Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wild as the Wind ❯ My kinky dancing saiyan ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*smiffs* Hello all!! This is gonna be sooooooo good!!! OMG Im tingling!! First I like to say, anyone who doesn't know who David Bowie is, needs to find out!!! And listen to the song Wild is the Wind on the Station to Station cd. This song is so.. *shudders* Read the fic. Listen to the song. Be horny. Have fun. OMG I can't even move my legs are shaking!!!

Slow music echoed through the darkened club. lights move slowly arcoss the room like small stars, shimmering on swayimg tails and legs in red. Sweat clad skin brushed against another, owners girating their hips to the music, usually fisting hands, around waists and shoulders. The whole place was heated with the mass of muscled males and some females( very few though) making erotic poses in the now flashing lights. This was not saiyan. Saiyans did not let their gaurds down to grind infront of each other in public. They were supose to be training. Protecting their children while they slept. Not practicaly having sex for everyone to see. Not so close to each other that they could feel the reation their silly little moves where making on their dance partners. This was not a ritual to find a mate. He sniffed the air and crinkled his nose. It smelled of fertile men and women, sex, and sweat. More sex than anything. With a curse he stared around and smirked alittle. This would show the king that he could take care of something his self. That he was ready to rule and could put things into action without his assistance. All of the subjects in this room would pay for the horish crimes they were commiting tonight.

And who knew this more than their prince. He knew the laws of their people well. Knew that this was forbidden. Knew that this much contact with anyone but your mate could get you killed. That having sex with some one elses lover could kill their mate. And that was exactly why he was there. To stop their murderous sexual dance. None of them noticed him. None of them smelled him. But he saw them. Saw them breaking his laws.Felt someone brush against his tail by accident and nearly fainted. That also was illegal. No one should touch that part of you unless it was your mate. Vegetas face went bright red and he nearly cursed, but the smell around him was too overpowering for him to figure out who it was and give them what they deserved for touching the prince.

He walked through the crowd, about to get in the center of them all and say ' you hores do not deserve to be saiyans' , and beat the hell out of each one, when the music stopped and an anouncer began to speak. "What you all came to see..... Kakkarot...."

The room darkened completely and then a light shinned on the center. A man magically appeared ( for it must have been a magic trick to appear like that) and stood before them. He said nothing, just stood there, wild uneven hair sticking every direction, pale face shimering like diamonds in the bright light. He wore a black tank and pants to match with a pair of black shoes. His warm dark eyes look over the people, lips curving in a smile.

Of course the prince was angry. One because he couldn't see(too short) and two because someone was killing his momment. Or the one he was about to have. He pushed through until he was infront and stared. His lips trembled. His tail moved swiftly from his waist and began to stwich back and forth. There was something familar about the young man, but he just couldn't remember.

The people hooped and hollared at the saiyan in the center, making cat calls and releasing their smells for the goregeous saiyan before them. He was simply perfect. No. No he wasn't. Vegeta checked his ki. 1000. Low. Too low. It felt as if something was holding his energy down, Keeping it dormate. But as he looked on, taking in the others wonderful muscled curves and taunting gleam, he considered that his beauty made up for his lack of strenght.

"Now, who would like to spar with Kakkarot tonight?" The crowd began to yell their names out, raising their hands high in the air as if they where in school. Vegeta raised a brow. Spar? His power level was 1000. He probably couldn't land one punch. Why the hell would anyone want to spar with him? The boy named Kakkarot, for as Vegeta stared he could plainly see he was no more than probably 19 or 20, stared around him, one of his fingertips in his mouth as if he was bitting it trying to decide.

The same crowd. Horny soliders, slutty women, lower class people, and some 2nd class who came to find some one to take to bed. The same types. Same smells. No new faces. No one that was of any use to him.....

Then he saw some one. A raven haired man, with a build of a saiyan god. He was probably close to thirty, but he was still the sexiest thing he had ever seen in his natural life. He wore all black with a pair of bracelets around his muscled arms. He was short with sun tanned skin (which was rare because the sun had begun its cycle and wouldn't appear fully enough to get such a tan until two more months) and a stare that could put fear or lust into anyones heart. Kakkarot heartbeat quickened. ' Maybe he could help me?'

