Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Within You ❯ Every Drop of Flame ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As the pair started to part ways he set into his mind that perhaps he should just continue on his way once again. The blue haired woman had taken off and now the spiky haired male was disappearing into the sky. His guard dropped for only a moment as he sighed, thinking of maybe getting something to eat. It was not a bad idea after all. His eyes closing partially at the thought of some fresh meat, or even fruits.

Then there came that mental pull, screaming a warning through his day dreaming and telling him he needed to move. But it was far too late. His bright emerald eyes shot open as something pressed harshly into his back. He grumbled to himself about being an idiot before slowly sticking his hands up to show he meant no harm

His voice came confidently, sure of his own honesty in his actions.
"There is not much to be said, warrior. I only came here in search of whoever owned the destroyed house. I had intended to offer help when I heard the screams this time yesterday. I believe your blue haired companion was the source of the distress."
He staggered forward a little as the Saiyan's foot pressed further into his back.

"I did not come to spy, I sensed your strength and was not sure if I should reveal myself yet. Though obviously I was already noticed."
If he had seen the man coming at least he could have tried to fight, but in such a compromising position he was very much at his mercy.
"I gathered a container of capsules I planned on returning to her, but if you would rather do so in my stead, then that is fine with me!"
He turned his head only slightly to look upon his assaulter. He must use a whole lot of gel to keep his hair like that. And what is that outfit he was wearing? Seemed like something out of a scifi movie. Though the smile was at the edge of his lips, he refrained from insulting the man. Being in two halves really didn't seem very good for his personal health.
Vegeta appeared stern in the man's eyes after he had panned around slightly to catch a look of the bold Saiyan who pinned him in place. The reality of the situation was that he truly didn't care to hear the red haired spy's reasoning. Whether or not he was telling the truth wasn't any consequence to the Prince, who appeared to only want his dominance to be known and for this unknown character to know that there was an eye aware of his actions.

After a moment of contemplation, he pressed slightly harder upon the long haired man's back and forced his face closer to the ground.
"Give me the capsules,"
He barked out the order, poising his leg in a manner that would allow the man to retrieve the hidden items and toss them back to the Prince. The question dealing with Bulma went without a response.

"I should just deal with you right now."
The golden tip of his boot dug in between the compromised man's shoulder blades, angling into a position that would easily allow Vegeta to completely grind the stranger into the rocks with little resistance. For a time, the Prince's weary mind actually contemplated and envisioned crushing the last breath from the lurking man's lungs—a throwback to the path he used to walk before his time spent on Earth.

He wasn't going to lie, the thought wasn't absolutely unappealing. However, the desire to shed the planet of life came from an entirely different place of reasoning. His unsettling rage wasn't derived from the pleasure of sated bloodlust and worthiness of strength he previously strived for, but seemed to be considered some twisted sense of valiant protection.

Vegeta shook his head and scowled deeply. He needed to get away from everyone. All this unnecessary interaction with people was disturbing the troubled serenity he received from his intentional solitude.

However, in his distraction, he loosened up the strain he was putting on Serigon's back.

"If you value your life, you will hurry."
His body ached with that pressure keeping him pinned, labouring more and more for breath until the Saiyan let his foot up some to allow him a small amount of movement.
"As you wish, I did not mean to cause any trouble."
The man was indeed very angry at what seemed to be the entire world. Of course he could have just been on a defensive rant. He searched into his pocket for but a moment, taking hold of the metal container.

Pulling it from his pocket he held it back over his head towards the spiky haired man.
"I also found her car, and decided to load it in there as well."
Once it was taken he lay his hand back down, awaiting to see if his end had truly come. No, not today. As the man's distraction came with taking the capsules he rolled, tossing the man's foot from him. His palms struck the ground hard, allowing him to vault into the air, floating there as he peered to the other man, making no movement to attack.

Yes the man was stronger than he, and perhaps even faster, but he could not just lay there underneath him like some dog waiting to be kicked
. "I do hope you will be able to return them to her, if you find the time. I know not if I offended you or your friend, I merely meant to offer aid. Not to pick a fight with someone obviously stronger than me."
He brushed his hands over his broad chest, relieving his clothes of the dirt and dust which had accumulated there. He never once took his eyes off the one whom was so quick to show his superiority.
Vegeta looked at the case with steeled eyes and deemed the contents irrelevant, and so, tightened his grip on the capsules until the reinforced container buckled under his might and was crushed into a compact ball of scrap metal.
The two men now stood face to face and Vegeta stared the red haired man down, looking quite the rugged threat with severely dirt caked training clothes and restless, black lines underneath his focused eyes.

“She is nothing but an annoying, privileged, loud mouthed brat. Don't insinuate she is my friend,”
The Saiyan sneered, the lengths of his voice deep with frustration. His head was already a mess as it was, he didn't need the assistance of random fools putting thoughts into the clustered fray.

