Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where do I belong? ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball/Z/GT, it characters, or anything in it; nor do I own any other licensed product/item that may appear throughout this fan fiction piece.

AN: Sorry this took so long, but I must ask that I not receive derogatory remarks about the length of time it takes for a chapter to be released. I've been really busy lately, fully unable to work on anything. So please, refrain from bashing me, at least give me the reason of a doubt. Not accuse me of dropping everything and such. If you want me to release, let me know you are reading by a nice and polite email or review or im. Not yelling at me, blaming me, accusing me and cursing at me. That just makes me want to refrain from publishing my work. Notes on releases and such can be found in the bio of my profile. Those will tell you just why I'm not releasing and other important notes on my works here. As much as I enjoy writing, I'm not being paid for this and it isn't the only thing I have to do. I am a full time university student and involved in a lot of things. Anyway, here is chapter 15. Be wary of the warnings below. Thanks.

Warnings: Violence, Abuse, Molestation, and Un-consented Underage Sex (aka Rape) This extends over Chapter 15 and 16 and will be revisited in a few more chapters. If this unsettles you, a summary of events will be included at the top of Chapter 17. If you can't wait, you can email me or tell me in a review to email you a summary of the events in this chapter.

Chapter 15

A cold wind blew across the land, more chilling than the Artic winds, cutting through the blankets on the ground and the bodily protection of the heart. Its freezing gust easily coated the warmth of the fire, extinguishing the dancing flames from existence. The golden glow of the fire quickly ceased to exist, coating the sleeping figure beside its warm circle in the darkness of the night.

Gohan jolted awake, a chill running through his body, his heart pounding. Looking about frantically, he found the sleeping bag next to him empty. Panicked, he called out. "Cass?????" Scrambling to his feet, he searched about. "CASS?" His cries echoed through the valley, searching for the ears of the youthful Cassandra.

Breathing deeply, he closed his eyes in concentration. He could quickly find his sister's signal, but a number of things about her signal chilled him even more. It was as if ice had encased his heart as he rose into the air, rushing to her location. Not only was her energy signal low, but panicked. There were also four other signals with her, full of emotion . . . of lust . . . darkness . . . and desire. . .


Hesitantly, Cassandra opened her eyes to the bright light. Blinking to focus, she began to look around. Noticing she was in an unknown room, she thought hard. The last thing she remembered was flying off, planning to practice flight and show Gohan that she could do it. She had been trying so hard over the past few days, but the slightest thing could take away her concentration, thus the gunshot had caused her to fall. Sighing, Cassandra moved to sit up, only to find herself stuck. Looking up, she realized that she was tied to the table. The icy shards of fear began to trickle into her blood, her spine alight with chills.

Pulling at her bonds, she attempted to free herself. Scenes from movies flashed through her mind. Thoughts of mass murderers, psycho killers, and every other thought from her late night horror movies sprung to mind. `I've got to stop watching those movies.' She thought humorously. `Go always said that it would corrupt my brain . . .' With that thought, her head shot up. Gohan . . . Looking about, she was caught in a conflicting current of emotions. Relief that he hadn't been captured. Fear that he was there and she didn't know it. Apprehension at what would happen if he found out. Terror at what she was there for.

The sound of muffled voices brought her attention to her surroundings. A wooden door opened as four men walked into the room. Fixing a glare upon her face, hiding any fear, she stared at her captors. The four barely paid attention to her until they had made their way to her.

The early morning light began to cascade through the open widows of the cabin, illuminating the log cabin. The streaming light danced upon the hard wood floor and everything it hit. Silently, Cassandra began to study the group. They weren't amazingly old, perhaps late teens, early twenties; each dressed in an array of camouflaged attire. Slowly, she gazed at each of the men, the fear within her growing in bounds as she took in their self-confident smirks and their lusty ki.

The leader of the group was about six feet tall; his long ebony hair was pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His emerald eyes gleamed as he looked at her form upon the table. His tan skin glistened in the early morning light illuminating a single scar running down his left arm, visible by his black tank top and camouflage army pants. The sound of his black boots resonated through the room as he approached her. Gently bringing his hand to her face, caressing her jawbone with a delicate touch, his tongue glided across his lips. His glowing orbs taking in her preadolescent figure with a lust filled gaze.

