Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When You Least Expect ❯ Kidnapped! ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Wishes never come true *sigh*

AN: And the winner is *drum roll*…When You Least Expect! Well I guess you guys figured that out when you clicked on the link. Oh well enjoy this update!

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He finished off his pathetic opponent with a ki blast to the chest, completely incinerating the alien. Snorting in disdain, he tucked his long black tresses behind his ear before seating next to the wall for meditation. He was disgusted with the weaklings that they kept sending him to train with. At this rate he would never surpass Frieza. When he was first brought here they had taken him through an intense brainwashing cycle. Their plan had been effective in destroying the names and the faces of his people from his memory but they would never be able to remove screams of terror and pain from his heart. Especially those of the blue-eyed girl. He didn't know who she was but he did know that it was her pain that Frieza would pay for.

He just had to push himself harder. Then and only then would the bastard that had enslaved him for most of his life pay.


His lids lifted and he concentrated his hooded blue gaze on the underling now standing in the door. The soldier faltered a moment under the stare before clearing his throat.

"Lord Frieza sent me with a message," he quickly explained.

"Which is?" Seventeen asked impatiently.

The soldier squared his shoulders before attempting to speak around his fear. "The attack has been completed. The Saiyan ship has crash-landed on the planet. Lord Frieza instructs that you take half the Ginyu Force to the west part of the wreckage and Zarbon will take the rest to check out the east. He wants you to be back as soon as possible. He also said to remind you that the girl is to be taken alive."

"Fine. You're dismissed," Seventeen said as he stood.

As he left the room his frown deepened. This mission had to be one of the worse yet. It wasn't even a purge. Just some little kidnapping stunt. What a waste of his time. It was to disgusting to even think about. After placing his hand on the scanner to gain entrance, he entered his quarters. As he changed into his battle armor he reigned in his anger. It was all right because soon he wouldn't have to carry out the orders of that disgusting lizard. Soon he would have his revenge

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Frieza had a distinct plan in mind when he had attacked the Saiyan craft, divide and conquer. He had done some quick research on the Saiyan-jin and had discovered that they were a very powerful breed indeed. Not wanting any little oversight to disturb his plans he had made sure that all their direct hits made impact with the center of the ship effectively splitting it in two, the wreckage spreading for miles around.

Vegeta opened his eyes slowly as if coming out of a daze. There was a heavy weighted pain in his back and it was a moment before he realized that it was a steel beam. Gathering his strength he heaved the heavy object off his back. Closing his eyes against the pain that the movement had caused, he pushed himself off the lump he was lying on. Rubbing his temples he tried to clear his head. That's when it all came back to him; the attack, the servant girl's fall, the black out…her scream.

"Bulma," he murmured as he returned his attention to the `lump'.

She was still lying across the blond, her head on the other girl's chest. Blood trickled from her temple and the corner of her mouth. He reached out and touched her face before moving it down to her throat. He almost sighed in relief at the slight heartbeat he felt there. He moved his hands a little lower to check for damage when she moaned slightly. He stopped his inspection when the moan turned to a groan and she slowly opened her eyes. He watched her closely as she pushed herself to a sitting position, rubbing the side of her head as she did so.

Slowly her eyes turned to his. "Vegeta? What happened?"

Before he could answer, her attention strayed to the girl she had been lying on. "Oh Eighteen," she murmured as she ran her hand over the girl's blood stained face. She checked for a pulse and found it faint though present. She looked back up, tears in her eyes. "Vegeta what do we do?" she murmured.

A strange need came over him at the fearfully look in her eyes. The need to protect. Frowning deeply he glanced around what had once been his magnificent suite that was now nothing but rubbish. Seeing no exit he decided he would just have to make one.

With great effort he stood, grunting in pain as he did. It was obvious to him that he had more than a few broken ribs. Gripping his side he noticed for the first time the blood there.

Bulma watched him, tore between staying with her friend or going to aid him. He seemed to sense her dilemma and held out a hand. "Don't move."

Bulma bit her already bloody lip and nodded slowly. Turning away from her he scanned to the area looking for the best opening. Deciding that it really didn't matter he formed a small ball of energy in his hand and threw it at the wall. Bulma cuddled Eighteen's head to her chest in an attempt to protect her from the debris of the blast.

Vegeta made his way over to the hole to see what exactly they maybe up against. Confusion was the first thing that hit him as his eyes scanned the beautiful landscape and the sunshine above. Frowning he turned back to the princess.

"What's wrong?" she asked his expression putting her more than a little off kilter.

"We need to find help," he said. He walked over to where she was sitting and pulled her to her feet. As he started to pull her towards the hole he felt her resist. "What are you doing? Didn't you hear what I said?" he growled.

Bulma snatched her arm away from him and took a step back. "You're out of your mind if you think I'm leaving her behind."

"She'll only slow us down," he said his tolerance with her running extremely thin.

Bulma crossed her arms over her chest defiantly and held her ground. "If she stays so do I."

Vegeta had half a mind to just toss her over his shoulder but she would probably fight him all the way and even he knew he wasn't up for a fight at this point. Even with this weak human female. Sighing in frustration he lifted the girl from the ground and hoisted her unto his shoulder. With one last glare at Bulma he started to move towards the `door'. Bulma had to hold in her relief. She had been more than a little fearful that he would tell her to just stay then.

She walked over to the opening and gasped at how far down the drop was. By now Vegeta was already on the ground, waiting impatiently for her.

"So much for being a gentleman and helping a lady down," she grumbled as she started to climb out of the ship. As she slowly made her descent down the twisted metal she continued to mutter to herself. So great was her tirade that she lost her footing and slipped, letting out a shriek of terror as she fell to what she was sure was her death. When her body didn't make impact with the ground she slowly opened her eyes to see a scowling face looking down at her.

