Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Winning The Love Of The Handsome Skater ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Side note: Do you remember me? Or this fic? I did something some of my old readers might consider stupid - I completely erased it. Yet I saved ALL of my reviews on my computer and re-read them... And I will be reading them and taking notes what not to repeat in the upgraded version of this fic. There was a lot of truth in the old reviews... Things I should and will take in mind while writing it again. Some people said I was selfish for the number of reviews I received spoke for itself... But I must disagree on that one... I had the style, if it can even be called that, of a two-year-old at writing. I mean to offend no one by saying it, but in my eyes, that is how it was. So, here I am sitting, doing everything over. No matter how much sentimental value it had to me, more important to me is to be proud with I have written, to know that I deserved the number of my reviews. So, let’s get back to writing! Enjoy!!

Author’s note: Hello, people! Not knowing what to say as the chapter will speak for itself, please scroll down and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I’m going to say this once and only once. I own nothing about the characters in this fic. Except for the characters I made up myself, but they don’t count. So don’t sue me and don’t try to tease me, as your tries will be utterly ignored.

Warning: Do not try to accuse me of stealing, as I have stolen nothing from anyone. May that be clear to all of you, as I hate senseless flames of the sort “You dirty bitch! You stole my best friend’s story! I’m going to kill you with my super-pathetic bullshitting now!” I think you got the idea. Oh, and there is a lot of cursing here. Drugs and other adult content may be added, so feel yourself warned.


Winni ng the Love Of The Handsome Skater

by Dark Hope Assassin

Chapter One: Prologue

The girl pushed her way out of the covers to slam her fist fast over the annoying alarm clock on the bed stand by her queen sized bed before it could do any more damage to her sensitive ears further than it had already done. She growled and bared her lined up white teeth at it as if it could possibly see her. She hated that alarm clock and one of those days it was going to get it.

Usually the young woman was a morning person. She liked the birds’ songs, the sun shine and everything that went with late summer. But this particular day was different.

Just last night she came back from a trip to the Bahamas, the picture of the most perfect vacation you can have...because of school. That was the part which made her grumpier and got her to kick her covers with a surprising malice.

Oh, today was going to be the day. And by the look her reflection gave her from the mirror in her bathroom, she knew it was going to be a long day. What made her think that? Besides the fact that her hair was all in knots, she had a drool hanging so ‘sexily’ over the corner of her mouth and one of her eyes was half-closed with no prospects of completely opening in the next half an hour; besides those, nothing could even hint her to suspect such a thing.

Giving an exhausted sigh before the day had even started completely, she grabbed her tooth-brush and began dragging it lazily over her teeth that seemed not to need that it all. When she was done with the bathroom, she continued to pick something to wear.

She sincerely could care less what she picked. She was the most famous girl in school as it was, not to mention the richest student. A smirk smeared over her face as she threw the hanger with her navy baggy pants and then another followed it with her loose sky blue tank top. She wondered whether to add a chain to her ‘perfect’ pants, as she referred to them, but decided not to. She didn’t feel in the mood for wearing a chain that day.

Completely dressed with her old back pack in hand (she noted to herself that she needed a change), she dropped herself onto the table and began smearing some butter onto a slice of baked bread when her blonde mother entered the kitchen, as giddy as ever.

“Bulma, dear, you’re going to be late for school if you keep that up.” The woman said as she continued to the stove to cook the breakfast for her husband.

The ocean-colour haired girl glanced at the clock on the wall behind her with the slice in her mouth as she was taking a bite, instantly choking on it upon what she read on the clock. Seven thirty. She was supposed to be at school ten minutes ago. Bad. Really bad.

She grabbed her things and got ready to smear another slice with the wonderful butter as she was dying in hunger, when she remembered. ChiChi was waiting for her. There couldn’t be worse than that.

Taking the ready piece of bread in her hand she yelled to her mother a ‘bye, Mum’ from the front door as she ran down the street, giving it her best… At least they could say that she had been exhausted when she died…


“Bulma Briefs! You are in serious trouble, missy! Just wait until my hands take a hold on your precious little neck and snap it in half!” ChiChi’s voice threatened over the girl’s cell phone, letting the threat register directly in her brain. The cerulean haired girl grinned apologetically.

“I’m really, really sorry, Chi. I must… Hang… Up… Hey! I see you!” She yelled as she caught sigh of her two best friends in the whole world and hung up on her.

“What!? What was that?! Hey!! Wha- Why did she hang up on me!?!” The young raven haired woman shrieked at her blonde friend at her side as another girl approached them slowly.

“Hey, girls, what’s up?” She asked sweetly with her high-pitched voice. The two exchanged looks and then when they were about to say something, a male brushed past them, almost falling to the ground as he stopped a foot or two away from them.

“Chi! I’m here!” Another voice called as Bulma approached her group of friends that was slowly gathering up at the front gate of the school they have been together in what seemed like a lifetime.

The lavender haired girl almost had no time to register the fact that something crossed her path and stopped right where she intended to, with which she almost managed to fall back on her ass.