Her sapphire eyes glowed with defiance as she looked back at him. No fear could be seen, her spirit flared as a fire within her. Her dark eyes narrowed at his appraising looks and jaunty glances he shared with his comrades as his face moved towards hers. Spitefully, she spat upon him, her eyes flaring with indignance and spite. She was sure of what they had planned, and she would not give up with a fight. Deep within her mind, the words of a now dead intruder echoed through her head (1). The mocking voice echoing within her ears as her captor's rough hand slapped her cheek hard. Ignoring the pain of his hit, she merely glared at him.

The other three men merely watched the events with self satisfied smirks upon their faces. A large blonde haired man stepped towards her stationary figure. Moving to the head of the table, he grinned at the leader. His large form took up a deal of space as he moved to hold her in place. His light blue eyes glinted with dark desires like the ice that ran through his veins as he reached to a nearby table for a long curved knife. Handing the blade over to his leader, a feral grin appeared on his face, matching the gleam in his crystal eyes.

The other two men stood away from the girl wearing matching feral grins. The shorter of the pair possessed dark brown hair that came to the top of his ears and hazel eyes distorted by dark intentions. Large muscles protruded his statuesque form, revealed by the olive green muscle tee and military pants. His partner wore the same, only his shirt was a dark tan, offsetting his dark complexion. His black hair was cut in a military fashion, his dark brown eyes filled with cold hatred. The pair merely stood by the wall, content with watching their leader and comrade.

The cold glint of the metal blade reflected in the dark blue orbs of the child upon the table. Although fear ran rampant in her blood, her cold façade never altered. She would not show her captors her fear. She knew they would merely thrive off of it. Nor would she display her pain. A deep red handprint on her face seemed to throb as her nerves buzzed with pain. Watching the leader's emerald eyes as he played with the blade, she was sure of what would happen there in that secluded log cabin, but she had hope. For deep in the neighboring woods, her savoir lay asleep.

Although she knew her brother was ignorant to her disappearance, she knew she had to focus. Concentrating, she silently cursed her inability to find her brother's energy signal. Instead, she gathered her own energy, heightening her signal. A slight lavender glow surrounded the girl upon the cold table as her eyes closed tightly. She hadn't been working with energy long, but she was sure that if she pushed her energy up as if she were to fly, she could catch her brother attention.

The purple aura disappeared as she allowed her energy so shrink to normal before she raised it yet again. The four other occupants in the room stared in shock as the girl was surrounded by lavender glow. Glaring, the leader slapped the girl once more, yelling at her to stop. His hands roughly held her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. A certain fire entered his deadly green eyes as he released his hold. Instead, his fingers gently traced their way from her left shoulder to the center of her swanlike neck by way of the collarbone. Holding her gaze, he brought the cold metal of the curved knife along his traced path. A line of crimson blood spilled from the deep cut as he slowly traced blow her collarbone, careful not to kill his trapped quarry.

Fire seemed to consume the left side of her body as the cold metal dug into her skin, tracing its deadly path at an achingly slow pace. The heat of the pain and blood in contrast of the cold metal blade shocked her system causing chills to sweep through her form. Cassandra could feel her façade weakening. The pain was excruciating, worse was the devilishly slow pace her tormentor had set. With relief she felt as he reached the end of her collarbone and center of her thin throat. Instead of continuing to the other side or just slitting her throat, he backed off. Slowly, a single stormy blue eye opened to meet his laughing green ones. She could feel the heat drain from her body as her hot crimson blood poured from the deep calculated cut, drenching her blue gi top, transforming it into a twisted purple.

His dark eyes mocked her, laughing at her prone form, as he stepped back to survey his work. The two men by the wall merely grinned at the spectacle, their murmured conversation lost upon her. It was as if time stood still as the leader traced a finger upon the blade, wiping away some of the crimson liquid. Bringing it to his lips, his tongue darted out to meet the child's essence. Delight flooded his face as he tasted her life's liquid. Setting the knife down, he moved towards the girl up on the table. His meticulous gate slowed along with time as a burst of light lit the room as the front door burst open with a roar of winds.

The light in the door was quickly shadowed as a form appeared, outlined at first, then slowly more detail as it approached the doorway. As soon as it was visible, a pained grin appeared upon Cassandra's face, joy dancing in her eyes. Yet worry clouded them as well as she took in the figures appearance.

