Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Will they survive?? A V/B story ❯ *The same jigsaw puzzle* ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Howdy.......Wow it has been a while... I actually finished this fic I think months ago!! Well anyway... Here's the last installment!! I was thinking of doing another after this, but I have no idea right now!! I might get round to it someday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well on with the last chapter!!!

Chapter 6~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

< br>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**Flash Back**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Something was keeping me awake. I huddled closer to the steamy hot cup of herbal tea I clutched in my hands, hoping in a way that it would warm the cold void deep inside me. It was late, really late. No, actually it was really early 4:30am to be precise. The past two weeks I have spent the nights either tangled restlessly in my sheets, or sitting down here in the kitchen wide awake, trying to sooth my soul with the tea. I'm beginning to think that my insomnia has something to do with Vegeta. My first clue is that it began when he arrived, well when I invited him to stay. Although I don't feel ill at ease around him, I don't feel threatned by him.
I was jolted out of my thoughts as a dark figure entered the night veiled room. It was him. I have yet to have a one on one close encounter with the Saiyan. He knew I was there, alone in the dark, but made no effort to acknowledge my presence, nor I his. It was as if it were not nesessary. I could tell he could feel my eyes taking in every angle of his somewhat 'mystic' sillouette. Knowing this he casually walked over to the fridge and pulled out a full carton of milk, tore it open in one clean swift movement, and began gulping it down.

"What do you think you are doing?" I broke the silence, but he didn't stop his assult on the milk carton. Once he had emptied it he replied.

"Getting a drink, what does it look like woman? You did say to make myself at home, did you not?" He had that smirk plastered all over his shadowed face. I decided I needed to try to defend my own pride.

"Well it is only manners to atleast get a class, and you coming from royal decent would more than certainly have impeccable manners one should come to think" Ha I got him, well kind of!

"Hmph, stupid earthling customs, utterly pointless" After throwing the empty carton in the bin, he stood there with his arms crossed looking like he always did with that 'If you even so much as look at me, you wont live to breathe another breath of air' attitude.

I stood up to leave just as he was. There was plenty of room in the kitchen so I don't know why I walked that close by him, our arms brushed for a slight second and we turned to face each other, eyes flaring with anger. It was as if we were having a really intense staring competition, I just couldn't tear my eyes away. Slowly but surely I felt the anger drain from me. There was a look in his eyes I had never seen in any before, a kind of longing, a lonliness. I felt my self being drawn to them, it also seemed Vegeta was lost in them aswell as he seemed to be moving towards me. I reached my hand out and ran my thumb tenderly along his lightly flushed cheek, so soft. As if my touch stung like poison he jerked away and stared at me coldly then left in a hurried fashion for his room. I don't know what came over me, what possesed me to do such a thing? He is extremely dangerous and there I go almost putting my own life in jeopady! Damn lack of sleep is going to get me killed..............

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**END FLASHBACK**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I don't know how I made it home on one piece. My thoughts, which were meant to be focused on piloting the jet, were else where. My first encounter with the prince. That inital moment I saw past his cloak of darkness. Here I was thinking what I saw was real in his handsome eyes, well I now realise it was just lust. He only desired what his 'other head' was telling him to claim. He wanted me, because he knew he could have me. To take advantage of me, he could read it in my eyes that I wanted him. Damn that manipulative arrogant Saiyan! But that look, that look in his eyes it seemed so pure so true. I guess I he is a master of disguise. One minute all hard and emotionless, the next an innocent lonely prince seeking to be loved.

After watching the high tide recede, I snapped out of the hypnotised like trance I was in and realised it must be near dawn. I can withstand these could nights, but what about the woman? This must be enough time for her to realise just how stupid she has been, jumping to conculsions like she did. I just hope for her sake she has realised that it is not within my character to completely disrespect my mate who is the mother of my own brat. She also must realise how dishonouring to myself it would be if I commited such an obscene act.

