Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Winning The Love Of The Handsome Skater ❯ Second Chapter ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Winning the Love Of The Handsome Skater

Chapter Two: Unknown Rivalry?

Bulma proceeded to her class silently down the Hall as she noticed her friends were too busy talking bullshit about the summer with the oh-so-corny “Where were you, I couldn’t find you for what seems like ages, gal!”, “I thought you were going to stay here, you twit! Why did you lie to me!?” and other such in the same spirits. The girl shook her head dejectedly. They would never change…

She felt a hand snake around her waist and she pulled back to see Yamcha, her boyfriend, right behind her and she smiled brightly at him. It has been almost three months since she last saw him and, Gods, did she miss him. They were never quite a passionate couple, but they loved each other and that was all that mattered. At least on Bulma’s behalf, that was…

She pulled back and planted a kiss on his cheek, still smiling as she looked into his deep black eyes.

“Hey, Yamcha.” She muttered quietly. He grinned back. He was such a wonderful and cheerful person. That was one of the many reasons why she loved him so much. He always managed to make her laugh, even in the darkest of hours.

“Hey, babe.” He kissed her again as her smile faltered into a scowl. “What?” He asked innocently.

“Don’t you play fool with me, Yamcha; you know how much I hate it when you’re calling me that.” The lavender haired girl said and squeezed out of his grip onto her seat in the classroom. He frowned and followed suit, pulling his desk nearer hers.

“Oh, Bulma, will you let such a trivial little thing ruin our moment?” She thought for a bit over his words.

“Yes.” was her answer in the end. To her surprise he broke in laughter.

“That’s my girl.” What was with him? Was he drunk? Or deaf?… She couldn’t quite figure which one it was.

Her cerulean eyes looked up as the new guy sat on the desk in front of her, pulling out a note book onto his desk and sitting quietly, beginning to write something. She raised a delicate eye-brow as she could not imagine a skater of his ‘rank’ having time to do studies at home. Yamcha was no different. She often needed to tutor him, yet every time she tried to they got caught up in other activities.

The girls around were already whispering about him, he could hear. His senses were probably twice as better than any other boy his age. There was a reason behind it too, but he did not want to get to that… Some memories he would try to forget… He began drawing on one of his sheets slowly with a smirk appearing on his face the more his drawing proceeded.

His ‘masterpiece’ consisted of a SD figure of him, holding the lavender haired girl whose name he didn’t quite catch with her on his knee, leaning against his chest while he sat on a huge chair that could be easily mistaken for a throne with that other blonde girl by his side, a huge grin on the small Vegeta’s face. Yep, he hadn’t lost his touch after all.

Caught up in his drawing, he didn’t notice that the teacher had gone in and already said what she would want of them during this year. Even if he did notice, we could seriously doubt he could care less. Yet the math teacher seemed to care a lot when someone ignored her during her own class, in her own classroom…

“Mr. Ouji.” She called once, trying her best to keep a cool calm voice, as she knew he was a transfer student and it was, after all, the first day of school. He didn’t respond, nor did he look up.

“Mr. Ouji!” She repeated, this time failing to keep her voice calm. Not a single look up…

Mr. Ouji!!!” She finally screamed gaining the silence she tried to attain ever since she entered the classroom as well as the teen in question’s attention. His onyx orbs flashed darkly at her with annoyance read clearly in them. “Do you mind coming to the blackboard solving this problem?” She pointed with the chalk what she meant.

Bulma frowned deeply. The teacher was a real bitch. There was no chance any other in this class but her self knew how to do this before they learnt how it’s done; it was this year’s material. Yet Vegeta did not even look close to panicked. He just sighed in annoyance and made his way over. The chocolate eyes of the teacher bore into his skull, trying to burn holes into it. He snatched the piece of chalk from her hands rudely and looked at what was written on the blackboard.

