Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why is school life so complicating? ❯ Now the boys! ( Chapter 3 )

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Title goes here 3

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

Chapter two

The boys!

In the Briefs' household, in the dim lights of Trunks' room lay three teenage boys. Each one half asleep, waiting for someone to start off another conversation. Goten lay in Trunks' bed, as he was about to say something. But then the breakout of girlish giggles down the hall silenced him. Trunks lay on the floor of his bedroom, as he insisted that his guests take the sofa bed and his own bed. Trunks lay thinking. Thinking and replaying the conversation the three of them had earlier.


Goten was curious about who Trunks fancied but he could tell that he wasn't going to tell his best friend just like that. He said to himself `I'll just have to drag it out of him.' As an evil grin slowly grew across his face.

"Come on Trunks, tell us?!" Goten mumbled.

"Why! I don't have too!" Trunks said defensively.

"If it helps, I'll tell you who I fancy?!" Goten gasped.

"Go on then." Trunks said effortlessly.

Trunks paused. There was no way he Goten who he fancied. Sure, Goten was a great friend in all, the best. But when it came to him for keeping secrets he was absolutely useless. One way or another Goten would end up telling his mother, anything and everything, but recently he was finding Goten a little more trust worthy.

"Actually, no." Goten grumbled sheepishly.

"So! This is a serious crush this time is it?" Trunks whispered to Goten, becoming more interested in the conversation.

"Pretty serious. I would say so myself, by looking at him!" Uub said.

"This girl, does she feel the same way about you? Does she even know that you exist or are you aiming too high again?" Trunks whispered sounding more involved.

"I'm not sure if she feels the same way about me as I about her but she definitely knows I exist!" Goten explained.

"Are you going to tell us her name? Do we know her? Or do we have to guess?" Uub chanted.

"You guys do know her, but that still doesn't mean I'm telling you who the fuck she is!" Goten shouted.

A surprised Trunks said "Goten, all you have to do is ask us to stop if you don't want us to know. You don't have to get all defensive about it!"

"The same can be said for you too T!" Goten said trying to keep his own voice down while throwing his hands up defensively.

"So are you going to tell us who you fancy then?" Goten said quietly.

"Nope" Trunks said with a tone of finality in his voice.

"Come on, I told you I fancy someone. So I can say more than you!" Goten whispered.

"No, you didn't. You let on that you like a GIRL! And that's COMPLETELY different!" Trunks stated.

"And what do you mean by that exactly!" Goten squealed. He couldn't believe that one of his best friends had just considered him to be GAY! He couldn't help but feel insulted and a little vulnerable.

Goten lay back down from his sitting position on Trunks' bed and pulled the covers over his shoulders. He then lifted the pillow he was resting his head placing it over his ear, then turning to face the opposite side of the bed floor where Trunks was lying.

"Goten. Goten. GOTEN! G. I didn't mean it like that! G! G! G. I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way Goten but I wasn't implying anything." Trunks said feeling as stupid as he could get.

"Trunks, you might as well give up. He's not listening." Uub said feeling he was a little upset that he was stuck in between his two best friends again, as usual.

"So, Uub, who do you like then? Anyone taken to you're likening?" Trunks said trying to forget what he had just said to Goten.

Honestly Trunks was a little relieved that when people called Goten gay by mistake he just sulked. He knew himself well enough that if someone called him gay that he'd punch their lights out in a second. Trunks was often called gay by mistake probably because of his `fruity' coloured hair, and knew he couldn't go round punching peoples brains out. So merely when he was called gay he would just pretend he misunderstood and say `Yes, it is a lovely day, isn't it.' And walk in the opposite direction.

"Um… I don't think there is anyone right now I'm kinda going though one of those dry patches if ya know what I mean." Uub whispered.

"Yeh, I know what you mean Uub."

"Well your sister is pretty fit." Uub said comfortably.

"WHAT!" Yelled Trunks as he sat up stunned.

"Yeh, What! Uub what did you just say?!" Goten mumbled as he bounced into the conversation.

"Well, then tell me Goten that Bra is not fine!" Uub repeated.

"Yeh, I guess she is but I don't to think of her like that!" Goten explained.

Trunks shot death glares at where he heard his own friends talking about his own sister in the dark.

"You guys are sick, you know that right!" Trunks gasped.

"Trunks you got to admit!" Goten whispered.

"You guys are totally grossing me out, and besides what if she hears you she's right down the hall!" Trunks said quietly.

"She won't hear us, she's too busy talking to Pan and Marron. Isn't she?" Uub said worrying that Bra might have heard him talking about her.

"Lets change the subject, please guys!" Trunks stated.

"So, if you had to go out on a date with Pan, Bra or Marron who would it be?" Uub whispered.

