Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wild as the Wind ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Welcome to chapter 4. Lol. Look at Bradock getting all fresh with King Vegeta. XD. Something tells me those two have had a spar in the sheets! XD. Anyway. Here you go. Enjoy it, love it, its all for you. ^.^Vegeta groaned as his sparing partner who stopped all together, sitting on the floor staring. They didn’t have time for this. He needed to get stronger before his father dragged him by his hair to the royal city. He ordered all of the spectators out with a look that said say one thing and he would string them all together by their balls. Grown men shuddered and walked out quickly, leaving the two bloodied saiyians alone. “ Kakkarrot what the hell is wrong with you? You cannot just stop when ever you fucking feel like it.” Kakkarrot looked up, blood running from his eyes, a pure sky blue tilting his chocolate colored eyes. Vegeta scooted away, eyes widened. “What the hell?!” “Please… I cant…anymore…lets stop for a while…” Kakkarrot said, knees tucked to his chest. He had prayed to Bejita (the saiyian god) that the magic machine the prince put him in would make it go away.. but it didn’t… The short aire looked at him for a long moment, looking at the blood that flowed in a slow stream down the sides of his pale face and down his chin. At the light blue on the edges of his eyes, and wondered what the hell did he really get himself into. The beautiful dancer was crying.. blood and tears, turning his face away from him in shame. He felt disgusting. Impure. Hated. The raven haired man moved to hold his chin in his hand, studying his pained expression. “ Kakkarroto..” he said, which made the boy look up at him at the old saiyian accent on his name, “What is happening to you? You have to tell me, or I won’t be able to help you.” Strong hands wiped away blood from his face even as more trickled down. “I don’t know…this happens…when I start to fight..when I start to remember…” he whispered, fist balling in anger. “ when I start to become angered…” Vegeta stared at the change in disposition, not really knowing what to do. “What made you angry…” “I don’t know…” A reddish brown tail rubbed over his cheek, soothing him. Soon he began to purr deep in his chest, relaxed by the prince’s ministrations. They soon walked back to their bedchambers, saying nothing, not really knowing what to say. He was too irrational in his actions. He didn’t know what he had gotten himself into, didn’t even know what the teen he promised to bond with was. They bathed in silence, blood running down the drain, pink suds covering their chest and tails. Vegeta massaged the blood away from the boy’s chest, sitting behind him, attempting to think as he worked over the pale body. Kakkarrot blushed and laid his head against the prince’s shoulder, enjoying the feeling for the moment. Soon it would be over. Tomorrow he’d be in some club and he would be grinding against someone and whispering things about death in their ears. Soon. Because the perfection behind him would send him away, cast him from his side. He had seen it. The other him. Creeping out from the shadows of his self, and showing his horridness and beauty for their suitor to see. Callus fingers slipped passed his nipples and he groaned, eyes closing, tears straying from his now completely dark colored eyes onto the others forearms. He felt warm lips against his shoulder and then up his neck and over his earlobe. “ I can hear you Kakkarrot… stop worrying.. I will not push you from my side.. you are mine..” Vegeta whispers in his grainy sexual voice, racking sharp teeth against vunerable skin. Kakkarrot shuddered, turned to him. “How did you…” Only close relatives and mates could read each others minds. Was their bond so close? “Because Kakkarrot.. I told you… you are mine...” was the reply although truthfully, Vegeta didn’t know how he heard his thoughts. “I don’t want to hurt you Vegeta.. I cant stay with you…I don’t know what I will do to your reputation..and I cant show my true power..its dangerous..my father will find me..” Vegeta didn’t say anything, sliding his hands down between soapy thighs to capture the grown arousal that lied there. His own manhood pressed against the boys rear, hot and erect, rubbing over him as they moved. He stroked the slick thick sex with a firm hand, water splashing around them at the motion. Growling into the boy’s ear he pushed him back with his free hand, rocking slowly. Kakkarrot moaned legs cocked open wide, hands racking down the tiles on the wall. “Who do you belong to…” “You.. Ahh…Geta…all yours…” the uneven haired teen moaned, pushing back against the soon to be king. Fingers dug into and pinched his slit, causing a strangled cry to pour from his throat. “ Its all yours!!” The prince grunted, speeding his rhythm on the beautiful piece of saiyian delight, his own sex spurting essense on the teens back while hot white seed shot