Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Ch 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2

It was four in the morning before Vegeta had finally dragged himself up to bed. He had come so close to becoming a Super Saiyan. He could almost feel it when he'd fought that last round with the bots. He couldn't understand why he couldn't go all the way. It was like something was stopping him, like there was a lock on the door, and he didn't have the key.

He wearily climbed into bed still in his armor, so tired he didn't even remember what had happened last night. That was perhaps, part of the reason he had trained.

It seemed like he had no sooner closed his eyes then they shot back open at the sound of laughter that drifted up from downstairs. He growled low in his throat. It was that woman with her stupid male. He closed his eyes again, quite determined to shut them both out.

* * *

Bulma laughed as she walked in the door, covering her mouth with her hand as she recalled the other resident of the house and the late hour. Not that she had much sympathy for the other person after the way he'd acted.

She'd known as soon as Henry had turned his back that Vegeta would kill him. The look that crossed Vegeta's face had been so filled with hate and anger that it had shook her to the core. She'd never seen him like that.

She'd decided that the only way to save Henry would be by action.

Her action had gotten the desired result, but the consequences of those results…. His face had never changed, yet the look in Vegeta's eyes when she'd stood beside Henry had almost crushed her. She could have sworn they flickered to something almost-suicidal-before going to a dead, almost passionless glaze.

She had gone with Henry though. Whatever she'd thought she'd seen were just the fantasies of someone who had taken for granted the fact that Vegeta was a destroyer of worlds and killer of innocents. She had merely molded him into what she'd naively believed him to be. He was nothing more than what he looked to be, a murderer.

Henry stopped her as she was going in the house and pulled her to him. His kiss took her breath away and sent fire racing through her veins. As they pulled away after what seemed two lifetimes, Bulma reflected that, for a first kiss, it was a good one.

Henry stepped inside and closed the door with his foot, trailing kisses from her lips, to her neck, to the part of her chest that her dress allowed him to touch. He growled in frustration at the dress, cursing it for stopping his advancement.

By this time, they were both near the gravity room and Bulma felt as if her head was spinning. It was so fast!

As he paused to glare at her dress, she frowned in concern, distracted from Henry's affections by the humming sound that the gravity room usually made when cooling down. But that meant it had been used in the last hour. Has Vegeta stayed up this late to train? I don't remember him doing that since right after Frieza and his father tried to destroy Earth. He was upset because Goku killed Frieza again. What could have gotten him that upset again?

Her attention again turned to Henry as he tried to undo Bulma's dress. She froze. He wasn't even asking her if she wanted this. He was just assuming she did. Even Yamcha had been considerate enough to ask. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was someone else taking control.

She moved her hands up and insistently tried to push Henry away from her. However, this only succeeded in making Henry cling tighter to her. His movements became so jerky she feared her dress would rip off her. He slammed her against a wall and she winced in pain and sudden fear. The left side of the bodice of her dress tore with a ripping sound that had Bulma suddenly panicked.

"No." she barely whispered. As Henry continued his unwanted attentions Bulma became bolder, "I said no!" She started to beat at him with her fists.

Henry finally took notice of Bulma. As his eyes met Bulma's, she gasped in sudden fear. The same glacial gaze that had almost quelled Vegeta now bore into her eyes with a ferocity that almost made her whimper in fear.

However, her fear only brought out her anger.

As she opened her mouth to shriek, Henry's hand covered it, letting out only a muffled yell that no one would able to hear. Her eyes widened as Henry grinned at her and continued trying to get the dress off, finding it much easier now that it was torn.

* * *

Vegeta's eyes again opened as he heard the woman shout. His brow furrowed for a moment before he groaned and rolled over. Not here. Not now. Couldn't they get a hotel room and let him sleep?

Vegeta let one eye open. The next sound had him truly puzzled. It had sounded muffled.

Something wasn't right. He wasn't exactly chaste and had never tried to stop a woman from screaming. Neither had he heard anyone else try to-unless.

Without quite realizing what he doing; acting on pure instinct alone, he flew out the room and downstairs, leaving a broken door hanging by one hinge and a ki trail in his wake.

* * *

Bulma was still trying to scream despite the hand that prevented much sound from escaping. Henry had gotten the top of her dress off and was fondling her in a way that was making her nauseous.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Bulma with his blue, cold eyes. Bulma knew now that the other Henry, the one that had charmed her so, had been but a mask. This was the real Henry.

He looked suggestively down at the lower half of her dress, which was still on and Bulma closed her eyes.

I'm going to be raped in my own home.

Suddenly a crack sounded and Henry was lifted off her. She slid down the wall with nothing now holding her up and opened her eyes, looking on in shock as Henry crashed through the door and skidded across the ground before coming to a rest. A blue blur solidified as Vegeta landed in her line of sight, back to her.

Bulma self-consciously put her feet under her and managed to use the remains of her dress to cover herself up decently.

As she levered herself up to a standing position she heard Vegeta grunt in surprise.

Henry was getting up and wiping the trail of blood that seeped from the corner of his mouth. He was grinning. Bulma was sure that he wasn't supposed to be able to get up. He did look unsteady on his feet, though.

Henry turned his head to spit out the rest of the blood in his mouth and sneered at Vegeta, "What's wrong? You wanted some to?"

Vegeta growled and flew at the man, connecting his fist with Henry's jaw and making his head snap back violently.

As Henry brought his head back, his hand latched onto Vegeta's arm as the other came around and jabbed the needle into the arm, quickly injecting the blue fluid into him.

Vegeta flung him away with a curse, and Henry fell backwards on his butt, leaving the needle in Vegeta's arm. Vegeta growled and yanked it out, throwing it to the ground.

Henry laughed as he watched Vegeta's face furrow in confusion and he swayed on his feet without noticing. Henry rose up, going only halfway and leaning his hands on his knees from the effort. "I figured you'd be a problem. So I made a little something for you. When I want a woman, I let no other man in her presence, and you were too close for comfort. Feeling the effects yet, Vegeta?"

Vegeta scowled at the man and raised a hand to his head. There were five Henry's all mocking him, and he had no idea which to hit. Everything was so replicated. He knew he had to be swaying. He certainly didn't feel balanced.

He cursed himself. He had assumed that since Henry was a mere human he posed no threat.

He watched as the Henrys levered themselves the rest of the way up and all frowned, "It should have taken effect by now-ow. You shouldn't be standing-ing."

Vegeta was thankful that a Saiyan's chemistry wasn't as susceptible to poison as humans. It was helping now. The echo however, that wasn't helping.

He put both his hands to his head and tried to walk toward the Henrys, intent on killing all of them.

Henry laughed and his fist came flying for Vegeta's face. Although the drug compromised the Saiyan's speed, he was still faster, and dodged by leaning his upper body backwards. His balance, though, was totally gone. His feet slid forward while the rest of him went backwards, and he landed hard on his rump.

Henry laughed again. He was surprised by the man's speed but knew him to be no threat now. So the drug was slow to working. But work it would. He'd paid good money for it to work. All he had to do was wait for it to and then this contender would die.

Vegeta tried to lever himself upwards but his legs wouldn't respond, even though his arms were more than willingly to. He wondered why his opponent wasn't attacking him while he was at a disadvantage because of the- Of course. The drug was killing him, slowly but surely. He grinned. Well, at least I know what death is like. No surprise there.