Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Will they survive?? A V/B story ❯ I felt the pain then..... ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I had a restless night. The visions of Bronte's devastation kept playing in my mind, over and over again. The horrible wicked laugh of Freiza was echoing in my sensitive ears. The smug look of satisfaction spread all over Dodoria and Zarbon's faces as they watched very intently, I knew they could see the pain I was feeling. It was no use..... He had no mercy. I couldn't even intervene in time, some freak had me pinned against the wall, holding my head in place so I would see it all. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't break away from the restraint. There was a horrendous feeling in my stomach, like all my insides were being sucked out. I could feel the blood draining out of my face, all my energy evaporating into thin air as I watched.... I watched helplessly... I'll always remember the last look on her face. She was petrified, but held her head high. There was no way in hell she was going to admit what she was feeling for me was wrong. She was biting her lower lip, I wouldn't be surprised if she drew blood, and her eye brows were drawn down in a frown of anger, but it is her eyes that I remember most vividly. They were not fearing for her life, as they should have been, but rather they glittered with love and passion and even hope. Her eyes were saying goodbye.....

I woke up at dawn, beautiful orange and yellow colours streaked the sky preparing it for the arrival of the golden sun. Her arms were wrapped firmly around my body, I felt so secure. I never wanted to leave those warm arms. After laying watching the sun peak over the horizon waking up the earth, I decided to get up and prepare what I was going to say to my mate. I stopped and watched her sleep for a moment, she was so peaceful she had a happy look about her. I can only hope that the news I am going to break to her wont hurt her. I've hurt many people in my life time, but this is one life I wound never in the whole eternity ever dream of hurting purposely. I got dressed and headed down towards the kitchen. I got there but had no desire to eat, I looked around instead. Everything reminded me of her. The table, the chair that that had the view out the window that looked straight upon the GR, the cup the was constantly on the sink. That was her cup she had made herself (well decorated it), it had her name written on it in big blue letters. I remember one day she came in the door with a big grin on her face, I was just sitting there demanding that she make my dinner, when she smiled again and handed me a parcel. Surprised I took it and slowly opened it, nobody had ever given me a gift. The red paper that I tore off I threw to the ground revealing a mug that looked just like hers, except it had my name written on it in dark navy blue letters. Looking at that mug that day gave me a strange feeling. I felt like I really belonged, like I was really wanted there, needed there even. I don't remember much else, except I know I must have been staring at it because Bulma placed her hand on my mine and asked me if I was ok! It was that day that I realised I needed her, even if I couldn't admit it at the time.
I walked out side and sat on the grass. I sat cross legged and hung my head in my hands. What am I going to do? I can't take this any longer, why do I still feel like I owe Bronte something? I know I said to her I would never love anyone other that her, but that was a pact we made when she was still breathing this atmosphere. Does it still count now that she is 'living' in the other world? What is it that still draws me towards her? I am so confused, but one thing I do know is there is something bugging my mind and I wont rest until I find out what it is and resolve it.
At that moment Bulma strolled out the front door heading for the banana lounge wearing her blue bikini's pre occupied with some sheets in her hand. This is it. It is time, if I don't do it know I don't think I will ever be able to do it. I'm going to go over there and tell her the truth.
I wandered over and placed my hand on her shoulder, she jumped and let out a little yelp. I cringed back, why would she do that to me? I made my hurt visible to her and instantly I could see the guilt she felt in her eyes. I grasped her in a tight hug, and told her how proud I am of her. It was that moment that I lost my nerve.

I turned and fled from her presence, I just couldn't bring myself to tell her. I saw that look in her eye, the look that tells me that I am the only one she loves. I am her one and only mate. Its not as if I've been unfaithful, I haven't, and neither has she. I know she has had other 'relationships' (as they call them here) with others, that scar faced freak weakling Yamcha is one, but I have never told her of my history, in fact she has only ever asked once, and I snapped her head off. I think after that she never dared to ask me again. I headed towards the GR, maybe some training will help me forget about it all for awhile. I stopped at the door for a moment before I grasped the handle only to hear footsteps padding along the springy grass behind me. I was too afraid to turn, I had a gut feeling it was her. So I just stood stiff as a board waiting for any indication that it was my hearing playing tricks on me. Then I heard it again, I tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat, but to no avail I began having a coughing fit as I doubled over from lack of oxygen. I heard it again "Vegeta!!", that only made my condition worse! She came up behind me and grabbed my shoulders and swung me around to face her. By now my face was turning a colour in between red and blue as I looked into the terrified gaze of my mate. I could clearly tell she didn't know what to do, she was speechless. I managed to splutter out