"UUB!" Trunks and Goten said in unison.

"What!" Uub said innocently.

"I don't know what do you think T?" Goten wondered.

"Well, the choice for me would be out of Pan and Marron and I'll leave it up to you to figure it out!" Trunks said as he slowly lied back down and folding his arms behind his head.

"That's it!" Goten commented.

"What's it?" Uub whispered.

"That's who you fancy? Isn't it Trunks!" Goten stated.

Trunks stared at the ceiling in the dark and thought `Oh good grief! How on Namek did he figure that one out!' A stunned Trunks lay on the floor in his sleeping bag searching for a smart reply to pop into his head any moment now. But nothing came. The bewildered Trunks lay like a rock on his bedroom floor. Thinking `he's figured it out, now I'll have to tell them that I fancy the pants off of Pan!' His final thought before he turned round to face Goten to tell him the truth was `I'm doomed!'

"You fancy MARRON!" Goten spluttered.

Trunks sat up and stared at Goten and thought `I feel so sorry for anyone who knows you!'

Still in shock Trunks raised himself off the floor onto his bed to where Goten was and said "How on Namek did you know that?!"

Trunks thought to himself `What am I doing?! Why don't I just tell him the truth that I fancy Pan?! Why did I open my big mouth?! Now he's going to think that I fancy because I told him I did!' Goten seemed to be surprised himself he thought he'd say he fancies Marron as a joke. A harmless tease, but he guessed it right and someone was about to get hurt.

Goten thought for a moment `If Trunks fancies Marron and I fancy her too. Its pretty obvious that I should let him have her.' Goten knew that Trunks was the one that always pulled the girls. Sure he could get girls as well but Trunks was always the one that came out on top no matter what. Goten had had a huge crush on Marron for over three months now and when Trunks had said those words, a look of regret and despair fell upon Goten's expression and Trunks saw it in his ebony eyes.

The girl Goten was talking about earlier was Marron. Trunks now felt like the lowest of the low and thought `Why doesn't the ground just open up and swallow me.' Trunks slowly moved off his bed, where Goten was lying to his sleeping bag on the floor.


That was one hour ago and no one broken the silence since, not even Uub.

"Trunks? Goten? You guys awake?" Uub grumbled.

"Yeh, just. What's up?" Trunks answered.

"Are you two still awake!?" Goten protested.

"What's the time?" Trunks said flatly.

"The time? I don't know, I don't have a watch!" Uub whispered.

"Goten?" Trunks barked.

"A… its.. Um.. quarter past two. Now get to sleep!" Goten gasped.

"What's the sudden rush to get to sleep Goten?" Uub said.

"Nothing… It's just… Nothing, that's all nothing!" Goten said nervously.

"Okay, you carry on thinking that Goten." Trunks said sensing the awkwardness.

"Trunks, you heard that rumour about that Alex guy in your class and Bra." Uub stated.

"No, no one told me! G did you know? What rumour?" Trunks questioned.

"NO, I didn't know! Carry on Uub, Spill." Goten shot up as he bolted out the inquiry.

Trunks sat up turning towards Uub's voice in the dim, while Uub turned on his side propping up his head with his hand and resting his elbow on his pillow in Trunks' direction.

"Well, bare in mind I think, this is a rumour so don't take this as a for sure answer okay guys!" Uub explained.

"We get it, now come on get on with the gossip!" Goten rushed impatiently.

"Ha- You sound like Marron, a gossip queen, or shall I say king!" Uub said breaking out into a fit of laughter.

"Shut up the both of you. Uub tell the story I wanna hear what that wimp said about my sister." Trunks demanded.

"Well tell you truth Trunks you're not going to like, at all!" Uub chanted.

"I don't care! Now cut the crap Uub!" Trunks shouted.

"Wellllllllll…" Uub dragged out.

"COME ON!" Trunks screeched.

"Okay, okay then!" Uub said propping himself up in a sitting position leaning on his pillow.

"Well, I overheard Alex and his so called friends talking about that house party that's happening next weekend, yeh?" Uub said lying back down resting his head on the headboard of the sofa bed.

"YES! AND WHAT ELSE!" Trunks bellowed sitting upright.

Then suddenly the door flung open, with Vegeta standing in the doorframe barely visible. The three teenagers shot up in shock trying to look at who was standing in the hallway, with the light so bright shining it was hard for the boys to adjust to the light so quickly and to see who it was.

"Dad! What are you doing up?" Trunks questioned whilst trying to look at Vegeta without squinting at the brightness.

"I should be asking you three the same question! NOW STOP TALKING and get to sleep like the rest of us in this house!" Vegeta screamed.

"BUT-" As Trunks said beginning to protest.