Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfull world of the Z Files ❯ New arrivels and a ghost from the past ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Z Files
New arrivel and a Ghost from the past

Xero stood their holding Angel. Then Gohan was up to him and took her blood pressure and then he took her into his arms and ran into the house into the medical ward. He did not say a word to them on the account he did not know how they would react to it.

" Dad, Stay here with Xero and Vegeta come with me." Gohan said going down the hall.

" Ok no problem son." Kakarot said back. Then looked over to Xero who looked like he was about ready to pass out. " Come on lets spar and get this off your mind. She is in good hands."

" I know, I just want to be with her that's all." Xero said in all most whisper.

In the medical ward...

Gohan laid her on the gurney and stripped all of her cloths and then laid a sheet on her as he got the rest of the equipment ready. He looked up when Vegeta came in and waited to hear something good.

Vegeta knew by the way she looked it was bad and his heart fell when he sensed it. He looked over to Gohan and his face showed everything.

" Brat, tell me what is going wrong right now?" Vegeta said to Gohan.

" Well it is like this we have to get the children out. She is bleeding out inside from a blow she took in the fight. If I don't she will die. We have to put her in the rejevy tank before anything else can happen. " Gohan said as she took out a scalpel. Angel opened her eyes to see she was in the med room. Being a daze and confused she looked at the two men and started to scream loudly.

" No...Please stay away from me.......... Bulma what are you doing? No....... Get off of me Please why are they doing this to me? It hurts please stop. Help me Veeeeeeeeegeeeeeeeeeeetaaaaaaaaa. " Angel gave up and sank back into the black night.

Gohan looked up as she finally fell back into the unconscious. He side glanced over to where Vegeta was. Gohan swears that he saw tears running down the elder Saijin. Gohan went back to his work as he put on the anesthesia mask on her to keep her asleep. Then he reached for the scalpel he looked over to Vegeta and he meet his eyes and continued to work his way around the anatomy of Angel.

*********************************************************** *****************

Kakarot and Xero were sitting in the living room when they heard her scream bloody murder. Xero stood up and was on his way to the med room but Kakarot stood in his way.

" She is in good hands Xero I can not let you go down there just yet." He said to the enraged man in front of him.

" She is in trouble I can sense it. She is the only thing that has kept me here on this planet. I can't lose her now." Xero said back to him.

" I know, but trust me Gohan will be able to fix it." Kakarot said back to Xero as they sat back down.

************************************************************ ****************

Gohan looked down to see one child and he grabbed it and pulled it out and sat it down on Angel and sucked every thing the was fluid out and then gave it to Vegeta who gladly took it and started to clean it off.

" Its a boy." He whispered to himself.

" Really cool, the other one will be out here soon." Gohan said as the other baby wailed out with gusto. Vegeta all most dropped him to cover his ears to the scream.

" Ok Vegeta I need you hands over here." Gohan said as she pulled out another baby and did the same thing to it as he did with the other one. Then he proceeded to clean everything else out and started to stitch her up as Vegeta did the same thing to the baby.

" It is a girl!!" He said again.

" Aha two of a kind worked on a full house." Gohan said back as the baby girl wailed out her tune.

Gohan was done stitching her up and then he put her in the rejevy tank. come to find out she was not all that bad of shape so she would only be in it for about 3 hours and she would be healed.

" Well great uncle would you like to get Xero and my father or do you want me too?" Gohan asked as he smiled.

" Watch it brat I can still take you out with one ki blast." Vegeta said back to him. But this time he held a smile that was not threatening as he walked back up to the living room.

Upon seeing Vegeta come up Xero was on his feet and ready to go and see his child. But Vegeta stopped him. and spoke to him in a hushed tone.

" Before you go down there. I want to know why you had not marked her as of yet? and there is not one child but two. I am not going to give you what gender they are you have to see your self and another thing she is in the rejevy for about three hours." Vegeta said to Xero.