The lavender haired girl was about to protest to the teacher’s ways as the elder woman’s face gleamed in triumph, when both of them were startled as the boy began writing quietly. In a minute, he was done with all calculations. He turned back around with a bored expression on his face. The teacher stared blankly at him. Then she glanced back to the board, and then to him again, back to the board, and back to him. Not another Briefs protégé…

“I did what you wanted, didn’t I? Wasn’t that the purpose? Jeesh… Stupid people…” He muttered and made his way back to his seat, slumping down on it as he reached it. The whole class’ attention turned to him as they followed his journey to his desk turning their heads over as he passed by them.

The teacher was so shocked at the fact that this boy outsmarted her in her own game to notice that he had actually insulted her as well as the rest of the class and probably human kind, both of which she could care less about. When she regained her composure, she gazed suspiciously at him. Turning on her heel, she brushed everything away and wrote several equations on the board.

“Class, start working over those.” She pointed at the board. “If there are any of you ready by the end of the period, tell me so I can give you more and keep your minds busy.” She walked over to Vegeta’s seat, the possessor of which was currently looking out the window with difficulty, as the seat he had taken was by the door and not the wall nearest to the windows.

Until the end of the class the teacher was engaged into a constant argument with the new student as he solved everything she gave him all of which consisted of freshman and sophomore material of University.

“This is calculus, you can’t possibly know calculus.” She whispered huskily and the boy’s eye brow quirked at her.

“Says who?”

Even though Bulma was a good girl and never eavesdropped, she couldn’t help but catch on to their recent conversation. Neither could she help noticing that the guy was completely out of the range of this class. True, it was a mathematics specialized school, but no one did extra work around here. They might be the elite of the country, but they also had personal lives outside the school, as much as the teachers could care less about that.

She highly doubted Vegeta didn’t go out. She was also quite sure he was out after day break until sunset and probably even after it sometimes. He surely had a lot of girls on his tail, she could see that… How could he possibly find time in the midst of skating, dating and just screwing around for rest for calculus? She was a natural genius; her father was the smartest being in the Universe, probably. He made everyone’s lives quite simpler with his projects and work. It was only expected of her to be a very smart girl herself.

Her train of thought was put to an abrupt halt as the irritating ring of the bell rang throughout the silent room. Sighs of relief were released all over the classroom as all the students relaxed, freed from the math torture they were currently enduring with the problems on the blackboard. She collected her things just as fast as Vegeta dashed out of the room with his bag in hand off to his next class as you can tell he was quite annoyed with the nosy math teacher.

“Did you see that?” Yamcha caught up with her just as fast. “Maybe you have a rival in brains!” He chuckled. Bulma rolled her eyes. Sometimes her boyfriend was so simple it was almost irritating. But she ignored the thought as it usually led her to doubts, which caused bigger doubts to appear and right now was not the moment.

A smirk crept on her face as she dashed on as well. Monday was a shitty day. They had to get to the fourth floor and the way there was quite long and they had no time to lose. Maybe she did have a rival?… Or was he a rival?



“Did you hear about the new guy-“

“I heard he was awesome in every class he had!-“

“He’s my dream man! I’m going to ask him out-“

“That Vegeta Ouji is not only the best skater, yet he’s the hammer in school as well! I can barely believe it!-“

“I was tackled at training by Vegeta Ouji! Man, am I not a lucky dog?-“

ChiChi frowned as she and her friends made their way through the lunch line and to the nearest free table.

“Are those rumours even true? They say he knows calculus, everything you could possibly ask of him about the whole planet and its living creatures; he could rival Mendeleyev in chemistry or whatever… What’s so wonderful about him!?” The raven haired girl hissed between her clenched teeth as she settled her platter on the table.

“Well, Chi, he is handsome, he is cool, and he is very smart. What more should I say?” Juuhachi reasoned as she sat opposite of ChiChi following her lead with her own platter.

“My Goku is still the best. And that Vegeta-boy is so arrogant, self-centered and insolent! I can’t stand him!” She spat and glared daggers at Juu who just shrugged at the statement. “And I know you want him, why don’t you just try your way with him?” She suddenly added, the azure orbs shifting back to her.

