Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ White Rain ❯ There Is Always Loosing In Life And Love ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~White Rain~

When Vagitasie is renewed by a forgiving aliance, Vegeta is expected to become royalty again. But geting what he always wanted isn't as every one wished. Vegeta must leave behind all he knows and loves. but when he needs a son to be the next heir to empire, a strange little boy appears, who is he, and how is he so strong? This fic starts of very sad, but it does eventually turn b/v (like pretty much all my fics), and when it does itll definatly be worth it! ^.~

This is a very different style than my other fic, i hope its new and enjoyable!

Ok, this chapter is going to be VERY sad, I'm just warning you, but DON'T worry, it will get MUCH happier!

Well this fic is a what-if story. Every thing from the Buu saga and before happens, but after that there is no more real enemies.

Bulma and Vegeta (Goku and Chi Chi) are in there 30's, just trust me on this one.

Trunks and Gotten are about 20, and Pan and Bra are 18.

Well, I know the ages but it wont work out if Bulma and Vegeta are really old.

So I hope u will enjoy this fic, I know its sad, but please please stick w/ me!

Chapter 1

Bulma sat down on her bed. She won't really feeling good, and the fact that somewhere downstairs her husband was yelling 'woman!' at the top of his lungs wasn't helping.

Bulma sighed and sat up in her bed. '5 minutes to think is all that I want!' She thought, but she just stood up and yelled "IM COMING!"

She went down the stairs to the kitchen. Vegeta sat there with a scowl on his face.

"Woman, I'm hungry!" He said in a deep harsh tone.

"AND?" Bulma said piercing her mouth shut and placing her small hands on he hips.

"Make me some fucking dinner!" He yelled.

Bulma sighed, she didn't really feel like arguing with him tonight. She walk past him into the kitchen, all the way thinking 'why had life cursed her so?'

Vegeta walked into his room, the digital alarm clock read 4:23. He sighed. He was pushing himself over the edge, but he felt he needed it. He laid down on his bed and wrapped his arms around the peaceful sleeping Bulma.

He shook his head lightly in anger. 'i am the sajain king! I deserve more than this!' no, he want referring to his beautiful wife or his children, he was just talking about his life in general, things were so different than they were supposed to be.

Bulma woke up to find the opposite side of the bed empty.

She dragged herself out of bed and got herself dressed, she made breakfast for Vegeta, and worked in her lab. She was busy that day, like every other day.

She suddenly stopped working and look down at her stomach, no change yet, but in a few months she would be barring the weight of her third sajian half-breed child. She was going to half to tell Vegeta soon. She looked back up and went back to work, she would tell him soon, soon...

Vegeta stepped out of out of the gravity simulator.

He was about the go into the kitchen to eat, but something caught his eye. He walked toward over to it and picked it up.

It was a letter of some sort. He opened it and read its contents'.

Dear King Vegeta Of Vegetasie,
Today begins the uprising of Vegetasie, I am sorry to inform you of this important occurrence over letter, but it is not possible for you to hear the news any sooner in person. I would like to inform you of the further details in person, please meet me at the place on this planet called La Vieare tonight at 7 in your time. Please meet me alone.
Your old friend and partner,

"Vegeta! Lunch is ready!"

Vegeta jumped at the sound of Bulma's ringing voice.

He clinched the note tightly in his head, some how he felt that this was right, and tonight he just had to go, he would be there tonight at the La Vieare.

Bulma smiled as Vegeta sat down at the table.

"Vegeta, I think we should go out tonight!" She said leaning over the table and placing large amounts of food in front of him.

He didn't even look up, "I can't, I have plans"

Bulma gasped, "Oh! I'm sorry I didn't know 'you had plans!'" She shouted sarcastically.

Vegeta rolled his eyes "with Kakarotto"

Bulma bit her lower lip and nodded looking down at her feet. "oh. okay then..."

Vegeta frowned, he honestly felt bad for lying to her, but he just couldn't tell her the truth.

Suddenly the door opened and Bra ran into the kitchen with a big smile on her face.

"MOM! MOM! Oh my gosh! Mom!" She said barley able to stand in one place for more than 5 seconds.

Bulma smiled and stood up "Hunny, breath, what is it?"

Bra stuck out her left hand and Bulma screamed at the huge white crystal dimand ring on her engagement finger.

Vegeta looked up from his forkful of food and lifted and eyebrow in confusion.

Bulma put her hands over her mouth and smiled, "Gotten?"

Bra nodded playing with the ring.

"Oh, Bra, your going to be the luckiest girl on this Earth!"

Bra smiled and looked over at her confused father.

"Oh daddy! Isn't this great!" She asked toughing her arms around his shoulders.

Vegeta shrugged, "Isn't what great?"

Bra let go of his and stepped back, blushing. "Daddy, I'm getting married!"

