Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ With You I'm Born Again ❯ There is No Weakness ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DM: (Zombie-like) Must obey reviewers…must update…must start rest of story now…okay I'm done. There is a VERY sexually intimate scene in this chapter; we're talking R/NC-17, (NOT raunchy!) So if that offends you, so sorry. And don't let me hear about OOCness, Vegeta's a smart guy y'know.

Disc: Second verse, same as the first.

Flashback Text


With You I'm Born Again

Chapter Two: There is No Weakness


Bulma yelped at their sudden burst of speed. He held her beneath him as they flew horizontally over the land. The sight of everything so far below her made her gasp and shut her eyes. She gripped Vegeta's arms harder, kicking her legs in the expanse of air. "Vegeta! We're going way too fast!"

"Please onna. This is nothing."

"Vegeta please! Where are you taking me?"

He frowned and slowed their flight down. Again he smelled fear on her and he didn't like it; it interfered with her scent. "Why are you still afraid?" he whispered in her ear, his voice gentle but tinted with mild annoyance. "I will not let you fall onna." With that statement, he pulled her body closer to his. Bulma took comfort in his words and the feel of his strong body behind her and finally relaxed.

"I know," she whispered.

"Eyes open now. Look where we are."

Bulma was surprised; she didn’t even know she hadn’t opened them yet. Cautiously, she cracked an eye open. The sight before her made them fly open in amazement. Far below them was a vast, blue ocean. The bright sun cast a net of diamonds over its shifting waves. As she pulled in an awed breath, she could smell the warm salty air all around them. She saw the darting fish beneath the surface and the wavering shapes of rocks and sandbars. “Wow…”

A large finned shape rose lazily towards the watery ceiling, sending tiny silver fish leaping into the air. Slowly, the creature's barnacle-speckled back broke through the waves and sent up a misty white spray. It pushed itself up with a strange song-like moan, twisting in the air, one huge black fin flipping salty water towards the sky. With a crash, it disappeared beneath the cerulean waters. Bulma heard Vegeta take in a deep breath and he lowered his lips to her ear.

"What was that?" he asked. She shivered as his warm breath caressed her ear.

"A whale. A humpbacked whale," she answered him breathlessly, amazed by what she'd seen. And by what she now felt.

"Remarkable," he murmured into her hair. Vegeta spoke of the whale, and of the beautiful creature in his arms. He'd spent too much time with himself to notice the world he never really lived in, or to notice Bulma. She was so perfect, so good to him, and he felt a twinge of shame at how shabbily he'd often treated her. He would not make the same mistake again. "Here we go."

Before she could ask what he meant, they dove towards the ocean. Bulma screamed, this time from excitement rather than fear. Their speed pulled tears from their eyes as the sparkling water rushed up to meet them. At the last second, Vegeta leveled them off and raced two feet above the water. Bulma gasped as she looked around her. There was no land in sight, just miles and miles of blue. Adrenaline rushed through her and she stretched her arms out to her sides, laughing aloud. Little fish began jumping out, trying to keep up with them. If Bulma ever wondered how it felt to fly, she had her answer.

Vegeta chuckled and changed direction, flying straight up. Her body was wonderful in his arms and he felt a joy welling up inside him that he'd never felt before. Not even when he attained his destiny as a Super Saiya-jin. Tears ran free from his eyes, speed this time having nothing to do with them. Without warning, he began laughing with her and in rapture, tossed her high into the air.

She screamed with delight, somewhat oblivious to falling through space a thousand feet up. He flew beneath her and caught her effortlessly in his arms. He cradled her close in midair, feeling her soft body tremble with quiet, excited laughter. He buried his nose into her soft hair, drawing in her lovely scent. Oh his beautiful, amazing Bulma. He'd missed her so much.

"Amazing," he said smiling, shifting their position so they stood embracing in the midst of the clouds. "All that and not a bit of fear." His hands ran up and down her spine, urging her closer to him. She snuggled her head into the juncture of his shoulder and sighed, her laughter finally calming down.

"Aren't I just full of surprises?" she giggled, squeezing him tighter.

"You'll find the same is true of me onna," he grinned as he flew them low over the water again, her back to the waves. She looped her arms around his neck; her eyes blue and sparkling like the sea.

"Where are we going?" she asked, excited again.

"Doesn't matter, as long as I have you."

