Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I had an Angel ❯ Into the past with a glimpse of the future ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball Z or Dragonball GT. I don't own any of the characters either except for my OC^^. This is an alternate universe fic meaning some things may be very different from the series. Pan is 17 going on 18 and a senior in high school. Trunks is 27 and has inherited Capsule Corp. This story takes place after GT and there will be lemons later on in the story. Language warnings, heavy violence warnings and lemon warnings apply. This is my first DBZ fic and I'm kind of going out on a limb on this fic so please tell me what you think. Constructive criticism please. The first chapter is told in the view of my OC. The title of the story is inspired by the Nightwish song Wish I Had an Angel. Enjoy^^
I still couldn't believe what had just happened. The shock was starting to set in and I found myself sitting on an old tree stump several miles away from the city staring off ahead of me. There wasn't much left of the city anyway. Only crumbled remains of destroyed buildings and bodies of those who were dead awaited anyone who wanted to go in. Occasionally you could hear a sobbing or a scream but other than that it was quiet. Oh yes. This was my home sweet home. This was the sight that greeted me every morning I woke up. The attacks had initially started when I was an infant from what I was told. It had started out as attacks on cities….but in 16 years it turned into most of the planet looking like this. Survivors of this new found war hid underground during the day and only came out at night to find food. Although not even underground was safe anymore. But it was the safest place one could possibly be in these times. At one time the people had hoped that the defenders of the planet would be able to save them. But when the war first started…one by one the Z fighters were killed. No one knows where Goku is. We assumed he was dead however when there was no sign of him after ten years. Within a year and a half all but three of the world's best were killed. My father, my grandfather and my uncle were the only ones to survive. I was raised by my grandfather and father. I would occasionally see my uncle until we found out when I was 12 that my uncle had been killed. I spent most of my life training under my father and grandfather learning how to defend myself.
I could even remember when I had become part of the team that consisted of my grandfather, my father and up until he died my uncle. I was 11 years old. Dad was trying to sneak back into the destroyed Capsule Corp. building. He kept rambling about something referring to some kind of time machine equipment. Of course my grandfather went with him and I was told to stay in our underground shelter. I didn't listen….and it was a good thing I did follow them. While trying to get the equipment that witch's pets attacked them. Horrific hybrid creatures that did nothing but search the city for someone to kill or something to destroy. My father wasn't expecting them to be guarding Capsule Corp thus he wasn't expecting an attack and he was caught off guard. I had been hiding behind what was left of what was a wall for some kind of building. I ended up catching the creature's attention to get it away from my father so he could retreat. Of course I ended up putting a Ki beam through the creature's abdomen in self defense. I remember getting yelled at for three hours after we got home but after that….I went with them whenever they went out and I fought along side them. I never felt as much pride in who I was until I fought alongside what remained of my family.
For five years my father, grandfather and I tried every plan we could to stop the war so the survivors could go on with their lives without fear of being killed for walking down a ruined street. So we could rebuild everything around us. Every plan we had failed miserably and we were usually thrown back to square one. A lot of the survivors started referring to us as `Earth's last hope' and we were often called the only resistance faction against the dark queen. The one responsible for the destruction and chaos. But in all reality we were just fighting to survive. No one really knew anything about her though….no one got close enough and lived to say anything about her. All I knew was that she was pure evil and had to be stopped. My father had gone back to his idea to go back in time and try to stop the war from happening. We knew the equipment was in Capsule Corp and I knew that they had went for it once before and failed.
I shook my head feeling silent tears start to stream down my cheeks. This time….this time was different. We got the equipment this time. We started out that morning as three….now there was only one left standing. I refused to let a sound come from my throat to give any sign that I was sobbing. Although the tears streamed down my cheeks I could not I would not let my self cry out loud. I have Saiyan blood running through my veins. Saiyans don't cry. It shows weakness and weakness gets you killed faster. I wiped my eyes as I stood up and looked down at the capsule in my hand. In my other hand was the modules needed for the time machine to work properly. The time machine had been put in a capsule for safe keeping years ago. It had been a long shot when we planned it….but if there was any chance that the machine would work…..we had been willing to take it. Now I stood in this barren, broken clearing that had been a forest at one time with the only evidence of our success. I shut my eyes and turned my head to the side taking deep breaths through my nose. I swallowed hard and for one moment….I questioned if the price was worth the outcome. He had died for me…they both had. To protect me. I'm the only one left now. We had planned for us all to go back in time. Unfortunately that wasn't meant to be. I would have to go alone. I was alone in this world anyway. My grandfather…my father….they both had sacrificed themselves so that one of us could prevent this hell. I nodded slowly and opened my eyes. I looked up and looked around me holding my head up high as I narrowed my eyes. The price…would be worth the outcome. Because I would make sure this will never happen. So that people never have to see the horrors of a torn world. Earth is now in a battle for survival. I just hoped I would be able to make my father and grandfather proud.