His closed hand opened wide and let the collapsed capsule container fall carelessly to the craggy earth before turning his back to the unknown man and pacing away.

“You can take what is left of them to her yourself. I'm no one's errand boy.”

He approached the edge of the rocky terrain they occupied and then suddenly blasted into the sky, carried by an explosion of energy into a blaze of flight. A good sized crater was left as marked territory where the ground beneath him detonated into shards and dust. The air behind him streaked a trail of white in accommodation to his angered swiftness tearing up the lower layers of the atmosphere.

It was time for him to recede into the solace of his aggressive training, where he could mill over arising situations and unfamiliar notions through the brutal ministrations of his swollen fists upon monstrous mountainsides.
................................................................. ......
It took her the best part of an hour for Bulma to reach the smashed up Capsule house and she cried out in dismay. Rushing into the crumbling building she began to sift through the rubble, trying to find anything that wasn't in little bits and scattered around the dusty floor. With a crow of delight, she held the first aid kit aloft like it was a trophy and sat down on the edge of a worktop that was miraculously still standing and began working on her wounds. Once her wounds were cleaned and bandaged, she found an old back pack and began filling it with food which hadn't been destroyed, bottles of water and a sleeping bag. Rummaging further, she found a pair of black shorts and a dark blue vest which had `Princess' written in glitter on the front. They were dusty and rumpled, but intact, so with a quick look around to check for peeping toms, she quickly changed her clothes before continuing foraging.
It wasn't long before Bulma had filled the back pack with things she thought she might need and hadn't been too damaged in the destruction of the house. She was about to leave when she noticed something propped up against a pile of rubble that made her squeal with delight. It was one of Yamcha's baseball bats. Happily she picked it up and gave a few practice swings, relieved when it didn't fall to bits in her hands.

“Well, for once I'm actually pleased that Yamcha just leaves his stuff lying around after he's used my things!”

Humming cheerily to herself, she hoisted the back pack onto her shoulders and left the demolished house, swinging the bat as she went. The dishevelled woman went straight down to the stream and knelt down beside it. Taking a cautious look around, she stripped down to her bikini and stepped into the water. Despite the hot desert sun, it was quite chilly and she shuddered as she rummaged through her bag and brought out shampoo and shower gel.

“Ok, a quick wash and then on with my training! I have wasted far too much time already.”

As she washed her hair, she looked up around feeling a little nervous. Vegeta had said something about a Wastelands bandit, and Bulma sincerely wished she had a scouter. Well, as long as she was quick and kept moving, she was sure she'd be ok.
Lying back in the chilly water, she rinsed her hair and enjoyed feeling cool instead of hot and sweaty. For a moment her thoughts drifted to Vegeta and what he was doing. It had been so long since she had seen him. He had just taken off one day without any explanation. To say that she hadn't been worried or concerned would be a lie, as much as she hated to admit it.

“Humph.... stupid Saiyan...”

She pulled herself from out of the stream and quickly dried herself off with a towel. It was time to get started. Laying down on the towel she began to do what she had hoped would be one hundred sit ups, but she only managed twenty before collapsing back on the ground panting.

“Ok.... forget that.... I'll just go through what Roshi taught me...”

She set up an old broken mannequin and went at it in a flurry of kicks and punches. Despite the fact she lacked strength, she was swift, and she knew that may save her in battle if she was lucky.
Now free of the angry Saiyan, the warrior with the long red hair shot up into the blue sky, making a mental note of the oddly clad, spike haired threat from who knows where. Energy swirled around him and off he went, running the happenings through his mind. Mentally beating himself up for dropping his guard. Back towards the plateau, up and over he went, lowering altitude and skimming along the surface of the ground.
Debating on whether or not he should finish his task, he sighed softly to himself. No reason to hold ones action against another was there?
Back tracking he came to where he had found the car, and not long after to where that house lay crushed into bits. He had every intention of continuing along his way, but there below was that same blue haired girl from earlier. A soft smirk played on his lips and his eyes darkened slightly as he watched her. This time there was no mysterious warrior around to attack him.
Clenching his fists he slowly let his energy dissipate from within him and drop his body from the confines of the clouds. Once he was meters from the ground his energy picked up again and slowed his decent. Right foot outstretched taking the brunt of his landing, melding seamlessly into letting his other foot catch his weight evenly. He stood about one hundred yards from where the female was wailing upon a standing training device.

Cautiously he began to approach where she stood, already the days heat was causing his body temperature to rise upon stopping the breezy flight pattern. Once he was a bit closer he waited, crossing arms over his chest. After all he did not wish to frighten her, he needed the Capsule Corp genius on his side.

He smirked some to himself and continued to watch the beautiful woman. Despite her flustered appearance gifted to her by the Wastelands, her beauty shone through and the man's eyes darkened with lust. He just had to play the sweet country boy a little longer.