All of her excitement suddenly disappeared, replaced by complete shock. Vegeta had never spoken so candidly to her, even in their most intimate moments. He smiled at her thunder-stricken expression. Then his face grew very solemn and he pulled her a little closer to him.

"I want to tell you…I’m sorry for any and all pain I’ve caused you.”

She shook her head. “You didn’t…”

“I did. After we became mates, I treated you as if you didn’t really matter to me. I was afraid of appearing weak to you. And in doing that I failed you. I know that now.”

“No, no, never,” Bulma shook her head, feeling tears well up in her eyes. “You’ve never been a failure. You saved us.”

Vegeta laid a kiss on her lips, lightly and softly. He drew back and shook his head. “No onna, you did. I spent two days with the mindset that I would never see you again. I lost you. I lost our son. Our home was obliterated. I had nothing. I was nothing. You were the reason I fought alongside that baka Kakarrot, the reason I was restored to life. Without your love, I would still be among the ranks of evil. You were truly the savior, for me and the planet."


"People of the Earth…please. I beg of you. You have to listen to me. Please, we're running out of time." A tear slid down the Saiya-jin prince's cheek. He knew Bulma and Trunks were alive again, but if no one came through soon…"Raise your hands! Do it, before it's too late! Don't let Majin Buu destroy you and your children! PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM WIN!"


Bulma remembered hearing his scream of desperation, remembered how her heart ached for him at that moment. She was so proud of her prince. And now she knew he'd done it for her, for Trunks… Her blue eyes became liquid with tears and she opened her mouth to speak. He placed his fingertips over her lips and shook his head, glancing around. Following his eyes, Bulma gazed in amazement at the beauty around her.

As he'd spoken, he'd somehow taken them into a lush jungle. The sounds of birds and animals chorused around them, their movements rustling the trees, sending leaves fluttering to the forest floor. Flowers covered the green around them with splashes of fragrant color. The fresh, moist air clung to their skin, making the atmosphere heady and warm. She looked up at him again, her eyes shimmering.

"Vegeta…this is incredible. How did you…where are we?" she asked, still taking in the passion of his speech.

"As I said before," he replied, "it does not matter. You're alive; you're with me, that's all I need. I should have done this a long time ago," he admitted, lowering her onto the soft, sweet earth. "And I will not wait until I lose you again to do it." Leaning his forehead against hers, he settled gently atop her. Fathomless passion burned in his eyes and kindled a fire in hers. "I love you Bulma Briefs."

Bulma's eyes opened to the fullest as her heart stopped. He said it. He said it! He loved her! Her tears finally spilled onto her burning cheeks. Vegeta captured her faced in his strong hands and began kissing away the salty trails. She sobbed in complete joy and wrapped her arms around her prince.

One hand left her face and gently caressed her body through her dress. She hummed at the feeling, goose bumps rising on her arms. He leaned down and kissed her earlobe, suckling it gently. His hardness pressed against her stomach and she combed her fingers through his thick spiky hair. Her joy instantly gave way to the most powerful need for him that she'd ever felt. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, watching them darken to a midnight color. He swept his hand up her supple body, making her arch up to him. Her nipples hardened beneath her dress and he ran his thumb over one of them. She moaned in helpless lust and the primal sound tightened his erection further.

"I love you," he purred, kissing her deeply. Their tongues battled for supremacy, her fingers tangling recklessly into his stiff hair as she writhed beneath him. He broke their kiss and nuzzled her cheek with sudden tenderness, "and I'm going to make love to you in a way you've never known. As a king makes love to his queen..."

So sensual, so powerful, Bulma could hardly stand the lust enflaming her blood as he stroked her body. "Vegetaaa…" she crooned, raking her nails down his neck. The sensation caused him to growl, and he descended on her lips again. Their duel was short and intense as he came away and sprinkled her face with kisses. Gently, he untied the yellow scarf from her perfect throat. He let it trail across her face and laid it aside. Peeling his gloves off with his teeth, he let his fingers enjoy the same privilege, tracing every soft curve and detail of her exquisite face.

"So beautiful…" he groaned raggedly. His fingers trailed down her graceful neck and circled the mark of their union. He reveled in the memory of his teeth sinking through her soft flesh, binding them forever as mates. It adorned her skin like a jewel. Finally, he came down on it, sucking it firmly. Sensations like sparks of fire shot through her and she cried out.

