Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wiring ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own DBZ or Vegeta or Bulma. Coz if I did the series would have had a lot more of them in it
He's back. I can't believe it. The conflicting thoughts and emotions cause my head to ache. To ease the feeling I run my fingers through the blue puffy thing that is my latest hairstyle.. Better do something about it soon I don't really like it. I giggle to myself for thinking about my stupid hair right now. When the man I am not supposed to be thinking about is naked right now with only the Shower screen between us.

"You can leave now!" He barks at me in that rough voice. I blush all the way to my toes I only just realize that I have been lingering. I leave the clothes I have for him and walk out closing the door behind me a little more forcefully then necessary.“What is he even doing back here?” I think to myself. I mean I know he was about to run out of fuel but surely there is somewhere in the universe that would be able to figure out a way to synthesize the bio fuel that the ship runs on. I mean it’s not that complicated! Anyone with interstellar travel technology could easily figure it out. You didn’t have to be a genius like me for that kind of basic stuff. There was only one answer: Goku

"I can't believe he didn't find him!" Relief and confusion wash over me. Am I relieved because that arrogant 'Prince' didn't get to hurt Goku or because Goku didn't get to hurt Vegeta? "Don't be stupid!" I chide myself. That creep would deserve everything he got! I only invited him here in the first place because he was homeless and I didn’t want him terrorizing the unsuspecting public. Although since he left a few months ago in a ship he stole from us I might add; I have thought about him.

Thoughts of him have not only affected my waking hours but my dreams as well. My stupid subconscious decides to manifest itself in a swirl of fear, desire and the green sky of Namek.  He is like a mystery I want to solve. My inner scientist just wants to pull him apart, check out his wiring and figure out what holds him all together underneath that amazing physique. I admit to myself that I am slightly attracted to him. Well duh! Who wouldn't be? He is an extremely well put together individual; all I am a woman with a certain appreciation (a completely healthy one) for the male form. The image of Vegeta's naked and wet silhouette through the shower screen causes my heart to hammer in my chest and my palms to sweat.

"Oh crap! I'm in trouble”