" One thing I didn't have time on the Bebop but I do now and I will." Xero said back and him and Kakarot and Vegeta went down with him.

************************************************************* ***************

Xero could here the children cry as he got closer. He walked through the doors and went to his children who were bright eyed and looking around. Xero was beside himself as the two children looked up and was quiet for a minute. Like they knew he was their father. One by one their tiny arms raised up to reach for the man standing beside them.

Xero took off his duster and took his son and held him. Then reached down to pick up his daughter and they were watching every move he made. He walked across the room and sat down next to the tank and thought to himself.

" I have had pride and arrogance in the past of my work but nothing like this. There is a part of me in each one of them. I can honestly say that I did this and with no destruction to any lives." Xero thought. A new power weld up in him, pride. Coursed through him and the link between him and Angel got stronger.

" Xero??" Came to his mind.

" Yes Angel," He thought back.

" They are our pride and joys, we have to name them soon have you thought of any?" She asked him.

" Yes I have. My son will be name Bane or Dagnir and as for our daughter she will be named Aduial for evening star. I love you." he thought back to her.

Angel smiled to herself and let him bond with his children alone. She concentrated to heal herself and knowing Gohan was not going to let her out of their until he was satisfied that she was all right. She sighed to herself and let her self go back to sleep. In the time e of her three hour nap she had a dream where her mother came back to life and was standing in front of her and holding her grand children then it changed into a blue haired woman holding them up and slowly cutting her children with a scalpel and Angel screamed in to the mask and thumped her fist on the window swearing she would kill Bulma again if she touched her children again.

Xero and Vegeta and Kakarot and Gohan heard the thumping coming from the rejevy tank and they looked up to see the window starting to crack under the thunderous blows Angel was giving it. Angel ripped off the mask that clung to her face and she was powering up to get out of the tank. The door opened fast and she had four pairs of hands on her pulling her out of the tank. Angel finally looked around and saw where she was. She looked around the med room and said.

" Where is she?" Angel said

" Where is who?" Gohan asked as he took her pulse and heart rate.

" That ex bitch of a wife of my Uncles. that is who." Angel said with venom in her words.

" You killed her a long time ago." Gohan said again.

" I know that moron, I saw her fucking ghost in her and I know she still haunts this place as we speak." Angel said as she closed her eyes to feel out the place.

Vegeta was a little taken back but then he thought about the strange going on that has plaque the house. The lab that was cleaned out is now a mess. He turned around and looked at his niece and then walked up to her and gentle grabbed her and took her to her kids that were sleeping in their cribs in her room.

************************************************************ ****************

One year later

Angel and Xero were watching their children walking around in the yard playing tag in slow motion. It had been a rather quite year and it was getting close to their birthdays.

Angel had all the invites down and sent them with Vegeta and Kakarot when they went to the time lines. Angel ran into Trunks who looked like he saw a ghost and was scared.

" Trunks what is wrong?" Angel said to the boy.

" I saw mom, I know she is dead, but I saw her in my room and she looked pissed." Trunks said as he was going out the front door and sat down next to Xero who had a quizzical look on his face.

Angel wasted no time and went up to see if he was right. She got up to the 2nd floor landing she noticed Bulma's sent and followed it into Vegeta's room and then into her room and that is when the sent lingered into a fouls smell of cold death and decay.

" Bulma I know you are in here, what do you want?" Angel said to the room.

" You dead and long gone, But first I think it will be your kids first and you get to see then dye first." Bulma whispered into the room Then Angel felt an artic blast of cold air rush though her and then past her.

" I don't think so bitch, I killed you once and I can do it again. You have no right over my kids and my life anymore." Angel vowed.

"Really and how do you get to kill me again if I am already dead from the get go?" Bulma said back to Angel.

Angel was going to go after when she felt another soul join her as she looked over to see her mother standing behind Bulma with the staff in her hands.

" Bulma what makes you think that you get to live in this life time when all I have to do is kill you and you will never return?" Ranaestel said as she watched the reaction she got from Bulma.