He took the wet digit from his mouth, smile gracing his lips and pointed into the crowd. A light followed his finger to the lucky person. All gasped. " Its the prince!!"

Kakkarot blinked abit. 'The prince? Some people and their names. He must be important though! He will help me for sure!'

They all began to bow in submission, all except the tall sexual eye candy which was called Kakkarot. He simply smiled wickedly at the short aire and wrapped his thick furry tail around Vegetas wrist pulling him gently to him.

He would have yelped, but he didn't want to show weakness infront of his subjects. He was better than them. A blush ran arcoss the princes cheek as he was pulled. 'What the hell did he think he was doing?!" He continued to stare at the boy as if he was some strange space oddity even as he was pinned against his body. This was simply unheard of. But some how that warm gaze kept him dormate. It was too hard to pull away from such a intimate act.

Kakkarrot grinned and leaned into the princes ear, tail wrapping around the slendar waist of his captive. "Hmm. This is a honor my little prince. Win its over, promise you'll set me free.." Vegetas eyes went wide. What does he mean by set him free? His mind refused to focus on such, as it was directed to the heated flesh pressed so close to him. Hot. A shaky hand rested on the chest infront of him. Hot like fire and smooth to the touch.

Everyone stared in fear and atonishment. He was dead. And they all knew it. No one touches royalty in such a manner and lives. The annoucer pleaded alittle with the teen. "Kakkarot.."

Kakkarot just continued to stare into the shorter mans eyes hands moving to either side of his face. "Play the music." None could believe it. And the prince was allowing him to touch him. He wasn't even trying to resist. The annoucer complied, slow music creeping into play. Kakkarot began to move slowly hands sliding down the princes body to his waist, joining his tail. He stepped back wards then frontwards again moving to the music.

Love me, love me, love me, loove me say you do

let me fly away with you

for our love is like the wind

and wild is the wind

wild is the wind

Vegeta moved along with the slow beat as if in a trance, expression in complete awe from the other saiyan. He flexed his hands against the strong chest breaths deepinging as he was suddenly turned around, backside pressed against his dance partner.

give me more than one caress

satisfy this hungryness

let the wind blow through your heart

Kakkarot laid his head in the crook of the princes neck, inhaling the aroma, rocking his hips to meet every movement. Callus hands ran down slendar hips of clothed bronze, pushing that wonderful skin closer in a cirling motion.

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

Vegeta bit his lip and eyes closed. This was not supose to be happening. A moan escaped his lips slightly as he felt the younger man rock his hips to meet his rear in a display of sexual movements. Like he was making love to him, teasing him with taunting strokes.

Yoou touch me

I hear the sound of mandilins

Yooou kiss me

with your kiss my life begins

you spring yuo me all things to

don't you know your life it self

like the leaf clings to the tree

oh my darling cling to me

Everyone stared in silence at the sight. It was the most sensual, sexual thing they had ever seen. Everyone knew Kakkarot was a good dancer. Thats why they came there. To watch him. To get excited looking at him do his kinky dance, praying that he would pick them to dance with. He purred in the shorter saiyans ear, warm breath ghosting over now slick skin. He niped at the skin before him, still moving his feet with the melody, whispering the song in the princes ear.

for were like creatures of the wind

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

Shivers eruptted Vegetas body. If not for the hands and tail on his hips he would tremble to the ground right now. And they were all watching him. Watching him as the the kinky little dancer called Kakkarot tease him into arousal. He was turned around again, this time letting out a gasp of surprise, back in that gaze of saiyan perfection. A leg slid between his parted ones, hand roaming to the base of his redish brown tail. Vegeta arch moaning between his teeth. His eyes widdened and he shuddered. This third class baka was having a serious affect on him. Especially on his lower regions. He groaned at the feeling of the warm thigh touching his throbbing shaft.

