Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wherever You Will Go ❯ Ch 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5

"Vegeta. Your presence is requested in Master Frieza's chambers," the pink blob known as Dodoria said with a smirk. Vegeta glared at him, wondering how the blob moved about with all that fat clinging to him.

Vegeta followed after Dodoria, trying to think of why Frieza would want to see him in a place so impersonal as his chambers. Usually Frieza was very picky on propriety.

Dodoria had a knowing smile on his face as he opened the doors and allowed Vegeta to go in ahead of him. Vegeta narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the seeming deference.

"My lord, I have brought Vegeta as you requested."

A voice floated out from behind another set of double doors, "Very well, Mr. Dodoria. Send him in, please."

Dodoria again insisted on letting Vegeta enter the room before him. Vegeta did not like this one bit. His tail, tucked tightly around his waist, was bristling faintly.

As Vegeta entered, Dodoria did not follow but closed the doors behind him. Vegeta turned to look sharply at the doors as he heard a lock click into place. Now why-?

He turned at a sound. Frieza was lying atop a huge bed, lazily making circles on it with one talon-ed finger, "How old are you, Vegeta?"

There was a long pause as Vegeta puzzled out the nature of the question, "Twelve, my lord."

"Perfect." Vegeta inwardly shuddered, although he kept his face impassive. Frieza had purred the word.

Frieza patted the space where his finger had been tracing, "Come here."

By now, it was quite evident what his master wanted. Unbidden he shook his head, eyes wide, all composure gone at the realization of the perverseness of Frieza.

Frieza frowned and rose quickly, descending on the hapless boy with no mercy….

Vegeta awoke to the feeling of something clinging to him and a strange wetness on his chest. Still partially locked in the memory, he jumped up and out of the bed, looking warily around him and what had been lying next to him.

Bulma looked up with red-rimmed eyes and tear-streaked face.

Vegeta remembered all that they had done. He frowned. Why was she crying?

Bulma suddenly leapt out of bed and threw herself at him, clinging to a startled Vegeta as she silently sobbed.

"Woman. What-?" Bulma's tiny frame wracked with her sobs. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from him, "Explain why you are getting me wet." Despite the words, the tone was concerned.

Bulma looked up at him, shocked. She blinked back tears. How can he act like this when…? She felt foolish. She had taken a nightmare to be reality. "I-just had a bad dream is all."

Vegeta frowned doubtfully and guided her over to the bed, sitting her down firmly upon it and then sitting down beside her, "It was just a dream. Remember that."

Bulma nodded, not looking over at him, "I know. It's just that it had-you in it."

Vegeta's eyebrow rose, "Me? Yes, that would be a nightmare." Complete seriousness.

Bulma managed to let out a half-hearted laugh. She didn't know what was wrong. Dreams never affected her like this, and she hadn't had a nightmare in years.

"Well, tell me what I was doing so I can point out all the discrepancies." Vegeta prodded.

Bulma hung her face down further, "It was-It isn't something I want to discuss. It was-horrible" she shuddered.

Vegeta's brow furrowed, "Horrible to whom?" He was afraid of her answer.

She looked at him this time, searching his eyes, "You." Vegeta visibly flinched and Bulma, still looking at him, caught it, "What? Did you have a nightmare too?"

Vegeta looked impassive, "I don't have nightmares." The look in his eyes told her different, told her that something had happened.

"Vegeta, has anybody ever told you you're a horrible liar?" She shot his words back at him.

He stood up and glared at her, "I did not lie."

She thought about that for a second, "That's probably true. But you're withholding information and that's pretty much lying. I didn't just have a bad dream, did I?" Vegeta glared down at her. "And I don't see how you can act as if it isn't affecting you, either. I mean, I saw it and-" she shuddered and turned her face away, "How can you act as if it never happened?"

Vegeta folded his arms across his chest, "And then what? Do I wallow in self-pity?" He said the next mockingly, "Oh, poor, pitiful me! What ever will I do?" a harsher tone now, "What do I do? I'll tell you what. I get revenge. Oh, wait, tried that. Failed twice." His last sentence was spoken in a dead tone.

Bulma was suddenly engulfed by a wave of sadness. She felt more tears spring to her eyes. She heard what he wasn't saying: How am I supposed to regain my honor, to banish my shame, when my vengeance has been taken from me? Not once, but twice.

"So that's why you hate Goku so much."

Vegeta scowled, having to bite back a sudden intake of breath. He'd said way too much. She was much too perceptive.

She stood up and walked to stand in front of him, putting her hands on his arms, "Getting revenge will not solve anything."

Vegeta sneered at her, "It always has for me."

Bulma shook her head, unfazed by his callousness, "And then what?"

He scowled. She was using his words again. He didn't like it when she did that. "And then I shall be satisfied."

Bulma looked him in the eyes with an unwavering gaze that unnerved him much more than Henry's had, "And then my best friend will be dead."

Vegeta paused. He suddenly felt a tug-of-war going on inside his mind. On the one side was his pride, which demanded that he defeat Kakarott. A weak human shouldn't stop the Prince of the Saiyans! On the other was something he couldn't identify, which was envisioning exactly how the woman in front of him would react to Kakarott's death.

Perhaps it was the fact that his pride had been there longer, perhaps because he couldn't identify the other side, but Vegeta's pride won and mercilessly plowed the other side through the mud.

He thrust her away from him, anger etched on his face, causing her to sit hard on the bed.

"Is that it, then?" his voice was cold and she shivered despite herself. "You think I care what you'd feel if that idiot were dead?" He sneered down at her and chuckled, "Well, I hate to disappoint you, woman, but the only thing you were good for was last night."

Bulma glared at him, "I don't believe that, Vegeta."

Vegeta grinned cockily, "Oh, believe it, woman. And having you come to me willingly was the best part. You should've seen the look on your face. So," he sneered, "trusting."

She needed to change the subject, throw him off. He was saying too much he would regret. Too much she couldn't believe.

"How did you go Super Saiyan?"

If she'd thought to throw him off, she'd said the right thing. His eyes narrowed and his lips stretched thin. After a few moments, Bulma thought he wasn't going to answer. "I don't know," he finally spit out.

With those words Bulma saw something glide across his black orbs, something that spoke of gaining something only to lose it again. She could understand that feeling. She felt it now.

The look she gave him was total and complete sympathy. The expression that crossed Vegeta's face when he saw her look put her heart in her throat.

He looked back at her with a look she'd only seen once before, the one he had given Henry when he'd turned his back to Vegeta. His face was suddenly inches from hers, the look on it making her shrink back.

"I will not be pitied," he snarled. In the next instance he was gone, the billowing of the window's curtains the only sign of how he'd left.

Bulma sat there, still in shock, replaying what he had said. He wouldn't be pitied? She hadn't pitied him. Had she?

* * *

He had planned on leaving; flying as far away, as fast as he could, but he questioned his motives. Why did he need to leave? The woman cooked his meals and fixed his gravity room. She even warmed his- He growled when he found that he could not complete that thought. Not about her.

He landed and turned around to walk back to the house. He would train, of course. He'd destroy this weakness by going Super Saiyan for good this time and killing Kakarott. Then and only then could he be assured that he'd gotten her out of him.

AN: How about 4 more chapters instead of one? ;) When I dream a story, it's insistent! Kinda like a Saiyan's stomach, or mine for that matter!

Do not worry. I love Vegeta. I've already figured 'things' out. But they won't be revealed till much later.

This story can be separated into 3-4 parts. This is still the first part, although 1 or 2 more chapters should finish it.