Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

AN: FILLER CHAPTER . . . . Get the idea? I've got a few of these, but they have their purpose. So please, I know it's a filler and its not meant to be action packed. Not everything in life is a drama as much as I (and other authors) may try to make it be.

Well, this was going to be my Bday gift to you! Well, it was my birthday, but I was going to give you guys the *gift* if that's what you wanted to call this! But, when I went to update on the 11th, ff.net was down (I totally forgot about maintenance) and then it didn't come back all day on the 12th, so . . . you're getting it now! lol. Enjoy!

Chapter 13

"Who's dat?" A tiny voice said.

Whipping around, Chi-Chi was shocked to see her three year old son standing on a chair, looking at one of the few remaining pictures of Gohan. Goku, who had just entered the house from training, froze like a deer caught in an oncoming car's headlights.

Both of the adults were visibly shaken. They had known that they would have to tell their son of his older brother one day, but it still shook them to their very core. They had healed from his death, now able to think of him without breaking into tears. They had accepted it and moved on, still holding a place in their heart for their lost son.

Chi-Chi and Goku headed over to their son who was studying the picture. The tot was a miniature version of Goku, all of his features the same. His eyes, so bright and innocent, were untainted by battle, un-shadowed by grief. He was the essence of what Gohan and Goku were, before death darkened their lives.

Goku picked up the picture, four year old Gohan smiled at him, his eyes reflecting the same brightness in it as Goten's. A faint smile appeared on his face as he looked at the picture for the first time in three years. Sitting on the couch, he truly studied it, shocked at how faded the picture in his mind truly was. He was slowly forgetting Gohan, and that scared the hell out of him.

Chi-Chi gathered the youngest Son into her arms and seated herself beside her husband. Goten immediately crawled over to his father's lap, hoping to discover who the mysterious boy was. Goku slipped his arm around Chi-Chi and felt as she leaned into him, reassured by his presence. At least they didn't have to do this alone.

"Who is he daddy?" Goten asked, impatient with his parents.

"He's your brother Goten."


"Alright, now focus and try to bring it out. Close your eyes and relax Cass, you can't force it out. Just search for it inside, and let it come out." Gohan coached, watching his sister attempt to form a ball of energy. He had slowly learned of his abilities through trial and error, practice and his sharp mind. After a few days of attempting, he realized that it was like an inner force could control his abilities. So, he had searched himself, finding it, a bundle of energy with capabilities unknown.

He knew that is was where his golden power lies as well. He had also seen something deeper, so vast and indescribable, he was afraid of just what they un-grasped power could do. Therefore, he had left it alone. Now, teaching Cass was a lot harder then he anticipated. It was so hard for him to describe it. Hell, he didn't even know if he was saying it right.

Sweat gathered on Cassandra's forehead as she searched deep within herself. Once again, Gohan shook her. "You have to relax. Its not going to come out with force, it has to come out naturally. I know I'm not exactly explaining, but it's hard to. But trust me, if you try to force it, it won't come out. Just find it and once you find that power, let it flow free, bring it to your hands."

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes once more. Calmly, she searched for the energy she had been so close to before. Finally, she was able to find the bundle of scarlet energy. Mentally she released it, feeling it flow to her hands. Slowly she cracked an eye open, hesitantly looking within her hands. Sure enough, a ball of swirling red and purple energy sat, glowing and swirling.

Gohan immediately congratulated her, proud that she had been able to do it despite his poor instructing. A large smile decorated her face as she looked up at him. "I did it!" A soon as her concentration ended, the light faded, returning with in her. Her face crumbled as that happened.

Gohan merely laughed, assuring her that she could do it anytime now. He watched as she made another attempt; almost immediately bring it up, however, only to loose it as fatigue hit her. Wavering, she laid on the ground, attempting to recover. Grinning, Gohan laid by his sister. "I guess you just don't have as much energy as me."

Cass merely snorted at his comment. "I-I would beat your ass for that comment . . . but I'm too tired to move." She said as she swatted at him lamely.

Fixing a hurt face upon his countenance he joked with her. "Owww Cass. What was that for?" Feigning hurt, he teased his sister with a whiny voice.

"Ha Ha Gohan. You're so funny . . . Not! Baka! Not my fault I'm tired. I swear the only reason you have this much energy is because of how much you eat."

Gohan merely grinned at his sister. He did have a huge appetite. No one could even understand where it all went. His body was almost purely muscle. But they here merely shrugged it off like his other oddities. He had enough of them, I mean, who would think of a large appetite (even if he ate as much as an army in one sitting) when he had his golden transformation, could fly, shoot energy blasts, had a tail, and had murdered people viciously with ease?

Soon, Cass was ready to continue. Looking to her brother for instructions, she awaited her `sensei's' command. "Keep making that ball until you can do it effortlessly without drain. I'm going to go and hunt for some food." Cass face faulted at his answer and watched as he went in search of enough food to fill his black hole of a stomach.

