Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Within You ❯ Bolted From Within ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vegeta listened half heartedly as Bulma once again spewed and spouted various complaints toward the dominant Saiyan male, spending the most of his attention looking over the absence of clouds in the sun filled sky. The sun was turning the temperature up outside and as a result, Vegeta's temper was quicker to rise and he was easily irritated.

He was about to grumble about how not every bandit can be easily dealt with by a little bit of flirting, as was the case with the cowardly Yamcha, when he noticed Bulma lose her footing against the plateau side. Her initial resistance was futile and she was unable to regain her former hold, now beginning to fall away from the craggy wall when Vegeta stepped in.

With his sharp instincts and quick speed, the Prince thrust out both white gloved hands to catch a hold of the genius inventor by her delicate wrists. In one fluid motion, he dragged the woman up and hoisted her over his left shoulder at the waistline, allowing her the view of the world set behind him as he slowly descended.

There was still a long distance between where she started to fall and the earth below, and had Vegeta not been there to rectify her poor judgment, she could have easily suffered a few broken bones—if she was lucky.

“If you weren't such a loudmouth, maybe you would have been able to handle that climb,”
He arrogantly slewed just before he touched down to the dusted and cracked ground. After a moment, he took a hold of Bulma and planted her securely before taking a few steps away from her.

Vegeta clapped his hands together a few times to clear the accumulated climbing sediment transferred onto them from Bulma's dirty clothes. Once done, he put his hands on his hips and looked over the area, surveying for the presence he continued to feel—ignoring the damaged woman currently.

“What a pain in the ass,” he muttered silently.
The human woman had her eyes squeezed shut, waiting for the inevitable crushing pain and readying herself to let loose an ear-splitting scream when she felt Vegeta grab her wrists. Her eyes flew open in shock, as she had just about convinced herself that he would have let her fall. Probably to teach her a lesson or something. But he hadn't. She frowned at this confusing turn of events, but had no time to muse on it, as she was unceremoniously hoisted onto the Saiyan's shoulder. She let out a little yelp of surprise, and was going to shout at him, but the view of the dizzying height stopped her in her tracks. Her entire body was shaking as they descended, and to her embarrassment she found herself clinging to Vegeta's training uniform.
Bulma was still in shock when they finally landed, and surprisingly didn't retaliate when Vegeta insulted her. She turned and looked up the mountain, the cave looked so far away, and she had only been a little way under it when she had slipped.

“Thank you.”

Her words were quiet and mumbled, but it would have been no problem for Vegeta's Saiyan hearing to pick up. Dusting herself off, Bulma winced as she noticed the tips of her fingers which were all torn and bloody. One hand was missing two nails whilst the others were all cracked and broken. She groaned and leant up against the craggy rock, staring in dismay at her ruined hands.

“I had just gotten a manicure as well. It will be forever before I get a chance to get another one done! This is horrible. And my home manicure kit is back in the trashed Capsule house, along with the first aid kit!”

She gritted her teeth in frustration before sighing and striding off in no particular direction.

“Well, I'm not going to find that house again just standing here; I'd better get a move on.”
He stood silently in a thought filled reflection. He was supposed to be out here catching up on his training and increasing his strength, instead it felt like he was babysitting. Yet, it felt like some minor, insignificant portion of him wasn't bothered too much over it. The Saiyan scowled and felt a tiny bit of disgust over that momentary lapse of weakness but shook it off and vowed to resume what he came here to do.

With his back still turned to Bulma, he extended his arm and pointed in the direction of the destroyed Capsule house she was talking about, which he had seen on his original flight over to the plateau the night before. He ignored her blessings of thankfulness being that he was unable to relate to such a concept and remained silent as she began to depart.

Vegeta turned to the opposite direction of Bulma and spied a series of plateaus he could work with for strength and agility training. He turned his head slowly to the side and relished in the pop that sounded along with it, loosening the tense state his body currently was in before setting off.

As he walked, he closed his eyes to the sun and the world and sunk into his driving thoughts, queuing up a moment by moment playbook of what he needed to accomplish in the Wastelands before he could return to the city and feel like he satisfied his training requirements.

In the back of his mind he could hear a piercing voice nagging on him that sounded much akin to Bulma's, which he wanted to delve into and silence with a measurable display of brute force. The conscience that came along with being a savior of innocents was annoying, yet it was better than serving as a boy scout to a fiendish weasel like Frieza.
When she saw Vegeta point in the opposite direction of where she had began walking, she grumbled a little and did an abrupt turn and walked past the Saiyan with her head held high.

“Goodbye Vegeta, I can handle things from here.”

She waved dismissively, gathering what was left of her dignity; she walked away from the Saiyan without once looking back. Despite her dishevelled appearance, she carried herself like a Queen, walking through the Wastelands as a Royal may walk through their rose gardens. She felt flustered and angry with herself and Vegeta. The genius inventor felt a little safer knowing that the Saiyan Prince was in the Wastelands, but at the same time she hated it. How was she going to learn how to do things by herself if there was always someone there to catch her when she fell? All her life she had never wanted for anything, and along with that, she was sheltered and spoiled. Bulma didn't really know how to survive in the real world. She hid behind her wealth and her father's company. Because of this, many did not see her as a person in her own right. She was the pretty Daddy's Girl, the inventor, the spoiled rich princess.
Once Vegeta was out of Bulma's sight around the side of a nearby plateau, he quickly leapt into the air blasted off into a quick flight. It was time he paid a visit to the unknown power level he continually noticed on his scouter and see exactly what it was up to. He equipped the device in the midst of flying and dialled it down to focus on the surprisingly close signature, which he now realized had a clear view of the plateau cave he just recently left.

It was only a matter of moments before he was levitating down from the air, soundlessly approaching whom he identified as a fiery haired male still spying down on the scene that previously unfolded.

Vegeta quietly adjusted his gloves, pulling them tight along the lengths of his fingers before he clenched his hands into solid fists. He hovered forward until he was but a few inches from the man's back and swiftly lifted his booted foot and placed it along the unidentified stalker's spine.

“Don't move or I'll snap you in two, fool,”
The mighty Saiyan was positive he could put his boot through the man's back before he had the chance to evade. Judging by the reading currently flashing on his scouter, he could make short work of him without even breaking a single drop of sweat. It was in the red haired man's best interest to listen to the short-tempered fighter.

“Not many people enjoy being spied on. Especially when they know you are there.”
He continued on saying as he applied a greater amount of pressure with his strong, flexed leg. Vegeta watched Bulma as she walked away from the area without knowing about his current activities, grinning faintly as he looked back down to his prey.

“I suggest you start talking.”