Her cry seized his desire for her and he reached down quickly to pull off her dress. He watched her body appear from beneath the red cloth, exposing her blue panties, her naked breasts, finally pulling it over her head, tousling her crown of blue hair. His knees trembled under him and he nearly collapsed atop her. Grasping her hips gently, he bent his head and took the silk cloth covering the nest of curls he loved so well. Tantalizingly, he pulled them off her, grinning as her legs trembled with anticipation. Discarding the panties, he returned to the glorious beauty before him, hidden beneath the patch of navy curls. Drawing in a deep breath, he took in the scent of her arousal, letting it make him light-headed. She was breathing sharply and shakily, her fingers digging through her hair in rapture. He dipped his tongue into the creamy folds, feeling her entire body stiffen in his hands. The taste of her was nearly enough to break his dangerously thin control. He trailed his tongue upward through the wiry hair, pausing briefly to adore her navel, circling it lazily around her breasts, stopping to suckle each nipple lovingly. Finally, the glory of her body made him growl and plunge both hands into her silky hair, pressing his lips to hers in a feral kiss.

She returned his passion, biting his lip sharply. Tasting blood, the Saiya-jin bond within her reared up to its peak and she took his training gi in both hands, tearing it nearly in half. Her nails ripped his skin in the process, eliciting a hiss of excitement from her mate. He broke the kiss and stood, hastily disrobing. His boots landed atop the ruined gi and she gazed at him. He stood there, naked and glorious. Her black-blue eyes swept all over him wildly and she drew in a full breath.

"Get back down here," she ordered and he descended on her, crushing his body into hers. His erection brushed her hot, wet opening. The lovely, creamy moisture the greeted his flesh made his raw instinct break free and he pinched one of her tight pink nipples tightly. She squealed and bucked her pelvis up against his. Feeling her softness move against him again, his need became unbearable and he entered her with one firm thrust.

Her scream echoed into the jungle canopy, frightening birds from the branches. Vegeta shuddered violently, feeling lightning shoot through every nerve in his body. Every move he made caused ripples of sensation in both of their bodies as he lowered himself onto her quivering body. He had to bring himself under some control or risk seriously injuring her. Besides, he was nearly blacking out from the intense pleasure she was causing him. He held her tightly as she adjusted to his size within her. She was shaking, almost sobbing his name in a velvety voice.

After a few moments, his vision cleared and he raised his head to look at her. Her eyes were gently closed, graceful navy lashes resting on her rosy cheeks, eyebrows raised serenely on her forehead. Leaning in, he laid a kiss on each closed lid. She lifted them just as he pulled away, her soft lashes brushing his lips. The barely there touch made him pull in an awed breath as he found himself drowning in her eyes of ocean-blue.

"My Kami…" he murmured and began pulling out slowly. Bulma pulled in a long, languid breath, tasting the hot tropical air, digging her hands into the moist earth. He stopped just short of fully coming out and thrust in again, nearly purring all the while. She cried out at the unbelievable pleasure.

"Ohhh… again," she groaned, burying her fingers in his thick hair. Vegeta smiled and complied, slowly out, prolonging every moment he could before pushing inside with incredible power. This time he too groaned loudly.

"You're amazing," he gasped as he pulled back for another thrust. She writhed and clawed beneath him, demanding more from him. He positioned himself again. "Dear Kami…Bulma…"

"Again…Vegeta…yes! Ohh…" she moaned as the movements he made began picking up speed and power. She couldn't believe the way this felt. Every ripple of hard flesh, every throbbing vein slid along her hot inner satin. The hot, moist skin of his chest was gliding against her breasts. The sensation tightened her nipples, making them throb. His hot breath caressed her flesh. If this was what it was to make love to a king… She wrapped her legs around his waist and rocked herself against him. His black eyes rolled back as his lids fluttered closed. A low growl rumbled through his chest, vibrating into her breasts. Sweat poured from his body to her, from hers to the earth. They moved together in ancient harmony, their cries pouring through the jungle, alerting all nature to their union.