Sighing, she pulled herself upright and concentrated. She would do as she was told for now, beat his pathetic ass later.


"My bruder? Where is he?" He asked, his shining obsidian eyes blinking in confusion.

Sighing, he continued through the story. "Yes, Goten, your big brother Gohan. He would be about ten years older than you son. But long ago, a Saiyan named Radditz came here to Earth. You remember the story of Radditz right?" Earning a nod from his son, he continued. "You see, he wanted me to join him in being evil, so he took Gohan with him, holding him hostage. But when Piccolo and I went to fight Radditz and save your brother, we found out Raddtiz put him in his space ship. That ship launched, taking your big brother far away, but it exploded with him in it." Looking down at his son, he wiped a tear from the chibi's face.

"H-He 'sploded?" He asked wide eyed. He had become used to battles and such from his father's stories, along with Vegeta's when he and Trunks could get one out of him. He was raised with some fighting experience so normally these things didn't bother him. But his own brother? That bothered him.

"Yes Goten, he was in the ship when it exploded. So now he's in heaven. We'll see him one day." Goku finished with a faint smile. Chi-Chi looked over at her husband with tears in her eyes. Ruffling his son's hair, he pulled him closer. "But don't worry son, I'll never let any thing like that happen to you. I'll always protect you Goten." Looking far into the distance, to something unknown, his voice fell to a whisper. "I won't fail him like I did you Gohan. I'm sorry."


"Alright, now you've got the energy ball down. Now this time, try to put the energy underneath you and have it lift you up. Okay? And remember . . . stay relaxed. If you don't, then it won't work. Remember the energy flow."

Stepping back, he watched as she brought the energy beneath her, attempting to float or hover. A few minutes later, a breeze caused the grass to waver beneath her as her energy gathered. Sure enough, she was hovering in air, a firm look of concentration on her face.

Slowly she began to rise higher and higher. Soon, Gohan's look of amazement turned to fear. Sure, he had fallen eight feet without harm at the age of six, but thirteen feet and rising for his sister? He didn't think so.

"Now try to lower yourself Cass." Sure enough, she willed her way down. Opening her eyes, she was shocked to see how far up she was in the air. Immediately, her concentration was destroyed. With this, her energy receded into her body once more, leaving her unsupported, plummeting to the ground.


"But what about the d-dragonballs daddy? Didn't dey make you alive again?"

Goku's eyes shot up hearing his son's words. For a three year old, he was amazingly bright. Innocent, yes. Naïve, yes. But stupid? No. `Why didn't I think of the Namek dragonballs sooner?' he asked himself distraught. It had been so many years, was it truly fair to bring him back now. "The Namakian Dragonballs . . ." he whispered.

Chi-Chi merely looked at him, tears and sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry Goku." she muttered. His head shot up, staring at her with his wide eyes. "I-I tried that. While you were gone, and didn't come back, I tried to wish him back with Portunga. I-It didn't work. He said it couldn't be done, it was impossible." Tears gathered in her eyes, knowing that she should have told her husband this sooner.

Goku stared at his wife in amazement. She had tried, but . . . it didn't work? If the Namakian Dragonballs couldn't do it, then it really was impossible. But why wouldn't it work? Maybe Gohan had been gone too long, had moved on . . .

Goku fell into his thoughts as Goten watched him curiously. "Daddy . . ." Goku looked up, as if realizing that he were there for the first time. Blinking, Goku was brought back to reality. "What was bruder like?"

Goku smiled at his young son and ruffled his spiky hair. Happy to relive the great memories of his eldest son, he grinned at the boy. "Well, you can see what he looked like right here. Your mom always dressed him in this, with that hat that had the four star dragonball on it. And your mommy always made him study!" he said with a mock disgusted look on his face. Goten quickly mirrored his father's expression, earning a glare from Chi-Chi.

"So he was really smart. But Goten, you want to know something very special about your big brother?" This earned an enthusiastic nod from the tot on his lap. "He had enormous power. If he were still alive, I have no doubt he would be the strongest of all of us."

Goten's eyes widened at his father's words. "Really!?! Even stronger dan you daddy?"

"Even stronger than me Goten. When he was about your age, he beat up an evil guy who kidnapped him for his dragonball. The guy's name was Garlic Jr. Piccolo and I tried to fight him, but we couldn't win. He was the only person to get eternal life too . . ." Goten's puzzled face popped up. "He can't die. He'll live forever." Goku explained, earning a happy look from his son. "But then he opened up this hole that tried to suck us into an evil place called the Dead Zone. We were all holding onto pillars, but your brother stood up, balancing with his tail, and defeated him."

Goten's eyes were wide at this. Goku merely chuckled in memory. "He got so mad because of what Garlic Jr. was doing, he was able to knock him into the Dead Zone and it closed up after Garlic Jr. went in. But then Gohan fainted, waking up thinking that I beat Garlic Jr." He finished with a chuckle.