" Ranaestel, You have been a thorn in my back since I got here. I think you should leave this is between me and your daughter who took everything away from me." Bulma said back.

" You are a self centered bitch I have no clue why my husbands brother saw in you." Rana said back as she powered you the staff.

" At one time I was his life and hope. Until you daughter came along." Bulma hissed back.

Then all of the sudden Bulma was held in place and she looked up to see the splitting image of Vegeta. " Oh god," Is all she could say.

Lattus looked down to his sister-in-law and gave a smile that could have stopped a demon in its tracks.

" I think you have done enough to my daughter and I think it is time me and her mother stepped in it. You were going to harm my grandchildren and that I will not tolerate. You will die and never come back." Lattus said as his wife yelled out.


Needless to say Bulma was gone for good. Angel stood their watching as everything happened in front of her. When it was over Angel stood between the two parents and looked down and a single tear slid its way down her cheek and fell to the floor.

" Mom, Dad, I wish you could be hear in life. I need your support. If you could be here for the twins Birthday I would be so happy." Angel said.

" I know but their is no way we could do that not even a day. our body's are gone." Lattus said to his daughter and it almost killed him to see her cry.

" Hun there is one way that we didn't try. Look at your nephew Kakarot he was gone for 7 years and he came back to life why can't we try?" Rana said to him.

" Ok but do you know anyone that would give up their life for us to come back?" Lattus asked back.

" Yes I do, come on lets go." Rana said as she took a hold of his hand.

" Angel looks for us sometime soon we will be here for the twins birthday. What ever you do, do not say anything to Vegeta or Kakarot." Rana said as they left Angel standing there.

" Um ok mom I will." Angel said back to them as they disappeared. She came back down stairs to the Vegeta and Kakarot and Xero was down stairs watching her as she walked across the room and picked up the twins that was sleeping soundly in the play pin that never held them in place. She took them into the bedroom that was given to them and placed them into the cribs.

" It won't be long until you see your grandparents." She whispered to them and then kissed them both on the foreheads and turned to leave.

" Mother we all ready knows about that." Aduial said in her slumber.

Angel smiled at the twins and whispered " taking after your mother."

" No mother we are taking after father." Said Bane in his sleep.

Angel backed into Xero as she was in aw at her children. " Oh I didn't sense you were hear." She whispered.

" Aha, It seems they can talk and carry intelligent conversation. At the age of one year. Hmm it would seem they take after both of us then." Xero said back to her as he snaked his arms around her and then picked her up and carried her into their room.

Xero shut the door softly behind him and walked across the room and laid her on the bed as he took off his duster and the rest of his cloths and then he cat like crawled into the bed with her and softly kissed her and then moved down her neck.

" There is something that I had not the chance to do on the Bebop and any other time that we didn't have." He said in a husky voice which sent shivers down Angels spine and planted itself in the pit of her low regains.

********************************************************* *******************

She felt him slowly unbutton her shirt and take it off and then slowly slipped it off of her and didn't waist time to ripping her bra it fell to the side like nothing was of it. He did unzip her jeans and pulled them off slowly. the under wear he did the same as her bra and it was in shreds in no time. He slinked himself back up with strength of his arms he lifted himself up and with a one movement he was kissing her hard on the mouth his tongue snaked its way into her mouth and was tickling the back of her throat.

Angel gladly let him do what ever he was wanting to do. Angel looked up when he was done and before she new it he was giving her a mind-blowing kiss. She whimpered when he left her mouth. She felt his kisses trail down her face and then to her neck and the hallow part that was between the shoulder and the neck he nipped and sucked until it was red and soar then he trailed down and to the right and licked his way up to her soft and sweet smelling breast until his mouth touched her nipple and played with it with his tongue and sucked on it until it became hard and it tingled every time his tong flicked it. Angel arched her back so he could get a better grip on it. She felt his hand snake down her body and land on her small mound and started to rub it with small circular rotations. His hungry mouth left her breast and traveled down her body.