"w...w...wat..er!" And she was off in a flash. She quickly returned and tried to administer the water in my mouth. I took a quick sip and instantly felt my throat ease. I was huffing so bad I nearly caused my self to cough even more. After a couple of minutes of listening to my heaving breathing trying to re-oxygenate my poor lungs, and sooth sore throat she finally spoke to me.

"Are you ok Vegeta? What happened? Did you choke on something? Why did you run from me?" She wouldn't stop.

"I...I...w..was just s..swallow..wing a..and it happened..." I stuttered.
"Your ok now, Bulma's here for you!" She gave me a warm smile and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms tight around her and nuzzled into her neck. She had this way of comforting me, I always feel so content in her arms. I didn't want to let her go as she tried to pull away, so I didn't let her. She didn't protest in fact I think she liked knowing that I didn't want to feel the absence of her arms around me. She leaned her head towards the side of my face and whispered into my ear.
"Vegeta, is everything alright?" She asked me sweetly, her concern audible. I couldn't reply, my voice got lost in my throat the only sound I could make was a small sigh of not much significance. We stood wrapped in one another's arms for a while before we both reluctantly loosened our grips and parted. I felt ashamed that she had seen me like this, so helpless. Nobody has ever seen that side of me, for all these years I've kept it hidden by an mask, a mask of pride and self confidence. Now today, the day I feel that my second doom is going to come my way, I let it go and reveal my hidden feelings and emotions to an extent even I myself were un- aware of. After standing in silence for a few moments I found my voice and began what was going to be one of the hardest battles of my life, telling my mate a secret that had been concealed deep within my sub conscience thoughts for what seemed like forever.

I was in utter shock. Its not everyday that the hard almost emotionless man that became your mate many years ago after having trouble distinguishing between love and hate, tells you that he's proud of you for the first time. I can't even begin to comprehend how hard it must of been for him to say those words, he's just not your average man. I've come to the conclusion that Saiyan's try only to live up to their own expectations and don't try harder to be better for the simple reason of pleasing or impressing others. In other words its all for themselves. That's why it was also such a shock to me to hear him talking to the empty room that day, it seems that's where all this began. How could a Saiyan, no a Saiyan Prince, ever doubt that what he wanted for himself was either un achievable or completely beyond reach let alone the bed that he sleeps in he can't call his own!? I know that he has compared himself to Goku (Kakarot in his language) but he cannot make a proper comparison to him, after all Goku did get that nasty bump on his head as a kid who knows what would have happened if that hadn't have. I guess we'll never know, but one thing I do know is Goku had the help of getting hit on the head but Vegeta had to do it all himself, he had nothing to help him rid himself of his Saiyan instincts to destroy, kill and fight for no particular reason .

I felt like I was torn in two when he scrambled away from me. My vocal cords refused to respond to my pleas to allow me to cry out, I had to do something. I found to my advantage that my legs were still functioning correctly as I jumped out of the banana lounge and darted towards the GR before he could recede from my view. I was about 5 or 6 ft away from him but it seemed to me that he didn't realize I was there. I whispered out his name in his direction as his hand raised, headed towards the door handle. It was obvious that he had clearly heard me with his extra sensitive Saiyan hearing. His hand halted and he stood there frozen like a statue. I tried again a little louder this time, just as he erupted into a violent coughing fit. It was now my turn to stand frozen like a statue. I stood and stared at his heaving body, before rushing over to him and spinning him around hoping to find he was faking or something. I saw his face it was crimson tinted with a shade of blue. I couldn't do anything, I couldn't say anything, all I could do was watch in horror as my mate chocked to death. I could see he was trying to tell me something, looking into my eyes with his pleading ones. Then he managed to stammer
"w...w...wat..er!" I was off in a flash. I reckon I ran faster than Goku could ever go even when he did instant transmission. As soon as I returned I eased some water into his mouth and his coughing became a little easier. When he was finally recovering I flooded him with questions, which after I had realized that it was un appropriate. Instead I fixed the situation and seized this moment as a chance to wrap him tight in my arms. I rarely get the chance to do that, but when I do its worth it. I love the feeling of his powerful arms consuming my body, and that's exactly what I got now. We stood for endless moments before separating, I tried before but to my disbelief he held onto me tighter. I could tell his was ashamed of his actions, it wasn't like him so express such strong feelings towards anything. Although I wouldn't mind getting to know this Vegeta. We stepped back from each other and I could tell he was going to tell me what had been going through his mind. I waited in anticipation when finally he opened his mouth to speak, well so I thought but he just stood there with his mouth open as if his words were meant to be silent.