"Wow!" Goten exclaimed happily. Hearing about his brother was a lot of fun, especially since he got into a lot of trouble like him and Trunks did. Plus, his brother was super powerful. "More stories?" he asked, stifling a yawn.

Goku chuckled at his son. "Maybe later, but right now its bed time."

"But I dun wanna go to bed daddy. I'm not tired." He said, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"You wanna be strong like me and your big brother right?" This earned a sleepy nod from his youngest son. "Then you need lots of sleep, okay Tiger?"

"Okay daddy." The tiny tot said with a sigh. "But more stories later please?" He asked, his eyes widening in a pleading fashion.

"Alright son, tomorrow. Maybe Trunks will want to hear them too."

"Yeah . . ." Goten mumbled as he fell into a deep slumber with his mysterious brother lurking in the shadows of his dreams.


"I got you Cass." he said as he easily caught her in his arms. Her heart was racing with her `near death experience.' Weakly, she looked at her brother, swearing never to do it again before she drifted to unconsciousness. Grinning, he put her to bed, a new plan forming in his mind.

The next day, he was sure his plan would work. He knew she could fly, or at least hover. Now she just needed the push for her to do it, right? He had never taught this before, only learned by experience. He had learned in a moment of panic, activating the ability to save his life . . . or at least his pride when Cass had pulled his tail. Surely it would work for his sister too. Walking up to his sister, he placed a hand firmly on her shoulder.

"Do you trust me Cass?"

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?"

"Because . . ." he trailed off as he picked her up and threw her off the cliff, her screams echoing though the canyon as she fell to her doom at the bottom of a nameless chasm.


Alright, sorry it took a while, but I've been really busy with midterms and working on my other stories. I accidently found myself ignoring them and concentrating on this one. ^_^;;;; Oops! So now I'm trying to find a balance for my stories, so I don't know when the next update will be. Two weeks max doh. I might end up doing updates for this story every other week or something. I'm gonna have to think it all over. I hope ya liked it, I know it wasn't very fast paced, but there this needed to be done. Now, for question answering…….

NOTE TO EVERYONE: As my summary says, it will take him 13 yrs after his adoption to meet up with his parents. If you do the math, its not until the "Saiyaman Saga." Got it? I constantly get that question, and I know you guys want to see it, but I'm seeing some of the same things asked and speculated over. Also, if he is in the 439 mountain area (which you'll have to wait and find out) he will not be running into Piccolo or Goku or anyone!!!! His first interaction will be when he is 17 yrs old in Satan City. But you'll have to wait and see just what I got planned there.

PROFESSOR AUTHORDUDE: Ummmm. It was all a dream. He was remembering his dream of what his "parents" would think of him. Remember, he has no clue that he's half alien or anything. In his mind, he was of an abnormal birth and his parents abandoned him.

IAN: All I can say is . . . . . . . O.O or . . . . ^_^;;;;;;

MK: O.O Gohan doesn't know anything. His mind is speculating things. ::grinz:: Look at my response to Professor Authordude's review.

WY-CHAN: If you've made it this far. . . It's a miracle. ^_^;;;; Ummm thanx for the reviews and really, you dun need to worry about flamers. It all comes with the territory.

YURIKO: Wow, long review, lots of questions. Lets begin. Gohan/Videl? I have no idea. The fic isn't a romance, so . . . well, I don't know. lol. Saiyaman? Ummm Question…. how would he be Saiyaman if he doesn't know about Saiyans??? lol. Dun take it as rude, but I have no plans for Saiyaman at the moment. You'll see about Piccolo and no, he doesn't meet with them in training. That would mess up too much that is to come. And finally, about his SSJ transformation. Gohan has a lot of pent up emotional stress and heavy mental burdens. After the killing incident as well as his constant thoughts of his family not wanting him because he's a freak, he's fueled by these, snapping into SSJ. I've seen in the anime that it's a relatively easy transformation after the first time. So, its easy for him. As for the first time, he too struggled against the transformation and control. You do see he was bloodthirsty as well though. Hope that helps, and feel free to ask more!


MAILING LIST: Yup, email or leave in a review to be added to the WDIB update list!


SNEAK PEEK: Trunks and Goten learn about the short life of the first spawn of Kakarott. And we prepare to enter into the dark world. Angst begins in chapter 15!

"`My daddy's much stronger than yours. Plus, my brother is stronger too!' Turning with as much superiority his youthful body could carry, he turned back towards home.

Goku and Vegeta, who had stopped their spar, merely watched as Trunks glared at the black haired boy. `You don't have a brother baka!'

Goten merely turned to his friend, a smirk fixed on his youthful face."


"Tears moistened his jade orbs as he brought a hand to her forehead, pushing back her ebony hair to see her face. Her midnight blue eyes were coated with shimmering tears which began to rain down on her cheeks."