Xero was so surprised how her body went back to the way it was before she was carrying his children. He went back to concentrating on what he was doing to his mate. He wanted to make her scream out his name. His head moved down to her core with antagonizing slowness he could almost hear her growl to hurry up and get to where he was heading. He smiled and slipped down farther. his hand that was circling around her mound slipped between her thighs and probed the inner thigh and moving it slowly to the junction of her. He reached it and probed her until he found her bud and he teased it until it was swollen and hard. he left it and inserted one finger in her and instantly her muscles clenched around it and sucked him in farther into her. He heard her moan when he did and just smiled in his wicked way and ignored the need he was getting just by touching her.

Angel's arm wound their way to his waist and slipped them between her and him and reach for his member that grew hard in her hand. she teased it by rubbing her hand back and forth. she heard a soft growl escape from his chest and she stopped as he reached her inner core. with no more prodding his body forced her legs apart and he planted his face between her legs and his tongue touched her swollen bud and she squirmed under his administrations.

He felt her clinch his finger as her climax came. He moved his mouth and drank all that was flowing freely from her. He sat up on his haunches and came back up and gave her a kiss all the while his member was just outside over her entrance. He made her arch up and his hand snaked around her. He pushed into her and he nearly lost it when he found out how tight she still was.

" Oh man she feels like it was the first time I made love to her." He thought to himself as he pushed back in and her hips met his push. and so on. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him and held on as he went faster. She reached his ear and licked it and between gasp she whispered into it.

" Ah, I know you can go faster than this. Please harder and faster." she almost whimpered into his ear as he obliged to her whisperings.

Xero's face was at her neck and his eyes looked as if he was far away. something happen his eye's turn to black orbs and his two canine teeth grew long. Her whispering and moans came faster as the friction was getting too much to handle for her but she kept going right along with his speed.

He can tell that she was getting close and so was he it took all of his power to hold back as much as he could until the last stroke in she let it go.

" Xero!!!" she screamed his name as she let the orgasm took her over the edge. It didn't help when he stroked her tail, which intensified the orgasm to a uncontrollable shudders.

Upon hearing his name being yelled he released his seed into her and at the same time his teeth met her flesh as he bit into her neck calming her as his mate for life. The blood flowed down her chest as she was breathing fast to catch up to her racing heartbeat. Xero licked the blood up and licked the bit mark to make it stop hurting so much. When it was over he got up and rolled over to his side facing her and then he muttered " I love you Angel." That is when he heard the cries in the next room. He groaned and got up and went to his children's cries. But it was to late Vegeta and Kakarot got to them all ready and was feeding them with no fuss.

Xero came into the bedroom and went to take a shower. He let Angel take a small nap he came down stars and there sat Vegeta and Kakarot with the children playing on the floor. "One day is their birthdays and every one got their invites and the coordinates to come here for it." Kakarot said absentmindly.

" Yeah that Vash guy was hard to find, He and his woman were very happy and they will be here tomorrow." Vegeta said.

" Really then we have got to get a room done for them is Milly and Wolfwood coming too?" Angel said as she walked down stairs while drying her hair.

" Well yes they are." Kakarot said back to her.

" Cool." Angel said as she sat down and looked around to see the twins wondering off into the kitchen as the bots got dinner done.

Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. " I would like to go out clubbing if any one is interested."

" I am game when was the last time we went to a club?" Xero asked.

" On one of our weeks off that is when." Angel said back as she went to the phone to call Videl to see if she would like to bring Pan over so the children could play together and they all got out and away from the kids.

************************************************************ ****************

A few hours later they were standing in front of the club called the Zero factor. Vegeta and Kakarot and Xero and Angel went in and the music was thumping and was felt through the walls.

The bouncer noticed the group and let them in cause Angel has been regular for the longest time. Her favorite song started up and she looked over to the floor and she noticed the people who were dancing to it.

" Hey yo, you guys still here?" Angel yelled over the music.

