Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wild as the Wind ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hello all!! Im back!! Thanks to all that emailed me and stalked me all over the internet for me to get off my ass and start finishing these stories! XD I cant believe so many ppl liked them o.o; lots of emails.. lol. Well here ppl, I hope you like it its all for you! Enjoy! Warning... werid.. may confuse. lol. Vegeta groaned as he walked down the halls of the palace, hands in a tight fist. He was not prepared and not happy with the comming situation. His head was on a stake, and he was cursing his needy cock that persuaded his rash actions. The sun was brillant over his flame of aurburn black hair, the tunnel leading to the throne room looking more like death row in his dark eyes. " What the hell am I doing..I still dont know.. Im going to die.. for a piece of ass I havent even had.. " With a sharp turn he walked through open steal doors and met his fathers dulled gaze, eyes widdening at the cum dripping from his lips and the man in his lap. The uneven haired stranger stood and licked cum soaked fingers and the kings dripping chin, chuckling at his expression. " You never could take a good hand job Vegeta. " The prince stood there in shock, and became frozen as the other turned to face him and smirked. " Well if it isnt daddies princess. " The saiyian no ouji growled deep in his throat and stared at his father who was just now calm enough to clean hiself up. " Whats going on here..""None of your business boy. Where have you been. I have been waiting for your return for a week." The prince stared into the eyes of his fathers supposed lover and frowned. There was something familar about him.. something very strange. He was dark, it look like death was apon him, his entire aura was clouded with it. His eyes were purely intoxicating, and he found that he couldnt even look at his lord while he was speaking, too fixiated by the weight of the warriors stare. Bradock grinned and licked his lips, causing a violent shudder to run through the younger man. " Like father like son ay Vegeta? I'll leave you to this, I still have my matter to attend to.." he said lowly and kissed the king firmly on the lips and jerked his neck back, licking over the base of his throat. " Later bitch. " The prince couldnt believe it. He was red as blood rose and he couldnt stand there anylonger. He retreated to his chambers and sat down, taking a very long drink. " What the hell?" The moment did give him time to help his own situation, but the fact that his father had a lover was disturbing. He could die, if the people found out, he could be beheaded. This was not good. How could he tell his father that he had claimed a third class man at some night club when he was in enough hot water. The knob turned and his eyes looked up, before going back to his hands in thought. " Gogeta, what are you doing here, your suppose to be at your post back at the estate." The other walked in, his long hair following him. " I need to talk to you my prince..its about Kakkarrot.." Vegetas eyes opened and he looked up, a pair of chocolate eyes staring down at his. " What of Kakkarrot. He is none of your affair. What happened, did he die or go on a killing spree? That would put the icing on my claiming cake wouldnt it. " The other sat down and swallowed. " No.. he is my brother.." "Your brother?" was all the ouji managed to say, baffled. Yes there was a resemblence. Raddit had those deep chocolate eyes that made you want to get lost in them, but his were too trusting, just like Kakkarrots, they werent cold like normal saiyians. For a momment he stared at him, catching the characteristics between the two. " So you know of your father molesting him and mutalating his body? You let him stay there while you joined the millatary. That was brotherly of you." "No.. it wasnt like that.. I had no idea.. when I last saw him before I came to you.. he and my father were having sex.. and it looked like he was enjoying it.. ""What?""I was angry because we were intended to become mates.. so I left.. I was too week to fight my father for him, and I didnt think he wanted me anyway.. but thats it. Kakkarrot is dying. At birth he was cursed by the gods.. our mother.. she was betrayed.. and murdered infront of the entire saiyian race.. and because of that.. Kakkarrot will be great, but after he reaches his true power he will die... that is how the story was told to me.."Vegeta sat there unbelieving. He had never heard of a woman being murdered before the saiyian race, he had never heard of any of this. "And you are here to tell me not to claim your brother Gogeta? Is that it? You can not fool me. You may have used him as a pity fuck when you were younger, but you wont now. You couldnt fight your father for him and you certainly will die if you try to take whats now mine. I have been there for you since you came to my feet, even with your low power I cared for you. Dont betray my kindness."Radditz frowned and walked over to him, bowing. " My lord.. I would never betray you.. I do not want my brother back... my eyes have always been searching out for you.." he said lowly, and kissed the prince passionately, pushing him against the bed. Vegeta groaned into the kiss and fisted the others hair, body shaking under him. What was he to do? He always knew of Gogetas intentions. From the very start. They shared these tauntful momments of passionate ruff kisses everytime they met now, he was begining to think he was giving in to his desires. Radditz pulled away with a suckling