Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why is school life so complicating? ❯ Confliction and confrontation. ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Confliction and confrontation.

Disclaimer, don't own it and you know it.

"BUT-" As Trunks said beginning to protest.

"No buts brat! Or I'll have you up at the crack of dawn in that GR, school or no school." Vegeta said showing no signs of joking around.

As they stubbornly argued in the darkness of Trunks' bedroom a small voice escaped the sofa bed, "Trunks…."

The voice came again, "Don't."

Trunks was looking at Uub when he heard a deep rumble slip out of his father. He quickly turned back to Vegeta before resting his head on the pillow and pulling the cover over his shoulder, "Good night dad."

"Good night." Vegeta closed the bedroom door after leaving Trunks' room for his own. Trunks then sat up looking in Uub's direction and whispering, "Hey, Uub…thanks." Trunks lay back down as Uub replied, "No problem, …night you guys." "Yeah, good night" Goten said as all three boys drifted off to sleep.

* * *

"Hey Pan?"

"Yeah Maz?"

"You awake?"

"No I'm sleep-talking to you!?" Pan blurted out in a sarcastic tone.

"Really?!" Marron sat up.

"No not really Goldilocks. Wat'cha want?" Pan mumbled through her bed covers, slightly agitated.

"Is Bra awake?" Marron asked settling back down again.

"One mo, let me check." Pan sat up leaning over Bra, being extra careful not to disturb her. The three girls lay all in the same queen size bed. Bra and Marron on each end with Pan in the middle.

"Nope, fast asleep."

"Good, we can finally talk about Trunks in a usual way teenage girls shouldn't talk about their best friend's older brother! If you get my drift!"Pan giggled before turning back round to Marron and propping her head up with her hand.

"Yeah, I get your drift!"

"So, what are you going to do about you two anyway?"

"Do? What am I going to do? To be honest I… don't really know."

"Well you like him right?"


"Does he know that you like him?"

"I doubt it."

"But you do, don't you?"

"What!? Of course! I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it!"

"Ok then. Well there you are then!" Marron said turning and twisting in the opposite direction to Pan.

"What do you mean there you are then! That doesn't solve shit!" Pan said trying to roll Marron back over.

"Shh Pan! You're going to wake Bra up!.. Ok let me explain. He likes you, you like him. But he doesn't even know if you like him, and it's obvious he likes you. So my advice to you is that if you really like him…Which you do. Tell him. Tell him that you like him before it's too late."

"Tell him? What? Why?"

"'Cause look you've only just found out that he likes you, but for all you know he could have been liking you for ages. And you wouldn't have even known it."

"And your point is?"

"My point is tell him before he decides to suddenly go off you because he thinks that you don't like him. But you obviously do."

"So your saying, tell him that I fancy him because he can suddenly stop liking me?"

"10 points."

"So when should I tell him?"

"If I were you Pan… Soon as possible!"

"So what you're suggesting is that I march down the hall, burst into his bedroom and say `Hey Trunks guess what! I think I like you in the same way you like me!'" Marron and Pan giggled quietly and Bra slightly twitched. Causing Marron and Pan to stop suddenly.

"That's one way of doing it! Yeah!" Marron whispered.

"So Maz, tell me. Why don't you tell Goten that you like him?"


"Because of what?"

"I don't even know if I fancy Goten, let alone if he likes me back!"

"Yeah I guess. Maz, you tired? I think we should get some sleep."

"Yeah, besides you need your beauty sleep!" Marron giggled before tickling Pan.

"Oi! Cheeky!" Pan tickled Marron back before both girls fell asleep and yet again the Brief' household was quiet and settled.

And that's the end of this chapter! Sorry that it's so short I've kinda been a bit behind in things at the moment! Still recovering from my mock exams and my month trip to America. So sorry for those who are waiting for the next chapter, it won't be long from now till I get the next one up.

Next time: Threats and bets.