Yoou touch me

I hear the sound of mandilins

Yooou kiss me

with your kiss my life begins

you spring yuo me all things to

don't you know your life it self

Kakkarot smiled, licking his lips as he stroked the long fury appendage upward. This would definetly make him set him free. Either that or want to sleep with him. Probably both. They were practically having dry intercourse anyway. And that he wouldn't mind. The little prince was letting off the most delicious smell while he was panting, staring at him with a look of lust.

like the leaf clings to the tree

oh my darling cling to me

The Saiyan no Ouji gave up on apprences. Because these people meant nothing to him. But the need to touch the beautiful man infront of him did. He fisted the tank the boy wore, moving his hips with the feet movement. Desire ran deep in his veins for the pale saiyan called Kakkarot. No one had touched him this way. And no one else shall. Not with the same penetrating stare. Not with the same sexual air. And as he relized this, he also relized their movements hand become diffrent. More sensual. More intent to please. Vegeta moaned allitle more despite his self. He couldn't help it. Not with leg pressing against his erection. Not with the smell of fertility and sweat comming from the man infront of him.

for were like creatures of the wind

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

With a spin, which suprised not only the on lookers, but Kakkarot, Vegeta grabbed the boy by the waist with on hand and placed the other on the the tall saiyans shoulder, Kakkarot bending with his back towards the floor. Vegeta nuzzled at the v of the boys neck, inhaling the tantalizing scent, then bit down hard, claiming the dancing doll. Because he was the prince and he could have what he wanted. And he wanted this boy. Wanted him to share his bed. And would have nothing less. There was always time to put fear in his peoples hearts. He drank the warm life fluid that poured from the wound, staring at all the people around him. Jealous. Everyone. He had something that they could never touch again. Something they would probably never see again. Something fit for a prince. A pale diamond. Something that surprised him that he even wanted. Because he never sought a mate before.

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

wild is the wind

Kakkarots eyes slipped closed as he felt blood being pulled from the wound on his neck in slow lapping licks. His heart beat so fast that he couldn't hear anything else. This was not good. Whoever this 'prince' person was, he messed up big time. He wasn't supose to be claimed. He was tainted. Not fit for anyone. He growled and pushed the shorter man off any ran, anger filling him.

He would never be good enough for anyone. He wasn't pure. Tears threathened to spill from his eyes as flew into the sky.

Vegeta stared at the empty place where his newly aquired mate was at. dumbfounded. A mate. He the prince of all saiyans had claimed a mate. From third class. Never had he been more disturbed by his own behavior, but it was something about that boy. Like he was created to be his. This would really give his father something to laugh about. He stood up and nodded at the gaurds who happen to be in the room, a white light shinning on all of the people. One of the gaurds, Radditz, who was not to happy at the turn of events and was blushing furriously, walked over to the prince and bowed. "My prince we are ready and awaitinng your leave."

"Hai. Make sure not a single person remembers a damn thing and burn this shit hole to the ground."

"Hai Vegeta."

With his usuall air of authority back, Vegeta walked out of the club, flying in the same direction as his new mate.

*************************************************************** ***************************************

Chapter 2

"Stop following me!!" Kakkarot growled deep in his throat, throwing a ki blast a the shorter man. Vegeta smiled genuinely. 'I must be losing my mind.' He was stronger than he thought. This pleased him very much ( although he might not admit it.). He hated weakness. He dodged the attack only to be knocked almost out of the sky. His shoulder was hit, flesh burning, blood trickling down pass his fore arm to his fingers where it fell. He snarled, flying faster towards the defiant dancer.

"Stop this!! You don't even know me, Im not fit for you!!!" the teen cried throwing multiple blast toward the man heading for him. Vegeta stopped, blocking the blind attack and crossed his arms.

"I will not chase you boy. You are mine. And I say you are fit for me. Don't worry about such things as status. Now come here." For all the saiyan stars he couldn't figure out why he was doing this. His normal self would have killed the boy for such an attack, but he couldn't. And this worried him more than anything. But what was worse was that he wasn't even trying to prevent this. He Vegeta, had a mate. There was no stoping this. The attachment was there. He wanted this uneven haired, crying teen for his own. To mate with and have children with.

Kakkarot stared at him, but complied, tears falling down his cheeks. His head lowered as he approached, eyes directing at his feet. "Gomen, I -"

"I will have no more of this. Look at me." The wind blew un even saiyan hair aimlessly as he stared up to meet the mans gaze. Vegeta cupped his chin. "Whatever you are going through doesn't matter now. I will protect you. You shall dance with me only..." He thought about what he would have to tell his father, what he was doing. Kakkarot would need to change. He would have to have an air of nobility or he wouldn't last infront of the king. If the King knew his son had bonded with a lower class dancer from a slutty club, he would probably kill the boy. Mating outside nobility was strickly forbbiden to him, and defying his father was not on his to do list.