" Oh Hey Angel want to join again for old times?" Melissa said to her friend.

" Did you have to ask?" Angel yelled back and headed to the dance floor.

Xero and the rest of them watched as she danced with the rest of them. No one else noticed that Xero was slightly agitated that she was up there moving like she did in that tight leather pants and her jacked up shoes that he swore that she would trip and fall with.

************************************************************ ****************

The next morning they woke up with loud wailing children but no one complained about as the house started to wake up from last night slumber.

Angel popped down stairs to feed the twins when she noticed the smell of gunpowder hitting her nose and to only look up to see Vash, knives and Meryl and Milly and Nicholas. Standing in the kitchen.

" Well it would seem you found your brother again and is he not as mean?" Angel asked slowly.

" Angel is it?" Angel nodded her head to acknowledge that she was. " I have come to believe that I was in the wrong and have stopped trying to kill the humans." Knives said nicely.

" Oh ok then the bots will show your guys to your rooms then." Angel said as her attention went back to the twins.

The Twins on the other hand was staring up at the man in the red coat and then looked down to each other's eyes and then looked up and said.

" Vash The Stampede is our uncle and he is a nice uncle if he gives us piggy back rides?" Bane said out loud.

Aduial agreed with her brother. " Watch out Vash they can get their way when they can." Angel said as she watched him pick them up and went out the door while they laughed and into the back yard where he took them to play.

" So Meryl what have you two been up too?" Angel said to the woman watching him play.

" Nothing really trying to help Nicholas with the orphanage and building a house to house us and them and some new arrivals our selves." Meryl said. Just as that was said Milly came up and gave Angel a huge hug.

" I see you are the one with the new arrivals soon?" Angel said to Milly.

" Yeap." Milly said as she went to the living room to say hello to Xero and Vegeta who just came down because Vash was being really loud as the twins tried to tie him into knots. Angel looked out the window and nearly passed out of laughing at the sight.

Just as that was done there was another knock on the door and a everybody that was invited was there. Tenchi and the clan.

Inu Yasha and his pack. The Bebop crew, Saylor moon and her friends and Yugioh was the last to crash in as well as Joey and Tea. Then the family came in every one that was related to Vegeta and Kakarot and her was there.

The Twins had more friends to play with and that pooped them out by the time the parents and host were deciding wither or not to have a party of their own just the grown ups. They decided and the food was ready and so was the music and other things. Angel went up stairs to see if she had any thing that might fit Meryl and Milly. Kagome came up and to see that their was a dress and ready and waiting for her to get into. with a note to boot.

( Dear Kagome,

I am giving you this dress in hopes that this will turn Inuyasha's head to you and make him notice that you are a woman not a girl.

Love always
Angel )

Kagome was so happy that she almost forgot to get ready.

One hour to go and all of the kids were asleep in their beds. Angel came down in her formal dress as the rest did to.

The party got on its way. In the mean time the bots were getting the things ready for the birthday party in the next hall.

This was a happy time for everyone and all the worries was taken away and for the most part they let themselves be them selves. Kagome walked up to Angel who had a smile on her face.

" Wow that looks great on you, Has Miroku placed his hands on you yet or is he still busy with Sango who looks like she is about ready to kill him." Angel said with a light laugh.

" Thanks and no. I bet she would given the chance to." Kagome said.

" Have you seen Inuyasha yet?" Angel said to her.

" No I have not I don't think he likes these things." Kagome said back to Angel.

" I have and he is right behind you." Angel said back.

Kagome whirled around and stared in the gold orbs of Inuyasha. He just could not take his eyes off of her. Kagome looked down to see the redghorai but saw none just a Black tux that was given to him by Xero.

" Hey there Inuyasha. I thought you didn't like these things?" Kagome said with a slight nervous laugh.

" I don't, but I could not pass up this." He said back to her and held his hand out for her to take it and she did and he lead her out to the dance floor as the music started up and to every ones surprise he could dance very well. Miroku and Sango and his clan just watched in shook.