There in the doorway was her brother. His spiky black hair in pure disarray, most of the long locks had escaped his ponytail. His black eyes were wild and his face contorted in a mask of rage. The thick scent of blood hit his animal like senses immediately. Locking eyes with his sister, he could tell of her pain. Knowing the blood as hers, a deep growl escaped his lips. To any observer, the boy would easily look like a rabid animal, nearly foaming at the mouth with pure burning rage at the scene. His long tail waved behind him, a visible outlet at his anger. His hands were clenched at his side as he glared at the leader.

Slowly, he walked further into the room, his eyes never wavering from his sister's green eyed captor. Ignoring the other men, he headed straight towards the leader. Glaring at him, Gohan snarled. "Let my sister go, now." Those simple words were spoken with quiet seething anger, enough to chill the hearts of even the coldest man.

However, the leader merely glanced at the boy as if he were an insignificant bug. Passing off the youthful fighter as the child that his body proclaimed, never taking the age and power his eyes and voice spoke of into consideration. With a bemused smile, he looked towards the men standing by the wall, a silent signal passing between them by a nod.

Gohan knew what was going on, his instincts kicking into high gear as he felt to two men approach him from behind. Holding still, he waited until they were close before dropping into a crouch and kicking their legs from beneath them, causing them to hit the ground roughly. Making his stand once more, he glared at the leader, awaiting more attacks.

Part of him called for vengeance, just as it had years ago when his family was threatened that fateful Christmas. The part that made his blood race, ready for battle, ready to destroy the threat. The half of his soul that asked supplied him with murderous thoughts and fueled his power. It was his dark half, his inner demon. It gave him his golden transformations, his darkness, and most importantly, his power. It was his dark and animalistic side that called to his heart, called for destruction, for revenge.

The other half of him begged him not to kill, not to maim and slaughter the foul presences within the cabin on the hillside. It was his light half, the part of him that was sensible. It was the contradicting portion of his soul. It had no desire to kill, no desire to fight. He loved his sister, but this half of his soul fought against the golden transformations, reminding him of emotions such as guilt, sorrow, humanity. It was his light and humane side that called to his mind, called for sanity, for peace.

The two halves of his soul battled within his heart and mind, fighting for dominance, fighting for the ability to control the fate of the day. Back and forth they battled, the man child's power rising and falling with the change in dominance, his emotions swelling, his anger rising, his humanity fading.

Gohan stood there, ignoring the moans of the two behind him as they stood. His dark eyes flickered back and forth between his captive sister and her captor. "I said, let her go." Venom laced his words as he hissed them to the dark haired leader.

"Hey Sen, let me have a go with him, huh?"

"Shut up, baka, and stay with the girl." The leader, Sen, called to the blonde haired man beside the girl. His emerald eyes merely stared at the boy, the two locked in a glare. Their attention solely focused on the other, their eyes never leaving the other.

Behind Gohan, the two men had risen to standing position. They merely observed their boss and the child glaring back and forth. Nudging his companion, the dark skinned man murmured. "Yo, whacha think that is?"

Following his partner's gaze, he noticed a major physical oddity in the child. Like a cat, his curious hazel eyes followed the wavering appendage. With feline grace, he pounced, his rough hands wrapping around the slender length. Tightening his grip, his fingers dug into the golden brown tail as he pulled upon it, waiting for it to come off. Instead, a pained cry escaped Gohan's lips as his eyes widened. Slowly, he lost all control over his body as the fire of pain spread throughout his form, numbing him. His consciousness hung in the balance as the henchman applied more pressure upon his extra appendage.

Everyone's eyes were upon the child as he fell upon his knees, his eyes wide with pain, hazily covered as he began to slip into unconsciousness. A startled gasp escaped his captor's lips as the connection was made. "Uh, Boss? This thing is real yo!" A large grin spread upon his countenance as he slowly applied an increasing amount of pressure on the furry appendage. "The kid has a tail!" He chuckled as he faced his partner.

Sen's eyes narrowed as he noticed the child's slow descent into unconsciousness. "Quit it you fools. Keep him awake. I want him to see what we do to his sister." Carefully he watched as the men looked at him questionably. Shrugging, the pair moved from the boy, releasing his tail in the process. Sen's dark eyes widened at their action. Moving with amazing speed, he grabbed the appendage. "You stupid fuckers! Don't let go of the damn thing. It's his weakness. Just don't pull it to much right now. I want him to watch as his sister is defiled. Got it?" His words were laced with barely restrained anger.

