Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why Does it Have to Be Like This? ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Why Does it Have to Be Like This?

Alright, aside from not owning the characters (save Kale - I made him up), I also don't own the songs mentioned in this chapter, being "It Just Won't Do", Tim Deluxe and "Heaven", DJ Sammy. Sorry if it seems like I'm Paresu-bashing. I'm not really. It's just Bra's opinion.

Part 1

"Bra, hold still and let me do your hair!" Marron yelled at me. As usual, we were getting ready at my place; we being Pan, Marron and I. And as usual, I was being a pain. It had taken me two hours to decide what to wear, another hour for Pan to do my make-up, and we were nearly up to the hour mark for Marron to do my hair.

"At this rate, we'll never make it to the first club!" Pan growled.

"Alright, alright!" I cried. "I'll sit still." Five minutes later, Marron had finished.

"There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Marron asked in a mocking tone.

I scowled, and grabbed my bag. "Are you done mocking me? Can we go?"

Trunks and Kale were waiting in the living room. Trunks, the jerk, pretended that he was waking up from a nap. "Oh, look, they're finally ready. 'Bout fucking time, don't ya think?"

Pan stuck her tongue out at Trunks, and found her way to Kale's arms. Together, the five of us went to Kale's car. I think we set a new record for getting to our destination, amazingly, avoiding any traffic police. Goten was waiting outside the club, along with a group of friends…and Juu-kun. I cringed. Just my luck for him to show up. He looked mopey, which was incredibly annoying. It meant that I wouldn't be able to have fun without feeling guilty.

We climbed out of the car, while Kale went to find a parking spot. A smiled at Juu-kun, and he returned it. I guess you'd call that an alright start. Seeing that Juu-kun looked marginally better, I focussed my attention on Goten. Over the past few days, I'd found myself becoming very attracted to him. I'd always thought of him as cute, but it was different now. I couldn't explain it back then, and to tell the truth, I still can't.

My happiness about seeing Goten faded a little when I saw the person behind him. Paresu. Again, I cursed my rotten luck. Paresu looked bitchy, and ready to murder anyone who came anywhere near her ex.

I managed to ignore her. It was obvious that's what Goten had also been doing. He smiled at me when I arrived.

"Looking good, B-chan!" he commented. I had worn tight fitting flared jeans, and a cool meshy red tank top, which split up the front to show my belly. Several others had also noticed how good I looked, but it felt great to hear Goten say it.

I smiled back at him. "Thank you, Goten. You don't scrub up half-bad yourself." I lowered my voice, and motioned subtly to Paresu. "You didn't tell me that she was coming."

He seemed somewhat confused, but also a little sheepish. "Yeah, she organised the whole thing. Guess that's why I forgot to say she was coming. Besides, I didn't think you'd really care."

"We don't really get along."

I was starting to worry about how the night would turn out; with Juu-kun all mopey and Paresu all bitchy. I decided to just try and have fun, and worry about any catastrophes if, and when they occurred.

Kale strolled back. Kale doesn't really drink a lot, so he often volunteers to be designated driver. Tonight was one of those nights. His only condition - "Don't throw up on the seats. Open a window if you must."

We made our way inside. I always hate being first inside a nightclub - it's always boring for the first half hour or so. But seeing as we were doing a "hop", it was necessary. We started at the crappiest nightclub in the city. They had the cheapest drinks.

One of Marron's friends was stupid enough to challenge Juunana to a drinking contest. Idiot. Juu-kun's a jinzouningen. He doesn't get drunk. Then again, the poor guy didn't know that - he was wasted before we even made it to the second club. His girlfriend took him home, obviously pissed off.

All of Satan City's nightclubs are in the same general area, so all the designated drivers left their cars in the same place, and we walked to the next club. If worse came to worse, we planned on catching a cab back to the cars.

The clubs became classier as we went along. Thus, we lost some of the poorer members of the group, who had only come along to drink.

By the forth club, I was starting to feel a little buzzed. That meant I nearly lost complete control of my balance. Fortunately, Goten was next to me to catch me. The forth club also happened to be the first one worth dancing at. The first three had all been extremely small as far as dance floors went.

We all walked in. The place was already pumping; "It Just Won't Do" blasting out of the speakers.

"I love this song!" Goten cried. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him to the dance floor. I noticed the acid look on Paresu's face as we went passed her. I simply smirked back at her.

I don't know what she was worried about anyway. We ended up in a huge group, which she quickly joined. Pan and Kale were dancing together. Marron had spotted one of Goten's friends, and was staying close to him. Juunana did not come to dance. Like I said before, he wasn't big on dancing. Trunks stayed with him. Even now I dread to think what they were talking about. Then again, it was probably nothing, since there were several others sitting with them as well. Juu-kun spoke to them when Trunks decided to join us dancing.

I often wonder why I didn't suspect something from the way my brother dresses. I swear, the guy owns like fifty tight fitting black t-shirts. Apart from his suit for work, they're all he wears. But apparently it's sexy (I wouldn't know - he's my brother, and I haven't checked him out), because a lot of girls, both with us and randoms in the crowd, couldn't keep their eyes off him - Paresu included.

Contemplating my brother's sexuality soon grew boring. The gorgeous guy next to me was much more interesting. I don't think anyone can dance as well as Goten. It's strange really. You'd think that Juu-kun would be better, seeing as he's a smaller build. He looks like a dancer. Goten, on the other hand, has a fighter's build. He looks too big to have a dancer's grace. But he does. Then again, maybe you don't need grace to be able to break dance.

Goten made a drinking motion to me. I followed him to the bar.

"Having fun?" he asked.

I nodded eagerly. "We should do stuff like this more often!"