Bulma's nails dug into Vegeta's hard back and she began gasping his name loudly, alerting her to the start of her coming. He acknowledged her need and tilted her neck to the side, fully exposing their mating mark. He could see the pounding blue vein beneath the rosy blossom on her throat. Slowly, almost too teasingly, he circled it with his tongue. Her heels dug into his sides and she whimpered helplessly, clawing the sweat soaked hair away from his neck. There before her was the mark she had made years ago, still as distinct as ever. He shrugged his shoulder towards her lips and she let them cling to it, drawing an incredible growl from her mate, telling her how his own was upon him. Almost at the same time, they bit into the other's mark of union, creating an unbearable wave of nearly painful pleasure that slammed through their systems. Bulma laid her head on the earth; a scream exiting her stained lips as her climax squeezed her prince tightly within her.

The contraction made Vegeta rear back and roar her name loudly, letting his royal seed empty into her. She lay beneath him, convulsing mightily, her nails still tearing his skin. As each wave of euphoria passed, their heartbeats began to slow into the same rhythm. Vegeta laid his dark head on her breast, feeling her heart pulse against his cheek. Bulma placed kiss after kiss into his hair, blindly combing her fingers through it.

At last after many moments of just existing in their union, Vegeta removed his weight from her and propped himself on one elbow. Bulma's hands fell limply from his hair to rest on her own body. His black eyes swept up and down her exhausted body. Her porcelain skin was wet and glistening with sweat, her soft breasts moving gently with her breathing.

"Incredible," he murmured, watching her trail her fingertips against her soaked skin. Vegeta smiled and brushed one powerful hand against her cheek. She smiled and opened her eyes sleepily. He could've wept at how happy he was at this moment; happiness she alone could give him. He noticed the liquid blue of her eyes and caught a rampant tear on his fingertip. "Are you in any pain?" he asked, cupping her cheek in his hand.

"A little but…oh Kami Vegeta. You are…that was…amazing. I love you my Saiya-jin king." As she finished, she brought her hand to his face and pulled him down for a kiss. There was no urgent passion in this kiss; just the purest, richest love two souls could share. Their lips molded together, becoming one, just as their bodies had done moments before.

Vegeta pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "And I love you, my Chikyuu-jin onna." She giggled at the use of his constant name for her. "My queen," he whispered, making her shiver a little. Though she said she was in no pain, he saw a small trickle of blood dripping from where he'd bitten her. Bending near her, he began lapping at it, gently so as not to arouse her now. She hummed tranquilly at the soft pressure of his tongue, marveling at his ability to stir her desire and now to lovingly relax her.

"I love you Vegeta," she murmured as she began to feel irresistibly sleepy. He stopped and looked deeply into her blue eyes, seeing them grow dim with tiredness. Nodding, he gently sat her up, slipping her dress over her. Quickly, he pulled his torn gi on and went to her. He bent and scooped her up in his arms, cradling her close to his heart. Her head leaned into his chest as they rose from the ground.

"Go to sleep Bulma. Know that I love you too. Sleep," he crooned, influencing their bond to finally coax her to sleep. Her body relaxed in his arms and he pressed a kiss into her hair. "We'll be home soon."


Soon, Vegeta touched down at Capsule Corp, Bulma still sleeping soundly. He shifted her into one arm and reached for the door, stopping immediately when he heard voices inside. Lots of voices and familiar ones too. He scowled. Kakarrot was there; he could hear his boisterous laughter. And if he was there, so were his screechy mate and their assortment of friends. The last thing he wanted was to face them after the time he'd just had with his wife.

Thinking quickly, he remembered Bulma always kept her balcony door open. He cradled her in both arms again and flew around to the high balcony outside her room. Pushing it open with his foot, he entered her room and listened to the proximity of the voices. No, they were all downstairs. They wouldn't disturb them.

They wouldn't dare, Vegeta thought with a smirk. Crossing to the large bed, he laid his sleeping, tousled queen on the cool sheets. She murmured and shifted into the mattress, and looking at her that way made the Saiya-jin prince realize his own tiredness. He flipped the light-switch off and locked the bedroom door. Climbing into the bed, he draped his arm over her body and placed his head into the curve of her shoulder. She smelled like fresh earth, clean sweat, and love. The Saiya-jin prince might never admit it, but he could smell love.

Bulma hummed and scooted backward against him, sinking further into her dream. Before Vegeta joined her in sleep, he gave a wicked thought to the shower for two he planned to have when they awoke.

"Vegeta! Bulma!"

Almost at the same time, the pair awoke, sitting bolt upright in bed. Vegeta smacked his head on the headboard and growled in pain.