A careful exchange of the tail was done, making sure both of the men had the child weakened and subdued. Sen merely moved toward the girl. Her eyes were cloudy with tears, knowing that her hope had been lost. Her sole beacon of light was shut down, prey to a weakness she had once used so many years ago. She knew that they were both at the mercy of this man and his team. Guilt played within Cassandra's heart as she looked at her brother, unable to acknowledge Sen's hands upon her young body. He was upon his knees, his tail firmly held by the two men by the wall. His head, upon her brother's own will, was up, watching the actions, watching her. Locking eyes, she could see the pain and torment. It was far worse than it had ever been; his soul was far more torn then before. Faintly she wondered if anything could repair the damage done, but no one had said they would get out of this alive.

Unable to look into her brother's eyes, she turned her dark blue orbs to the wall, denying the cold air that hit her upper torso as the top half of her gi was ripped from her body. Ignoring the waves of pain as the material tore from her wound, the once congealed blood disturbed, moving to flow freely once more. Blocking out the rough feel of his hands upon her naked and underdeveloped chest, caressing her as she had once believed would only come with tender hands, love, and adulthood. Tears flowed from her eyes as the hopelessness locked within her brother's eyes hit a cord deep within her, her soul flaring as she sought to fight from utter defilement at the hands of the soulless bastard before her.

Gohan merely watched his mind and body numb, unwilling to realize the truth. He was defenseless as a newborn baby, his sister preparing to suffer more. He had lost contact with her midnight blue eyes must moments before, his soul cried for that familiar contact once more.

Helpless he could only watch as his beloved sister began to fight, her muscles tense as she moved upon the table. Her hands fought to free themselves of their bonds, her legs trashing about wildly in an attempt to strike her tormentor. Sen merely glared at her attempt, his fury rising. He had caught her, she was his. One of her feet finding contact with his jaw, knocking his head to the side. Wiping a small trace of blood from his lips, Sen's anger rose immensely. She had wounded him. His left hand shot out, grabbing her legs as they made for another attack at him, holding them still. His right hand once more finding sharp contact with her cheek. His furious voice echoing through the room. "Fucking bitch!"

At the head of the table, the blonde-haired man secured his hold upon her arms as Sen roughly moved her legs. Together the two moved the girl to the bottom of the table before bonds secured arms and hands once more, paying no heed to her wound. Sen quickly took charge as soon as she was in proper position, upper body upon the table, her legs hanging off. With fervent ardor, he tore her remaining clothing from her body, exposing her to the cold morning air that seeped though the mountain home. Afterward, he quickly removed the restraining clothes of his lower anatomy.

Her eyes widened as he moved to separate her legs. Each limb twisted with an attempt to escape his hold and inflict some sort of damage to the man. His hold upon her legs tightened with bruising pressure. Roughly spreading them, he moved between her long limbs. Locking eye to eye, his maniacal emeralds to her panicked sapphires. The fight was useless, for in that moment, Cassandra's lower anatomy flew to a fire of pain. Her screams dying on her lips.

Just three months shy of thirteen years old, Cassandra's innocence was stolen by a heartless man in the middle of no where, nothing but the haunted obsidian eyes of her tormented brother and the maniacal green ones that would fill her nightmares for years to come, to comfort her.

(1)Reference to Chapter 7: "Boy, whacha gonna do? Whacha gonna do when I fuck your mom? Then maybe I'll let my partner have your sister. Or maybe you. Whacha gonna do boy?"


Mailing List: You know the deal. Email or tell me in a review . . . to add you to the WDIB update list and give me your email address.


Sneak Peek: Sorry, there really isn't much I can give you of decent quality. I had a very difficult time with this chapter and with the next (which I'm currently working on).

"All of the power that came with his nightmares, his unknown past, and his double sided mine was stripped from him in moments, all due to a single slender appendage held in the hands of a heartless monster."

"As he moved away from the table, straightening his clothes after his violent act, she looked towards her brother. The tearful pairs of eyes locked across the room, a soft comfort waving through her consciousness, tinged with pain at knowing that comfort came at the price of him watching her corruption, helpless to save her."

"White hot pain surged through his blood as a deafening `snap' echoed in the room."