Vegeta came up to his Niece and looked at her and said this

" Being a match maker are we?"

" Yes I am those two need each other." Angel hissed back.

" Well that is great, but don't be surprised if we get an invited to their wedding." Vegeta said with mirth glowing in his eyes.

Angel stiffened up as she felt a presence that was coming to the house. " Excuses me I have to see who is coming."

Vegeta all ready knew his brother ki sig was on its way. He let her go and walked behind her as she went to the door and opened it up walked out side just as they landed in front of her.

" Mom and Dad you made it." Angel said as she gave them a hug and started to walk back to the house.

" Brother it is about time you stopped being a ass and finally came back to her." Vegeta said to him.

" I see you raised her well and now doubt she is a strong fighter too." Lattus said with a smirk on his face that mirrored Vegeta's.

" Ok as parents we want to see if we can emparess you I know you can dance. I want to see you dance your fav." Ranaestel and Lattus said at once.

" Sure no problem." Angel said back and put her tap shoes on and with the help of Xero she went out to the dance floor she started it out. But to her shock was not alone and whole troupe of people came up and helped.

********************************************************** ******************

They all went to bed around 2 in the morning.

Angel and Xero woke up to two pairs of tiny hands pulling at the covers only to see the twins trying to wake them up. Xero picked up his son and Angel pick up her daughter and went down stairs to feed breakfast to them but Angel and Xero got a surprise when they noticed that the twins were feeding them selves. The next to get up was Angel mother and father and they came down to see there grandchildren eating and scanned the room to see every one else was just waking up and either getting coffee and or breakfast.

" When is the birthday party going to be held?" Lattus said to his daughter.

" 5 hours from now. you all are welcome to go into town and go shopping what have you and take back some things that you would not fine in your time lines etc." She said out loud.

Some time in the 5 hours Knives got out and went to where Goku was at and reported to him of what was happening.

" Good, I hate to see what happens when they don't have any kids to celebrate for." Goku said and was on his way to the back yard when he noticed the twins playing.

The twins felt the person who was hiding in the bushes but it felt like their uncle Kakarot. So they paid no heed to it. But they did feel their mother coming to get them so they can have a bath before the party. Then Goku made his way to them and tried to snatch them before any thing else could happen.

Bane and Aduial looked up to see what they considered to be their uncle but was not. Bane picked up on Goku's intentions and stood up " You are not my uncle."

" Really and I thought a one year old could not talk as good as we can but I guess I was wrong. What, you can't hurt me let alone power up so you can." Goku sneered.

" I think you are wrong." Bane said as he powered up as high as he could. Which alarmed the grown ups inside the house and brought them outside.

By the time they got out there Bane had already sent a ki ball to Goku and landed into his chest.

Goku looked up to see Bane smirk as the pain of the ki ball was searing through his flesh. " Oh damn, that hurt just as much as the grown ups ki balls."

" One thing, Not only do you have to worry about my parents kicking your ass but know you have the knowledge of us kicking your ass as well. Go before the grown up get here." Bane said as he walked up to the door where the grown ups were getting ready to exit out of it.

Angel was the first one to reach the door and flung it open to looked down to see Bane looking out in the bush where Goku just left.

" What happened?" She asked.

" Nothing mother, I took care of a pest for a while." He said and walked in the house.

( Bane is smarter and faster than a average Saijin. Don't ask how or why it just happens that he is. His sister is the same way too but dose not try to prove it.)

The party went off with out a hitch until there was a nock on the door and Krillin came in with another folder and another assignment.

" Here this is for you two. You have to go back and help Yusuke and co with another powerful demon that is trying to take over that world and so far he is doing a great job of it to." Krillin said as he went to the cake and gave the kids their birthday presents.

" I know you have to go and we will take care of the kids." said Videl as Pan squirmed in her arms to get free and play.

************************************************************ ****************

So there it is and it has taken me nearly three weeks to finish it. Angel and Xero go back to help with the demons again.