Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why of Life ❯ why do i feel like this? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey peeps!

Don't laugh it's all in good will.


I am Son Gohan. I have too many problems. My father is dead because of some disease and all I have left is my mom. Sometimes I think she hates me. Now days she has mad fits and says that I'm nothing compared to my father. When I was younger I often felt that things weren't ever going to be right without Dad. Boy, that was under estimated. I have been training all my life to defeat the androids that appeared right after he died. Now at the age of 20, I am training Trunks. So if I have to leave this world I will have an understudy. I don't know if I will have the strength to help Trunks. I feel like I'm missing something in my life. Why is that? Why do I feel empty? I am afraid that I will not find out before I die.

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Capsule corps.

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Trunks and Gohan sat on a hill watch the clouds go by. Gohan kept glancing around him,"I'`m scared that they'll attack today. Why aren't we training? Why do I feel this way? I still feel empty. Does anyone else feel this way? Am I the only one?"He thought.

"Gohan, Gohan? Are you alright?"Trunks asked and snapping him out of his trance.

"W-what?"he asked back.

"Are you alright? You look depressed. What's wrong? You can tell me."

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Present time line

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Meanwhile in the other time line, Pan and Videl were on their way to Capsule Corps.

"Mom, we're gonna' be late," Pan said trying to slow down her flying speed so her mother could catch up.

"Sorry honey, but unlike you I'm all human."Videl told her.

"Is Daddy gonna' be there?"Pan asked.

Videl nodded,"he's supposed to be there. But remember they're having computer problems. So don't be too hyper. Okay?"

Her daughter sighed,"oh alright I'll be good."

They made it to the Brief's home and walked to the lab. "Daddy!"pan called throwing herself on her father.

"Oh hey Panny,"he then turned to his wife,"hey Videl. I thought you wouldn't come."

She lightly punched him on the shoulder,"what, do you think I'm still mad at you? Of course I came. Pan can't fly here alone it's too far."

"Okay! I think in twenty minutes the installation will be complete and everything will be fine once again,"Bulma said to Gohan.

"Mom!"Trunks said running through the door,"every computer in town I shutting down. What did you do?"

"Oh no, where did this virus come from?"she wearily asked. Gohan shrugged then started typing again.

Pan began to get bored and started wandering around the lab. She found something that sparked her interest; it was a small spaceship. She climbed in it and pressed every button she could find. Goten had begun to look for her but gave up and leaned on the very same ship. "Oh this must be the go button,"she thought looking at a blue button and she pressed it.

Miri Time Line-

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"So you have an empty spot inside you? Man that's deep. Wait are you saying that you're lonely?"Trunks asked his master.

Gohan looked at the sky again,"who knows. Maybe I'm too stressed out, Trunks. Maybe I am lonely." A huge explosion crashed near the city that made the two demi-sayins stand. "Come on Trunks,"Gohan said flying off. The teen nodded and flew after him.

"You think it's the androids, Gohan?"he asked.

"No it's someone different. That isn't their energy level."he responded.

They landed near the crater, and Trunks spotted the words Capsule Corps. "Mom? Are you in there?"he asked. Pan shook off her headache and opened the door. "No just me."

She jumped out and looked around,"Uncle Goten? Where are you?"she called. The ship lifted and was tossed aside. Goten climbed out of the crater,"Pan! Remember what Gohan told you about messing with this stuff?"he yelled.

Gohan and Trunks looked at each other. "You know them?"Trunks asked. Gohan shook his head. They looked back at the two. "Who are you guys?"Gohan asked. Pan and Goten looked back at them. "What do you mean? Who are you two?"he stopped and thought a minute. Then ran to the ship; it's screen read Miri Time Line. "Pan you sent us to another line in time!"

Pan looked at Gohan and Trunks,"you two don't know me? Oh no I was never born!"she cried. Trunks examined the ship and the screen. "Wow, so you two are from another time line? So my mother in your time line invented this."

"Yeah but her hard work went down the drain, because my niece over there is too troublesome,"Goten said. Pan began to cry harder,"I'm sorry Uncle Goten! I couldn't help it."

Goten sighed swear. It's like the only one who can control you is Gohan."

Gohan got annoyed by the new comers, "why do you two keep saying my name? I don't even know you two."

Goten and Pan looked at him,"Your name?"they asked together. "You're not my brother. My brother is a scholar not a warrior."Goten said.

"What are you talking about? I don't even have a brother. It's just me and my mother."

"So I wasn't born either,"Goten thought. "Listen just forget it. But can we please get help to repair our ship?"he finally said.

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present time line

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"My poor Pan!"Videl wailed,"I should have kept an eye on her! We have to do something!" Gohan tried to ignore her cries to concentrate."Videl please keep all cries to a minimum. If I don't get the computers started back up then she and Goten will never come back." Videl cried harder. "Shish! My mother is rubbing off on her,"he thought.