Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why is school life so complicating? ❯ The Girl's secrets?! ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter one.

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball/Z/GT. I don't have that privilege, Akira Toriyama does. - `Humph, not fair! If you bet that I did Mirai Trunks would have a lot more airtime. (With his shirt off!)'

A/N: I would like to give a special thanks to my best friend `Goten's chic' as I wouldn't have wrote this fanfic if it wasn't for her.

The Girl's Secrets.

"TRUNKS! Really! You fancy Trunks!? Trunks, as in my brother Trunks?"

Pan blushed a deep crimson as Bra screamed in her ear.

"Wow, Pan I would've never of guessed that you fancy Trunks!" Marron spat out, while trying to keep her balance, sitting on Bra's bed. "Really Trunks!" Bra mumbled again. "Bra! You promised! Now come on, I wanna know who you guys fancy? I didn't tell you for nothing ya no!" Pan said trying not to lose her temper with her best friends.

"Marron you go first!" Pan uttered

"Okay. Um… Well now that we got on to the subject of half saiyains your uncle is pretty cute!" Marron said quite openly.

Pan was stunned. Her best friend had just told her that she fancied her very own uncle! "You fancy my uncle Goten?" Pan managed to squeeze out. Bra jumped into the conversation head first and spluttered "Yeh come on, you just got to look at him to see that he is, well… how can I put this without grossing you out…Oh yeh HOT!"

"EW! I can't believe that you just said that about my uncle. Bra you are such a man hunter!" Pan struggled to whisper.

"Come on Bra then, who is it this month?" Marron said trying to keep her voice down. "Well, do you wanna know what I think?"

"Yes, Bra now, come on and tell us your slaying us with tension." Pan squealed with anticipation.

"Well, I got this vibe th-" Bra was cut off.

"Oh-no!" Pan and Marron both screamed in unison.

"What?" Bra said innocently

"You know exactly what! You and your `vibes' that's what!" Marron moaned doing the inverted comas hand gestures as she said `vibes'.

"And! What's wrong with my `vibes'." Bra said repeating the hand gestures, which Marron had just made.

"Everyone knows that when you use the word `vibes' it means that you fancy some poor lad and when you're ready, you make a move on him. But you make it seem as if this person fancies you and your waiting for him to ask you out!" Pan explained also repeating the hand movements on vibes.

"And what's wrong with that with doing that?!" Bra exclaimed.

"Nothing it's just that it gets a little annoying after a while. That's all." Pan said sheepishly.

"Can I continue now?" Bra demanded.

"Yes, carry on." Marron said.

"Now before a little mouse squeaked! I have this vibe that Alex Knoon, ya know the real cute jock, two years above us. Well, I think he's interested in me!" Bra screeched with excitement.

"Alex! Alex as in senior. Alex Knoon, wow Alex!" Marron said as she bounced up and down with excitement on Bra's bed.

"Isn't that just so totally wicked!" Bra said as her face gleamed with pure bliss while trying to keep her voice low. As her mother had already given them a bollucking for waking Trunks, Goten and Uub up who were sleeping down the hall in Trunks' room because they were making to much noise.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Pan said quietly.

"I didn't, like I said before it's just a vibe I have." Bra said calmly.

"You do know that Alex Knoon is a jock and a player too. He'll get his hands on anything that's pretty to look at and easy to get off with." Pan said in a worrying tone.

"Well, I guess you don't have to worry about jocks being on your arm all the time like me and Marron do. With you like being a bit of a Goth in all. Anyway isn't Alex in the same class as Trunks? He'll look out for me, he has to, and it's his duty as my big brother -Ha!" Bra giggled.

"Yeh, your right I'm worrying about nothing." Pan chirped.

"So, how are me and Bra gunna fix you and Trunks up anyway?" Marron laughed.

"What!" Bra said in a surprised voice.

"Yeh, WHAT!" Pan squealed.

"SSHH!" Bra and Marron said holding one finger to their lips.

"Sorry, but there's NO way I'm letting you guys, set me up with Trunks. You don't think I forgot what happened last time you try to set me up!" Pan said trying to whisper as best she could.

"Oh yeah, I remember what happened last time!… That was a nightmare!" Bra said trying not to smile, as she knew Pan would go spar if she saw that she was laughing at her.

"No, not like that I mean, Trunks and Goten are jocks right? Well, how do you even know if he likes you or not? You are a bit of a Goth!" Marron said sheepishly waiting for a harsh reply.

"We don't have to like the same stuff to like each other." Pan said sweetly.

"Anyway I know for sure that my brother likes you!" Bra exclaimed.

"He does? How would you know that Bra?" Pan said raising her hopes a little.

"Well first reason, I'm his sister, I have to live with him and deal with him 24/7. Second reason, you know that picture you gave him last year for his birthday? Well, he virtually redecorated his room to match your picture. And third reason, he talks to you in school around his friends, and comes to talk to you at lunch sometimes on the field, which means he's not embarrassed by you!" Bra explained.

Pan and Marron sat in shock as they listened to Bra. Bra sat and stared at each other.

"Bra, is there something you're not telling us?!" Said a very surprised Pan.

"Yeh, she's more observant than she's letting on isn't she! Ha-ha." Marron said trying not to break into her usual girlish giggle.

"And what's that supposed to mean, miss I take everything for granted! Even the air in your own lungs you take for granted you!-giggles!" Bra said trying not to breakout into hysterical laughter, as she threw a pillow at Marron, missing and hitting a unsuspecting Pan in the head.

"OW, you'll pay for that!" Pan said getting up and grabbing the nearest pillow beside her and swinging it round to make contact with Bra's head. Bra's room continued to breakout into a pillow fight between the young three girls in the Briefs' household. The room continually broke out into hysterical laughter and girlish giggles meanwhile in another part of the house, down the hall were the boys.