Kakkarot smiled alittle. " You are going to set me free?"

"Whatever or whoever that has you in captivity has no power over me. Any debts you may owe them will be paid, and if they have done anything to hurt you, I will have them killed by execution."

The boys eyes grew wide. " Its my -"

"We can discuss such at a more appropiate hour. I wish to posses you fully." Vegeta traced the bottom of the boys trembling lips.

How could he refuse. He couldn't. The thought of being submissive in the relationship didn't appeal to him, but he was not at a choosing sstage. Not when he could be free. Kakkarot bit his lip and smiled a true smile for this so called prince. He wondered about the name, thinking he must be some kind of big timer, but those thoughts drifted away. All that mattered now was making sure his new mate thought he was worthy enough.


Bradock cursed under his breath. A list of words ran through his head, none of them proper enough to be spoken without offending someone. He was mad. In his room he waited. He had been waiting all night. All night and still no sight of his precious little boy. " That little bitch will pay for making me wait so long.."

What could be holding him? Maybe he found someone to kill him. Thats what he always looks for after a show. Someone to take him from this world. Take him from his loving father. He couldn't do it his self. Dear old tocasan made sure of that. Made sure no one could mess with what was his. What he bore. What had caused him to loose everything. He was all that was left. Pale perfection. His spitting image. Not like that ass he raised and left him because he needed to do something with his life. To die for someone who wouldn't give a flying fuck if you get blasted to pieces. That little piece of shit. Not worthy of any such priviledge as his son being near him.

He straigtened his tail and closed his eyes. Searching for his sons ki. Still there. Still alive. Where was he then?

Anger rose as he stood and began to pace, praying for his loving son Kakkarots sake that he wasn't out throwing his money away or giving away free bjs like he caught him once doing. Because whatever he was doing had better be worth the beating he would recieve when he came home.


Never had he seen something so wonderful. And this was just the bed. In the dim light his sharp eye sight caught the silk sheets on the bed, the gold trimings around the room, the carpeted floors, all to which he had never seen ever. Kakkarot frowned slightly. He was touching him. Undressing him. Then he would see and the fantasy of a better life would be over. Vegeta purred deep in his throat, caressing the strong adomen under his palms, finger splaying over hard piples, then down to the rim of the boys black pants. He felt him shiver as the clotthing was pealed from his body, hands immediatly covering his privates.

Vegeta frowned. "I have told you I will decide what is proper for me. You're body pleases me. Remove your hands."

Kakkarot complied unwillingly knees buckling. The princes eyes roamed to the sacred flesh between the boys long legs and cringed, gasp coming from him. "Who..has done this to you.."

Fresh tears began to fall from Kakkarots eyes as he slumped to the floor, hugging his knees. " I am sorry.."

The prince stared, lust being complletely washed away by pity for the boy. And that was rare. He took pity on no one. No one deserved it, but the site before him immediately changed his mind. Although he was Prince Vegeta, and had seen a great deal of blood and mangled flesh, he had never seen something of this nature so badly abused. Slashes and deep bite marks covered the thickness of the young saiyans shaft, some so severe blood still trickled from them. Like someone was trying to either cut or bite his flesh right off. Even with the intense wounds he could tell that the flesh was once one of beauty; base still holding its darker color. This boy had a high threshold for pain, not even showing any indication that he was hurt. And the way he grinded against him at the club, you wouldn't think he had such a injury. Bloody fingernail trails scared the backs of his thighs, directly to his entrance. Vegeta willed his self not to look away.

'This 'Kakkarot' is definetly stronger than his ki is saying. And it appears he hasn't been trained yet. Untapped abilities may be there. It was definetly a good choice to claim him, even if it was to take him out of the hell hole he must be living in.'

Then, as he continued to look at the injuries, he saw something. Marks on his inner thighs. Mate bite marks. Serveral of them, deep, bloody, and fresh. He growled staring into the boys eyes.

"Why did you not tell me you were bonded to someone?" Vegeta snarled, fist clenching. 'If he was bonded to someone, why didn't I smell it?'

