Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Will they survive?? A V/B story ❯ Previous Eternities ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
While Vegeta is unconsious he has a flash back to the days when he was 19..........

"Why Prince Vegeta let me help you with that" The girl told Vegeta.
"NO! Dont touch it, I don't want your dirty hands on my cutlery!" Vegeta screamed, 'stupid new slave' he thought to himself.
But it was too late, she was already leaning over to pick up what he had dropped.
"Ahhg!! Get out of my sight!" With that he slapped her across face.
"oohh..." the girl wept and tears began to wet her face, she eyes slid towards the floor and she slowly left.
" And good riddence to you.." vegeta was pleased that he had got rid of her, but also felt slightly guilty that he made her cry.
Later that day....
Vegeta was walking down a corridor in Freiza'a ship heading towards the training room when *BUMP*
"WATCH where you are goi.., YOU!" He looked up the anger riseing in his voice.
"Sorry Prince Vegeta, please forgive me" It was the girl again. She looked up at him with sparkling green eyes, they were the most intriguing eyes he had placed his on before in his whole life. He felt sort of sorry for her, she looked so innocent so.... he couldnt think of anything to describe her as. He doesn't know why, but he went easy on her.
"Look, just watch where you are going next time ok?" He said in a softer voice.
"Sure, i will" she said, her voice greatful. Then she asked
"Can I be of any assistance?" She sounded hopeful that she might be of use. Vegeta thought for a sec.
"Ah yeah, you can actually. Follow me and i will show you what you must do." She followed.
"Anyway what shall I call you, I mean I usually call slaves 'slave' but today i feel like a change."
"Well..." She said in a small, sweet voice.
"You can call me by my name, My name is Bronte"
"Bronte?" Vegeta said sounding confused.
"What sort of a name is that?" he inquired.
"I dont know, but thats what my mother named me before she died." She informed him, unshamefully wiping away a tear.
"Fine. I will call you that."

Vegeta's unconcious thoughts jumped forward a month....
"The library at midnight, ok?" He asked hopeful.
"Sure, I won't be on call then. It's so nice of Frieza to give me one night a week off." She said with sarcasm the venom showing in her voice.
"Good I'll see you then" He gave her a warm smile and swiftly departed.
It was only the other day that Vegeta realized his feelings for Bronte, during the past month she had been so helpful and always there when he called. She even made him laugh at times. He didn't realize how she had grown on him as a friend, and depended on her for company. She was always with him (except when Lord Frieza called for her), even when he trained. Then one day he looked at her and realized 'This woman is a truely beautiful'. It was now that he decided he wanted to know if she was feeling anything for him, as he was her.

They arrived at the Library from different directions. They entered into the darkness and sat in the furtherst corner from the
"Vegeta, may i ask why you have brought me here?" Bronte asked.
"Well it is simple really, I want to know something." He said looking straight into her bright green eyes, which still sparkled even in the darkness.
"Ok.. What do you want to know?" Vegeta moved himself so that he was sitting next to her, he could feel the warmth from her body being so close to his. He took her hand in his, but still remained silent. He turned and looked into her eyes, their gazes locked. They were both searching deep within each others souls, examining every inch of visible emotion.
"Vegeta....." She whispered, barely hearable. "Are you sure that...... it is me...... me that you want?" She now realized what he wanted to know. He responded by moving in close and locking her lips in his.

Meanwhile, Bulma was frantically trying to scan the air and ground in search of her prince. Her every sense was on call, the slightest movement catching her sharp eyes. For what seemed like years she searched, until right about when she was beginning to grow weary with worry and agitated with her own frustration she spotted a dark spot laying on the bleak empty land.
" Oh, could it be him?" She flew in closer and strained her eyes to see better. With a jump of joy her smile grew, knowing that she had found him, but shrunk as she realized he was either dead or unconcious. She landed and raced over to him, grasped his hard hand and felt for a pulse in his neck. He was alive. She squeesed his had and said.
"Oh Vegeta! What have you done to yourself? Wake up!" She gently shook him.
"How am i going to move you?" SHe tried to lift him, but to no avail. She sat beside him and decided to wait a while to see if he wakes. She studied him to look for any sign of physical damage, but there wasnt any. The only indication of pain was the look on his face, he was frowing his forehead had grown slight furrows. But it wasnt a look of physical pain, more like inner pain that he was feeling inside him, much like what Bulma had felt when he left. He began to squirm around and started muttering under his
breath, what he said was barely audiable.
"Wait.... No Freiza..... please..... No....Not her......Me.....Kill Me......AHHHHH!!!!" He began screaming.
"Vegeta! Vegeta! Please Vegeta wake up!" She shook him more till he was still, and tentatively opened a groggy eye.
"What! What are you doing here? HUH? Where am I?" He asked her totally confused.
"I came looking for you..... And you in the middle of no where. What happened to you?" She asked concerned.
"I ahh...um...Look i dont know" He snapped back angrilly.
"Thats ok, but lets get you home!" She gave him a warm Bulma smile.

Once they were on the jet (She had to force him on, he thought he was ok to fly but soon found out he wasnt, the hard way
ofcourse) she asked him.
"What were you dreaming about?" She inquired.
"What are you talking about?" He acted as if he didnt remember (but he did remember).
"Well you were takling in you sleep, then you started yelling. I was really worried!" She reached for his hand, but he snatched it away.
" I dont need you pity" he said harshly.
"Fine. I'll try talking to you when you being more reasonable."