nibble of his prince's lower lip, and quickly left, leaving the short man in shudders. He reached up to touch his lips and thought he could die at that moment. What the hell was he doing? His father told him not to touch Gogeta, he knew it was forbidden but it wasnt he who started their duel of tongues. He frowned and straightened up, trying to put the situation into some kind of reality. Gogeta wouldnt lie, but then if he wasnt how in the hell did he not know about such a historical event? ***Radditz walked down the hall feeling lathargic, holding on to the walls for balance. He needed so badly he became sick from leaving. Vegeta his prince.. he wanted so much more.. how could he..when he was nothing, and there was so much pain already. Kakkarrot. His little brother. He didnt mean to bring him here but he wouldnt stay at the princes estate. He peeked around the corner before sliding into the kitchen where he found the boy eatting happily. " Whew! Man the king sure knows how to eat!" Kakkarrot laughed as he sucked on a rib. Radditz shook his head and laughed. "Brat." The younger saiyian threw a bone at him and laughed. " Is Vegeta here? Did you see him?" "Yes I did."" How lucky am I! Do you see him? He's so sexy.. and he takes such good care of me.. Im going to be a good mate to him, he will never have to worry long as Im around. Think our offspring will be like me or him? I hope they are like him because hes strong." the boy laughs and bites into a biscut. Radditz looks at him and shakes his head. " Kakkarrot.. you can't have Vegeta's child.. they will have the curse.. just stop planning this life with him because it wont happen, we need to get you back home with father so he can help you." The boys eyes widdened and he pushed his back against the wall. " Your.. going to take me back...he will beat me... ""Thats the only way youll stay alive Kakkarrot..I know why he was doing that now.. to keep your pain constant, so you wont raise your power level and you wont die. He was doing it for a reason. Just come on so I can take you home. ""No! I rather stay here and die in Vegeta's arms than go back so he can fuck me and beat me! Your suppose to be my brother..you were my lover.. do you hate me so much!" Kakkarrot shook in anger, his power level rising, hair blazing to gold. " Youll have to kill me first."Radditz smiled and shook his head. " I wont kill you. Im just trying to keep you alive. Once the king knows about you he will behead you and send the prince to exile. Do you want that? You know being king is Vegeta's destiny, you want to ruin it?"He thought for a momment and clenched his fist against the table. " But.. I love him..." he felt his self say with a blush and Radditz eyes widdened. Blonde hair swept back to black and Kakkarrot left the kitchen, walking down the hall way. Everything reminded him of Vegeta. Was being with someoene you love selfish? Even if it means killing their chance a greatness? Did he even love him back? He sighed and ran his hands over his stomach. " I wish I could have...at least gave him a son.." he whispered and looked down at his stomach, gasping as he ran into someone. He looked up and was met by deep intense eyes, ones that were darker than usual. " Vegeta? Vegeta when did you get a beard?? You have gotten taller too.. what did you eat?"***Bradock stuck his hands in his coat and looked around. He got a tip that his beautiful son was somewhere in the royal city so he stuck around, he was sure there was going to be hell fire in a few days with his little boy running around the streets unprotected. And was certain everyone in the world would know about it. **"So..that is what he has been up to... "Kakkarrot figited in his seat, trying not to act like a idiot. How did he let his self run into the king? For better yet, why isnt he dead? The raven haired man sat in his seat and held his hands in his head. " Your father has been looking for you... "He nodded and bit his lip. The king raised his hand and he cringed. " Please dont kill me!! Im carring Vegetas baby!!" The king nearly fell out and forgot the pin he was about to pick up. "What?!" Kakkarrot covered his mouth and shook. " Uh...I uh.. right.." "VEGETA!!!!!"Vegeta heard the loud yell from all the way through the palace and ran into the thrown room where he fell on his knees, cursing under his breath repeatedly. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..." "Vegeta! What is the meaning of this!"The prince swallowed and looked up at Kakkarrot with a growl. "I thought I told you to stay at home!" "Vegeta!"" Yes father..""Do you know who and what this boy is??""A third class dancer... I found.. and claimed..."The king growled and shot pass them to a unfortunate gaurd. "What the hell is your problem?! Do you understand what you have done?! And he says he is with child!"Vegetas eyes widdened and he stared back at Kakkarrot who was about to cry. He walked over to him and helped him up. " Damnit Kakkarrot... dont cry... ""But.. I only said that.. .because he was going to kill me... "The prince sighed and walked the boy over and they both kneeled. The king just stared. " You can not have him Vegeta.. he is going to die. .you feel it.. you know he will. Not by my hands but by the hands of the gods. If I could.. I would help.. but I have too much of his blood on my hands already.. ""What?" Vegeta looked up. " What of that man that was here earlier, why is it you can have a piece of ass on the side, and when I claim someone, you tell me he has to die!" he shouted and knew he could die right then but didnt care at the momment. The