"Thank you," she murmured as she realized that he had caught her with his free hand. However her appreciation was short-lived as he unceremoniously dropped her on her royal tush.

"You're starting to become more trouble than you're worth, princess," he growled as he turned to walk away.

"Well no one asked you to save me, my dear prince charming," Bulma screamed back as she stood rubbing her behind.

Vegeta turned on her black fire flickering in his eyes. "Then maybe I should just leave you and your little servant girl her to rot."

"Fine! We'd do just fine without your help!" Bulma yelled.

Vegeta sat his load on the ground before stalking over to her. "You know you've been nothing but a pain in my ass since you got here!"

"Well I didn't ask you to KIDNAP me, did I?!"

"Well you shouldn't have been in the woods!"

"They were my woods! I can go in them whenever I want too!"

"What kind of princess goes roaming the woods with strange men?"

"Not that it's any of your concern, but I don't need a guard following me wherever I go. I can take care of myself," Bulma said crossing her arms.

"Well then I must assume that the man Nappa found on top of you was there because you wanted him to be. No wonder gave yourself to me so easily," he mocked.

Bulma's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the comment. "You disgusting bastard-"

"I hope we aren't interrupting anything."

Both stopped arguing and Vegeta watched Bulma's eyes widen even more in fear as she looked behind him. Vegeta turned to see a dark hared boy flanked by two men one orange and one green. The orange one currently had Eighteen over his shoulder.

"Having a little lover's quarrel? Well I think I'll be able to settle it by separating you two," the dark hared boy smirked evilly.

"Vegeta," Bulma murmured nervously as she gripped his arm.

Vegeta ignored her pathetic whimper and met the boy's blue gaze head on. "Oh really, and you intend to do that how?"

The humor dropped from Seventeen's eyes at the challenge. He really wasn't in the mood for this today. "Hand over the girl, Saiyan."

"Come and get her," Vegeta counter pushing a startled Bulma back.

"Want me to take care of him Juuanagou?" the orange one asked excitedly.

Seventeen removed his white gloves and handed them to the smaller green man. "No. I was in the mood for a fight anyway. Though I doubt it will be much of one, anyway."

Vegeta snarled at the man's comment. Before the Saiyan could even sit back into a stance the boy was in front of him and delivered a right kick to his already bloody side. The blow brought Vegeta to his knees as he began to cough up blood and gore. Seventeen, seeing no reason to linger, finished off his opponent with a roundhouse to the head.

Bulma watched in stunned horror as Vegeta hit the dirt unconscious.

The blue-eyed boy looked down at the other man in disgust. "Just as I thought," he muttered. He then turned to his quarry.

Bulma began scooting back in hasty retreat. Seventeen rolled his eyes as he approached her. Grabbing a fistful of blue hair, he yanked her up to her feet. "I'm not going to play with you, girl."

"Let go of me you sick, sorry, son of a bitch-" she screamed as she kicked and batted at him.

"That's some language for a princess," he mused.

"I'll show you princess if you don't let me and my friends go right now!"

"You have a really big mouth as well, but I can fix that," he said as he brought his hand in contact with the side of her neck. Still holding her by her hair, he tossed the unconscious woman to the green fellow.

Hefting the girl into his arms he frowned at their leader. "What about the blond?"

Seventeen paused a moment as he was about to touching his scouter. Glancing over his shoulder he shrugged. "Take her back to the ship. She'll make a good concubine."

Two men nodded and headed back towards the ship as Seventeen prepared to send his reports.

* * *

The east part of the wreckage was in worse shape than the west. The three members of the Ginyu force wore sorting the dead from the living searching for the blue hared girl. The large purple alien turned to the sound of moaning. Tearing open the hole in the ship further, he reached in and pulled out a large bloody man.

"Ginyu! What's that you have there?" Zarbon called up from the ground.

Ginyu lifted the man and jumped off the ship. "Nothing. Just one of the survivors. Want me to get rid of him?"

Zarbon ignored his companion as he looked down at the bald head. Lifting the man's face roughly he sneered. "You," he accused.

Nappa struggled to open his eyes, unable to register the man's voice. But Zarbon remembered him all right. The day in the forest when he had almost had that lovely princess. His hand instinctively went to his still slightly bruised cheek.

"So if it isn't our little hero," he said in disgust.

"Our prince will make you pay for this," Nappa said around the blood pouring from his mouth.

"I would worry more about my on rear than your monkey prince if I were you. Now where is the girl?" he demanded.

It took almost all the warrior's remaining strength to form the bloody wad of spit that he sent flying at the other man's face. Zarbon wiped the spit away before he struck the man across the face knocking him to the ground.

"You will regret that move," Zarbon said as he raised his hand to rid himself of the man.

Just as he was about to release the ki blast, his scouter demanded his attention. Reabsorbing the energy he touched the side of his scouter. Knowing whom it was he barked, "What is it?"

"Zarbon, get your sorry arse to the ship!"

Zarbon sneered at the man's uppity tone. "Sorry but I actually prefer to carry out Master Frieza's missions properly."

"As if you could," Seventeen said snidely. "Anyway once again you have failed where I have prevailed. I have the girl in hand and am returning to the ship. If your worthless green tail is not there by time I am you'll be left on this pathetic planet to rot." With that said he cut transmission.

Zarbon ripped the scouter off his ear and crushed it in his hand. That sorry accuse for a warrior would pay for his taunts. Calling the rest of the Ginyu Force down he turned and headed back to ship. He may hate Seventeen with a passion but he knew the man well. He didn't doubt for a minute that he would leave him on this sorry excuse for a planet.

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Man that was hard to get out! But it's what you guys wanted so there you go. I hope it didn't suck too much. Anyhoo, You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.