Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wish I had an Angel ❯ Who is she? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or DBGT. I don't own Trunks or Pan either lol. I only wish. This fic is AU. It is an Alternate Universe fiction so that means things do not go exactly as the story goes in the series and characters may be OCC at times but I usually try to keep the characters into character^^. Language warnings, violence warnings all that stuff applies. I've been busy with my children and I've also been sick but I promise to start having chapters out sooner on my fics. Please read and review constructive critism preferred please. Enjoy! ^^
~“CAPSULE CORPORATION?!! DESTROYED?!” Pan shrieked as loud as she could. Ok pan couldn't help but wonder what in the hell was going on here? Pan froze under the girl and just glared at her not saying anything for right now. Whoever this girl was….she looked almost identical to Trunks…..~
The girl looked at Pan with an unreadable, impassive look. Pan's glare didn't even make her bat an eyelash. Pan noticed this and scowled at her. Why in the world would she want to know if Capsule Corp. was still standing? Did she know something Pan didn't? If she did Pan wanted to know. Pan made a motion to sit up but suddenly found the point of the sword pressing harder against her skin. Pan made the realization that this person would not hesitate to decapitate her…which was a scary thought if this was some kind of bad guy. Instead of decapitating her however….the girl just stared at her narrowing her eyes.
“Answer my question is Capsule Corporation still standing?” Was all she asked her voice never dropping that icy tone. It seemed to be her normal way of conversing with people.
“Are you antisocial or something? Why should I tell you anything?!” Pan screamed at her. The girl's expression turned from impassive to dangerous. Pan noticed in that one moment….just how much her expression mirrored Trunks or Vegeta when they were pissed. Pan narrowed her eyes trying to get a better look at the girl but the girl suddenly backed off releasing the sword from her throat. Pan immediately put her fingers to her throat seeing a small amount of blood from where the blade had been.
I will find out myself if Capsule Corp. is standing. Don't get in my way if you want to survive our next encounter….” That same cold voice said. Pan scowled and looked ready to attack her as she got in a fighting stance.
“Who are you?!” Pan demanded from this stranger. It was driving Pan crazy….this girl's attitude was driving Pan crazy.
“That's for me to know and for you to find out. All I will say for right now is that we are on the same side.” The girl said before she suddenly phased out of existence it seemed.
Pan looked around before she started running and then stopped looking for the girl with the sword. She couldn't see her anywhere. This only raised more questions for Pan. Pan couldn't feel the strange Ki energy that had brought her here in the first place anywhere in the area. Pan sighed before she took to the air. The cuts on her neck were now starting to sting a bit as the air hit them.
“That girl…..she was hell bent on Capsule Corp. Maybe she's heading there next….If she's some kind of bad guy I don't want to risk…..I better go tell Trunks..”Pan said out loud as she flew as fast as she could to Capsule Corp.
Friday nights used to be a night he loved especially when he was still in school. Now he hated Friday nights absolutely hated them. It just meant more desk work for him to do up until all hours of the night. Of course with the meetings coming up with potential buyers for Capsule Corporation products he had to do the damned paper work. His secretary was about worthless when it came to marketing sales and percent ratios. If she knew how to do more than book his entire schedule so that he had no life of his own, answer his office phone and let visitors in he would have pawned this on her in a heartbeat.
Trunks sighed heavily as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. He had been staring at the screen computing numbers for over two hours. Everything revolved around the company and numbers. He was so sick and tired of hearing everyone bitch to him when something went wrong. Today had obvisiously been one of those trying days where it seriously makes you consider your line of occupation and why you are even at the job. Trunks really didn't have a choice though. His mother had passed down the company to him. It was better than his father running it he could say that much. He almost wished Bra had been born first so she would be sitting there doing paper work.
