Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why Does it Have to Be Like This? ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Why Does it Have to Be Like This?

Another fic where I'm trying a different style. It's all first person, from Bra's point of view, mainly shown as flashbacks. It's like she's giving a commentary of stuff that's happening in her life.

You know the deal - I don't own DB/Z/GT or any of the related characters. I also don't own "Little L", by Jamiroquai, which is where the title came from.


"Bra, I love you and I want you back."

"Don't be stupid, android-boy. You had your chance. B-chan…I do love you. I'm sorry I lied before."

"Um, excuse me…but you're both losers. Bra wants me, dontcha babe?"

I cringed as three sets if eyes turned towards me. I knew what they wanted. They were about to force me into making a choice I shouldn't ever have to make…

Wait a minute. I've started in the wrong place, haven't I? You're all wondering what the Hell I did to get myself into this rotten situation in the first place. Alright, I'll backtrack a little, and fill in all the blanks.

I used to think my life was so boring…I mean apart from being the Princess of an extinct race of aliens…and the daughter of one of the richest women in the world. Honestly, you think being a person like that, my life would be FULL of excitement, but I was really just an average teenager. I went to school, I studied, I passed, I started college.

Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself again, because all of this started when I was still in high school. When I started dating Juunanagou. I can just imagine all of the bemused looks I'm getting right now, so just hold on a sec and let me explain.

I went through most of high school completely single. I didn't have one boyfriend. Mostly because all of the guys at my school were total losers…just ask Pan. She was the same. Until Kale came along. But I'll get to that later. So, yeah - even though I was easily the prettiest girl in the school, I didn't go out with one guy.

Then, Marron had a birthday. I don't even remember how old she was turning…wait…I was seventeen, so it must have been her twenty-seventh birthday. Stupid age to have a party if you ask me, but she did. Pan had the flu at the time, so she couldn't come, and Trunks didn't show either - too busy with work. So it was just me, Marron, Goten and…Paresu. Don't get me wrong - I don't hate Paresu; she just irritates me. I really don't know what it is. She's a perfectly nice person. We just don't get along. Oh, and there were more people there, just not any that I actually knew.

So, basically, I was bored. Marron had to run around playing hostess and birthday girl, and Goten and Paresu found a room (thankfully!), leaving me all by myself. Then he turned up. Seems Marron had decided to invite her delinquent uncle. Don't ask me why. He looked like he was gonna have less fun than I was having.

Well, I'm sure you can guess what happened next. Marron so politely asked me if I would mind keeping Juu-kun company for the night. Seeing as I was bored as, I agreed. Three days later, I got a phone call from him, asking me out. Again, I agreed.

Marron found it hilarious. So did Pan. And Goten. And Trunks. Actually, no, Trunks didn't. He seemed more surprised. I know why now…but I'm not going into that yet.

Juunanagou and I were together for a long time. I'm talking over a year. I'm sure that's pretty good for a teenage relationship. Pan and Kale are getting pretty close, and I'm sure they'll overtake us. Mostly because Kale isn't a total jerk who hides things from his girlfriend. Actually, come to think of it…Goten and Paresu lasted for longer. Dunno how that happened.

I'm sure most of the guys on the school football team wanted to get their hands on Juu-kun and rip him apart. It would have been amusing to see them try. If you don't know that he's a killer android, Juunanagou would seem like a total pushover.

During the time I was with Juunanagou, a lot of other interesting things happened. First of all, Goten and Paresu broke up. I never found out why exactly. They stayed as friends…apparently. By that I mean Paresu was allowed to go out with any guy she wanted, but the minute Goten so much as looked at another girl, she went ballistic. There are some people in this world who I will never understand, and Paresu's up near the top of that list.

Another thing that happened was Pan found herself a man. We both knew Kale, because he went to our school. They hooked up at someone's party. Everyone was shocked, except me. I saw it coming for ages. Kale's the sort of guy all girls want to meet, and all parents want their daughters to meet. I'm sure Gohan already has his speech for the wedding written. I can't really say anything against that. Marron and I have already picked out some bridesmaid dresses that we like.

It was strange actually. The minute Pan found someone, was the minute things started going bad between Juunanagou and I. I'm certainly not blaming Pan for any of this. How could I? She wasn't really involved. So apart from coinciding with the demise of the Bra/Juunanagou relationship, the start of the Pan/Kale relationship isn't really important.

But the demise of the Goten/Paresu relationship is. As I mentioned before, Trunks had become very busy running Capsule Corp. Well, that was the official reason. I'm sure there were others, but I don't particularly want to know. And Marron has never been the sympathetic type. She's the person you talk to about the good things happening in your relationship. Anything bad, she doesn't want to know about. Her natural cheery nature doesn't know how to deal with bad things.

So, with everyone else unavailable, that left me to comfort him after the break-up. I didn't mind at all - Goten's a great guy, and I'd forgotten that. Since I helped him out, we became closer friends than we had been. And he returned the favour when Juu-kun and I broke up.

I rang him the day it happened, a total mess. It's amazing how much a "mutual agreement" can actually hurt. Being dumped makes you feel worthless; dumping makes you feel mean. But a mutual agreement leaves you feeling empty inside. Like a part of you has been ripped out. That's how I felt when I rang Goten. But after that phone call…I dunno. Somehow, he made me feel so much better.

He invited me out to a nightclub crawl that was apparently happening the next week. Marron would be there. So would Trunks. And a whole heap of their other friends. He told me he had already invited Pan and Kale as well, and mumbled that he thought Marron had invited Juu-kun.

I agreed to go anyway. I always liked nightclubs, but Juu-kun wasn't too fond of them, so I hadn't gone to many. And because of his dislike for dancing, there was a chance that Juu-kun wouldn't show…

Bra/Goten Nextà