into his hand. “Ahh!! Koi!!”Koi. That they were not yet. They were not lovers.. just because he sucked his cock and because he released in his mouth. Not just because he stroked him into completion. Wasn’t that what it meant to be a lover? You had to have real sex? Didn’t it? In Vegeta’s mind it did. He didn’t used to think about things like this. He used to think about fighting and laws and killing and making his father proud. Look daddy, Im matting with something I don’t even know what it is? Doesn’t this make you proud? He washed away their release and stood up, pulling the boy up with him. Whatever he did he can do to. He was no “Golden One”. If he could flicker his power level, he was sure he could easily. He was no longer concerned with it. They got out and dried off before putting on fresh clothes, calling for food and drink. Kakkarrot smiled at that, bouncing on the couch near the bed. He was starving. Vegeta smirked at him as he found a way to lure the boy into training. “ Kakkarrot you like to eat don’t you?”A grin spread on the teens face. “ Mmmhm!! My favorite is rice cakes and noodles and chicken and some of those little green things an-”The shorter man laughed, crossing his legs in his chair. “ Alright. How about I make a deal with you. I’ll show you how to control your power so you don’t bleed all over my father when you see him and you show me your true strenght. Everytime I think you have improved, Ill throw you a huge feast with any food you think you want. Ill even get some things from other planets. But you have to learn to hold your power. And stop crying! For Bejita’s sake..”Kakkarrot thought for a momment and shook his head. “ No. I don’t want feasts.”“What do you want then?” Vegeta replied curiously. Anything he could possibly want he could give him. “I want a dance. I want to dance for you and everyone in the palace.” “Why would you want to do that? You are not the entertainment anymore Kakkarrot. You don’t need to dance for people who don’t deserve to even look at you.” That was something he didn’t think he could give. Dancing? His father would shoot a ki blast up the boy’s ass and call it a night. “Because Geta.. whether you know it or not, I was born to entertain,” he says with a smirk. “ I was meant to perform. And the way you danced with me.. I think maybe you are too…” Vegeta blushed and laughed alittle. He would have to lie to him now. But it was for his own good. “ Alright Kakkarrot.. you want to dance, there will be a dance.” ******“Don’t play smart ass Vegeta.”The king eyed the uneven haired demon like man, abit fed up with his tone. Who but Bradock could talk to the king of Saiyians like shit and not become extinct? “Look Bradock. I wouldn’t hide him from you. I don’t have him. I am looking for my own son. He has yet to respond to my letters and threats. I will have to break his neck to get him to actually do what I ask.” Bradock arched his brow. “ Oh really? Well that’s not my concern. How have you been treating Gogeta?” “I do not have time to be concerned about him. Vegeta takes care of him well enough. I hear his power level has increased. I hope he isnt like his brother…” “Don’t worry about him..he is the weak one..” the other said and sat at the seat next to the frowning king, smirking. “ You remember this was my original seat..” he said, playing with a small ki ball in his hands. Vegeta nodded, drinking from his glass. “ Not anymore Bradock. Go find your missing child. I don’t want to relive what I do not have to. That includes you.” “Relive what? Relive your killing Bejito? Why ever would I remind you of that?” he laughs, looking down at the floor. “You know from here you can still see his blood stains..”The king grabbed him out of the chair by his throat, growling low. “ How dare you!!” he says, eyes piercing. Bradock leaned down against that hand, whispering against his lips. “Yes…how dare I..” he smirks and presses his lips against Vegetas, the hand on his neck sliding down to press him closer.Only Bradock has this kind of power over him. Only could make him do horrible things. Only Bradock. A tongue slid sickly into his mouth, saliva drizzling down the corner of his mouth as he was tasted by a devil. And it was good. It always was. He kissed like he was sucking cock, sucking on his tongue, swallowing his warm saliva and letting it overflow over his lips. He was dirty. He wasn’t saiyian. But he was good at that. The king tightened his grip on the waist before him, eyes glazing over, a hand gripping his clothed sex. Bradock you are not saiyian. You are some beautiful creature sent from hell to torture me…Bradock grinned biting down on the others tongue, metallic love flowing into the mix in his mouth. He always did enjoy his blood. He tasted like the good bitch he was. It was like drinking the blood of an angel. And he was tainting him. He worked his fingers over the brim of the king’s pants, touching the thick hot cock he had been missing. Kakkarrot wasn’t grown