I looked into her beautiful eyes. She had pledged her whole soul to me. She has told all that I had the patience to listen to. Which I must admit was just about all, although I don't think she knew it at the time. I have barely told her any detail about my past, which I can tell she is interested in. I don't know why I haven't already, I don't know why I don't just sit down and talk to her. I guess that's where my Saiyan heritage kicks in. I know that if I was on Planet Vegeta-sei and I had a mate, we wouldn't bother with the small talk if you catch my drift. That's where humans are different. They like to have that connection, not just the connection a pair of mates feel for each other, but where they know every miniscule of detail about one another.

"Bulma..." I began, very hesitantly I might add.

"Yes Vegeta" She answered softly.

I could see here eyes sparkle at the sound of her name passing though my lips.

"Lets go somewhere else" I decided to take her to this place I discovered when I first began living on this planet.

"OK" A smile emerged on her fine featured face.

I could tell she was wondering where I was going to take her.

"Where are we going?" She added. I decided not to tell her, let it be a surprise.

"You'll see when we get there!' I said with enthusiasm and with that I scooped her up in my arms, held her tightly to my chest and set off.

During the whole way there, neither of us said a word. It was not an unpleasant silence, but a very contented one. I enjoyed feeling of the heat radiating off his body and on to mine, it was so comforting I felt like I was going to fall asleep! Except the view was magnificent. I've flown many times before in the capsule jet but I never had the chance to have my breath taken away from the glorious sight passing beneath me. I guess I must have drifted asleep, as I woke when I felt us descending rather quickly. We reached the ground and I stood and awe at my surroundings. It was the most exquisite place I had ever seen! The ground was the greenest green grass speckled with yellow flowers, and we were surrounded by a dense woodland. There were patches of multicoloured wildflowers growing, not your ordinary wildflowers I might add. These were twice the size, and their scent lingered in the air a nice sweet scent. There was also a little pond to the far side of the clearing. There were water lilies in bloom, the most vivid yellow I had ever seen. I don't know how long I was gawking at the scenery, but my thoughts were soon cut off by the touch of a hand to my cheek. I spun around to look Vegeta in the eye, no words were said he just simply motioned towards the pond with a slight not of his head. I followed and we came to rest upon the edge of the pond. I sat close to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist, I did the same to him. I rested my head on his sturdy shoulder and took a deep breath.

"How ever did you find a place as beautiful as this?" I asked, sounding almost breathless.

"It's a long story, I will tell it to you some day." He answered, not one slight hint of anger or angst in his tone.

"Ok, I can't wait" We sat in silence for a few minutes before he turned to me.

"Bulma, I know you don't know much about me and that's my fault. Anyway there is something I have to tell you, I am unsure how this information will affect the way you feel for me." He lowered his head before turning it back towards the glittering water.

"Its ok Vegeta, you know that you can tell me anything." I assured him, although I must admit arousing my wonder.


It seemed strange hearing those words from him, gee it must be something big. Then he continued.

"Well as you know, I haven't been myself lately, and I'm assuming you know it had something to do with that day... the day that you found me unconscious..." He trailed off.

"Yes, you assumed right. Please tell me"

"Well you were right." He stated simply, a very new thing, almost awkward for Vegeta to admit.

"How? What was I right about?" Now I was curious!

"You asked me if I was having a nightmare, and well i was. Only it wasn't a nightmare, it was a flash back..." He was beginning to let go.