The memory of our first enouter played vividly in my mind. That first moment of physical contact, slight as it was, sent shockwaves through my entire body. When staring into my eyes, it was as if she had a power over me. I felt the protective layers I'd built up since the time of Bronte slowly being stripped away. The funny thing was, I didn't mind! I was totally in her control for those few mere moments. Then the shockwaves hit, faltering my burning stare long enough for me to realise what was happening. I disappeared to my room, but I lay there slumerless in the early hours of the morning. Her touch, it was so exhilarating I wanted, needed more. I began wondering that if the sheer touch of her silky skin on mine could cause such a reaction from so little, what could alot do! I felt a slight blush warm my cheeks. 'NO! Vegeta you can't allow your self to succumb to such weakness', I remember thinking at the time. I remembered being told by someone that 'Everyone has a weakness, its just weather you choose to ingnor it or not that it becomes obvious'. I had though I had no such weaknesses, but it was that day I realised I did. My weakness was Bulma.

I made my way back to the clearing in the woods. By the time I reached there the sun had peaked above the horizon in an array of glorious colour. Too bad I was in no mood to enjoy it, yes I have to admit it intrigues me everytime I see the colours I have to wonder where 'do they all come from?'
I landed on the grass and looked around, no woman anywhere. He KI was too low so I wouldn't be able to sense her, and I can't even reach her through our bond she adopted the trick off me and learnt to put an effective barrier up to block me out at times. Maybe she is still sulking in the trees. I found the path she had marked in the undergrowth, I noticed that the foot prints went two ways indicating that who ever went in had come out. Damn where could she have got to? I retraced her foot prints back to the centre of the clearing, where I noticed some strange marks on the ground. One was like a perfect square imprinted into the ground, the other looked like tyre tred and the final I can't really explain I don't know what it is. I bet this is the work of those capsule things she's always raving on about. Yeah, thats it, stupid woman had me worried there! Well I'm not going straight back to her, let her fret awhile. I think I might go train somewhere...

Its been three days since I got home, but no word from Vegeta. I bet he's doing this on purpose, as if I'm not angry enough as it is. Although the thought has crossed my mind that he might not intend on returning at all. He could have decided to run away with that other bimbo, but what about all his stuff? Ah who am I kidding he doesn't own anything worthwhile. Its not like hes got any money either, I bet he never thought of that! Still he doesn't understand the importance of money in the human world, he thinks he can take anything he wants most of the time. I just feel so lost without him, I feel incomplete without him. I miss seeing the light in the GR , I even miss him yelling at me. I must admit I don't mind our sreaming fits sometimes they can actually be fun! Most of all I miss feeling his warmth next to me at night. I could accept him back in an instant if only he would return, but only after I tell him exactly what I think about it! Doesn't he love me anymore? I know he used to, and I was sure he still did.
I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my already tear stained cheeks. My eyes are stinging and puffy, my nose wont stop running and my pockets are stuffed with tissues; overall I'm a complete mess! Maybe I drove him to do it? Maybe yelling at him all the time was the wrong thing to do? Maybe I should have treated him better, I dont know?! What did I do to loose him?
"He's never coming back" I wispered out loud.

"HE'S NEVER COING BACK!" I shouted it this time and new tears emerged in a steady stream. My body was now heaving voilently and I think I was hyperventilating.
I was in this state, letting out loud sobs when hands grasped me around the waist.

I spent three days meditating on that cliff by the ocean. I channelled my thoughts away from the woman, well I at least tried to. My ultimate weakness, my woman. That thought haunts my mind. Buy why do I say 'haunt'? I quit fighting the battle of not facing what we had between each other a long time ago, maybe I was wrong to think that. True that I don't always show it, and yes, true that I acted different ( more passionate ) with Bronte, maybe I still haven't fully accepted it. Ahh! What is there to accept if she doesn't trust me? But then maybe that is because I have withheld myself? Well then if that is correct then I guess she is not entirly to blame for her mistaken thoughts about me.

*sighs to himself*

I guess it is partly my ...doings... that backed up her conclusion. It's one thing for a Saiyan to admit he's wrong to himself, but admitting to another (who is not of Saiyan deceant) is completely absurd and pride shattering. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.

He got up from his position and stretched before powering up and blasting off towards Capsule Corp.

Vegeta arrived a short time later and once inside the dome shaped building, realised that his mate was in the shower.

Well at least now I know she made it home. The woman has the right idea too, a shower might be nice.