up yet. He didn’t have grown up dick. He wasn’t big and wasn’t vined with veins that pulsated against your fingers. And that’s what he wanted. Big grown up saiyian masculinity. Got tired of playing with his son who had no more muscles than a woman and who cried. He didn’t want to sleep with his son. Never did. Bejita said so. Told him to do that to him in the woods, told him to continue to. His son was beautiful. He knew that. He looked just like him. Given the opportunity anyone would claim him. That wasn’t what he needed. He needed to be alone. Just until Bejita released him. Vegeta moaned into his mouth, the musky scent of his sweaty sex arousing him more. Bejita, he loved this man. Loved his sickness, loved the dieases that he gave him. Loved his poison lips and his sinful touches. Not saiyian. No he wasn’t saiyian. Saiyians didn’t disrespect royalty. Saiyians did as they were told. Bradock was a renegade. And he was loved for it. The kings secret lover. He bucked into that hand, nails digging into the cloth of the others shirt. Why couldn’t he always keep him? Why did he have to love in silence. He had needs. Saiyian laws told him he didn’t. And even he, the king, couldn’t change those rules. Bradock was a third class no one and he was king of everything. His body shaked in the seat as he came in the hands of impurity. Bradock whispered agaisnt his ear, wiping cum onto his lips. “ I missed you too Vegeta-koi..” he said, squeezing the hot flesh in his hand. **Kakkorrot made his self disappear into the princes estate, walking around while Vegeta went into the royal city to meet his father. He tought about running, but then he felt that would be wrong. The short man would come after him anyway. Not that he minded. He just didn’t want to ruin him by suiling him with his patheticness and strangeness. His weakness. The halls of the prince’s ‘house’ were long and were filled with pictures and paintings of kings and the prince his self. The floors were covered with dark crushed red carpets, the color of blood. The windows were wide and large, the view of the city out on the horizon. He leaned on the ledge of a open one and looked out, watching men walk to and frow, talking laughing, eating outside. It was a beautiful day outside. And we was alittle hungry. He walked down the hall to the steps that led outside and sat at the went to the table were the food was spread, getting a large plate full of chicken and ribs, looking around for somewhere to sit. He soon found a table empty except for one man, eating with his head lowered, not saying anything. He sat down in his cheerful tone and began to eat laughing to his self. “ I love ribs!!”The man looked up and stared in shock, eyes widdening. “Kakkarrot?!”The bone slid from the teens lips as he looked at him. “K..koi…” he said dumbfounded. Everyone laughed and made swooning noises, kissy faces and hollared. “Oooo koi..” they leered, making one Radditz blushed darkly growling. “Shut up!!” He frowned at him, standing to leave, but the boy touched his arm. “Koi…” The long haired man snatched from him. “ I am not your koi..” he growled out and stormed off, his brother running behind him. “Raddi wait!! It wasn’t what it looked like!!” he yelled, running up the steps and down the hall after him. He caught up with him in a corridor by the solider’s chambers, the older man shaking with his back turned to him. “ I don’t need this Kakkarrot...I understoodwho you wanted then..and I understand who you want now..”“You…you leave me…to get raped..by our own father..and now you walk away from me…like I am nothing to you…Im not stupid Radditz..I know what I am..but I thought you..my brother wouldn’t treat me like shit..” Kakkarrot ground out..anger flowing through him. He did not deserve this. He didn’t do anything. Nothing but be born. Radditz turned around and met the now hard blue eyes, a gasp leaving him. “ Kakkarrot..what is happening to you..”The teen crossed his arms, his power tingling up to his hair folicles. “ What? Didn’t you know your baby brother was turning into a freak? Do you hate me so much for being this way that you don’t care I am in pain?” he said coldly, not even blinking as a tear of blood slid down his cheek. Radditz backed away into the door of his chambers, staring in disbelif. Was this his brother? The one he loved and hated? Was he the cause of this look that he bared on his pale face? “Kakkarrot.. I didn’t..I didn’t know..I thought…”The younger mans expression turned mornful, his bloody tears sliding down his face. “Please Raddi…don’t hate me… I didn’t ask to be like this..” he weeped out, extending his arms out. Radditz grabbed him into his arms and hugged him tightly nodding. “ I don’t hate you brother…I hate myself..”******Drama!!! Awwww.... '.' man....King Vegeta and Bradock are fucking hot... lmao. Man o man.. that is some hotness dat der. XDD. Next Vegeta goes home to daddy!! oh my!!You liked it, review, didnt review, I want to knowPrisma Kakkerra