Trunks started to rub the bridge of his nose with one hand as he tossed the pen he had in his hand on his desk not caring when it fell to the floor with a soft cling. And people wondered why he was still a bachelor at 27 years old. Although…..the thought of one woman in particular came to mind when he thought about a possible wife. Trunks shook his head quickly though trying not to think like that. He knew he couldn't have the one he really wanted. He missed her so much. He missed how she would cling to him and beg him to spar with her. He missed her smile. He missed the way she looked when he teased her. He just hardly had any time to see her anymore and she didn't come by as much anymore. Trunks grimaced as he was once again reminded of the age difference between him and the one he yearned for. She was still in high school. He knew she was probably busy with school. Or she was hanging out with her friends one. Trunks narrowed his eyes and leaned back in his chair just staring off. He couldn't stop thinking about her no matter what he did. His little Panny. Oh how she had grown up over the years. Not only physically but in mentality too. She didn't throw fits like she used to. You could sit down and have an intelligent conversation with her about anything you wanted to talk about. Not that he couldn't have a conversation with her before…but at that time Pan tended to switch subjects as much as the wind changed directions. Trunks took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. He knew he probably would never get married especially not to Pan. He was at least ten years older than her. Trunks opened his eyes and looked at the computer screen seeing the Capsule Corporation logo at the top of the screen. He was sorely reminded why he would never get married or have a family. He was married to his job. No woman would ever stay with him long enough because he could never spend enough time with her.
Trunks was so lost in his own thoughts he didn't hear her outside of his office talking to his secretary who was getting ready to leave for the night. The secretary knocked on the door and peeked her head in as she smiled. Trunks' secretary was a relatively young woman around the age of 23, 24. But he knew for a fact she was happily engaged to the love of her life so it didn't cause problems that she was the secretary of the most eligible bachelor around. Besides Trunks thought she was a nice girl but he could probably never look at her as more than a friend.
“Mr. Briefs? You have a visitor….I didn't know if you were still working on the reports though…”The young woman said in a chipper voice. Trunks looked up broken out of his thoughts for a bit. He looked at the young redheaded woman who had gotten his attention and gave a small smile.
“Who is it? I'm really busy….but I may make an exception depending on who it is…”Trunks said as he leaned back. That's when he heard her. Trunks had to try hard not to let his eyes light up when he heard her voice.
Pan was behind the secretary and she was furious. She had heard Trunks and she had clinched her fists before storming into his office. She was already pissed off because of that girl earlier and now Trunks wasn't helping.
“You might make an exception?!! I don't think so! You're going to talk to me because I have something important to tell you and I don't care if I have to beat you to tell you!” Pan screamed at him. Trunks grimaced. Damn it he hated it when Pan was pissed off she was harder to talk to then. Trunks waved to the young girl still at the door looking confused.
“Thanks Samantha….I'll take it from here. Have a good night...”Trunks said to her in a kind voice. The girl smiled and wished him good night as well before she closed the door leaving Pan and Trunks alone in his office. Trunks turned his attention fully to Pan and leaned back in his chair. He crossed his legs and leaned on his hand looking straight at her.
“Well do I have your attention now or do I have to start throwing punches?!” Pan yelled at him angrily. Trunks narrowed his eyes when he seen the cuts on Pan's neck. Who the hell was cutting on his Panny?! Trunks did his best to keep his own anger from rising at the marks on Pan. Just because he couldn't have her for himself didn't mean he couldn't protect her. Trunks had to chuckle at Pan's facial expressions. He could swear she looked like a pissed off cat hissing at its attacker.
“Yes Panny…You have my undivided attention.” Trunks said with a smirk. Pan had to take a deep breath to calm down so she didn't hit her secret love square in the jaw.
“Trunks…listen something has happened….There was a huge flash of light looked like lightning….it disappeared and this strange Ki appeared….I went to go check it out….There was someone there….”Pan started. Trunks frowned and stood up leaning on his desk.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” Trunks asked his frown turning into a scowl as he motioned to her neck. Pan shook her head and brought her fingers up to the cuts on her neck.