She was pleasantly surprised that it was an unknown male. He had flipped his board over in the air and gathered it right before he landed swiftly on his two feet, standing tall in all his glory. Oh, and it was, indeed, glory. Yet she got to find that out later, as he had his back to her at the moment.

“That wasn’t fair! You cheated! You occupied all the space and I couldn’t stop!! You don’t play fair!” Goku whined childishly, making the other teen snort sarcastically and place the board on his right shoulder.

“I don’t need to cheat to beat your ass, Kakarott. Just tell me when you need to be reminded of your place and I’d love to help you with it.” The arrogant boy snickered after his statement, not aware of the fact someone was approaching him and the whole company from behind.

“How dare you talk to my baby like that!? He happens to be one of the first-class skaters in town, you miserable little prick!!!” ChiChi’s temper instantly flared, making the new boy glare intensely at her.

“Are you trying to tell me something?” He seethed through his clenched teeth in an unhidden malice towards Goku’s girlfriend. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?”

By the time, he had the chance to check out all three girls present. He quickly dismissed the blue haired ditz of a tramp without as much as a second glance. The one that seemed to catch his eye more was the blonde Ice-Queen. She seemed just like his type… She kind of reminded him of-

“Do you guys remember me telling you what I and my long-time friend, Vegeta, do all the time after school?” Everyone nodded affirming. “Well, guys, this is Vegeta. Vegeta Ouji.”

Marron was the first to gasp out loud and to start squealing and behaving like a three year-old that just received the present they wanted from Santa under the Christmas tree. It was truly incredible, but it wasn’t that hard to believe, knowing what people went to their school as well…

The blonde was second to let her mouth hang open for but a second long, before she regained her composure and put the emotionless act back up.

“So, you are-”

Before she had the chance to finish she noticed Bulma approaching them from behind having an extremely pissed off look on her face as she was being ignored for some time now. A smirk crossed her features.

“Hey, B, what took you so long? I thought you saw us a minute before.” The new, as well as everyone else present, turned their attention to the approaching girl. She could be considered storming over as she tapped her foot against the ground.

“What is with the commotion around here!? Did I forget someone’s birthday or something!?” She laughed.

“Bulma, this is Vegeta. Vegeta, this is Bulma, my best friend.” The new guy turned around to face her with his right hand holding his board securely over his broad right shoulder, as if it meant the life to him. As a skater she could guess in a way it did.

She finally got the chance to look at him straight. It could be said she liked what she saw.

What caught one’s attention when first seeing him was his strange hairdo, that somewhat resembled her best friend’s, Goku’s. Yet his stood upwards in the air, as the vicious burning flames of the fire. Both his hair and deep absorbing orbs were onyx of colour. He had a well-built body for guys only to envy and dream for and for girls to drool over and adore.

To complete the picture he was dressed just the way she would like her own boyfriend to. He had loose black jeans , yet not baggy enough to be in the way of his, hm, ‘stunts’ as she liked to call them and a loose white shirt that contrasted completely with his whole appearance... Just the perfect way to complete his radiance. Yes, it was nothing special, but that was what she liked.

Bulma Briefs was the richest woman there was and could ever be. She was also the second smartest person in the whole wide world, after her father, Doctor Briefs, founder of Capsule Corp, the company which made people’s lives far easier and was still at it. Being the controversial person that she was, the girl was sick of the snobby rich people that seemed to be magnetized by her. She liked the people that acted around her as they always did. They were true, they were sincere, they were simple and that was what she loved most about them.

She noticed another thing. She had been looking at people; they were an object of her interest. And a characteristic feature of them was their ordinary expression.

What she called that was the expression the people had on their faces most time of the day. For an example, when she was unaffected by any feelings at all, her face radiated happiness and cheerfulness as most of the time she was smiling. This very teen’s was the exact opposite of hers…

Even in his emotionless expression put at bay as he stared blankly at her, she could see his features twisted slightly in a frown from the time he spend scowling. As he did nothing to acknowledge how ‘pleased to meet her’ he was, she stretched her hand out at him with a kind-hearted smile. He continued to look strangely at her and glanced once at her hand.

When she was about to get tired of trying to be nice, he swiftly turned the board into the possession of his left hand and against his left shoulder, slightly shaking her hand, without a word spoken between the two.

Tension could be felt hot in the air. But one person was just too thick to feel anything

“I can’t believe that I am in the same clique as the famous Vegeta Ouji! Wait till Mary hears about this!” The blue haired ditz exclaimed, dragging Vegeta by his elbow towards an unknown destination, causing the two to break eye contact.

Before the air-headed friend of theirs could kidnap him into school, the boy shot Bulma a 24 carat smirk and a slight wink.

Feeling her cheeks getting hotter for a second, Bulma dismissed all thoughts of the egocentric arrogant guy that she just happened to meet, as if she was not going to meet his on regular basis from now on…

After all, he acted really rude and talked to Goku like he was insignificant dirt on his shoe.

She tried to convince herself that, all the while trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach…

Snorting, she proceeded to class. Arrogant prick…


A/N: How was that for a start? Tell me what you think so I carry on with it.
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