*Vegeta winces as he smells himself, as an evil smirk arises on his face in the process*

No I can't do that, not now anyway! She is already angry at me, I don't want her screeching in my ear for making things worse. I will have to sit tight and be patient. I will wait until she comes down here.

About forty minutes after the water had been cut, I could hear her speaking. I figured from the fact that I could sense no other KI's and could hear no replies that the woman must be talking to herself. Hmm.. It might be an idea to go upstairs and try to hear what she is saying.

I advanced up the stairs and headed down the hall to the last door on the right, out bedroom. That was when I heard her words clearly for the first time.


"He's never coming back!" The words were muffled by sobs and heavy breathing.


What does she mean "He's never coming back!?" Offcourse she knows I'm coming back! Well I atleast thought she had enough brains in that head of hers to realise my true...feelings... for her and know that I wouldn't leave without making her pay for whatever it is that she did to me!

I stepped through the door way into the bedroom, she was oblivous to my presence. No matter how angry that woman gets me, it always pains me to see her cry. I guess that just comes with my attatchment to her, its to hard to fight and I guess I don't mind knowing that I (most of the time) have the power to make her stop. It sounds absurd, but when I comfort her its as if she bring comfort to me at the same time. It's as if something unexplainable passes through us and everythings alright again, but it just seems to uncomprhendable, I think she feels it too though. I just have to take one look into her eyes and I know exactly whats shes thinking and feeling, and then almost automaticalily I know what to do.


"HE'S NEVER COMING BACK!!" She screamed it out this time.


It was time to try and repair the damage that was done, I hate to be the one to come to her, but I feel there is no other choice if I don't want to loose her. If I hadn't been feeling so dam sorry for myself, remembering all my memories from the past and Bronte then I wouldn't have felt the way I did. I guess I'm still just confused with all these earthling customs mixed with my Saiyan ones, I mean I've never bonded with anyone before not even Bronte for the simple reason of Freiza. He was so predicatble. I knew that our being together was forbidden, not only me being a Prince and going lower than royalty, but also that I was then a prisnor of Freiza and Bronte was a slave. Bronte and I had a connection, both being Saiyan never even thought about being so emotional about the relationship. Thats where we differ from the human race. At first I didn't want to know about their pathetic customs but I then realised that it was only fair that I accept hers as best I could and vice versa. I was free to feel now not being under Freiza's wrath anymore.

I walked up behind her and claimed what was mine again around the waist and pulled her into my arms.


My eyes were heavy and stiff as I tried to open them. I must have dosed off but thats strange it was only morning...

I then became aware of the arm wrapped possesivly around my waist and the warm body that fitted perfectly into mine like to pieces of the same jizsaw puzzle. It was Vegeta. A soft purr was was coming from deep within his chest, which he sometimes does when extremely contented.

I then remembered he had come back. Yes come back to me! I knew he still loved me, I was wrong to doubt him. I didn't think Saiyan's would go as low as most human guys. I mean they have a high sense of pride and ettique (most of the time!). I snuggled closer, happy to just feel him so close to me again. Whatever that talk of another girl was must have been somthing of the past, and not within my time. I was wrong to judge him so soon, I mean he has never done me wrong before except the odd verbal spar here and there.

With my thoughts now happy and contented I drifted back to sleep with the sound of my Saiyan purring his happiness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Once she was in my arms, she fell limp. At first I was startled, but I then realised that she was merely asleep. I only hope I didn't worry her too much, although sometimes it can be amusing, it was not this time. Judging by the dark circles around her eyes it doesnt look like she has had much sleep.

I took her over to the (our) bed and layed her down. I decided that she woundn't appreciate waking up to a smelly Saiyan so I decided to take a quick hot shower before returing to be by her side once again.

I returned and took her posessivly in my arms, before drifting off into my own slumber.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**THE END**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So...? How'd everyone like it?? Ya I know, Vegeta was a tad occ most of the time but you get that in fics!!!! So.... You gonna give me a nice review??

*Smiles her beggest smile*


Everyone who reviews can have.... Chocolate, lollies, steak! What every you want!! I bet they wont serve food like this even at Capsule Corp.!!! Well Nice knowing everyone BYEBYE!!!!!