"I flashed back to the days when I lived on Freiza'a ship. I was 19, it had been a few years since Freiza destroyed my home planet, and my father. And I... Well I...Um.. I was... In..In..lo.love..." When he said those words he withdrew himself from around me and tried to stand. His movements were jolting, and hesitant, as if he was having a war with his mind. His body telling him to do this, and his mind telling him to do that. When got up and began walking away.
I was still shocked at his revelation and finally realised he was trying to run away again.

"Vegeta! Don't you run away from me again! I've never know you to run from a battle, now I can't seriously be worse than battling some of the universes most horrid warriors!" I grabbed his ankle. He didn't seen to notice until I let out a yelp as I toppled over and was getting dragged behind him. He tried to shake me off.

"Oh no mister, you can't get rid of me that easily!" I gave him a sly, slightly evil grin.

"Errr...Let go will you! I am not succumbing to your pathetic childish games!" He bit back, now angry.

"Look Vegeta, I am trying to help you! I'm not going to loose you! You know how it feels! It how I..." He cut me off.

"WHAT? You know? But... How? How do you know about Bronte?" He looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Huh? Bronte? What are you talking about? Vegeta! Who is Bronte?!" It was now my turn to get angry, I raised myself to my feet finally and glared straight into his eyes.

"So..so.. you don't know..." He was totally confused.

"No Vegeta, I don't know! What is all this about, WHO is she!!" I crossed my arms angrily. He just stared at me, all his anger gone.

"Well" He said in that soft voice again. "That is what I was intending to tell you...but before you say anything, its not what you think."

"Its not what I think eh? Well I'll show you what I think!" I couldn't help it, I allowed my tears to flow free and I turned and began towards the thicket of the woodland. I ran, the hurt I was feeling fuelling my energy. Once emerged in the darkness of the wood, I dropped to the ground in a weeping heap. I don't know how long I was there, I was glad he didn't follow me. I would never imagine Vegeta would be a traitor, well I guess it explains his lack of companionship towards me. I wonder how long it went for, or how long it has been going for. Maybe he was taking me here to tell me that he found another mate, but I thought in 'Saiyan Land' once they reproduced with their mate, they were attached by an even stronger bond. Maybe he's not so wrapped up in Saiyan heritage as I thought, but that still doesn't explain his his pleasantness towards me. Maybe he was hoping that we could part on good grounds, not with a grudge towards each other.
I awoke and there was a chill in the air. My eyes were heavy and they stung when exposed to the night air. What? Night air? I must have fallen asleep..................................................................... ............................................

I looked all around me, and it was pitch black! At that moment, panic surged through my body. Where the hell was I? Which direction is that little clearing? Where in Dende's land was Vegeta? How dare he leave me out here! Well I guess if he led me out here to part with me on good grounds, it won't be necessary because I'll be dead! I can't stay out here all night, there's big ugly creatures stalking the night just hoping to come across a poor defenceless human to eat as a snack. Brrrrr it sure is cold.

At that moment, a high pitched howl rumbled through the unrelenting darkness

Err that sent a chill up my spine. I began shaking from head to toe, not just from the cold I might add! I could hear numerous animal noises, and scratching sounds. I noticed my skin was all battered and bruised and the lower half of my pants were literally torn to shreds from running through the undergrowth growing between the ancient trees.
I can't believe this is happening to me! I at least thought Vegeta cared enough about me to at least bring me back to the safety of my own home, I guess I over estimated him. The tears welled up in my already puffy eyes and I decided to shed them freely. Maybe a good cry will help me feel better, then I maybe be able to think about where I am exactly and try to find a way out of here.