older man frowned. " I can not have him either. I am in the same position. That man was his father."All hope was gone. He would die and it would be over. " So.. Im going to die.. " he said finally and stood up, wipping the boys tears. They walked out and Kakkarrot jerked from him. "No! Dont.. you will not die.. stay away from me.. "" Kakkarrot.. I cant.. I promised you... I.. will not leave you.." he said and pulled the other into his chambers and locked the door. He tore at clothing and nipped at skin, he kissed him deeply, and knew if they were meant to die, they would together. Kakkarrot moaned out and clinged to the others back, groaning as he was pushed against the bed, sweaty skin against tanned slickness, entire body shaking in need. A warm tongue was slid over the juncture of his neck as he cried out, nails digging into smooth hips never touched by anyone else. He felt special, he felt loved for this momment, the prince was giving him something no one had ever had. Hiself. Callus fingers rubbed over hard nipples and teeth lashed at shoulders. Hands stroked pulsating flesh and the burn was made into a blaze of fire. Vegeta looked down at his Kakkarrot, his lover, his mate as he pressed the head of his arousal against the others entrance, and whispered words of affection in their old native tongue before sheathing hiself deep inside the other, teeth clamping down on the boys throat. Kakkarrot screamed his exstacy for the world, his hair blazing in a brillant gold, entire body feeling like pure steal melting. They moved their hips, rocking against the heated feeling, taunt with the feverish burn of their loins, entrapped by the feeling until Kakkarrot could take no more. He forced his mate over and sat against his hips, bouncing against the hard sex inside him, moaning out the others name. "Vegeta!" Never had it ever felt like this. Even when he was with Radditz, it never was this good, never this satisfying. He leaned down and signed his name on his prince with a sharp bite to his throat, drinking in the crimson fluid that flowed into his mouth, body grinding down until his short mate moaned loudly, both coming to a climatic release with a loud yell that shook the entire palace. They layed satiated, both in near tears. " Vegeta... were going to die..." The prince held him to his chest and nodded, stroking the thick spikes of his hair. " Yes Kakkarot.. I know.."Kakkarrot buried his head in his lovers chest and cried hiself to sleep, Vegeta staying awake to guard. They stayed this way for hours, waiting on someone to come and take them away. Waited for judgement. The door did open and the king came in. "You must be a fool. ""Yes.. I am..""I have arranged a carrier to come to take you into the Land grave jungle.. but you must hurry before Bradock comes for him.. "Vegeta eyes widdened and he nodded. " Are you letting us go.." " Im giving you a chance to live boy. Now go." He nodded and put his clothes on quickly, shaking Kakkarrot awake. " Wake up baka! We must go now!" Kakarrot blinked sleepily and put his clothes on. "Where are we going? " " Honey moon. Just get your ass up now!" he shouted and put his shoes on and grabbed his reluctant mate by the arm. They ran down the hall and passed Radditz without explaination, running outside to the carrier with cloaks. They jumped in and it sped off from the city far out to the Land grave jungle,both looking at each other panting. "We are free? Why? Were are we going?""We are going somewhere were we can live with our offspring Kakkarrot.. we have to. .you dont want to die do you?"The teen thought and nodded. " Im pregnant...""Yes I know..." The unevenhaired boy nodded and tucked his knees tohis chest. " Im sorry Vegeta.. we are sorry.."Dont appologise for nothing..." the other whispered and pulled him close, the lines of light from the corner of the open door flashing on their faces. "The three of us will be alright.. " He nodded. But no matter where we go.. Im going to die.. its in my blood.. ""The hell you are. Just worry about giving birth with such a low weight count. Your bodies too small. We shall have to get you fat so you wont hurt yourself." Kakkarrot pushed off him and hit him in the arm. " Im not a woman.. I can handle it. You may have claimed me first.. but the deal was who ever wins the hunt gets to be on top." he said with a cheeky grin. Vegeta rolled his eyes and laughed. " Oh thats right. Im going to let you fuck me Kakkarrot. With that rounding belly of yours." "Hey just because Im pregnant doesnt mean I cant have sex... does it?" he said scratching his head but stopped as all the lights disappeared. " Vegeta.. the city...its dead..." "No the lights just faded..were in the jungle now.". he said lowly, groaning as the cart bumped from sticks. Kakkarrot nodded and breathed in deeply. He smelled things, dead things, and animals, that made something very wild come out in him. Vegeta growled deep in his throat and stood watch at the door with a hand extended out to blast anything straight to hell. The movement stopped and the doors where open. The driver bowed before flying off, leaving the cart and them. That was strange indeed. The unevenhaired saiyian's eyes widdened with curriousity of the new place, steppig out to observe. Vegeta followed him with his arms crossed. " Kakkarrot this is not the place to play around. ""You worry too much koi. Just relax." he said back which made the prince turn red and walk faster behind him. They came to a large stream, a opening where the moon shown clearly, its light shining down on the clear waters. " This is