Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With You I'm Born Again ❯ Flashback Central ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DM: Wow! I had no idea this site existed for so long! Finally a new place for my stories! This is one of my personal favorites, and I hope it will be yours too! The title and inspiration for this from a song called "With You I'm Born Again" sung by Michael Crawford and Barbara Dickson. Try to find it and listen to it, it fits! If Vegeta and Bulma could sing, it’s what they'd sing!

Disc: Nope, I don’t own anything, not a thing. Oh well, Toriyama did a better job than I could have.

Flashback text


With You I’m Born Again

Chapter One: Flashback Central


"Gosh Chi-Chi, did you cry this much when I died? But don’t worry, I’m back for good. I love you."

Vegeta stood by his mate and scowled at Kakarrot. The taller Saiya-jin was holding his dark-haired mate to his chest like she was the most precious thing in the universe. His youngest son tugged at the leg of his much soiled and torn gi while his eldest looked on smiling. The Earth and the Z Senshi had been through so much in only four days. Their battles had been the hardest ever fought, for the highest prize of all: the fate of the entire universe. Everyone and everything at one time had been lost to the wrath of Buu, but in the end, all had been restored.

A musical sound behind him made him turn his head. Bulma was kneeling next to their little son Trunks, laughing as she hugged him tight. He blushed a little at his mother's affection and Vegeta tried to hide his smile. Something inside him throbbed at the memory of what had happened only hours before…


"Look, if we don't do something now we'll be history! Along with this whole planet!"

Vegeta's eyes stayed locked on that pink freak in the distance. That fool Kakarrot still begged for his help, but he would not listen. He might die…again, but he would go down with his pride.

"Why do I care?" he spat, not looking at his fellow Saiya-jin. King Yemma had sent him back to kill Buu. This was his fight.

"Wake up!" Kakarrot shouted angrily. Vegeta finally faced him. How dare this soldier speak to him like that! "Majin Buu's eaten everyone we care about!"


"Everyone is gone!"

No, that couldn't be…

"Even Bulma!"

Something like a sledgehammer slammed into Vegeta's chest, making him gasp in actual pain. Bulma…his woman…his wife. It couldn't be! He searched Kakarrot's eyes for any shred of untruth. He found none.

As soon as it came, the shock ended. It was replaced by the most gut-wrenching rage the prince had ever felt. His eyes began to burn and he turned away from his rival. He'd never felt anything like this. He felt… helpless… childlike… He wanted to sob. He wanted to fight. He wanted to scream! He wanted to shake the very sky with his wrath! He wanted Bulma back!

"They've become part of Buu! They can't even DIE!"

Kakarrot talked on, but Vegeta had stopped listening. His sacrifice was now doubly in vain. He couldn't stop that monster, and he couldn't protect his mate. His fists tightened against the pain he felt. He couldn't believe how low he'd sunk. Not just as a Saiya-jin, but as a person. He had accepted power from an enemy, destroyed himself in battle, and because of that, he failed Bulma. His mate, his love. Yes, he had always loved her, but he never told her. She never knew and now it was too late.

Or was it? Perhaps the Dragonballs were still intact. There was still a faint ray of hope, but the cloud hovering over it stood on a mountain far away, poised for attack. He had to be stopped before he destroyed their last chance of reviving their loved ones.

Vegeta knew there was only one way to do that. He got to his feet and faced Kakarrot. His rival flinched at his sudden movement.

"Kakarrot…" he began, trying to rein the absolute rage trembling in him, "How do you know this fusion will be enough to stop him?"

"I don't know for sure! But I know it's the best chance we have at saving the Earth!"

Damn the planet. All he wanted was his family. The words were on his tongue, but a sudden leap in power made him gasp.

"You two have lived long enough! YAAAHHHRRR!" Buu was coming. He could see the glitter of a ki ball as he roared towards them.

Now or never!

"Here! Give it to me!"


The scenery blurred and they found themselves on a lush, untouched planet. Vegeta grunted as he landed flat on his back. A moment later, he scrambled to his feet and glanced around confused. Seconds ago, they had been flying top speed away from a huge ki sphere. He could still feel the heat of it on the soles of his feet. Now where were they? Perfect landscape all around, multiple glowing moons in the sky…No way they would've all made it to Heaven.

"Yes! Superb! You're still alive!"

Vegeta glanced over his shoulder. Nope. He and the old Kai over there were the only one's with halos. He heard an impact as Kakarrot slammed his fists into the ground.

"Gohan, Goten and Trunks! I-I let all of them down…"

What? Trunks? WHAT? Vegeta scanned around frantically. Where was Trunks? Where was his son?!

