Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Will they survive?? A V/B story ❯ Distance...... ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Two weeks passed and Vegeta was becoming more distant by the day. Bulma saw him on the rare occasion, when he was hungry or when he was able to fight his newly accustomed insomnia. Bulma still had no idea what Vegeta was dreaming (or having a nightmare) about that strange day, but knew whatever it was is now occupying his mind constantly. One day she thought to herself,

' I'm getting sick of this, why is he avoiding me? He's always got some excuse to avoid conversations' She began mimicking him out loud.

"Shut up will you, how am I supposed to get some sleep if your annoying voice is ringing in my ear all night?! WOMAN where's my food? Woman, where's my..." She stopped in mid sentence as a figure appeared in the subdued light of the doorway.

"Oh, ah, Vegeta... HI!" She said, the guilt evident in her innocent voice. He just stood and stared for a moment, with kind of a dreamy expression on his hard featured face. Within a matter of seconds he turned and headed for their bedroom. Bulma quickly hurried after him, deciding this was the best moment to seize the chance to make conversation. She entered as he was tugging at his boots and gloves, he gaze directed at the floor. Bulma decided to take it slow.

"How was your training today, love?" He was avoiding her eye, as if trying to conceal some deep dark secret.

"Fine." He grunted in reply.
"That's good" She said with real enthusiasm.

Vegeta began to peel off his slick navy blue body suit, but stopped at the waist, as if embarrassed.

"Do you mind, I'd like to get changed in private" He said in a flat tone, standing there motionless. This took Bulma by surprise and before she could hold her tongue.

"Oh Vegeta! You don't have to be embarrassed! It's nothing I haven't seen before!" She knew the minute she finished her sentence, she's said the wrong thing. She stopped and watched him. The vein on his forehead began to bulge as his muscles began to grow. He clenched his fists as the floor began to shake, bits of the plaster walls began flying in all directions.

"Vegeta!" She inched towards him, the fear beginning showing its ugly face within her now butterfly filled stomach.

"STOP!" He boomed, he eyes looked into hers and flashed a livid green. Now she began cowering back, afraid of what he might do, this isn't the only time she'd been afraid of him. A tear emerged in her eye, she hated that she was so afraid of him.... afraid of his monstrous power..... afraid of what he might do... to himself. She looked pleadingly into his eyes 'please Vegeta, dont do this! I know you know that it wont help anything.…' As if the ESP had worked, the tremors ceased. Bulma raised her head to see her prince standing there in a magical golden aurora. She hadn't realized how beautiful the Saiyan power was.....

"Bulma..." He addressed her, using her name for once.

"There are things that you do not know, things that you are not to know and it is time that I make a decision..."

When the woman woke me up I was lost. I was startled to see her there, kneeling beside me. I was afraid that she had been there in my dream... My past, that she'd seen it all. Never had I felt so confused, it was beyond anything I had ever felt before. I mean there in front of me was the woman I had spent a substantial amount of time with, and (as hard as it was to admit to her and my myself) grown to love, without realizing it at first. But on the other hand I had this beautiful woman, whom I declared to that I would never feel for another woman as I had her. Bronte, such a beautiful name... I like the way it felt when i pushed it passed my lips Brr On Tee...
Our passion together was like a moth to a flame, hot and beautiful, but deadly to the touch. The few short months it lasted I was in my element. I enjoyed my days, even in the presence of Freiza. My days consisted of training till I was so exhausted I could barely keep my balance, but then I would see her and I would feel alive again, like someone had given me 1,000,000 senzu beans... But then my world was shattered... In front of my eyes she was blown into oblivion, all that remained was a pile of insipid dust. It did not resemble my beautiful woman, nor have memories of the passion and love we shared... D4m that frieza, I'm glad he is now frying in hell. Never had I forgotten my Bronte, she was always there in my sub-conscious reminding me of the love we had.

I know I have to tell Bulma, she deserves the truth. I know I haven't been wonderful to her, as I was with Bronte, but I know she knows I love her. If anyone understands it will be her, but there is only one thing holding me back. After I confess my true heart feelings, she will realize that I still love Bronte and that no woman could ever for fill my emptiness for her. What if it makes her feel worthless, like she's second best... I could loose her, and I don't want that. On the other hand, if i leave her I will never have to suffer the feeling of rejection, I will never have to know if she didn't want to know me anymore...

BACK IN THE BEDROOM...................................................

Vegeta sat on the bed, as if preparing to tell her of what had been going through is arrogant Saiyan skull, but instead sat motionless. The seconds ticked by and the tension in the air increased, Bulma was eagerly awaiting a response. She finally grew impatient and looked up from the dirty spot on the carpet that she had been staring at, only to find him slumped awkwardly on the bed. He was fast asleep, out like a light.
'Poor darling' She thought to herself. 'He has had so much on his mind lately'. Bulma walked silently over, finished stripping his smelly clothes and tucked him in. She crawled in beside him and huddled close. She felt the warmth from his body and fell into a cosy sleep.