beautiful..." "It is the blood of thousands.. it is the burial grounds for countless saiyian people..here.. underneath this forest.. is a grave of a old nation.. " he whispered low, a cringe of disgust. They had no choice but to go here. He couldnt stay and die.. but this place.. they would die anyway. The food was bloody, the ground still unsettled..the creatures unsavory.. they never found a soul to tell the tell.. how the old saiyian race was buried by the thousand by their kin.. all strucken with some bizzare dieasese and fell. Not one survived. The entire race save for the ones out to war was destroyed. Some beleive it was the work of the Icejins.. but every since that day no one dares walk on saiyan ground unless they are saiyian there selves. He heard stories of truffles walking the grounds of saiyians to go into battle, having to pass the Land grave jungle and never made it to the other side. Some say the dead pulled them under, their constant duety to the gods to protect their people unrested. Some claim a woman ate of the fruit from one of the trees as her last will to survive and choked to death from a spewing river of blood that poured from the fruit. Nothing in their was safe. Nothing. Kakkarrot sat on the ground and kicked his legs. " Mmm.. I dont believe in superstitions Geta. We'll be okay. We just need to build a nice house and find some food. "" Are you mad? Were you listening to me?? This is a grave! There is nothing edible here! We cant even sleep on the ground!" he yelled, floating in the air. He didnt even want to touch it. Kakkarrot frowned. " So your going to sleep in mid air? Fine. Go ahead. "There was a small sound and Vegetas eyes twitched. "Kakkarrot.. move." Just before he could do anthing a group of wild like men came rushing at them and Kakkarrot blazed, firing at them. One of them was hit and his entire arm fell to the ground, blood dripping from his loss apendage. Vegeta snorted and stepped on it. "Just what the hell do you think your doing attacking someone whos with offspring. With my offspring.. " he said lowly, looking down at the man, all the others surrounding them. They took them to some dark area near the water and through a cave until they came out amoung a village of tents. Vegeta was not believing any wild saiyians lived there, and growled, not liking to be touched. He was suprised they didnt kill them. They spoke in the old saiyian tongue and Kakkarrot was fascinated by it, but tried not to seem that way. He didnt know anyway out of the situation. Vegeta.. he dragged into all this.. Vegeta.. They stopped in the center and the villige of people stared at them, at the flame of Kakkarrots hair and narrowed their eyes at the prince. " So, this is the mighty prince...and his pregnant lover.. " They looked around to see who spoke, and Vegeta gasped as a tall woman came out, long raven hair with a surprisingly strong build. She scowled at them. " Give them a quarters and something to eat and drink."****Radditz breathed low and stared at his king from his view on the floor. " Sire.. may I inquire why... why let them go... why let another be born.. why... mother..."The king stared down at him. " It was repentence... it was for Begita... Gogeta.. you understand why... dont ask these things of me... I know you loved them.. but they will die here.."I wanted to do one thing for my sons.. the only thing I could.. "The second class warrior growled and pounded the palace floor, causing a crack in its surface. " They will die?! What about us! Do you not care what happens to us! To your people! To me!" he seeths through his teeth and holds back his anger. How could he do something so foolish.. as to let him go.. to let them consumate their relationship...and send them into the graves... knowing it would be the end... why.. "I wanted to do one thing for my sons.. the only thing I could.." The long haired warrior walked from his king, and stopped as he was passed by a familar face. His fathers, smirking, laughing at his emotions, laughing at his pity. " I hate you.. you did this to all of us... to your own sons..both of you.. you and mother...this is what you wanted though right? Their happiness and yours? So excuse me Ill be going.. die in love... " he growled and didnt give a flying fuck if he was being disrespectful to his parents. He walked out and punched the door out of his way at his fathers insane laughter. Bradock smirked as he walked up and sat next to his mate at the throne. " Well this is what you chose Vegeta... shall we face them together? Me and you.. and our people.. shall we fuck on holy ground? Were going to die anyway.. might as well crison the deal, it will be the last time you get some. They dont fuck in hell." he says with a laugh, and stands up and unzips his coat, pulling the king with him. " You.. want this? You dont think this is wrong.. to sacrifice our entire race for a momment of passion.. were are going to die Bradock. You do know that. You have seen it in your vision havent you? Begitas revenge.. it wont be on us, it will be on our children..." Bradock yawned and stretched out on the blood stained floor in the buff, his tail flickering over the others cheek. " Will you shut the fuck up so we can fuck before we die?"*****O.o; Fuck. Did anyone else see that coming? Strange! Haha! Poor Radditz, hes having mommy and daddy problems? Did you catch that they are all related? Freaky! Well in a way. Well youll just have to see if the savage saiyians eat Vegeta and Kakkarrot. Till later!If you liked it reveiw,if you didnt reveiw, I want to know. Prisma Kakkerra ^.^