Vegeta showered and got dressed. He arrived at the restaurant at about 7:30.

"Your late" a seductive voice teased behind him.

Vegeta turned around and was met face to face with a beautiful woman with long dark black hair and eyes. Her lips were pulled back into a smirk and her tail was swinging back and forth behind her. Her tail????

Pan, Bra, Chi Chi, and Bulma met at CC that night to arrange things for the wedding.

The four girls talked about flowers, tables, music, and every thing else that could possibly make up a wedding.

But the problem was that they couldn't decide on anything.

Bra sighed, "I want the white roses you had Pan!"

Pan smiled remembering her and Trunk's wedding. That had been a little over a year ago and they had a baby girl now and Trunks was home watching her right then.

Bulma smiled and stood up, "Those were pretty flowers! Well at least we've decided on something!" She said crossing off 'flowers' on the list. "Well I'm going to get some drinks."

She walked into the kitchen.

Yamcha smiled at his date.

Rachael. They were leaning into kiss when Yamcha spotted a girl talking to Vegeta.

He leaned back, "Hey Rachael, can I borrow your cell real quick?"

She nodded and reached into her purse and pulled out her phone.

Yamcha dialed Bulma's number.

Vegeta was still concentrating on her tail.

She noticed this and pulled her smirk into a light smile, "Yes Vegeta no Ojie, I am a sayian"

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. "Only Kakarotto and I are the only ones left! Save for a couple of mislead hybrids."

She shook her head, "As I told you in the note, Planet Vegetasie has been resorted! Every sayian killed by Frizza and his men have been renewed."

Vegeta's eyes widened, "B. But.. H. ow?"

"The alliance of Turboe has given us a second chance" She sighed, "ansd we have all been reunited, but we need our king. Your father is ruling as we speak, but he has sent for you, you are heir to the thrown, and we need you to be our next ruler!"

She smiled at him and he looked down, deep in thought. She rested her hand on his shoulder, just staring at him, and smiling.

Bulma put the drinks on a plate as the phone began to ring.

She picked up the phone and smiled, "Hello?"

"Bulma, meet me at La Vieare right now" Yamcha said quickly on the other end of the phone.

"But, Yamcha, I'm in the middle of-"

"Bulma, its important"

Bulma sighed, "oh, alright, Ill be right over"

Vegeta smirked, "You want me to leave for Vegetasie?"

She nodded, "Tonight, a ship will come to pick you up." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, "Any questions?"

When he didn't respond, she moved the kiss over to his lips.

"Yamcha!" Said out of breath.

Yamcha sighed and pointed over the balcony where they were standing.

Bulma looked over and felt her heart skip a beat.

Her husband and some ho (she guessed) were in the middle of a god forsaken make out session.

A tear escaped her eye. Then she tightly clinched her lips, but she couldn't hold it, and they began to flow fluently.

Yamcha looked helplessly at Rachael and she looked back at him and nodded. Rachael took Bulma's hand and hugged her.

Bulma came home to an empty house.

She had stopped crying, but the pain in her heart was rising every second.

Vegeta! The man that loved her! Her husband! The husband that had died for her! The father of her kids, and the love of her life, had cheated on her!

She laid down on the couch and touched her stomach, 'what am i going to do?'

Vegeta flew home all the way thinking about how he was going to break the news to Bulma.

He walked into the front door and found Bulma lying on the couch in a black dress asleep.

He gently shook her.

She got up and gave him a death glare.

He frowned and gently grabbed her hand, "Bulma, Vegetasie has been restored, It's my destiny to go back, today i realized that, I hope you can realize it as well, you understand?" He said sending a pleading look into her eyes.

"Go-To-Hell-Vegeta" she said her eyes hard and cold.

Vegeta gave her a surprised look.

But she shook her head. "Oh! Did I tell you I stopped by La Vieare earlier? Hmm?" She said with a sarcastic smile, "and did we caught you in a very appalling make out session!"

Vegeta shut his eyes. 'oh Kami what have I done?'

"Vegeta, it was embarrassing! But Yamcha! and.. Oh! Vegeta, do you know the sad part! Most of all it hurt! I kept thinking what had I done wrong, but I guess I just wasn't enough for the great Sayain Prince!" She said tears lightly falling down her face. "Oh, and good luck with the perfect life you've always wanted"

Vegeta pulled her close to him, "Bulma, its not like that, please, just-"

"I've been hurt enough Vegeta, please, just leave me alone" She said turning around so her back was facing him. "I really do hope your happy" she whispered.

Vegeta sighed, and walked out the door, stealing one last look at his beautiful wife, and one last look at the life he would miss so much...

*sniff* I know, it was sad, BUT it WILL get MUCH MUCH MUCH happier! So please review and ill get the next chapter out!

Thank you so much for reading! Now scroll down and review and honestly tell e what you think!

~babie blue