Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper ❯ chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z

Author's notes: I hope this has more reviews than my previous fics, maybe i'll be more interested in this one. Who knows?
Constructive critisism welcome, flames are also welcome..they're amusing in a morbid sort of way. =^.^=
Also i'm sorry if this sucks...i haven't wrote dbz in so long...i'm a bit rusty, i know my grammar sucks.

Whisper--->Chapter One.

Looking at his reflection in the rippled water, Goku sighed.

Running his pale fingers through his raven locks, he couldn't help but begin to wonder when things had taken a turn for the worst.

Chi-Chi's outbursts had turned more violent, to the point where she actually hit him, but he suspected it would happen sooner or

later. Their sex life became non-existant, actually now that he thought about it they hadn't made love since Goten was concieved.

However that was the least of his worries, recently he found himself attracted to Vegeta. Everything about the Prince drove him

absolutely insane, fantasizing about have the elder saiyan pinned underneath himself. Those lushious lips parted, soft moans

escaping past them, oynx eyed heavy lidded and clouded over with lust and passion.

Propping himself up on his elbows the earth raised saiyan shook his head trying to get the visions out of his head.

Frowning slightly he pushed himself onto his feet, looking down at the watch on his wrist.

'It's already 5:30?' he thought 'I guess I should be heading back'


"Gohan have you seen your father?" Chi-Chi asked her son as she stood at the stove, occasionally stirring the chili.

"No." Gohan answered "Hey is it okay if Videl and I go over to Bulma's for a little bit, I need some help with my anatomy

class. Goten can go also, I'm sure he'd love to go play with Trunks."

Chi-Chi looked over her shoulder at her son and smiled warmly

"Sure, just come home in a couple hours for dinner, Okay?"

"Alright, Goten come on we're leaving." Gohan yelled not surprised to see a flash of orange blur past him, already outside.

Videl chuckled as she walked out of the kitchen following Goten's lead. Stopping in the living room she grabbed

Gohan's anatomy book.

"I grabbed your book, that's all you need right?" she asked

"Yeah." he answered as he walked into the livingroom, smiling he bent down giving her a small peck on the lips before

opening the door and walking outside, joining his younger brother.

"Yay!" goten shouted as he levitated in the air, flying off in the direction of Capsule Corp, with Gohan and Videl right

behind him.

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Bulma rolled her eyes, and cringed as the door to the lab flew open revealing a highly pissed off Vegeta.

"What is it?" she asked in a nonchalant tone.

"The gravity chamber is still not fixed. When are you going to get off your lazy ass and fix it?" he demanded

" I have other things to do, my time does not revolve around you." she spat

"No, It doesn't." Vegeta seethed "It revolves around scar face."

Sighing, she looked at the computer screen then back at Vegeta, smirking.

"Jealous?" she taunted

Vegeta scoffed, and placed a hand on his hip in a haughty manner.

"Why should I be? You can't satisfy me." he retorted "Just fix the damn gravity room woman."

" I'll fix it later. Go sparr with Goku or something in the meantime."

Scowling, Vegeta turned around and left the lab making sure to slam the door on his way out.

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Quietly shutting the front door behind himself, Goku sighed making his way into the kitchen.

Inwardly flinching as Chi-Chi turned and looked at him with her lips pursed together.

"And where have you been?" she asked

" At the river bank." he answered solemly

" With Vegeta?" she inquired

Goku blinked genuinely confused.

"What?" he asked " What are you talking about?"

Turning away from the stove, Chi-Chi walked over to her husband, poking him in the chest with her index finger.

" Don't play me for a fool Goku. I see the way you look at him. I see the lust in your eyes whenever he's around."

"What are--"


Goku held his cheek, chocolate brown eyes focused on his wife in confusion, and anger.

"Leave." Chi-Chi hissed.

"But what about Gohan and Goten?"

"You should have thought about them before you decided to lust after another man...and neglect me."

Goku's brow furrowed. Neglect her? When? He had done nothing but try his best to show her his love,

he tried everything he could...everything with in his power to prove his love...yet when he didn't get anything

in return he focused his attention elsewhere....yes, it was upon another man. The last of his kind, and

everything about the man set his soul on fire just as she use to.

"Just leave." she repeated herself

"Gladly." Goku spat, turning on his heels he went into their bedroom and began packing up all of his

belongings, which was hardly anything. Grabbing his suitcase he walked out of the house..

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Bulma jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking at the person behind her she smiled warmly.

"Gohan, Videl...it's been awhile, how are you?"

"We're doing great...I hate to be a bother but I'm having trouble in my anatomy class and was wondering

if you could tutor me?" Gohan explained

"Sure" Bulma said motioning to the spare table, just sit down and make yourself comfortable. I have

to finish this up real quick and then i'd be more than happy to help you out."

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" Hey Goten...wanna come up to my room?" Trunks said " we can play my play station 2"

"Yeah, but after words can we sparr?" Goten asked


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In the middle of a Kata, Vegeta lost consentration and nearly fell over when a blur of orange appeared before him.

"Kakarrott that is fucking annoying....." his eyes went from the younger saiyan's face to the suitcase in his hand.

"What's the suitcase for?" vegeta asked

"Chi-Chi kicked me out." Goku explained while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Do you think Bulma would mind me

staying here for a little bit?"

Oynx eyes stared up into chocolate brown, as if searching for an answer to the reason the harpy kicked Kakarrott out.

"Hn. I don't see why she would mind....she's in her lab."

"Thanks 'Geta."

Author's note: Ehh. Please review? I know it's kinda rushed and not that good right now but i'm hoping that you'll like it.