The weariness took over and sleep took control of my body. Maybe I was just stalling time for myself, I don't know. But one thing I do know now is, I've gone too far to turn back. I can't just hope she will let it drift out of her like the breaths of air expelled from her lungs, never to return again. All I can do is hope, hope that she finds it in her heart realize that I do love her. I've never let her see me like this before, I think because this wonderful feeling I get when I'm with her and when I say those few words, reminds me of when I used to be with Bronte. So I try to forget. I push all that emotion aside, leaving nothing for Bulma. Every once in a while I slip up but that's about it. I can't compare her to Bronte. Bronte was a fellow Saiyan and had completely different qualities to Bulma. Bronte was Loving without being over bearing, not that Bulma is, but I guess we just don't have the same connection because she is not a Saiyan and has not lived the painful life of being ruled by a horrid tyrant. Maybe that's what I should try to do before I tell her... Maybe it might be an idea to show her that I can express my feelings, I can make my love for her obvious. I think another thing holding me back is Kakarot. I hate it how he can be so easy going, he is so stupid. He just lets himself go, but look where he ended up, dead.
Now that I think about it (and no one can hear me) I think I'll have to admit to myself that I envy him in a way... I mean to him life was fun, training is still serious, but he always allowed himself to have fun and forget it all for a while. Maybe that is the reason for his strength, and that cowardly son of his, he is just like him. So powerful, yet so easy going. Maybe I could learn to let go, let go of all the seriousness, put my guard down for a moment.... Let go of Bronte....

I fell asleep and dreamed of him. We were sitting together (I am unsure where) the atmosphere was beautiful, colours swirled around undefined to my pre occupied eye, and we were talking. Vegeta and I were having a conversation. He was speaking to me, no hint of annoyance in his voice or no hint that he had to be somewhere else. He was sitting listening intently to me tell him of my newest invention, his fullest attention aimed directly towards me. When I had finished, he began. He told me of his father and his home planet and how Frieza had such a strong hold on their race and others. We were sitting there sharing all out inner most thoughts with each other, doing all of what I dreamed a husband and wife should do.
Her thoughts were interrupted when an alarm rang loudly in her ear. *BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!*
She thoughtlessly rolled over and turned it off. She yarned and stretched her arms and legs out as far as they could reach, but to her disappointment, the other side of the bed was not only empty but cold. Frowning in discontent she climbed out of bed put on her Bulma blue robe and matching slippers and headed down stairs for breakfast. He was no where to be seen, but she would only have to take one guess at where he was; the GR of course!!
After eating and getting dressed (into her bathers) she headed out side to soak up some sun on her well deserved day off. Her eyes focused on the banana lounge, she made her way towards it feeling more relaxed the closer she got to it. She settled down with the blue prints to her updated version of the bots Vegeta used to train in the GR with, these days he destroys more than could ever be possibly made in the amount of time they are destroyed. After going through them umpteen times and finding no obvious faults she put them aside and rested her eyes. Her thoughts drifted back to Vegeta. She remembered him saying something like "There are things that you do not know, things that you are not to know and it is time that I make a decision.." right before he went to sleep. 'What could he mean by that?? He has to make a decision? A decision about what? What sort of decision which sounded that serious could possibly involve me? I mean anything of most importance to him usually has nothing to do with me'. She thought. She was frowning in her midmorning siesta when disturbed by something unusual. A rough hand was placed on her shoulder. She jumped in fright and let a small scream escape her lips. She turned to see no other than Vegeta standing there with a look of 'What have i done?' on his face, he hadn't meant to scare her.

"Ahh Vegeta! Its only you!" She let out a sigh of relief. He frowned and spoke to her, disappointed at her reaction.

"What do you mean "Its only me?" He asked in a mocking voice, the hurt visible in his dark eyes. Bulma picked up on his dissatisfaction.

"Oh you know what I mean! I didn't know what the hell was on my shoulder! You startled me!" She tried to joke, but knew it wouldn't work. But to her surprise he didn't seem angry.

"Oh yeah, sorry" he looked at the ground. Bulma was startled again at his reaction, but it brought a smile to her face. She reached out and cupped his chin in her hands and raised his head so that his eyes looked into hers.

"You know you don't have to apologise!" she said cheerfully. " I have re-analysed the blue prints for the bots, and I am confident that you will be able to use them by the time this week is through! All my dad and I have to do now is build one to test!" She added excitedly. What he said next stunned her so much, she was left speechless.

"You know, I am proud of you" And he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight for a moment, leaving before Bulma had the chance to become reacquainted with her voice.