Kakkarot whimpered. " I am not.. I am tainted.."

"By who? Who would do hurt you this way?"

".........my father." he said, tail moving to cover what he could not with his legs. " I belong to him..."

Vegeta crossed his arms, trying to stay composed. He sat on a near by chair close to the bed and stared. "Why would he do this to you?"

Wipping his tears with the back of his hand, he looked into the princes eyes, new tears falling just by staring into that gaze. "Because I won't fight. Because when I was born he was promised I would become the first golden one in 1000 saiyan years, and that pride would be his, since all was taken from him from my birth, leaving him honored amoung saiyan people for birthing the 'one'. Thats the only reason he didn't kill me at birth or give me to the military. Or thats what he says....

"That still doesn't explain why he mutilated your body, and marked you." Vegeta parted the boys legs and ran a finger over the dark teeth marks. " They are very deep. You will need medical attention. I will call for someone to take care of these." He didnt't believe in the 'one'. That was a myth told by old men at night in camps. Not factual. Never was a 'one', and it made him want to kill as he looked at the boys torn flesh, that this was a product of the tale.

Kakkarots eyes widdened. " Your still going to help me? Even though I can't pleasure you?"

"As I have said before. I have claimed you. Even though it was out of impluse, you are still mine. I have promised I will help you, and that I shall, but you will train. It is in your blood to do so. You should be much stronger than you are at your age. Not training is unhealthy for saiyan growth. And other than that, I will not have a mate that crys so. Because of your lack of fighting you have had a chemical imbalance. And you are also very fertile. You will not be able to carry through a full term with your current weight."

The younger man just stared, then smiled alittle. Whoever this man was, he thanked god he was at the club when he was. His tail began to move slightly, showing his happier mood. " Umm... prince? Whats your name? I only heard the people at the club call you that, so I have no idea who you really are, and I want to know the name of my mate, if that is, if you want to me. My name is Kakkarot."

The shorter man began to laugh at the expression on the boys face. He really didn't know? Normally, this would have angered him, but the goffy smile on the others face, that gleam in his dark eyes was just too cute to rouse his anger. Not a fluffy cute, because he never like cuddly things of the sort, well because he was saiyan and fluffy cuddly things repulsed him. It was more like a taunting, blushing, exppression, something that pleased him very much. Like he was embarrased, but still held on to some confidence even as he sat on the floor naked. "I your prince. Prince of all our kind. But you may call me Vegeta."

Kakkarot stared dumbfounded. "Your the prince? Prince Vegeta? And you want me to be your mate?" He had never seen the king, much less the prince, so he was astonished. Boy was he missing out. His eyes moved slowly down tanned curves in the dim light, then back to meet the princes gaze. He had danced with thee prince. Dance with him kinky, grinded his self against him suggestively, teased his hardness infront of people.

"Hai Kakkarot. Your stronger than your ki reading is telling. If feels as if your energy is being held down. I think once you of cured of all of your ailments, you can bare a strong aire."

A grin crept across the naked saiyans face. "Thats not the reason you claimed me....."

Vegeta smirked, fingers running over the front of Kakkarots thighs. " I have a feeling your going to give me hell.."

Kakkarot licked his dry lips, slight pain between his legs the only thing that keep him from walking on cloud nine. He forced the pain away, wicked thought coming to mind. "Only if you want it. Anything I can to thank you. And for starters.." he reached out a hand to grab Vegetas clothed shaft, feeling the hot flesh under the pants throb in his hand "Let me show you how grateful I am, little prince."

Vegeta quirked a brow. The boys attitude had did a comeplete 360. He purred like a big seductive cat, tail moving back and forth. Vegeta moaned a little placing a hand over Kakkarots. The smell he was letting off was already potent enough without having that hand on him. "Kakkarot..you musn't temp me. It is extremely dangerous. I do not wish to further your injuries.."

The tall saiyan just smiled, free hand slipping over the band of the princes pants, fingers lost in ebony curls. "I won't leave you like this. I wouldn't be fulfilling my mately duties.."

