Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Escape to a new world ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
This story is also published under the penname SaiyanPrincessKiara, which is my old name. I decided to change pennames due to several reasons.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
Chapter 1 - Escape to a new world.
Kiara sat on the couch watching tv as she silently listened to her fathers voice. He was in the kitchen with her mother, shouting at her, just like he did every time he was drunk. She flinched as she heard her father hit her mother.
Kiara quickly got up and ran upstairs to her room, knowing full well she'd be next. She closed the door crying softly. She walked over to the cupboard where she placed all her Dragonball Z action figures. She took one of the Vegeta dolls in her hands and smiled. “I wish you where here to protect me,” she said softly, “I wish you where real,” she smiled at the thought of Vegeta being real, and being here with her protecting her. “I wish I was in your world, the world of Dragonball Z,” she said softly then she closed her eyes and repeated the same sentence over and over.
When she opened her eyes she was standing in a large hallway with white walls and blue floors. `Where am I?' Kiara thought as she looked around trying to figure out where she was and what happened.
Suddenly someone grabbed her and turned her around roughly. “Who are you? What are you doing sneaking around in the palace?” A rough voice asked.
“I… I'm Kiara,” she mumbled under her breath. But the bulky man heard. He grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her along the corridor until they reached two large doors made of gold, carved in them was a large ape. Kiara looked in awe at the beautiful doors.
Her bulky captor spoke with the guards in a foreign language and suddenly the doors swung open and she was pulled inside and forced down on her knees in front of a beautiful golden throne. When she looked up she saw a tall man with spiky brown hair and ebony eyes rise from the throne and stalk over to her, his tail swaying behind him curiously. She gulped as she realized he looked just like King Vegeta!
“You… you're not real!” Kiara stuttered, “none of this is real… it's just a dream… just a dream.”
The king, who now stood directly in front of her cocked his brow, “a dream huh?” He raised his hand, “well if it is you won't be able to feel this,” he said as he brought his hand down across Kiara's face. Kiara cried out in pain as the kings hand connected with her face.
“So now that we're clear on this not being a dream, why don't you tell me who you are and what you're doing in my palace,” the king said calmly.
“I'm Kiara… I'm from the planet Earth… I don't know how I got here.”
The king raised an eyebrow confused, “A Saiyan from the planet Earth who doesn't know how she got here? That's probably the worst excuse I ever heard in my entire life!” The king stated.
Kiara looked up at him confused, “a… a Saiyan?... I don't understand,” she uttered.
“Are you trying to tell me you seriously have no idea who you are?” the king bend down so his eyes met hers. “No… I know who I am, I told you I'm Kiara, from the planet Earth! I'm human!”
The king stood up and motioned for the bulky man to lift Kiara up to her feet. The king then reached behind her.
Kiara cried out in pain as she felt a rush of pain go through her spine. When the pain finally subsided she looked over her shoulder to see what the king had done to cause her so much pain. She jumped at the side of a tail in his hand. The king let her go and motioned for the bulky man to do the same. Kiara carefully grabbed her tail and examined it. “A tail… I have a tail,” she said softly. Then she looked back at the king, “I… I don't understand… how did I… what happened?” she managed to utter before everything went black.
Kiara slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The room she was in was huge and mainly colored in royal blue. At the foot of her king size bed sat a beautiful woman, with black hair and eyes. The woman smiled at Kiara, “good morning dear, I am queen Raishi,” the woman spoke softly.
Kiara blinked, “the… the queen,” she repeated in disbelief.
The queen smiled kindly at her, “why don't you tell me what you remember before ending up in the palace?” Kiara nodded and looked at the queen as she explained about her life on Earth as a Dragonball Z fan and what exactly Dragonball Z was. And how she had run up to her room after hearing her parents fight and how she had wished to be in the world of Dragonball Z.
“I see, so you are from a different world and a different planet, even a different race,” the queen said softly. “Well it is a mystery to me how you got into our palace and changed from human to Saiyan, but perhaps our scientists can figure it out.”
Kiara thought back to her earlier encounter with the king and remembered her tail. She slowly got up and made her way over to the mirror that stood on the other side of the room. Her hair was spiky, her eyes a darker green, she was more toned and her muscles definitely improved. And then she looked at the red plush appendage that was curiously swaying behind her, “a tail… I have a tail.”
The queen smiled “well of course you have a tail dear, you're a Saiyan now, all Saiyans have tails.” She got up and slowly walked over to Kiara gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “I'll have some clothes delivered for you. Meanwhile you should wash up so you can join us for dinner.” Kiara nodded in approval. “Thank you,” she said softly and made her way to the bathroom.
She stripped herself from all her clothes and turned the water on. The warm water felt good on her sore body.
When she was done she turned the water of and dried herself with a fluffy towel and wrapped it around herself. She walked into the bedroom to find a large pile of clothes stacked on the bed. She smiled and went through them till she found the perfect dress. It was a royal blue dress that reached all the way down to her ankles. She put her hair in a nice bun, leaving some straps hanging down playfully.
There was a knock on the door. Kiara looked at herself in the mirror again and smiled satisfied at her appearance then went to open the door.
“I am Brolly and I am to escort you to the throne room where you shall join the royal family for dinner,” a large muscular man said with a rough voice. Kiara nodded and followed the guard.
Kiara looked in awe as she sat down next to the queen, across from the prince. There was enough food on the table you could feed a thousand people!
Kiara looked at the king, the queen and the prince, as they filled their plates with huge amounts of food. When they finished she filled her plate with the amount of food she'd normally eat.
The prince cocked his brow at her, “you'll be starving within the hour if that's all you're going to eat.”
Kiara looked at him and softly replied, “but I always eat this much.” The queen smiled at her “My dear, you're not human anymore, you're a Saiyan now and they have to eat a lot more than that. Kiara smiled slightly and nodded in reply then stacked more food on her plate.
They finished their dinner in silence.
Afterwards the queen smiled at Kiara then looked at her son as she spoke softly, “Vegeta, I think you should teach Kiara about the Saiyan race.”
“WHAT?!” Vegeta looked at his mother, anger slowly surfacing, “you can not tell me what to do mother!” he spat, “I refuse to waste my time with her!” he briefly glanced at Kiara and grinned as she flinched slightly.
“SON!” the king spoke calm but firmly, “you will do as Raishi suggested and when you taught her everything she needs to know, you will train her.”
“Train her?! I'm not training some low class female!” Vegeta spat at his father.
The king slammed his fist on the table, “you will do as I say son!” Vegeta growled and took off.
The queen softly squeezed Kiara's hand reassuringly. “Don't worry Kiara, he'll come around eventually.” Kiara let out a slight smile.
Later that night Kiara lay in her bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about Vegeta. `He sure is an arrogant ass, I wonder if he'll ever come around.' She turned to her side wondering what it would be like when Vegeta started teaching her. She soon drifted off into a restless sleep.
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Whoohoo first chapter of my very first fanfic!!! I hope you liked it :) Please Review and let me know what you think :) !