of her home. She heard the carriage pull off as she reached the door and frowned as she realized it was slightly ajar. A female cry from inside made her jump back in surprise before she pushed open the door and ventured inside.

"Mama," she called as she entered the house and another cry greeted her. She ran down the hall towards the family room where the commotion was coming from, her satin slipper practically silent as she did.

She reached the room to hear mother scream, "Why are you doing this you, monster?!"

A deep baritone voice laughed cruelly. "Because your husband is a leacher that doesn't pay his debts. That's why."

ChiChi knew the voice all too well and shuddered as she finally came in view of the room. The room had been sacked. Chairs were turned over and paper, books, and personal mementos littered the floor.

"Mama?" she said in a soft voice.

Her mother's hard brown eyes immediately soften as she turned to her daughter. "Oh ChiChi," she breathed as she rushed to the girl's side.

"Mama what's going on?" ChiChi asked as she ignored the Baron.

"It's okay ChiChi. Don't-"

Heavy footsteps from the stairwell cut off the older woman's words as mother and daughter watched the most important man in their lives being lead down in handcuffs, a constable flanking the large man on each side.

"Papa!" ChiChi cried.

His sad eyes looked at her and he tried to smile. "It's all right ChiChi."

All right! What did he mean all right?! He was in handcuffs.

And it was all her fault.

"We have him Baron," the younger of the two officers said.

"Good. Take that criminal away and lock him up."

The two nodded and ushered the man towards the door.

"Papa," ChiChi murmured as they passed. She took a step towards them and felt her mother's grip tighten on her arms holding her in place.

The Baron smiled smugly as he approached them. "Have a good day ladies," he said callously as he put his hat on his head preparing to move around them. ChiChi's grabbing his arm caused him to pause.

"You can't do this!" she screamed.

"Oh but I can and I did," he answered pulling his arm out of her grip. "As I said; Good ladies."

ChiChi's hand went to her chest in an attempt to stop her rapidly heart. How could this be happening? It just wasn't fair. She watched the Baron's cape flow behind him as he left the house, her mind running through a hundred options to get them out of this. There had to be a way out of this. Deep down she knew of only one.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she broke away from her mother's hold and ran down the hall towards the door. Outside her father was being loaded into the back of the police wagon while the Baron was climbing into his own carriage.

"Baron!" she called as she ran towards him.

She could hardly bare the look on his face as he turned to her. He had her and he knew it. She knew it. And worst of all, he knew she knew it.

"Yes?" he inquired.

Biting on her trembling lip, ChiChi looked at the ground as she spoke. "I'll marry you," she whispered brokenly.

The Baron's smile dropped slightly. "Is this a trick?"

ChiChi shook her head as she gathered the nerve to look him in the eye. "I'll marry you this week if you wish. Whatever it takes to free my father."

His blue eyes narrowed as he looked her over. "Tomorrow," he said as if testing her.

She couldn't help the gasp of horror that escaped her throat. Her reaction seemed to prove his point and he turned his back to her preparing to climb into his vehicle. Seeing her opportunity slipping away, ChiChi quickly shook off her disgust at what she was doing.

"Wait! I'll marry you tomorrow if I must!"

He turned back to her with a smile. "I always knew you were a smart girl." He ran a finger along her jaw and she had to fight the shudder of revulsion that touched her spine.

"My father," she reminded him through gritted teeth.

"Of course. Constable!" he called to the man that was trying to figure away to get the large man through the small hole. "Release him. We've found another way to deal with our little problem." The man nodded and ordered his deputy to uncuff the giant.

Hercule returned his attention her. "Until tomorrow," he said triumphantly then climbed into his carriage and was gone. ChiChi turned back her father to see her mother weeping into his chest as the paddy wagon pulled away. She let her tears flow freely as she lowered her head. How had things gone so wrong?

* * *

Bulma groaned as consciousness slowly returned and reached up to massage her aching neck. She slowly opened her eyes and was startled to find a pair of concerned blue ones looking down into hers. When recognition hit she smiled.

"Eighteen, you're all right," she murmured in a raspy voice.

Eighteen glanced at the bleak surroundings of their cell. "That depends on your idea of the term `all right'."

Bulma blinked a few times before looking around. Slowly she sat up holding her throbbing head as she did.

"I feel like I was hit by a runaway carriage," she moaned.

As the pain in her head began to subside, the events before her blackout came back to her. Fear flushed her features as her eyes darted around the cell.

"What's wrong?" Eighteen asked.

"Where's Vegeta?!" she demanded.

The blond shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. I came to only a few minutes before you. Nobody's been in or out in that time and I haven't seen the Prince."

Bulma's eyes glazed over at her words and she was obviously fighting tears.

"What happened?" Eighteen asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

Bulma closed her eyes against the memories. After a shuddery breath, she recounted the horrible events that lead to their imprisonment.

"-and he just fell to the ground," she finished in a whisper as she watched the scene unfold before her again and again. She could no longer hold the tears at bay. Her mind continued to replay the groan of agony that had come from him as he fell to his knees just before the dark hared boy had relieved him of consciousness. The uncontrollable sobs began to rack her form and she leaned into the other woman. She buried her face in Eighteen's chest as the servant gently stroked her hair.

"I didn't know what to do. I was so frightened and I didn't know what to do!" she wailed.

"There was nothing you could do," Eighteen comforted.

Bulma sniffed and nodded. "Do you think he's all right?"

Eighteen's soothing hand paused a moment. From what Bulma had told her, the Prince was taken down without even getting in a single blow. For him to be defeated so easily he must have sustained some serious injuries in the crash. His survival sounded slim if this was the case and Eighteen knew she had to choose her next words carefully.

"The Prince has been in many scrapes much worst than this. I'm sure he'll be just fine," she assured.

Bulma pulled herself out of the other woman's arms, smiling sadly. "Just don't count on any heroic feats on my prince charming's part, right?" Bulma asked, easily reading between the lines.

Eighteen opened her mouth to respond when a deep chuckle broken the air.

"I wouldn't count on any heroic feats at all if I were you."

Both women looked towards the door of their cell, the sudden hitch in Bulma's breathing telling her compainion that she knew the man.

"Zarbon," she heard Bulma whisper in horror.

The teal-colored alien smiled as he walked into the cell. "I'm flattered that you remember me, my dear. But as I said you and your little friend should get comfortable, princess. Lord Frieza, has big plans for you two. Plans that I intended carry out for him personally," he said giving her form a lusty perusal.

It was then that Bulma realized that the strips of fabric that had once been her gown exposed much more than they covered. Her hand immediately went to her chest.

Zarbon gave other chuckle. Never taking his eyes from her, he spoke over his shoulder. "Arza, She, take them to the deck. Our Lord Frieza would like to see what we have brought him."

A man and woman stepped around him into the cell. The woman pulled Bulma roughly to her feet as the man did much the same to Eighteen. Bulma looked to her friend then and the fear she saw in those blue depths caused a feeling of utter despair to well up in the pit of her stomach.

All maybe lost…

* * *

Man, I swear I write more G/CC moments than V/B ones in all my fics lately. I'm going to have to work on that. Anywho, next chapter I have something very special in store for you guys, especially for Ms. Kahlan Nightwing (see I used your name. You didn't really expect me to name a soccer mom `death' did you? Knowing you, you probably did). So see you guys next time. Thanks for reading.