"Where…where am I?" He looked down. Lying on his stomach was that noisy braggart Hercule Sataan. What was he doing here? "Oh. I died, didn't I?"

Then he remembered. Kakarrot hadn't picked up the boys! He'd passed them by to grab Dende and this idiot! Growling, shaking all over with anger, Vegeta approached Kakarrot. His rival knelt in the grass in shock. Pathetic.

"And what do we have here?" he asked bitterly. The tall Saiya-jin did not look up. The insolence! This poor excuse for a warrior had cost him his son, and now he dared not face his prince?! Enraged, Vegeta grabbed the front of Kakarrot's gi and hauled him up to acknowledge him. "IDIOT! How could you? You save the Namek boy and that big oaf instead of your own sons?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!"

Kakarrot stared at him wide-eyed for a moment and looked away, ashamed. Vegeta thought of moving his hands up a few inches and choking him he was so furious.

"Vegeta…" the young Namekian whispered, causing him to glance away from Kakarrot. "Sorry…"

Memories of Bulma and Trunks filled Vegeta's mind and he growled, tossing Kakarrot aside. He turned away, not chancing anyone seeing his eyes filling with tears.

"I can't believe that maniac blew up the Earth!"

The Earth…his home…Vegeta cringed as pain raged though his body. He truly had nothing now. He'd lost his life, his beautiful wife, and his strong little son. Everything was gone now, including the Dragonballs. There was only one thing left for the Saiya-jin prince. Revenge.


And Vegeta had gotten his revenge. Where the monster had bested him physically, the prince had crushed him strategically. Everything had gone just as he wanted. The evil Buu was dead, everything was back to normal, and they could finally live the rest of their lives.

"Well guys, let's go home!" Gokou smiled, scooping Chi-Chi into his arms. She squealed with laughter and threw her arms around his neck. He laughed with her and took off into the air with his sons following close behind grinning. Vegeta shook his head. That family was just too happy. But then again, he knew why. He too had always had a reason for happiness. Everything he held dear was with him now. So now, what would he do about it?

"Come onna, brat. Let's get out of here," he said, Bulma stood and turned to him, a frown on her face. It disappeared when she saw the smile on his face.

"Great! How’s about we get some lunch? My treat?" she offered. She knew the appetites of her Saiya-jins. Vegeta shook his head, which surprised her.

"Later. Right now, I just want to go home," he answered softly, and took her hand in his.

Bulma's eyes widened as she looked at their joined hands. Vegeta had never initiated a touch like that in public. She looked deeply into his eyes and saw a new shine in their black, endless depths. Without a word, he picked her up, cradling her as gently as if she were glass.

"Come on Trunks!" He called before blasting off. He heard his son's voice answer him and the rush of energy as he followed them through the sky. They flew for miles over the restored land and cities. It was beautiful, as if he was seeing it all for the very first time. His sharp eyes spotted the yellow and blue dome of the Capsule Corp. building. Home at last. Trunks landed first and threw the door open.

"Grandma, Grandpa, we're home!" He called excitedly and Bulma laughed. Vegeta's heart skipped a beat. Such a beautiful laugh. He stopped about a foot off the ground, not ready to land yet. He didn't want to go inside yet. He couldn't let go of Bulma, not when he'd just gotten her back. He didn't want to live another second of his life before he made amends with the pain and confusion he knew he'd caused over the years. But he couldn't do that here. He wanted neutral ground, somewhere fresh…

"Dad, you coming?" asked Trunks.

"Not just yet son. We'll be there soon." Vegeta said, tightening his hold on Bulma a little. She turned her eyes on him, cocking her head to the side as she tried to read him.

"Are you sure Dad? Grandma and Grandpa will miss seeing you."

"Don't question me brat. Just go in," his father answered sternly.

"Uh, right. See ya later Mom," he said before running inside to hug his grandparents.

"What's going on?" Bulma asked. Her blue eyes searched his for an answer, but he only smiled at her curiosity. "Vegeta?"

He didn't answer her, but shifted her in his arms so he remained behind her, his arms around her waist. He frowned a bit when he smelled a hint of fear on her.

"Don't be afraid onna," he whispered, nuzzling his nose into her short turquoise hair. She sighed and leaned against him, placing her hands over his on her stomach. Soon he smelled no more fear and only her: clean and new. They rose steadily into the air and Bulma tightened her arms over his.

"Where are we going?" she asked. The Saiya-jin Prince smirked.

"Can’t tell," he answered and streaked away towards the horizon.


Where is Vegeta taking Bulma? What is he going to do there? Rating will go WAY up in the next chapter, so take care, and ENJOY! And please review too!