"Buy you a drink?"

"If you must. Vodka and Raspberry, thanks."

Goten nodded, and ordered the drink. He ordered the same for himself. He must have noticed the look I gave him, because he quickly explained himself. "I like sweet drinks!"

We weren't allowed to take drinks on the dance floor, so we found a spare table. Neither of us thought to go to where our friends were sitting.

"I…uh…didn't want to say before, cause you-know-who was standing right behind me, but I think you look fantastic tonight Bra."

"But you did say that."

"I mean you look hot. Really hot."

I should have felt weird, hearing him say that. I've known the guy since I was born. He's been friends with my brother for my entire life, and he's one of my best friends' uncle. But I didn't feel weird. I felt flattered. I blushed.

"Thanks, Goten."

He looked at me, eyes slightly glazed by alcohol. It takes a lot to get a Saiya-jin pissed, but I'm guessing, at the rate we were going that night, Goten was also at least buzzed.

Another song started, and Goten's eyes widened. A huge grin spread across his face.

"Fave song?" I asked. He nodded, and again pulled me to the dance floor. I didn't recognise it at first. I had to wait for the singing to start.

"Baby, you're all that I want

When you're lying here in my arms

I'm finding it hard to believe, we're in Heaven…"

I smiled. I hadn't known that this was Goten's favourite song. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my hips. Thankfully (I think), they belonged to Goten. He was looking at me in a way he hadn't ever before. Lustfully.

I played along, and danced with him, unsure what else to do. I felt confused. This was what I wanted. I wanted Goten. But I was uncomfortable. I realised it was because Juu-kun (and perhaps, Paresu) were probably only metres away.

But hormones, fuelled with alcohol, took over. You can have the most strict mental control possible, but as soon as the hormones kick in, there's no stopping them…or you.

Goten's hands strayed from my hips, and ran up my sides. His touch was electric. Soon, my own hands had found their way to his body, though I kept them safely on his shoulders. Goten's hands, meanwhile, were on my back. He ran them down my spine, and settled them on my butt. He pulled me close, so that our hips were in contact. Either there was a phone in his pocket, or someone was happy to see me. I looked up at him. It's amazing, that even while he was looking at me with complete lust, Goten still managed to look cute.

I melted. I lost it. I gave into my primeval desires. I kissed him. He kissed me back, harder, which I didn't think possible. It felt so good. So perfect. He's a fantastic kisser.

We pulled apart. He smiled. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

I hadn't realised that all the while I'd been attracted to him, he'd been attracted to me! Perhaps even more so.

I smirked at him. "Well, how do you feel now that you've done it?"

"Great! But I think I might just have to make sure."

As we kissed again, I saw something that I really hadn't wanted to see. Paresu was standing barely two metres away, with a look on her face that would have curdled milk. And she looked like she wanted to curdle me.

Of course, that wasn't the only thing I had to worry about. That I night, I was convinced that Dende had something against me. There is no way that I had worked up that much bad karma. It had to be a deity grudge.

Juunana was standing right beside her. No doubt she had caught us, and brought him along. I really hated Paresu at that moment.

Paresu stormed off. Juu-kun looked at me, sadly, for a moment, then wandered in a different direction. Even in the state he was obviously in, Juunana knew better than to be around Paresu when she was in a bad mood.

"Shit," Goten cursed. "I think we may be in a little trouble."

"A little trouble?" I repeated in disbelief. "Honey, you haven't been in this much since Majin Buu!"

He chuckled. "You're probably right there. But you know what? I really don't care. Paresu can go fuck herself for all I care."

"That's easy for you to say. It's easy to not care when your ex is being bitchy. But when they pull the guilt move on you…rrr!" I ran a hand through my hair. "I hate feeling this way."

Goten looked upset. He felt like it was his fault. "Look, if this is gonna cause problems between you and Juunanagou, then…I guess maybe we shouldn't…"

I silenced him with a deep kiss. Sometimes Goten is too nice for his own good. He was willing to sacrifice his greatest desire just so one of his sort-of-friends wouldn't get hurt feelings.

"I was hoping you'd say that…" he murmured against my lips. "I…uh…don't suppose you feel like going somewhere a little more private. My apartment isn't far from here."

"I'd better tell Trunks first."

That ended up being easier said than done, because, of course, who just happened to be sitting with Trunks? Juu-kun looked up at me with sad eyes. It's so annoying when he does that! And only I can see it. To everyone else he looks completely emotionless. Jerk.

"Trunks! Can I talk to you for a sec?" I called over the music.

"Sure, sis." The bastard made no attempt to move. I didn't want to make a scene by demanding to talk in private, so I was forced to just tell the truth…well, to an extent.

"I'm not feeling so well. I don't want to ruin the night for you guys, so Goten said I could crash at his. Apparently, his apartment is pretty close."

"What about Goten? You'll be ruining the night for him."

Well, that at least, I knew wasn't true. But with Juu-kun there, I really couldn't say anything…so I lied. "He said he's pretty tired too. He'll sleep on the couch and let me have his bed."

I've never been a particularly good liar, and that was possibly the worst attempt I had ever made. Trunks looked at me suspiciously - no one had obviously told him yet what had been happening. Juu-kun turned his head and refused to look my way.

Finally, Trunks gave in. "Alright - just give us a call in the morning. Not too early!"

"Okay, thanks bro. Let Pan and Kale know too, would ya?"

By the time I'd found Goten, he'd already spoken to his designated driver. And from the look on his face, I guessed Paresu too.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'll be better once we're out of here," he replied.

"Ex problems?"

"Let's not talk about, okay?"

"No prob. Lead the way, please sir." I followed him out of the club.

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