Vegeta shuddered, hands grabbing fistful of black hair, lips inches away from his own. "When you are recovered, then you may-"

Long fingers teased the base of the princes shaft, sliding downward just enough to make Vegeta squirm. "Don't refuse my kindness Vegeta. It would make me feel useless. And besides..." Kakkarot said, smirking, "My body may be wounded, but my mouth is not.."

Vegetas eyes widdened as moist lips pressed against his own. His grip on the boys hair loosened, moving closer to him. Vegeta broke the kiss and looked at the happy saiyan infront of him. Kakkarot bit his liip as his tugged at the princes pants, Vegeta pushing up to slid them over his hips. The pants met the floor, Kakkarot smiling still. "My, the little prince isn't so little."

Vegeta laughed. "Little? Don't let my stature fool you. I could choke a horse"

Kakkarot grinned. He moved to kneel between sculptured thighs, still looking into the princes eyes. Vegeta watched him, anticipation filling him. With a another smirk that rivaled his own, Kakkarot lowered his head to meet the head of his arousal, lips covering the tip. He suckled slowly on the hot flesh, staring up into onyx eyes. The shaft throbbed in his mouth, weeping and twitching, beging for more than what he was giving. He complied, moving up and down along the shaft, tongue tasting every inch as if he'd never get the pleasure again. Thats how he wanted it to be. Because this was the prince, and he wanted to prove to him that he was thankful for him choosing him. A lower class dancer who was so badly abused, he was unable to mate with him. Someone who was a bastard. Concieved by rape.

Vegeta moaned, bucking his hips into the hot mouth on him. He was staring up at him. He could see and feel those soft lips around him. Feel the all too soft to be saiyan hands on his thighs, smell fertility. Losing his self in the warmth of the others gaze. He could feel and see all of it, and wasn't believing it was happening to him. Because he was Prince Vegeta. And vowed never to bond with anyone. Never to allow any such frivilous activities such as sex and so forth to taint him.

Kakkarot purred, feeling the head of the princes erection at the opening of his throat. Breathing out of his nose, he allowed the entrance, letting his new mate make love to his mouth. He was right. He was too much for him, but he had practice in this area. Knew exactly what to and not to do. He also knew it wouldn't be long. Not with the loud moans and growls coming from the older saiyan. Hands fisted his hair again and he allowed them to take control.

"Kakkarot..." Was the last thing Vegeta got to say as his body eruptted in a series of shivers, silky essense shooting deep within the boys mouth. His first orgasm. And it was intense; he felt like a weight had been lifted off him ( more acurately his groin). Kakkarot stayed motionless,(any movement would have made him choke and it was alot of 'Geta'' to swallow) until he was sure the other was down from his orgasm, drinking the warm liquid and taking the now limp sex from his mouth. He licked his lips and grinned like a fool. " Wow, Geta', you taste great!!"

Vegeta panted, staring down at him. " Well you give mind numbing head. You have definetly thanked me well.."

Kakkarot winked at him, laying his head in his lap. " Thank you." The hand in his hair loosened its grip to stroking motions and a purr rose from his chest. His tail swished back and forth eagerly. Vegeta only laughed. Too cute. "Kakkarot, put your clothes on. I will take you to the healing tanks to take care of your wounds and tommorow we will start training. Once you are strong enough, we will be able to see my father and annouce our bonding. You should be well in a couple of months."

The younger saiyan sat up looking curious. "Whats a healing tank?"

Vegeta frowned alittle. The boy was oblivious to the world around him. Even third class had healing tanks. " They are rejuvination machines in simpler terms. You will lay in it and after a couple of hours, when you come out, your wounds will be gone."

Kakkarots eyes dimmed abit. "Even this one?...." he said, laying his fingers on his newly marked neck. Vegeta frowned more. He hadn't thought of that. It would be gone because it was a one side claim so there was no connection. They would have to bond again. At least they could do it the proper way. "Hai, it will. That will give us a chance to bond the proper way. With a hunt and all that.."

The boy smiled. "It will give me a chance to claim you."

"I doubt you will be able to Kakkarot. Tradition is the strongest claims first. But when you are well your welcomed to try."

"I will do my best."


There you have it people. Next chapter Goku gets in the tank and comes out its training time.

What will happen when Bradock finds out his little boy has been claimed by someone? Wanna know, read the next chapter.

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Prisma Kakkerra ^_^