Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Right Where I Belong! ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author: SaiyanPrincessKiara / Golden Tigress.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT. They are the property of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Toei Animation, and Funimation Inc.
BUT I do own Kiara... mwahahaha
A/N: Well my faithful readers, here it is. The very last instalment of Where I Belong, the very first fanfiction I dared publish *blush*. I hope you all enjoy it :)
Chapter 14 - Right Where I Belong!
Vegeta was pacing nervously outside their bedroom chambers. His mates screams where too much for him to bare. And if that wasn't enough, he could actually feel her pain! It felt as though he was being ripped apart!
Another cry of pain, this one louder than any others brought him back from his thoughts. He sighed loudly staring intently at the door. He couldn't remember a time in his life he'd been this nervous.
It had been 9 months since the final battle with the Ice-jins. Much had happened since then. The rebels had build him this enormous fortress. It was absolutely beautiful and looked almost exactly the same as his fathers palace on planet Vegeta. His mate had instantly fallen in love with the place.
The cities where all rebuild, even better than before and where now occupied by the rebels and many other beings that had pledged their loyalty to him.
He had rebuild an army, not to conquer because he was no longer interested in that. He ruled the universe, everyone knew that. No this army was there to keep the peace. A peace his mate so desperately wanted. Who was he to deny her that?
The planet of course had been renamed to planet Vegeta, or New Vegeta to be precise. It wasn't the same as his old planet, but it would suffice he figured.
Kiara cried out in pain. “DEAR KAMI! IT HURTS!” she cried out. She had never thought that something so wonderful could hurt so much! Another jolt of pain had her nearly screaming her lungs out.
Her maids hand was already squeezed so hard it was turning blue. `Poor girl', she thought before another scream tore from her throat.
“Hold on just a little longer my lady, you're almost done!” one of the medics told her.
Vegeta's nervous pacing stopped immediately when he heard the loud wails of a newborn. His brat was finally born!
The prince turned king used the very last of his patience to walk proudly into their bedroom to see his mate sprawled on the bed panting heavily. The medics where already cleaning up the blood.
Another medic came up beside him holding his newborn. “Congratulations milord, you have a son”, he said as he carefully handed the newborn to Vegeta. “Then his name will be Vegeta, as is tradition” the king said.
The medic nodded before leaving quickly to announce the birth of the prince.
Vegeta smiled proudly at his mate who gazed weakly up at him. He carefully sat down by her side so she could see the newborn too.
Kiara smiled proudly. “He's beautiful” she whispered. The newborn Saiyan was a near exact copy of his father, but instead of a soft brown tail it was more a reddish brown. Also, his skin was his mothers more paler complexion. His eyes and hair however where his fathers coal black. Even the shape of his face and the flame of his hair perfectly matched those of his father.
“He looks so much like you” she whispered weakly. Vegeta smiled proudly at his mate. “Rest now my mate, you did well. I am proud of you”.
Kiara smiled warmly at her mate. “I am proud of you too my mate. You freed us all”.
“But our race and planet are gone!” her mate said angrily. Kiara could feel the anger rise in him and tried to calm him. “We have a new planet now my mate. And new subjects to rule over”.
“You do not mind living on this planet?” he questioned uncertainly. Kiara placed her hand over his and answered softly. “No mate, I do not mind as long as I'm with you. For with you is where I belong”.
With that she fell into a peaceful slumber.
There you go, this story has finally come to an end. I can finally move the WIB folder from “work in progress” to “completed work”. I really had a great time writing this story and your reviews kept me going even trough tougher times. I hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. And I hope I never disappointed you with whatever I came up with for this story.
I've already started working on a new story, this time it's on the anime Inuyasha (my newest addiction *blush*). I hope you'll all try it out once I upload it :)
Take care all!
Much love,
-*- Golden Tigress -*-