“Are you trying to tell me I won’t stand a chance with him!?” The other female hissed venomously.

“Well, Marron’s already working her way with him, so you might have some competition there…” ChiChi pointed her filed finger at the direction opposite of the one Juuhachi was facing. She turned around on the bench and glared at Marron who had her sly little filthy arm around her man.

“We’ll see…” The blonde muttered, shoving the food angrily in her mouth.

“Hey you guys.” Bulma greeted, letting go of Yamcha’s waist as she sat by her friends. Both of them looked up and frowned. They didn’t exactly hate Yamcha; he was one of their first friends in this school, they have been together for four years now, this one being the fifth, but they didn’t approve him cheating on Bulma with every chance he got. Ever since he started doing that, he was no more than just an acquaintance of theirs.

“Yo, B.” Juuhachi moved over a little so Bulma could have a seat next to her. The lavender haired girl accepted her subtle offer. “I see you still have that hair problem.” She chuckled as she forked a suspicious-looking piece of beef.

“Yeah, I do. It’s getting worse.” The other girl sighed as she eyed the plate. “My hair is completely getting lavender. Can you believe it!? Lavender!! And I’m not even doing anything to it.”

“You’re still just as hot, babe.” Yamcha leant over her and kissed her cheek, sitting on the other side of Juu, who shot him a glare, which clearly said to him ‘shut-up-asshole-I-know-what-you’ve-done-and-I-won’t-tole rate-it-much-longer-as-I-am-a-true-friend,-opposed-to-you’. Well, at least something like it, since he didn’t show any signs of understanding her look. Vegeta and Marron soon sat down as well, opposite of the trio. Goku was also soon to follow with Krillin hot on his tail.

“Hey, people!” The tall teen greeted slumping down a twice bigger amount of food on the place that ChiChi had saved for him next to her. “Didn’t miss me much, now did you?”

“I missed my food, you fool. What took you so long!?” Vegeta snapped at him, grabbing half of the things Goku had taken.

A goofy grin covered the boy’s face.

“Well, it’s not such an easy ‘burden’ to carry, ‘Geta. Didn’t want to make you so aggressive-“

“Of course you didn’t, because you know you’re the one that’s going to get it.” The other teen commented just as fast. “And don’t call me ‘Geta, got it!? Otherwise I’ll make sure you suffer a very painful death, Kakkarott.” Bulma frowned at that.

“Then why do you-“ But she didn’t get to finish as Marron interrupted her rudely.

“Hey, did you hear Veggiekins is a mastermind? Maybe he’s even smarter than you, Bulma!” She exclaimed excitedly. The whole table cringed at her volume of voice. The girl in question glared daggers at her look-alike.

“Yes, Marron, at this point everyone in school knows that. And if you would stop whoring around for just a second, you would notice that you aren’t even near as intelligent as you might think you are.” Bulma dropped off sarcastically, causing both Juu and Vegeta to chuckle at her retort. Juuhachi loved to hear Bulma bash Marron for all of the other girls despised her to the guts for she had cheated on Krillin so many times they weren’t even countable anymore, but he still said he loved her and she claimed she did love him back. Was that a reason to cheat on the one you ‘love’?

“So, you like to keep your image up, eh?” Vegeta asked, forgetting the fact that the little slut by him had called him quite an insulting nickname he already knew he despised.

“It is not an image. I am the smartest person in the whole school, whether you like it or not.” She crossed her hands over her chest arrogantly. He smirked at her.

“We’ll see…” He said quietly digging into his lunch.

“What was that!?” She snapped.

“Nothing.” He was fast to retort. The girl narrowed her eyes at his eating frame. ‘We’ll see, eh? We’ll see alright…’ She thought to herself, feeling her appetite gone quite successfully…


A/N: So, how was that? Hope you liked it. I think it’s no worse than the previous one, so… Please review?