“Yeah I'm fine. They are just small cuts…..but Trunks…that's not the point….I'm pretty sure it was a girl out there…She kept rambling something about Capsule Corp. was it still standing? Had it been destroyed? I came here as soon as she disappeared…..but Trunks…I thought it was you!! She….I swear to Kami I thought it was you…”Pan said her voice a bit shaky. She was worried that something had happened to Trunks. That's why she flew as fast as she could to Capsule Corp. She didn't want to find out that girl was responsible if the company got destroyed.
Trunks listened to every word she said. A girl that looked like him? Rambling about Capsule Corp. being destroyed? It sounded a little far fetched even for him. Trunks looked at Pan worriedly before he walked up to her placing his hands on her shoulders looking into her eyes.
“Pan….have you been getting enough sleep? Are you sick or something? Maybe you're working too hard….”Trunks started. Pan stared at him unbelievingly. He didn't even believe her! She knew he didn't! Pan pulled away from him and glared at him.
“You think I'm making it up don't you? Oh yeah Trunks you know I just go around making up stories about psycho bitches with swords ranting and raving about this fucking company being destroyed!” Pan spat angrily at him. Trunks blinked and watched her for a moment. Maybe there had been something that spooked Pan. Trunks was touched that Pan was so concerned for him. It made him feel as if she actually loved him although he knew better.
“No Pan…I didn't mean to make it sound as if I don't believe you. But a girl that looks like me? Going around saying things that haven't happened yet….I mean if you stop and think about it….its far fetched even for me to believe. What if there was a girl that looked like me? What would she be doing here?” Trunks reasoned with Pan. Pan took a deep breath and then looked at Trunks shrugging her shoulders. Maybe it was all in her mind. Or maybe she's finally lost her mind.
Pan shook her head and put her hands on her hips. Trunks could easily see she was distressed. He smirked and raised an eyebrow as he glanced at his computer.
“Screw it….I can finish that at home. I don't have to stay at the office. I'll give you a ride back to your place.” Trunks offered. Pan just shrugged her shoulders and grinned.
“Sure. Why not?” Pan answered. Trunks returned her grin before he went over to his computer and saved his work. He took the disk out and then opened the door for Pan to leave the office first. He followed her and closed the door behind him locking his office up.
Little did either of them know that outside of the main Capsule Corp. building was a shadowed figure crotched down on a nearby business roof. Not much could be seen about her except strands of dark lavender fell into her face and shadowed her eyes and most of her features from the street light down below where she was. A small smirk crossed her mouth before her head shot up suddenly. She looked ahead of her and seen a black vortex above an area not far from where she had first been. Her hair hid her scowl as she stood up. This wasn't good…..she knew it wasn't. That black vortex was the dark queen's signature. The vortex only stayed open for a few seconds before it closed in the night sky. It was almost impossible to see because of the night unless you had exceptional sight or you knew what you were looking for. Her scowl deepened as the wind started lightly blowing her hair from her face some more of her dark lavender hair coming loose from the ponytail she kept hidden under her jacket and sword holder. She had seen two wisps of energy come through the vortex before it closed. She wasn't happy about that little fact in the least. It meant trouble. It always did.
“….How did you find me here you bitch…..” Her cold voice said out into the sky not talking to anyone in particular. She closed her eyes and shook her head before she turned her attention back to where she had been watching Trunks and Pan. She had heard the entire conversation.
“….he's alive. At least he's alright. That means….my mother is alive now too. This is before I was born….If that whore has followed me here to this time…..” She stopped herself and shook her head reaching behind her to make sure her sword was there.
“Father……I won't let your sacrifice for me be in vain….Maybe….I can save mom so you don't have to suffer….so that…things never happen like we've seen it.” The girl said in a low tone as she let the wind blow the hair from her face for a few more moments. She never made a sound but she let the wind carry her tears. She would not sob. They would never hear her cry. She looked up before she disappeared out of existence again.