"Who's 'at! Bulma yelped, clutching the covers to her chest. Then she realized she wasn't naked and dropped them.

"It's me Gokou! I felt your ki up here and I came up to get you!"

Vegeta's fists clenched the bedclothes as he tried to reign in his anger. "Well, did you give any though to what we might've been DOING in here Kakarrot!" He growled through his teeth. He heard Kakarrot chuckle sheepishly and could almost see the silly fool scratch the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah. Whoops. Uh sorry." Bulma rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head at her friend's innocent blunder. "So, uhh, what were you guys doing?"

"Son-kun!" Bulma gasped, now sharing Vegeta's frustration. "What kinda question is that? We'll be down later!"

"Yikes! Sorry! Right!" He said, and Vegeta smiled hearing his retreating footsteps. He knew he wouldn't want to incur the wrath of his onna.

"Geez, what a goof," Bulma grumbled, stretching lazily. Vegeta watched her lithe form and felt his desire stirring. He wrapped his arms around her waist and began kissing the back of her neck. She stopped stretching and grew limp against him as he kissed her.

"So, onna, how much later are we talking?" he purred in her ear. She giggled as his breath tickled her and turned so he could see her eyes. He grinned wickedly at the very familiar flame within the blueness.

"Long enough for us to shower," she answered, winking a blue eye at him. She stood and led him by the hand from the bed to her private bathroom.

"Could be a very long time then," he said seductively as he slyly shut the door.


"Where the heck are they? Gokou I thought you said you went to get them," Chi-Chi fussed. Her husband shrugged, half of a smile on his face.

"Well, they sounded like they were uh, in the middle…I mean uh, I was probably interrupting…"

"Please Gokou," Yamcha moaned. "That's about all we really need to know."

Everyone in the living room nodded and murmured assent.

"Right, sorry guys."

"You should be Kakarrot."

Everyone jumped in his or her seat at the sudden sound of Vegeta's voice. Their heads turned to see the pair walking leisurely down the hall, hand in hand. Bulma's short hair was slightly damp and though he tried to hide it, Vegeta was glowing. A collective blush appeared on everyone's face with the realization of what had taken the couple so long.

"Geez Vegeta!" Krillin laughed, getting over his initial embarrassment. "You gotta stop making your voice come from out of nowhere!"

The Saiya-jin prince smirked in his usual way. "Why? It frightens bakas like you just perfectly." Bulma leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Piccolo, sitting alone in the corner, blushed a little through his green skin. "Really?" Vegeta smiled wryly. "Well, I'll put it to good use later." The Namekian harrumphed as his blush deepened. Damn sensitive hearing.

The two of them finally sat down on the sofa and Bulma fell into the conversation. Vegeta just sat back listening as Kakarrot retold their tale of victory. He smiled in satisfaction, not just over his brilliant spirit bomb strategy, but also over the stunning woman who sat next to him. She laughed merrily as the taller Saiya-jin tried to inject a little humor into quite possibly the most incredible battle in the history of the universe.

Suddenly, Vegeta's black eyes glittered and he leaned over to whisper into Bulma's ear.

"Aw, look! Vegeta's talkin' mushy talk!" Gokou crowed, eliciting chuckles from around the room. They died off when they saw sudden rage blaze on Bulma's face.

"SON-KUN!" She screeched, jumping to her feet. Gokou shrank in his seat, raising his hands to his face.

"What'd I do?" he squeaked. Vegeta leered at him.

"You set me up to KISS some purple Muten-Roshi from outer space!" She accused, absolutely livid. Gokou's face went white as a sheet, he leapt out of his chair, and the blue-haired woman dove for him.

"HELP! No! You don't understand! It was so he could train Gohan!" He explained as she chased him outside. Everyone went after them, spectators in this sudden turn of events. Predator and Prey ran all over the yard, Bulma's hands stretched out, trying to catch him, Gokou obviously too scared to remember he could fly away.

"Teach you to make a PRIZE outta me! GET BACK HERE!" She yelled, making Vegeta smile with malicious glee. He suddenly began to laugh wildly in his signature style.

Damn I love this crazy onna! He thought joyfully, as he watched his lover chase his rival across the spacious land of their home.


YAY! Another story done! Yeah, I know it's only a two-parter, but it panned out well and I am ETERNALLY grateful for your reviews! They keep me on my toes, and give me hope that people like what I write. So, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU all you crazy reviewers!