I pressed the button on the capsule in my hand to open it and release the time machine. Once the huge puff of smoke cleared I walked up to the massive machine and looked over it briefly. I crotched down and tore off the panel to put the modules in. My father had explained to both me and my grandfather how to run the machine. Apparently he had either A used it before or B helped make it. My head shot up when I heard a scratching like noise not too far from where I was. It sounded a lot like nails on a chalkboard and although many wouldn't be able to hear it. But I'm not like most people. I let out a low growl before out of reflex I reached behind me making sure the sword and sword holder I kept was still on my back. The sword and sword holder was the only material thing I possessed of my father's and I used it every time I had to fight. I let out a small sigh of relief when I felt the sword still on my back. I searched over the area quickly opening my senses to pick up any power levels or any kind of Ki energy. I placed the modules where my father said they went. I stood up and dusted myself off quickly. I turned my head feeling something approach me and I was about 98% sure it wasn't friendly. It didn't matter I had other things to do besides stand here and fight. I had a promise to upkeep and I would do fulfill my promise. I got in the time machine quickly flicking switches on and powering up the machine. I looked over looking through the glass windshield like covering the time machine had to see two very grotesque creatures running through the field and stopping a few feet from the machine. It would be hard for one who hadn't seen them to imagine them. But the creatures were a horrible mix of a lizard, a rat and a bird but with razor sharp talons. I couldn't have been more relieved when the time machine started taking to the air. The creatures hissed and lunged towards the machine. I had to hand it to them….they were persistent as they were dumb. I let a very arrogant smirk cross my face as I flipped the creatures off just as the machine disappeared into the Time Space Continuum.
It was about seven o'clock at night and it was a Friday night. Everyone she knew was out doing their own thing partying and hanging out….except for her. Even Bra could go out and have fun with Marron but oh no Pan couldn't. Pan was stuck at home doing homework. She had been working hard though trying to get it done as quickly as possible. It didn't help that her father would come up into her room and make sure she had her homework done. She couldn't have been happier that this was her absolute last year of high school. She hated high school absolutely hated it. If it wasn't the boys picking on her for being a tomboy it was the girls ridiculing her about being Hercule's granddaughter and all she wanted to wear was a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, fingerless gloves and her bandana that she always wore. Hey it was the perfect training clothes.
Pan scowled at her trigometry homework as she had been the last thirty minutes. She was stuck on a problem and just her luck that her father had to go see her Grandpa Goku. Why couldn't she go?! It pissed her off to no end that she was stuck inside the house doing her work when she could be out doing something important like hanging out…or training. Pan smiled at the thought of training with her grandpa Goku. He was always so fun to train with! An even bigger smile crossed her face when she thought of possibly training with Trunks. She always found herself smiling when she thought of him. Granted it had been several years since they went to go search for the Black Star Dragonballs with her grandfather and a lot had changed since then. Pan wasn't a little kid anymore. Everyone could tell she had matured not only physically but mentally as well. Training was still her life but she put her school work first. It got her father off her back to say the least and she came home with straight A's a lot of the time. Not that Gohan was ever disappointed if she came home with a B it just meant a week of nothing but studying for Pan so she tried to keep her grades up as much as possible.
Pan sighed and looked out the window as she leaned against her computer chair. She had her own computer in her room which Gohan was under the impression she spent most of her time studying at. Pan was perfectically content to let him think that if he wanted. A lot of the time she would chat to her friends while working on homework. Her room actually wasn't very feminine at all. She had a couple of posters up of various bands she listened to and a computer desk with a computer and a table light, her computer chair and a dresser for her underwear and socks. She kept most of her clothes neatly folded in her closet. Despite what most people thought on first impression Pan had grown quite organized. Much more than her grandpa Goku that was for sure.
She sighed again as she propped her feet up taking a break. Her thoughts quickly roamed back to the lavender haired business tycoon known as Trunks Briefs. Pan knew deep down that she liked him hell maybe even loved him. She wasn't exactly sure when she started crushing on Trunks but she thought it was probably around the time they were traveling together. A deep frown settled on Pan's face as she thought more about her secret love. No one knew she had the hots for Trunks. Not even his sister Bra and Bra was Pan's best friend. She knew that Bra would immediately blabber her mouth to Trunks and that would be the end of that. After all Trunks still looked at her like a little kid. He was one of the people that didn't seem to realize that Pan was all grown up. It was like she was his little sister or something. Pan had to admit it hurt when Trunks would treat her like a kid. She really wanted him to look at her as something more. Maybe…something more to him. But Pan knew her father would immediately have a fit over the age difference between her and Trunks. She didn't care at all. Now that she thought about it….she hadn't seen Trunks hardly at all here lately. It might have been because she was busy with school and he was busy with Capsule Corp. but Pan couldn't help but feel a bit left out. They hardly even trained anymore. She was lucky to see him once every few days when he was in town. She wondered for a moment if Trunks felt the same way she did. She shook her head quickly and scoffed.