It was so nice having her in my arms, although I'd never openly admit that to her. Now that I think about it, I've never told her in words that I, well I love her. Its taken me years to find it in me to be able to show her how I feel, its just not something that Saiyan's do! I know that now I have let my Saiyan heritage slip, I have discovered or should I say re-discovered my inner emotions. I thought I had planted them deep within me, after all the pain they had caused me. But then I met her, the blue haired beauty, and I lost control. She consumed my every thought, until I realised I had to have her. And now it looks like I've lost her. If only I hadn't been looking for the easy way out, I wouldn't have mistakenly believed she knew about Bronte. I could have told her and told her the right story, then she wouldn't have jumped to wrong conclusions. What sort of a man does she think I am? Saiyan's don't go around 'cheating' (as they refer to it here) on their mates, I think I'll leave that to that ugly ass weakling (I can't bare to say ITS name). I only wish she had given me time to explain. STUPID WOMAN!! Why the h3ll should I worry about her if that's the kind of man she thinks I am? Hasn't she known me long enough now to realise that I would never so such an absurd thing! Fine. If that's the way its going to be, I don't want to see her until she's ready to apologise. I will not be confused for some low class unfaithful Bitch! I am a Saiyan Prince, I will not be accused for something I would never think of doing!! I have never dreamed of such a thing! I deserve more respect than that!!
With that final thought Vegeta sped off, not thinking twice that Bulma might lost or hurt in the woods.

I stood up, and regained my composure. Alright Bulma, listen to your every instinct. You are a smart woman, no not just smart but a genius! Now to look for any indication of where you came from. I very carefully inspected every detail of the ground. There was the odd shuffle mark, broken twig. AHA! Yes there is a clear trail through the undergrowth, a few squashed saplings and disturbed earth. A slight Vegeta-style smirk crept onto my face. NO! I can't think thoughts like that, plus I also don't want to act like him! I don't want to act like a self centred, blinded by his own pride asshole who couldn't even admit to himself that feeling emotions isn't a weakness! I broke down into a sobbing mess again. I never realised just how strong a hold he had over me, I can't deny it I love him! I love him so much. So many questions ran through my mind, what if I never see him again? What if he runs away with that that... Errr I don't want to say it! What about Trunks? It's not just me he will be abandoning, it's Trunks as well! What am I going to tell the poor boy?

"Oh sorry son, you won't be seeing your father again he ran off with another woman."

This is such a mess! Alright enough of that, I have to find my way out of here because if I don't Trunks may as well be declared an orphan!

I followed the track I hoped had been made by me earlier for about half an hour until I finally came back to the little clearing. Note that is was no easy task treading through the bush again, there may have been a path but that didn't stop me getting scratched to pieces trying to follow it in the pitch black. I stood there and a slight breeze passing by sent a chill up my spine. Now I was feeling fatigued, cold and hungry. How the hell am I going to get home? I don't think I packed any capsules... AHA! Yes I did now let me see what we have here. It was too dark to read any writing, there was no moon, so I pressed the button and threw the capsule to the ground *BAM* Oh damn, no I don't think a bar fridge is going to help me get home... Oh well at least I won't die of dehydration. I opened up the fridge and pulled out a coke, I popped it open I gulped it down quick. Gee I didn't realize how thirsty I was! Alright, lets try another. *BAM* A motor bike appeared. Dende, I am not having the best of luck, maybe if it was a hover motor bike but no, its not! Alright Bulma, the third and the last.....*BAM* I couldn't believe what materialized in front of me. So there is a god! (Sorry Dende!) Without further a due I hopped in the Capsule Corp. Jet and took off, Homewood bound.

I flew for I don't know how long till I reached the ocean. The wind had picked up and the waves were peaking above the cliff tops, refreshing me with the off-shore spray. I stood there and gazed into the endless depths of the salty water. It reminded me of Bulma. Her eyes were like endless depths of emotions I was not acquainted with, and the saltiness that was shed through them intertwined within those emotions. Why do I have this feeling in my chest? A heaviness has settled, and I feel like I am being restrained from fleeing any further. My mind is telling me 'What are you doing Vegeta? Go back there and get her! Tell her that she has the wrong story, that you would never dream of ever hurting her physically or emotionally.' But then the other side of my mind was stating other wise 'You know she is your weakness, without her you could be much more! Let the wench think that you were unfaithful, that gets rid of here once and for all! Then you will be able to for fill your every dream and desire without any distractions!' I knew I had to talk to her, reason with her, but I also knew that her being my weakness was right. She has a way of un veiling my true face, my true inner emotions I never knew existed, I knew that she was softening me. No matter how hard I try, I can't help but fall helpless into her welcoming arms when invited.......