“No way….Trunks wouldn't give me the time of day anyway so it probably doesn't bother him at all…He probably has some slut hanging all over him anyway…” Pan muttered to herself. Her expression darkened and her Ki flared just a tiny bit when she thought of another one of countless airheads hanging all over HER Trunks. Pan blinked and stopped in mid thought. Wait…when did he become hers? Just as she was going to think about it further….there was a flash of bright light that came through the window from the sky. Pan covered her eyes trying to shield them from the blinding light. Just as it had appeared it disappeared leaving the night dark again. Pan jumped up and looked out the window her hands on her window ceil. Pan narrowed her eyes as she just had one of those nagging feelings in the pit of her stomach. She opened her senses and she literally fell back on her ass from the Ki she sensed. It was no one she knew that was for sure. This Ki she sensed was very strong and for a split second she thought it was her grandfather Goku but feeling out the Ki a bit more she didn't recognize the energy. Pan scrambled to her feet and literally flew down the stairs.
“What the hell was that?! Mom!” Pan called out as she flew down the stairs. Videl had stopped herself and looked out the front door with her arms crossed. She narrowed her eyes and looked back at her daughter.
“…..It was probably lightning Pan, honey.” Videl said offering her daughter a smile. Pan shook her head and floated in the air.
“No mom…That was different….it felt….strong. I'm going to go check it out!” Pan exclaimed. Pan didn't give her mother a chance to protest as she flew as fast as she could towards where the source of the Ki she was feeling.
Her senses led her to an open field. Nothing too suspicious about that right? She landed softly her nose catching the tell tale signs of smoke. As she started walking she could see the outline of what looked to be some kind of machine. Pan scowled and immediately readied herself for battle as she seen someone kick the machine cursing softly. The other voice was low…almost masculine….but not quite. It was hard to tell if the other person was a male or a female from their voice. The figure stopped in mid-step and froze. At first Pan thought she had intimidated them. She started to grin with that thought but in her moment of triumph…she quickly felt the edge of a blade against her throat. This guy had gotten a sword out against her and was so quiet about it she couldn't even pick it up with her enhanced hearing?! Who the hell was this guy anyway? Pan shrieked as the blade was pressed harder against her neck and pan could feel how sharp the blade was because it was starting to cut her skin but not to cause any significant amount of damage.
“Hey there guy how about we fight the old fashioned way without weapons? If you are really wanting your ass kicked that badly I'll be more than happy to kick it for you!” Pan said. The figure holding the sword just scoffed and pan could hear just a small amount of femininity in the voice. Pan struggled to see the figure under the baggy t-shirt and baggy jeans they were wearing. They had a denim jacket over the t-shirt and a black sword holder around their chest and back. Pan couldn't quite see their face yet although she was trying to make it out.
“You aren't worth my time you stupid girl…”The figure said coldly. Pan's Ki flared at that but she held still because of the blade at her throat. She reared her hand back gathering Ki energy in her hand. The other figure noticed this and before Pan could react she found her legs swept from under her and she landed on her back the point of the sword now at her throat as the figure loomed over her revealing their face the small light the broken down machine provided behind her. What Pan saw almost made her heart stop and she almost forgot to breathe as she stared. Pan saw a dark lavender haired youth no older than about 16. The youth had lilac eyes almost the color of Trunks' hair. The facial features were clearly feminine but he could have been a really pretty boy for all she knew. It looked like they had short hair but then again they could have been hiding their hair. Pan stared shocked to the bone over this figure. Only one person came to mind when she seen the sword and also the looks of the youth. It couldn't be….could it? Would he really attack her? She gasped the only thing she could at that point.
“Tr…..Trunks?!” Pan shrieked. The figure just raised an eyebrow looking at her. This time when the figure spoke though…she spoke louder and it was clear she was a girl even though she spoke in a low cold tone most of the time.
“Not quite……If you play your cards right I may not kill you. Now tell me is Capsule Corp. still standing? Or has it been destroyed?” She said quickly. Pan's eyes almost popped out of her head.
“CAPSULE CORPORATION?!! DESTROYED?!” Pan shrieked as loud as she could. Ok pan couldn't help but wonder what in the hell was going on here? Pan froze under the girl and just glared at her not saying anything for right now. Whoever this girl was….she looked almost identical to Trunks…..